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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14465399 No.14465399 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't Americans send their kids to school with lunch? Why do parents let their kids eat this type of shit all week?

>> No.14465403

i had pb&js everyday in elementary, it was a based time, kids these days cant eat it anymore cause muh allergies

>> No.14465456

Don't americans brown bag it everyday?

>> No.14465466

lazy and free/subsidized

>> No.14465471

the free lunch was a a cheese sandwich, uncooked at my school

>> No.14465598
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Mine had hoagie or salad bar for free.
The only food I ate at school were: burgers, chicken nuggets, baked chicken, cheese pizza, mexican pizza, or tacos. Anything else like sloppy joe or spaghetti and meat sauce and I'd get one of these for lunch.

>> No.14465612

my middle school actually had pretty good food, spicy popcorn chicken and cajun fries. high school didnt have it and i think michelle obama also killed it. the new jack in the box spicy popcorn chicken actually gave me a ratatouillie moment because they are extremely similar to my old middle school ones

high school food was eh, i typically didnt eat lunch so i could use my lunch money as spending money. id occasionally get some turkey dogs or their taquito thing

>> No.14465669

I don't remember my middle school lunch at all. My high school cafeteria was under construction for two years of my high school. Instead they had these portable cafeterias that had gas station and fast food for sale. I would get hot pockets, nachos or pizza from time to time. Mostly I'd stick to vending machines and save up the rest of my money.

>> No.14465711

I used to eat the tater-tots or cheese-its and throw the rest in the trash. They wouldn't let me just take tots, so it's their problem I was forced to waste food.

>> No.14465738

I always sat around one of those, "Are you gonna eat that?" kids.

>> No.14465748

the amount of food wasted at schools is insane

>> No.14466752

most high school kids just ate the burger/fries or mini pizza lines if their lunchroom had it

>> No.14466969

Elementary school hot lunch was only like once a week I think it is like this for many schools so a huge amount of kids are bringing food to school every day

>> No.14467011

I went to a private school with no hot lunch in elementary school, but in middle school, bringing lunch got you bullied, and in high school, you left campus if you were cool, up until they banned it.

>> No.14467043

>tfw fat kid
>mom would never make me a lunch so forced on school food program
>say fuck this i want to lose weight
>begin skipping lunch
>lunch supervisors catch on
>literally force my fat ass to get one of these sickening lunches and eat it in front of them
>one day get fed up and throw the whole lunch in the trash in front of the ladies face
>get detention for it

I fucking hate public schools

>> No.14467054

also now that i think of it, the lady was some fat cunt. she probably had the crabs in the bucket mentality and didn't want to see me improve in a way that she was not able to. fuck fatties

>> No.14467061
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I miss the graham cracker sandwiches. They were so good. I miss the taco pizza and burgers too. And the desserts.

I think this why I'm so fat now.

>> No.14467123
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Should've been fat to begin with, fuckface.

>> No.14467126

based Urara poster

>> No.14467136

I remember flexing on jiggas when I had peanut butter crackers or pudding cups.

>> No.14467171

>haha shoulda just had parents who loved you bro

>> No.14467240

Well, this is something we don't have to worry about anymore, at least for a while.

This topic is probably more suited to /pol/ than it is /ck/. As other anons have touched on, it's all about social class. When my dad was a kid, he got bullied for not having wonderbread and having a sandwich that was on home-made bread. For my own kids, they've been picked on when I've gotten store bought bread and didn't get some sort of sprouted shit. I pack those kids a bad ass bento when I can and thankfully the one in elementary school is like "this is cool" because the one in middle school can't do it anymore without being picked on.

In the 90's when I was in school we caught on that "hey, some kids parents have no food and their lunches are subsidized" and they got made fun of instead. Then some crazy shit happened with who's paying for lunches.

This is no longer a thing though. It's even worse than the prison food that looks like. Now schools have corporate sponsorships and get fast food. Schools got soda machines and nacho bars. Now they're judged on how much they eat and not what they eat. No longer do they have the cracker crust pencil eraser pepperoni pizza I had as a kid, they have local pizza joints delivering it in with what they'd have to throw away from expiry requirements. The food merchants of the USA realized they don't have to give stuff that's about to expire to the tiger king for free. They can sell it to school students and the ones that can't afford it, well, they're subsidized for it. And they rely on teen peer pressure to make it all work. Kinda brilliant really.

