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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14446580 No.14446580 [Reply] [Original]

fish pepper soup and SWALLOW

>> No.14446582

monitoring thread

>> No.14446605
File: 71 KB, 500x470, Nigerian fufu recipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swallows are not only for cum.

they are also a class of nigerian food. they are bland-tasting plain (usually starchy and elastic) mash made using tubers and flours for serving with soups and stews, much like plain rice in asian countries. fufu and gari are both popular swallows (sometimes spelt swalu/swalo).

they are so named because you swallow them. much like cum.

also a lot of nigerian soups such as ogbono and okra are goopy (like cum) so swallows are actually optimised for things of cum consistency

>> No.14446610


>> No.14446618

>nigerian food

>> No.14446619

shut up racist

>> No.14446630

What do you mean "why"? This is a food board and I'm interested in seeing this recipe, which I know nothing about, turns out. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.14446634

t. nigerian

>> No.14446641

I was wondering exactly why you care about this so called recipe

>> No.14446642

Get used to this thread, because it will be posted daily until i get some fucking answers. Constant McDonalds threads, other trash foods constantly shilled and this is the responce i get? Thjs is the most retarded, juvenille responce i have ever conjured from a board. You should all be absolutely ashamed. Im white you fucks, whiter than any of you, colgate advertisements from the 90's white. And just listen to you dipshit fucks. Something is not right here, this is a cover up. I know exactly what you CIA agents are doing, protecting your junk food industry.

>> No.14446646

Look, this board hardly has any ACTUAL cooking threads, and while shitposting about Jack and Jollibee is fun (because it is), it's nice to see something that resembles a serious thread.

>> No.14446660
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ty brother

this the pepper soup mix I will be using. if you are rich and have a spice/coffee grinder I would recommend getting calabash (they misspelt it) NUTmeg as beans and grinding yourself.

calabash NUTmeg is the main ingredient for nigerian pepper soups. it is also called ehu and tastes different from normal NUTmeg so do not replace it with normal nutmeg. a combination of cloves, rosemary, and ground ginger might work but I haven't really explored. replacing specific spices are always a bit difficult.

>> No.14446661

cry me a damn river already. nigeria as a topic is fair game so stop whining

>> No.14446664

wanna watch me make poopy instead?

>> No.14446666

what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.14446670
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habanero would be preferable but I already had chili peppers that needed using a home so I didn't bother buying more habanero

no extra-hot yoruba style soup today

>> No.14446678

no one asked

>> No.14446682
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is yummy. I make yummies for myself.

if you're a true african brother you will have a big wooden mortar to pound the peppers in but I don't, so I will use tiny chinese ceramic mortar

>> No.14446700

why the green text brother? nigerian food is delicious.

>> No.14446704

why don't you move to nigeria

>> No.14446715
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it's not a recipe though fren, it's just my blog.

this will do, some chunks for nice colour.

>> No.14446718

they're supposed to walk you through the recipie newfag

>> No.14446724

Nigerian food is awful.
I had a nigerian friend, he used to cook bitter chilli crab, wierd balls of gluten, wierd pasta.
Then he stole 200$ off me and everyone else he knew and ran away.
True story

>> No.14446725

fag I know that. I'm going to make idiotic comments and no one can stop me

>> No.14446729
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I like jollibee threads. I hope one goes to indiana for that indiana anon who really wants to try it

cut onion into big clunks for easy removal. onion will not be in the final soup.

>> No.14446753

holy shit, I got based quads

>> No.14446757
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I will get sunburn

knorr chicken stock is the preferred stock of choice in nigeria but I only have this out of date veg stock. sad.

>> No.14446774
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BASED nigerian hustler. we will also be making a weird ball today (gluten free tho)

nigerian food is great. it actually has a very similar flavour profile to chinese/south-east asian food because of the use of dried fish/shrimp and also strong flavours. nigerian call dried shrimp crayfish for mysterious reason I have yet to ascertain.

make stock.

>> No.14446824

Nigerian food just tastes of chili and shellfish.
Do not want

>> No.14446836
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no ty brother. I am not german.

I will be using cold-smoked lithuanian salmon offcuts in place of dried seafoods because holy shit the dried fish/crayfish at the local afromart was insanely expensive.

>> No.14446838

why don't you go on vacation to beautiful sunny nigeria

>> No.14446847
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maybe he was a bad cook, the dryfish/shellfish flavour should be well incorporated into the dish to add umami without being overpowering

I will use the fins. the rest are very good salty, smoky, greasy beer snacks.

>> No.14446861
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I will one day when I have money for ticket. go collect my cut of that nigerian prince's inheritance from that one time when I wired my life savings over to him.

add fins to stock, no need for salt at all because the smoked fish is salty and so is the stock cube.

