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14456546 No.14456546 [Reply] [Original]

Have you guys tried making this stuff? It’s one of my favorite winter drinks. Like drinking gingerbread, weirdly filling though but that makes sense because it’s pretty much spiced a beer thickened with egg yolks.


>> No.14456961

doesnt the boiling make it flat? Idk if i can abide a flat beer

>> No.14457012

It’s July you fucking retard

>> No.14457014


>> No.14457017

the earth is round

>> No.14457023


>> No.14457038

think about why Winter is cold and summer is hot. the pieces of the puzzle are all in front of you

>> No.14457064


>> No.14457080

It makes it less carbonated but not fully flat, I was actually surprised by this

>> No.14457106

I might have to try it then, I do live in the northern hemisphere, though

>> No.14457118 [DELETED] 
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No, hipster. Fuck off.

>> No.14457182

Sorry, should have posted a Taco Bell removed items thread. Forgot this is edgy reddit now

>> No.14457430

never made it or tried it before, but ive been meaning to. going to buy the shit for that recipe tomorrow, its been violently storming here all week and i need something like this

>> No.14457459

is that what the juvenile alcoholics in harry potter drunk?

>> No.14458270

I dont know

>> No.14458318

Carbon dioxide is nonpolar and better solubilized by all the fat (butter, egg yolk) compared to water

That'd be my educated guess

>> No.14458344

Has more to do with the tilt than the roundness but w/e

>> No.14458663

That makes sense, I think the frothing you do at the end by pouring it between two cups also helps to make it feel more carbonated, but not necessarily from CO2

>> No.14458680

consume the cum chalice

>> No.14459488

is that from the hairy pothead books?

>> No.14459513

Does it actually get cold in straya? Or is strayas version of cold 20 degrees celsius

>> No.14460771

It gets cold but not like Russia cold

>> No.14460783

Roight’O lad, a couple o these bibbly boos and youell be jolly as the olde queen. God bless ‘er heart

>> No.14460832

It fucking snows in July! Saw it on Snapchat. There were kangaroos jumping across the snow

>> No.14461728

It’s winter where I am, burgertard.
>what is the Southern Hemisphere

>> No.14461764

Then why do I see the same stars year round

>> No.14461768

I’m from Tassie and we often see snow on the mountains from May to October.

>> No.14461769 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 640x480, E83B1E5B-C2AA-4E1F-AFEF-990DFB71E2B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the Southern Hemisphere
A reeking hellhole full of niggers and spics beneath contempt?

>> No.14461786

Why are Americans so intelligent?

>> No.14462811

if you don't celebrate christmas during the winter you are subhuman

>> No.14462961

How/where can I get nice metal tankards without Chinese metal poisoning?

>> No.14463768

It’s probably our religious freedoms

>> No.14463989

I totally forgot about reverse seasons. Like I knew as a kid, but by now I had a weird impression that it was a myth? Like digging a straight hole in the ground and popping up in China?

>> No.14464000

Does the backwards weather make the toilets flush backwards too? Is the backwards weather responsible for why the Aussies are you know what?

>> No.14464004

Ironically, the older antique stuff is worse than newer ones (as long as they weren't made in some 3rd rate smelter in Shenzen). A ton of antique chalices have way higher percentages of nasty metals.

>> No.14465638

How is that in anyway not what you expected?

>> No.14466211

Zoomers don't know the definitions of words, they just repeat shit they hear and see without any understanding beyond vague context like retarded but trained birds.