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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14456131 No.14456131 [Reply] [Original]

this sauce is fucking delicious but it's so hot. how do i dilute the heat without losing the flavor?

>> No.14456140

grow a pair faggot

>> No.14456145

Mix it with equal parts ice cubes by weight to cool it down

>> No.14456194


>> No.14456242

Put it in the fridge to cool it down

>> No.14456262

Eat it more. Its the only way to build up a tolerance.

>> No.14456273

This sauce is not hot at all. Do you find Sriracha hot as well? (assuming you've had it before)
just build up a tolerance to it like the other dude said. if you really need to dilute it, make a small 1:1 ketchup/mustard or mayo mix and mix it alongside.

>> No.14456320

Place it in an ice water bath to cool it down

>> No.14456327

Stop being a cracker

>> No.14456361

I like the stuff but not really that hot. I mean if you experimenting with good hot sauces you should be on the level to enjoy this. I can drink crystal hot sauce at this point..

>> No.14456939

edgelord faggots. sriracha and crystal are not nearly as hot as aardvark. this is red jalapenos and cayenne peppers vs habanero pepper. habanero is hotter, it's basic science. if you're saying they taste the same you're lying to seem cool on an anonymous website

>> No.14456958

OP is obviously trolling, dum dum. The vast majority of people here have never even had SA because it has very limited distribution and costs more an shipping than the bottle itself. So the one thing everyone jumps on is that it's not super hot. It's not supposed to be super hot. It's a table sauce. It's more about flavor than heat.

>> No.14456974

Shilling it like a cunt wont make it less of shit than it already is.

>> No.14456978


>> No.14456980


>> No.14456982

My mother couldn’t handle it except in trace amounts. The range of how much spice individual humans can handle is pretty wide. Wider than you think.

>> No.14456999

>liking food is shilling it

go boil another chicken breast faggot

>> No.14457018

>the range of how much spice individual humans can handle is pretty wide
I am well aware of this. I've known plenty of brown people of various origins who thought that my upper limit of heat was barely noticeable, and I've never been envious of their genetics or felt inferior. I've also known plenty of white people who buy the kind of shit they put on hot ones because they think it's some kind of mark of pride to eat the most spicy shit, but they turn red and have tears in their eyes. I honestly think habaneros and serranos are the best tasting peppers, so those are typically the sauces that I buy. When people buy the XXX korean noodles or extra spicy SE Asian food, it's not adding any more flavor. They just add more generic chili powder or triple down on the bird's eye chilies. The flavor doesn't change; it's just more heat.

>> No.14457043

That's not food, its a spice and you're a fucking shill.

>> No.14457497
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>hot sauce thread

>> No.14457857

Sour cream

>> No.14457878

It's hotter than any other hot sauce I've found commonly served at places. The only things that might match it are Tobasco Habenero or some of the El Yucateco, which makes sense since they are the same pepper.

>> No.14458285

Vark is medium heat. I don't see the point in diluting it

>> No.14458921

Mix with a tasty weak sauce.

>> No.14458956
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>filtered by habanero sauce
Do americans really?

>> No.14458970
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Another Vark shill thread.....

>> No.14459245

lmao what? heres some basic science for you faggot you can put the hottest peppers in a sauce but if you dilute it with other ingredients it loses its heat. SA is more flavour than heat as well you fucking goober

>> No.14459762

>why don't you just make your own?
This is one of the most common criticisms of 'vark sauce and quite frankly it's patently unfounded.

Why don't I just make my own?
Because Secret Aardvark Trading Company only use locally sourced ingredients, and to be entirely honest that's the way Scott would have wanted it to be.

The crux of this issue is that the water in Portland has a very, very unique chemical composition. This is largely due to the abnormally high amounts of estrogen added to their water treatment systems, both purposefully added by the city and inadvertently added through the waste water treatment systems' lack of complete distillation and filtration. To put this into perspective Progesterone and other antiandrogen pharmaceuticals are the best selling drugs on the market in Portland. Over 70% of Portland's population, both male, female and other, ingest and secrete these chemicals into the water supply leading to the iconic flavor profile of all Secret Aardvark Trading Company's hot sauces.

This effects the taste of all food in Portland, and that's a good thing, but it also makes Secret Aardvark Habanero Sauce virtually impossible to replicate outside of Portland. In fact, one could never "just make their own".

>> No.14459767

>no mayo on my burger please, it’s too spicy!

>> No.14459785
File: 1.16 MB, 601x1122, alwaysvark1n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta have my 'vark

>> No.14459827

based schizoposter

>> No.14459837

I wish my wife would let me have a jug like that.