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File: 604 KB, 1536x2048, Edp7ksFVAAE6OKZ.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14457071 No.14457071 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have the sophisticated palate to appreciate this pizza?

>> No.14457079


>> No.14457091

The rosso cheeseless pizza. These are absolutely tits cold right out of the fridge, best eaten with capers, pickles, or green olives. I really didn’t want to like these, honestly, but I am a fan.

>> No.14457099

No, keep your garbage third world bastardizations of real food back in europe where they belong.

>> No.14457104
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>> No.14457117

The oregano looks burnt and disgusting.
Mince your fucking garlic! And where the fuck is the basil? You forgot the onions as well!

>> No.14457121

yes i am lank tones in taller ants

>> No.14457132


>> No.14457156

But the cheese is the best part

>> No.14457178

what's that big chunk near the middle?

>> No.14457185


>> No.14457191

Cheese is objectively the worst part.

>> No.14457194

If cheese is the worse part you might as well just toast sliced bread and put marina sauce on it

>> No.14457203

Do you really enjoy the product from an exploited and raped animal?

>> No.14457209

Vegan? There is non dairy cheese you know

>> No.14457214

I guess my taste isn't sophisticated enough to appreciate shit. That shit deserves to be tossed in a trash can with flies and maggots.

>> No.14457224

A product faking rape is not any better.

>> No.14457237

Go rape a carrot or a celery stalk you weirdo!

>> No.14457240
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>> No.14457243

So are playing video games just fake murder? Better through all those out

>> No.14457248
File: 60 KB, 614x518, onions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14457254

They're just video games, what are you some kind of stupid soccer mom?

>> No.14457273

So then what is wrong about eating vegan mozzarella

>> No.14457283

Would you eat something that mimics the flavor of a raped human even if it was not a human?

>> No.14457288

maybe, is is tasty

>> No.14457290

So all vegan food that simulates animal products should be thrown out? You're either shit posting or an idiot

>> No.14457309

I think that any item that can be substituted with ethical sources is appropriate is acceptable. Anything that exist to directly substitute animal rape and murder is not.

>> No.14457312


>> No.14457316


>> No.14457315 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 800x600, pizza_party_in_my_mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you, negro?

>> No.14457371
File: 147 KB, 1200x1200, mfw-there-is-no-little-caesars-hot-and-ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Italy has glorious high culinary tradition extending back centuries: spaghettios, pepperoni hot pockets, italian ice. But the chief cuisine, the national dish is the venerable Pizza Pie. In Roman times, only the Emperor and select nobility could afford to eat it. But later, it became so engrained in popular Italian culture that every housewife had her own secret recipe, to compete in the village's weekly pizza feast. This competition led to innovations--stuffed crust, meat lover's, buffalo chicken, shaqaroni--which developed in parallel with Italy's gastronomical ascendency. But then World War II happened. Austerity measures forced Italians to abandon their rich cuisine. Even the pizza pie, Italy's pride and joy, was affected. Wartime pizza pie was little more than saltines, with a smear of ketchup and a dollop of rancid milk, and some lawn clippings sprinkled on top. But for Italians, it's essential to save face. Ettore Boiardi, appointed Minister of Flavor under Mussolini, began a propaganda campaign to convince his compatriots that this new poverty-pie was in fact the true, authentic pizza--and that Hawaiian pizza, for example, was nothing but foreign degeneracy. The people were desparate for some shred of dignity to grasp onto, so they eagerly swallowed this lie. Their children never even tasted the real thing, and to this day, Italians will claim that OP's pic, which looks like someone dropped some naan bread on the ground in a barnyard, is "pizza". And they will defend its "sophisticated" flavor and "impeccable" heritage until the end.

>> No.14457374
File: 1.02 MB, 1455x970, do-we-really-have-to-be-the-best-at-everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But in the Italian diaspora, the truth endures. You should see Italian tourists when they walk by Domino's PIzza restauant, founded by Sicilian immigrant Giuseppe D'Mino. Something about the architecture reminds them of home, and curiously, they are drawn inside. They might only order a slice "as a joke", but--oh, how their eyes light up after that first bite! It triggers genetic memories of their homeland's magnificent past, when Italy was something more than an EU welfare queen. In that moment, every Italian man becomes a Caesar. But then they quickly remember themselves, and embarassed, they will feign disgust and throw the slice away.

However, as they walk out the store, observe their longing backward glances. Perhaps they will run back, claiming that they "accidentally dropped their keys" in the garbage can. And if you secretly observe them as stick their hand in the can, your keen eye will discover that what actually comes back out is their half eaten slice, which is delicately wrapped in napkins, and secreted into a pocket or purse, to be enjoyed privately, in their hotel room, where their moans of ecstasy will be mistaken for nothing more than Meditarranean passion.




>> No.14457445

Go away Europoor

>> No.14457449


>> No.14457489
File: 173 KB, 900x600, best-tomato-pie-philadelphia-northwest-marchianos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside boys, the real GOAT of cheeseless pizzas coming through

>> No.14457498

Base not murder pizza.

>> No.14457517

well ,i dont like mouthfuls of garlic, but if the crust taste great it could be excellent

>> No.14457520

get murdered>>14457489

>> No.14457574

i dont get this deal with having a "refined palate". i dont feel like i have a refined anything, but i think i can eat and enjoy just about anything on this earth save for beans and brussel sprouts

>> No.14457577

based weirdo poster

>> No.14457579

It is the finest pizza, wonderful at all temperatures, and in all amounts. Truly the king of the red pies.