>> No.14467253

I give my wife's son a banana.

>> No.14467260

my school had vending machines so i'd get poptarts and hide in the library during lunch period

>> No.14467295

sunbutter is a pretty good peanut butter alternative

>> No.14467301

My parents sent me to school with a butter and cheese sandwich everyday, would have preferred the school slop if I could afford it

>> No.14467341

Because boomers sent their kids to babysitter camp so they could sit at home and drink wine, and wife swap, and start cults and shit. Kids that ate it liked it, it became tradition, now each proceeding generation doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.

>> No.14467507
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there was a student ministry type building right across the street from my high school that would buy boxes of $5 pizza from little caesars and resell it to the high school kids at lunch for a dollar a slice once a week, it was a massive fucking rip off but a great many retards including myself went anyway, the school lunch wasn't even that bad apparently but pizza is always better
you'd pay at the back entrance and take as many slices as you paid for, though they really had no way of telling how much you paid for without going back to the people taking the money and asking if they remembered, which i don't think they ever did.
people eventually realized they could pay a dollar and take 2 or 3 slices instead of 1 and I abused the hell out of that until they realized they weren't making much profit so they started stamping your hand based on how much you paid for,
you could also stay inside and hang out, the church staff would occasionally shill and tell people about services at the main church and stuff, it was an ok spot to spend lunch regardless
basically it was a waste of money but no one really cared since it was probably their parents money anyway
they eventually stopped for some reason so I started walking home for lunch a lot
and yeah, i dont even remember op's question
the high school was also really close to a lot of restaurants and stores so some people would go there at lunch as well or just eat their own lunch
there was also a russian kid who would pull out a driscolls blueberry container and eat it in class, he was pretty based

>> No.14467537

Have school lunches seriously changed this much from the 5 years ago I was i high school? Every cafeteria I ever ate at as a kid in any grade we got like, sub-Great Value quality food, in addition to those little plastic cups of cereal for breakfast. Only things worthwhile on the whole menu was stuffed crust pizza, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, fries, and a McRib knockoff. Everything else was pretty shit. And all the vending machines had sugar-free versions of the drinks, although our snack machines were infinitely better. I didn't start seeing the good vending machines in school till I started college.

>> No.14468362

not really

>> No.14468387

My wife makes my daughter those little bento boxes, she makes me a big boy version when we have more leftovers. I love her so much

>> No.14468414
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Your typical American family isn't eating that much better than your example. Processed garbage full of sugar devoid of complex and balanced nutrients. So even if they did pack them a lunch it will still be some shitty sandwich made with processed garbage and sugary processed "snacks" to go along with it.

Even if they could bring leftovers of lets say a nice home cooked meal of whole foods they likely won't have any way of heating it up because these schools think students with access to a microwave would be a safety hazard or something gay like that.

>> No.14468452

What's wrong with bagels? Shoulda posted PF's pizza day, where you can go to Planet Fitness and eat all the pizza you want

>> No.14469611

I just skipped lunch entirely and drank their water.

>> No.14469674

>Don't americans brown bag it everyday?
There were a ton of brown-baggers Last Thursday, but schools figured out if they banned home-brought lunches, then they could force students to sign up for the School Lunch Program and make more money. Now students don't get to have notes from their parents on their napkins saying "i love you" any more. Sad.

>> No.14469717
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Not sure if it would be the same in the USA but when I grew up in Thailand many kids where poor and there parents wouldt prepare them proper food either because there too busy or too poor. You could tell who these kids where because they would be going for seconds and thirds. The Gov also instituted a plan to give all kids 250ml of milk a day to every kid to help get more protein into there diet. Knowing the nigger problem in the USA it probably means a lot of niglets are malnourished so sorta have to feed them or else there gonna have a problem like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22JgHBb-0dg and theyll just jump the mutts.

>> No.14469778

Graduated high school in 2007 and I remember their being an outcry from classmates when they stopped serving fries aside from Fridays. One lardass had the audacity to complain citing the school was trying to "turn us into sticks".
Bitch I was 120lbs, lay off the junk food. My family was on the border of lower and middle class, so I mostly packed lunch.

>> No.14469800

they very often do, maybe about half and half