>> No.14446872
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ALWAYS save the opened salmon in a sealable tupperware and not the original bag or else your fridge will be greasy and salmon smelling for all eternity.

>> No.14446883
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I will make ethical gluten free kosher vegan coconut flour fufu.

>> No.14446890
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about tree fiddy tbsps

>> No.14446894
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rehydrate with water until it's about the consistency of curd cheese and then set aside

>> No.14446911

smoked salmon instead of dried shrimp? that cant be right

>> No.14447029

You're not so bad for a fag

>> No.14447061

The fuck is "Aligator Pepper?"

>> No.14447070

I had normal cassava fufu the other day and it kinda sucks. I get that you're supposed to have a really strong sauce/main to go along with it, so I hope your soup turns out well.

>> No.14447117
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it works just fine! if you want to be extra fancy you can use dashi stock or bonito too

>> No.14447132
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ty brother. you may have some delicious fish pepper soup when I am done.

I roughly scaled my fish, you can skip but fish scales ruin the texture imo. the ideal fish to use would be catfish, carp, or tilapia. or something with a firm flesh like eel would be good too but I have none of the above and salmon is delicious so salmon it is.

>> No.14447161
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calabash nutmeg/ehu is the only vital spice everything else can be substituted with other spicy things: paprika, cayenne, sichuan peppers, korean chili powder, etc etc.

I used 2 heaped spoons since it's not freshly ground and the flavour is paler than fresh. this will make it gritty but worry not, when we serve/eat it it will sink to the bottom.

>> No.14447193

Negro pepper??

>> No.14447198
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thanks brother.

it's like eating plain white rice on its own if you just eat the fufu. you need a heavily seasoned main dish.

>> No.14447210
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>> No.14447212

How cum a cracker like yous finna cook nigriean?

>> No.14447217
File: 1.25 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20200723_145655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring your soup back to boil after it is seasoned.

>> No.14447227
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because stealing bikes and iphones are below us. we steal culture.

add salmon chunks.

>> No.14447245
File: 1.25 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20200723_150341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn off the heat as soon as salmon is added. let it cook in the residual heat for tenderness. this method is optimised for salmon, firm flesh like catfish or eel will be cooked differently.

>> No.14447251
File: 959 KB, 2592x1456, IMG_20200723_150620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cornstarch. called cornflour in the uk. or any kind of fine starch will do.

>> No.14447252

better not overcook the sammy

>> No.14447258
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I made a slurry, but you can skip this if you've hydrated your coconut flour better than I did.

>> No.14447264
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ofc brother. see the next post for details.

there wasn't enough starch to make it come together so I added more dried starch.

>> No.14447266

damn i wish i had an afromart

>> No.14447276
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this is all cooked on v low heat because the only thing you need to "cook" is the starch, coconut flour is edible raw. you want the consistency like a cross between mash potato and bread dough.

>> No.14447293

i've never even seen coconut flour

>> No.14447300
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they're poor value compared to asianmarts and east-euromarts because the import infrastructure is still a work in progress but they do have more specialist african ingredients. you will find them in multiculti area where there are many expat africans (note for burgers: africans, not black americans)

add msg, and some salt if you desire. I do not desire so only msg for me.

>> No.14447303

not a fan of seafood but I like this thread anyway
thanks for continuing to post despite the retards shitting on the thread at the beginning

>> No.14447324
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excuse me. I am only lowly namefag.

wash some spinach for colour. usually pepper soup either won't have leaves or will have some uziza leaves which I don't have. arugula/rocket would work better but they were not on sale.

>> No.14447353
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I got mine for free, expensive usually, not really worth buying unless you're going keto or something. you can make fufu with anything really. traditional fufu is cassava but as long as you have some sort of starch to make it bouncy and elastic it'll work. in the niger delta region a speciality fufu usually called delta starch fufu is literally just cooked starch making it extra stetchy and mochi-like.

ripped spinach looks better than cut spinach and in my head it tastes better too, not sure why.

>> No.14447382
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I do this for my own entertainment, nice messages are very nice but I would keep spamming my blog regardless.

bring soup to boil again. in the meantime, scoop all the fufu out onto a piece of cling film. we make the fufu ball shape. you can make multiple little ones or one big one. traditional shapes are circle or sausage.

>> No.14447389
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like a nice plump buttcheek.

>> No.14447400
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wa la.

>> No.14447410
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check em.

when serving, do not scrape from the bottom where most of the grit are. and also do not include the fins or the onions, you can nibble them later to avoid waste but it's not aesthetic to serve.

plump fufu like a moomin butt.

>> No.14447422
File: 1.09 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20200723_153829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delicious peppery soup full of depth and warmth and flavour. not all that spicy because I didn't use habanero but has a good kick. beautifully tender salmon with smooth scale-free skin. pretty healthy as the only oil are fish oil from the salmon.

