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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14471280 No.14471280 [Reply] [Original]

>boss, our plant-based meat industry is failing. What do we do?
>"haha meat go brrrr"
The fuck is wrong with these people?

>> No.14471293

Based. I, along with everyone else, whole heartedly cannot wait until lab grown meat becomes the norm.

>> No.14471296
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>> No.14471297

>lab grown crap and subsitutes go mainstream
>millions of lazy people adapt to comfort over quality
>restaurants close down
>suddently the haility to fry an egg becomes a precious comodity and my skills are highly valued
cant wait

>> No.14471302

Lab-grown meat is different from fake meat.
The people behind it are concerned wit the water usage and chemical runoff of industrial cow farms, and maybe hope to convert a few vegans back to meat since there's no ethical concern.

>> No.14471312
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>>lab grown crap and subsitutes go mainstream

>> No.14471322

>and maybe hope to convert a few vegans back to meat since there's no ethical concern.
Good. Might save some lives this way

>> No.14471331

Idk man vegans are definitely healthier and live longer if you look at the numbers

>> No.14471351

And yet when you look at the vegans they all look geriatric in their 30s.

>> No.14471356

Never met a healthy vegan and I live in LA lmao. Also, they're known for high infant mortality rate because of their retarded diet

>> No.14471373

Maybe if you cherry pick
Also cherry picked

>> No.14471380

Only because they're less likely to be obese and more likely to eat some unprocessed plants. The best diet is still a proper omnivore diet that also does those things because plants can't completely provide what you can get from animal products.

>> No.14471378

says the literal cherrypicker lmao

>> No.14471385

>lab grown meat
expect like 5% lab grown meat and 90% bamboo cellulose and 5% mystery chemicals. Don't be a retard, they're doing this to save on cost, not for the environment, not for your health.

Also, the fluids to culture mammalian cells like cow still require the killing of fetuses. But I guess most vegans are pro abortion anyway.
Don't know if this is true for bird meat too.

>> No.14471397
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What the fuck is wrong with just meat in general? What are they doing?

>> No.14471428

It's expensive.
More prone to food borne infections if handled improperly.

Basically they just want to sell you cheap slob for the same price. This movement has never been about the environment nor health. That's just the propaganda angle they're going with. Even if you're a vegan and think this is a good thing, you have to be able to see this much.

>> No.14471439
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>It's expensive.
plant-based meats (in my area) are 5-6 bucks while regular meat ranges 6-10 bucks unless we're talking gigantic cuts of meat

are you telling me this is just poorfag cope?

>> No.14471497

Imagine you're the head of BigMcFood Global Corp and you've just cut the cost of one of your more popular products by 30%, while still selling it for the same price. It's a cheap product, but you're selling hundreds of millions of these globally worldwide.
As for the supply, the slop is made from things like seed oils and cellulose, which can be locally farmed pretty much everywhere, and it's to find suppliers because it's easier on food safety standards to farm, transport and stockpile plants than it is meat.
And there is still potential to reduce cost even more as this is a relatively new technology and can still be improved in many ways.
Yeah, you're going home tonight with a big fat bonus.

Who cares about poorfags? No, this is purely profit driven.

>> No.14471502

>Also, the fluids to culture mammalian cells like cow still require the killing of fetuses.
I think they already found a suitable replacement for that

>> No.14471515

Since chicken nuggets is already the leftover cuts of the remaining body parts, will lab grown chicken nuggets be more consistent?

>> No.14471532

Growing animal cells isn't like growing yeast anon. These cells are highly sensitive. Replacements exists. But they're waaaaay more expensive and generally don't work as good.

If it won't produce a commercially viable burger in the end it might as well not exist.
Maybe it will become better and cheaper in the future, but I won't hold my breath. I see fake meats becoming a bigger thing though. Or the combination of both, where they'll use part lab grown meat and part fake meat so they can still get away with calling it "real meat" while cutting costs.

>> No.14471726
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wait until it comes already made, press a button et a burger

>> No.14471844

>wait until it comes already made, press a button et a burger
People said this about microwaves 70 years ago.

