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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14470236 No.14470236 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys grow your own food?

I grow lettuce, lemons, strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, watermelon, aloe vera, and others

>> No.14470738
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Yes growing lots of herbs mostly, also have tomatoes, beans, broccoli, and snap peas.

>> No.14470750

I'm terrible at it. Every time I try I'm disappointed with the yeild. Stopped trying to larp as a farmer when I'm not.

>> No.14470757

>aloe vera,
Congrats you grow something you can have sit in the darkest corner of an apartment
Otherwise good job

>> No.14470759

The only thing people on this board grow are their yellow toe nails as they consider suicide.

>> No.14470774

We have our own apples, plums, and rosemary. It is hard to acquire enough land here to grow enough veggies to live on though. Most land is owned by the state/oligarchy and not for sale.

>> No.14470818

Do you think a comment like this is funny?
It's gay not funny. OP himself grows aloe
And peas so that blows your premise apart right there.

>> No.14470859

I'm upset. I grew so many cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers this year that I don't even know what to do with them... But my watermelons grew HUGE 15 ft vines and not one single watermelon. Only male flowers have grown, not one female flower. Not sure what happened.

>> No.14470868

did you buy a variety that doesn't self pollinate?

>> No.14470940
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Thats what Iove about this board, the diverisity it brings. 4 chan is where faggot urban fast food addicted soylent vegans and racist sister fucking off grid unwashed sasquatches can come together in one big fucked up online orgy of retardation.
This is my first year trying to grow anything other than dill and basil out of a pot and so far my favorite thing I've grown is my watermelon (only sugar baby watermelon this year but next year will be planting many varieties),
But I am a huge whore for fruit so this makes sense.
Ive got some blueberries that are cold stratifying atm and I wanna get strawberry runners next year.
This might help?

>> No.14471507

Started a garden this year for the first time in a decade and lost everything but my tomatoes and herb garden to the dang whistle hogs lol

>> No.14471557


>> No.14471758

I think that's what happened. God damn that sucks

>> No.14471796

yeah they sell dedicated pollinator varieties that you have to plant alongside most of the seedless types. sucks to figure it out this way, the packet probably should have said something maybe it did not, either way live and learn.

>> No.14472496
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First try here. Habanero and takanotsume chilli plants are healthy. Planted them late but it should be sunny and warm enough here until the middle of October. I’ll literally be happy with one single chilli.

>> No.14472505

Yep thanks for the tip though. It was the last watermelon plant there. Thankfully I got a good harvest of everything else I've planted.

>> No.14472523
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I don't even know what to do with all my cucumbers bros. I don't know what the fuck possessed me to plant 8 cucumber plants. I'm not exaggerating when I say I've been getting 5-6 cucumbers a DAY for the past 3 weeks. I've made 10 jars of pickles so far, different types of salads... I am running out of ideas. I planted 10 tomato plants too and they are all starting to get red now at the same time too. FUCK

>> No.14472610

use as a spa treatment

>> No.14472638

I want to grow but I live in a second floor apartment (with balcony). What are some good beginner plants for a really hot and dry area? I'm in Texas so it's like 95 during the day, 80 at night, and never rains

>> No.14472641

Buy some cheap containers, hand draw your own labels (the less effort you put into it the more fancy it will look) and sell to hipsters at a 1000% markup at the farmers market

>> No.14472750
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How do you not know how to handle extra cucumbers? I sell them to your mom as a €2/1 deal... one for the cooter and one for the pooter. She goes through maybe 8 per day

>> No.14472794

summer squash but you're too late to the game now

>> No.14472828

Ur In michagain aren’t you

>> No.14472847

europoors don't have enough land to grow cucumbers sadly

>> No.14472850

>aloe vera
faggot or woman?

>> No.14472863

Hell, america doesn't have enough land to grow enough cukes for your mama's 2/1 demands. Just make do.

>> No.14472870

I've never successfully kept even a succulent alive, so I've given up on plants for the time being and started growing mushrooms

Not having to worry about soil conditions and just having to check for mold is pretty fucking easy, plus walking into the room every couple hours and seeing very visible growth is absolutely awesome. Would reccommend

>> No.14472877

I used to have a pepper and herb garden, but that was a lifetime ago
I'm moving to texas in a couple years so maybe then I'll be able to make something

>> No.14473133

my beans got fucked by some powdery blue mold and now they're ded
most of my shit didn't sprout and the ones that did sprouted in late june
Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.14473627
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Try Mexican style with lime, tajin, salt, hot sauce. Works with jicama, radishes, soybean sprouts, baby carrots, buncha fruit.

>> No.14473646
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Yeah man. Okra grows so well and its so easy. Love frying up some Okra from my yard.

Pretty stoked about some Sunflowers I grew this year too. All the really easy super low maintenance stuff excites me most. Both have big seeds so they're impossible to fuck up I just till the ground once, plant the seeds, and totally forget about them. They'll grow way taller than any seed and I'm blessed with good soil here in Florida.

