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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14443303 No.14443303 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, non-essential cu/ck/s, coming from working in a grocery store, before you do your next shopping trip, I'm going to lay down a few pointers:

1. We can't be everywhere at once.
2. Don't interrupt us mid-sentence by trying to help you find something
3. When you're coming into the store with infants and children, make sure they come in with masks. You're making them just as susceptible as you are not by exposing them to the virus, but by exposing yourself as a complete fucking asshole.
4. Do not ask if we work here if the uniforms prove and tell.
5. If you are blonde, wake the fuck up when you're in the store. Do not slow down or be a dumbass.

>> No.14443315


Also fuck off.

>> No.14443337

Just check in the fucking back to see if you have any, how hard can it be. Do I need to get a supervisor involved?

>> No.14443342


Would you rather our bosses call us out on wasting time on the likes of you, one customer?

>> No.14443376

yeah lol

>> No.14443382

Any time not spent catering to the source of your revenue is by definition wasted time. Yes, this includes jacking and jawing with co-workers at the deli counter.

>> No.14443552


I don't masturbate or talk to anyone. I do my job and what's necessary. If I spend too much time on one person, when I could being doing literally anything else in my job or helping someone who's faster and to the point, then that's also a waste of time, including you and your opinion.

>> No.14443581

Essential, more like resentful amiright

>> No.14443599

wagie wagie get in cagie

>> No.14443630
File: 52 KB, 482x390, 1592044975993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly heroes

thank u for ur service

>> No.14443636

I don't even work at a grocery store but I gotta add: please use the fucking arrows on the floor and keep your distance from people. It's such basic shit, please don't be retarded.

>> No.14444198

Shut the fuck up wagie
You too karen

>> No.14444227

>Be employee
>"Sure, I'll check in the back"
>Go to the back
>Check my phone, check 4chan
>go back out
>"Sorry, we don't have any more"

>> No.14444660

Shoppe rhere: please stay 6 feet away from me at all times and don't scoot past me in an aisle.
I respect your health: respect mine.

>> No.14444666

This is why I go to Trader Joe's who actually prioritize customer service.

>> No.14444677

>do you work in the meat department?
>I am wearing a white coat adorned with various bits of animal and standing in front of the meat counter

Every fucking time.

>> No.14444686

In the unlikely event this isn't a troll post, you should know that l i t e r a l l y nobody could give less of a fuck about the opinions of a grocer. Like waiters, you exist purely to serve your betters.

>> No.14444715

>adorned with various bits of meat

>> No.14444720 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 512x936, 1594250708507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alright, non-essential cu/ck/s, coming from working in a grocery store, before you do your next shopping trip, I'm going to lay down a few pointers:

>1. We can't be everywhere at once.
>2. Don't interrupt us mid-sentence by trying to help you find something
>3. When you're coming into the store with infants and children, make sure they come in with masks. You're making them just as susceptible as you are not by exposing them to the virus, but by exposing yourself as a complete fucking asshole.
>4. Do not ask if we work here if the uniforms prove and tell.
>5. If you are blonde, wake the fuck up when you're in the store. Do not slow down or be a dumbass

>> No.14444721

>muh masks!
>blonde meme
80 iq niggerfaggot detected. kill yourself loser. you are "essential" because you work in a goddamn grocery store. If you can easily be replaced by someone else or maybe even a robot, you were never essential.
also, blonde people are probably much smarter than you. its an ancient meme made up by jews.

>> No.14444733

make me

>> No.14444798 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 417x317, 1590008806942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's him Mr Rosenblatt that's the customer without a mask!

>> No.14445446


Then why the FUCK do I have to tell some blonde bimbo to watch her back SEVEN



>> No.14445473
File: 107 KB, 485x750, 86b7iop79ro41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And I will exist long enough to see you and the rest of the world burn in h e l l.

>> No.14445514

No luck with that high school equivalency huh?

>> No.14445665

Imagine being such a gigantic pussy you feel the need to vent your wagecuck feels on /ck/ through passive-aggressive instructions

>> No.14445786

shut the fuck up little baby. I'm sorry some annoying things happen to you at work, but you aren't broadcasting to the whole nation here so just just shut the fuck up and keep working your bottom-rung job dude.

>> No.14445795
File: 60 KB, 1080x720, gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"do you work in the meat dept"
>looks like pic related