>> No.14447434
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to eat fufu, scoop out little blobs with your fingers. with thick stews you can dip the fufu into the sauce but since this is a clear broth you want a mouthful of fufu and then chase it down with some fish pepper soup

>> No.14447444
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try not to agitate the bowl too much as you drink and eat the soup so that the grit will settle at the bottom and you can avoid it. muslin sieving or waiting until the whole pot has settle before decanting and reheating would work too but who has time for that.

>> No.14447452
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lots of soup and fufu left over for another meal or two.

>> No.14447458
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the end. thank you for reading my blog brothers and sisters.

>> No.14447632

Can the coconut flour be changed by anything else?

>> No.14447650

Great thread dude, thanks
And you're right, it really does look like some kind of Asian soup. I ate some stuff that looked like that when I was in China once, put swap fufu for white rice

>> No.14447652

sure, for example gari is made with cornmeal. you can even just use mashed potatoes and add extra starch powder. ordinary wheatflour would work too if you had the time to slowly cook a slurry into a ball, you'll just need to cook out the rawness.

potato starch, corn starch, tapioca starch, cassava starch all work well.

>> No.14447663

I'm gonna be honest with you it doesn't look good to me. But thanks for posting.

>> No.14447670

can i use potato flour?
looks good anon

>> No.14447709
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thank you brother. southern chinese soups that contain dried shimp or xiami would taste very familiar to a west african palate. this soup in particular I think would do will in china because it traditionally uses "muddy" fish like catfish/carp which the chinese also enjoy.

related fun fact, fish pepper soup is sometimes called point and kill soup because like in china the fish would be swimming in a big tank at the restaurant and you can point at the one you want and they will fish it out, weigh it, charge you by weight, and make it fresh into soup for you.

>> No.14447722

no problem brother, there are many other nigerian dishes which you may enjoy.

yeah it works, you maybe need extra starch for stretchiness.

>> No.14448062

wow ck is a fast board now.

>> No.14448543

>ethical fufu
Meaning it was raised in good conditions and killed humanely instead of being hunted down and bled to death?

>> No.14448556

meaning it was an abandoned bag left out to rot because of its advanced age and I saved it, keeping it out of direct sunlight, making sure it was property seal. generally just giving it a good home.

>> No.14449196

stop moving so fast /ck/

>> No.14449211

Nigerians have food?

>> No.14449306

I very much enjoyed your thread. it was educational, and I like the way you talk. it's charming. Excellent work, friend!

>> No.14449607

yes, unlike amerifats who only have feed.

>> No.14449612

y-you're charming

>> No.14449732

Is this person alice from the threads "cook with tranny alice"?

>> No.14449753
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Alice is that you? You seems total schizophrenic with multiple personalities you should seek help. You admitted in one of these threads that you was a dude and gay, the thread where you made the "butter lamb" fuck you you disgusting homo you deserve the rope.

We was right /ck/ Alice is a tranny.

>> No.14449800

nah not alice.

you remember things I say in my threads from decades ago but you don't remember that I am a britbong?

>> No.14449815
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let's not talk about white co/ck/s, let's talk about nigerian foodtubers instead.

my favourite nigerian foodtuber is flo chinyere not immaculate bites but this does look pretty good.

>> No.14449873

alright Alice, how much to see that cute cock?

>> No.14449928
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>> No.14449941

>checking your own (wasted) digits

>> No.14449945

lmao! this thread is fucking trash

>> No.14450003

its just OP samefagging his crappy thread. nothing to see here

>> No.14450318

h-how can I show you if I don't have one uwu

you read through all 80 something posts and you say this? rood.

it fell to the middle of the catalogue! gotta bump it to milk for more (you)s.

>> No.14451391

Alice is a /b/itch as far as I know

Also, based fake African whiteman. Your fish soup looks good bro.

>> No.14451762
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Alice, baby... Listen to me.
You've got a pair of something on your chest.
You've got something nice sitting between your legs.
You've got feet, you've got lingerie perhaps, and you've got a camera.

I know you either post, or get posted, on /soc/ and perhaps other boards. Idk. But it's here at /ck/ where you know you belong... Come on, you don't have to show face or anything else. Just give us a little snip-it and only WE will know the truth.

>> No.14452599

thank you brother.

is the stutter the only reason you think I'm alice? dang she's created a very strong brand identity. grats alice.

>> No.14452877

that pic is great

>> No.14453478

Let's not let the original Nigerian food thread die.

>> No.14455173
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>> No.14455276

Haven't seen the sun in 2 weeks in my part of the country, you're welcome to visit anytime based oyibo brother. Just turn black so you won't stand out.

>> No.14455579

chineke mee have I found an actual igbo brother on 4channels?

please give assessment of my oyibo pepper soup.

>> No.14455587

appropriating culinary culture

>> No.14455617

See: >>14447227