Also some beans, zucchini, cucumbers tomatos, potatoes, and onions.

One watermelon plant re-grew in the garden from last year and its going absolutely insane. I should take a picture and save the seeds I'm really sure its special.

>> No.14473664

>Both have big seeds and grow taller than any seed so they're impossible to fuck up

I meant taller than any weed, but that works too I guess.

>> No.14474632


I live in an apartment, but I'm growing 12 tomato plants. I have yet to repot them into full-sized pots because the soil will be expensive to buy and a bitch to move, but I'll get it done. Right now 9 of them are about 4' tall, most of which are on my desk. I keep my blinds wide open all the time now so these bastards have all the light they want. I'll probably grow lettuce in the window once they're all repotted, with the same pots they're in right now.

>> No.14474776

Your watermelons are gay lol

>> No.14475023
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My tower of goat manure is growing well. I put all my extra plants on it. The heat finished off the peas so I pulled those off. Ive been prunning to keep air up airflow.

>> No.14475131
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grow, eat and can for later
i have snap peas, sweet peas, gerkins, slicer cuckes, green beans, summer squash, zucchini, banana peppers, jalapenos, habaneros, planted cayennes but got cherrys ???, bells, romas, cherry toms, pumpkins strawberries raspberries....
....and this was just my year one garden. we just bought the house last fall...

yikes, looks a lil overrun yall.

i love snap peas but wish they werent so sensitive

pickle relish
chow chow
hit pickles
more pickles
sweet pickles
burrito toppings

>> No.14475173
File: 951 KB, 514x800, brave_2020-07-28_10-54-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spring had spinach, lettuce, radishes, arugula, snap peas.

Summer is nine tomato plants, basil, fennel for seeds, three cucumber plants, four yellow squash, two zucchini, eight pepper, five kale, two plots of various beans. This is garlic I planted last october I am drying now

>> No.14475177
File: 743 KB, 1671x935, brave_2020-07-28_10-53-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned how to do everything over winter by watching

Self Sufficient Me
Gardening Channel with James Pepperoni

>> No.14475188
File: 403 KB, 1675x934, brave_2020-07-28_10-59-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My peppers are finally starting to kick off, I thought they'd all die they were so yellow at the start of summer.

>> No.14475208
File: 296 KB, 1560x871, brave_2020-07-28_10-59-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any tips on zucchini? I have been picking these guys about this size, I want lots of production, but I've seen some people getting huge fruits. I got burned by not harvesting early in the past and getting one gross fruit because of it.

Also, if anyone knows when I should be top dressing my tomatoes with more fertilizer let me know. I want to now with a lot of it to keep them going but I am new to this and dont want to over do it.

Also because some FAGGOT will bitch and send the thread to /out/, fuck you. I come to my garden every single day to take shit inside to COOK. I'll post a picture of that too.

>> No.14475215
File: 253 KB, 1672x933, brave_2020-07-28_11-06-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasta and chicken and EVOO was all I didn't make myself. Kale, fennel, garlic, onion and tomatoes all homemade. Pasta was imported. Chicken was a torture Tyson hell farm.

>> No.14475217

I only grow basil in pots, everything else can be bought at the farmers market or people give shit away when the season hits, but making tons of pesto is righteous af, especially when you strip the plants then let them grow back for a second batch

>> No.14476019

Any tips on melons? I've never had any success with watermelons or muskmelons. They get bored or they just turn out really small.

>> No.14477698
File: 2.18 MB, 4000x1824, IMG_20200728_192612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tomatoes are coming in. Look at this guy. He's a big boy

>> No.14477719

Give some to your neighbors as a relationship building exercise.

>> No.14477728

Beefsteak variety?

>> No.14477866

It's called "Pink Brandywine" and I believe it is a beefsteak variety

>> No.14477958

no everything you listed would burst in to flames where I live. except aloe vera. We had that for a while then played hell getting rid of it.

>> No.14478149
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Maybe next year.

>> No.14478154

do flyovers really?

>> No.14478179
File: 36 KB, 750x350, small-cabbage-white-caterpillar-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grow herbs indoors but left my planter outside for 3 days while I was moving. In that time I picked up more than a dozen cabbage white caterpillars that really hit my sage plant hard. They were also all over my mint but it grows so fast that it's not a big deal.
Fuck caterpillars

>> No.14478407

How many vines do you have? I read that you need to get at least 5 of a plant to guarantee male and female plants and then you still need the flowers to have "sex" with each other for melons and squash. A friend of mine says hers aren't producing fruit even though she thinks she has male and female plants flowering, so I'm not sure what other conditions are needed. My pumpkins and melons worked out, but I thought the melons weren't going to grow and removed all but two vines to make room for other stuff. So I think I just got lucky accidentally leaving male and female before I read more about it.