>> No.14471845

>hippie meat $5-6
>real meat $6-10
I feel like you're purposely omitting important information like costs per unit and the types of meat here.

>> No.14471861

Its bad for the environment, if you can grow it in a lab you dont have to deforest the planet for some retarded cows

>> No.14472278

>you dont have to deforest the planet for some retarded cows
kind of too late for that now since they got what they needed. The land ain't coming back

>> No.14472389

>The land ain't coming back
We can plant new trees and allow forests to naturally recover

>> No.14472736


>> No.14473538


>> No.14473613

wouldn't be too far off from their meat today desu

>> No.14475339

the forest will recover as soon as the abusers are kicked out

>> No.14475407

whatever fairy tale book you're reading, I want the name of that

>> No.14475409

who doesn't have/use microwaves? Are you just saying the trend will take a few decades?

>> No.14475423

its called reality, the same day those companies stop raping the earth and soil, the earth will begin reclaiming its territory

>> No.14475445

>its called reality
Where is that in the fiction section?

>> No.14475465

>concerned wit the water usage and chemical runoff of industrial cow farms
Kek, fucking idiot go burn some more of the rainforest for soybeans

>> No.14475522

This is both legitimately great news and hilariously dystopian nightmare fuel.

>> No.14475555

Humans aren't a threat to earth whatsoever. No matter what we do, life will always exist here in some form.

>> No.14475584

humans are a threat to human life btw nice quads

>> No.14475652
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>> No.14475818

No we aren't. Life will still exist at least at a microbial level

>> No.14475821

Oh you said human life. Who cares about that faggotry

>> No.14476040

Tree farms are not forests
Until the earth is fried by the sun
If we nuke life back to only microbes, there won't be enough time left for intelligent life to re-evolve, and escape

>> No.14476229

>plant-based meats (in my area) are 5-6 bucks
For what amounts and types?
>regular meat ranges 6-10 bucks
For what amounts and types?
>unless we're talking gigantic cuts of meat
Of what amounts and types?

>> No.14476254

>lab grown !meat
>3d printed nuggets
god the FUTURE just keeps on happening

>> No.14476366

There is unironically nothing wrong with 3D printed food and if anything it will be a welcome improvement.
A machine will be able to recreate the perfect dishes time and again without any chance of underpaid teenagers fucking it up.

>> No.14476373

Vegetarians generally hate vegetarian food.

>> No.14476375

>There is unironically nothing wrong with 3D printed food and if anything it will be a welcome improvement.

Says the obese 350 pound 'Mericans with cancer, diabetes, and rides a scooter. You fat lazy white fucks will eat any chemical concoction, won't you?

>> No.14476383

Cloned meat is a great idea! Especially for formless, ground and meat slurry products.

>> No.14476385
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Anon, cooking literally is chemistry...

>> No.14476393


why do retarded fat white vegans all want lab experiment bean patty foods like Beyond when real, unprocessed, natural, healthy foods are readily available?

>> No.14476416

>why do retarded fat white vegans all want lab experiment bean patty foods like Beyond when real, unprocessed, natural, healthy foods are readily available?

I'm fine with some bean, corn, pepper fritter, fried and browned, covered in cheese, bits of cilantro in there. Or, falafels, so delicious, all those spices and fresh herbs with visible mashed beans.

But extruded, extracted, sprayed with fake grill marks, misted with oil, fake smoke, heavily processed bean milk with cheese powder, various starches to gel it together, steamed, then dried, then baked, then frozen, or knows what nonsense to mimic a texture that holds together like meat, pressed with bumps to simulate minced meat...Just stupidity.

>> No.14476443

>muh scary chemicals
To us civilized people, you're the same level of schizo as third worlders who think condoms are an invention of the devil.

>> No.14476530

it's almost as if business success hinges entirely upon your proximity to global finance and central banking and your willingness to adhere to their agenda.

>> No.14477879
File: 48 KB, 450x675, 56a623d9f2de03e4a749abfb20580c1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3d printed chicken