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File: 273 KB, 609x411, water bug man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14442577 No.14442577 [Reply] [Original]

>he actually spends premium money to eat a giant water bug
>he actually wants to eat a creature so abominable that it was fed to the dregs of society

>> No.14442598

Tastes good, bro.

>> No.14442602

You mean the butter, salt, and pepper?

>> No.14442603

They look kind of different to me. Do you have any images of cooked roaches with claws, and without wings?

>> No.14442607

>at a certain time and place lobsters were fed to prisoners
>therefore lobsters are shit and everyone is just pretending to like them
I've never heard a good argument for veganism, but this argument has always been worse than every argument for veganism.

>> No.14442611

Isn't it expensive because there are relatively few of them? I'm sure if cockroaches were going instinct, tasted good, and weren't as easy to catch as they are, they'd be pretty damn expensive, too.
I wish shrimp, crayfish, and lobsters weren't as expensive as they are, though.

>> No.14442617

Oh look it's this thread again

>> No.14442644

UNH scientists identify quicker and less expensive way to count sperm in lobsters

Researchers at the University of New Hampshire have identified a quicker and less expensive way to count sperm in lobsters that could help scientists looking at any animal better understand mating, a key aspect of species survival.

The technique is described in their study which was recently featured in the Journal of Crustacean Biology. Researchers outlined how they were looking to better understand how climate change may alter lobster reproduction by influencing the amount of sperm a male lobster could produce. The challenge they encountered was counting the number of sperm contained in the lobster's spermatophore -- the package of sperm a male lobster transfers to females during mating. Each spermatophore contains about two million sperm cells, so counting them under a microscope is too time-consuming, especially when processing numerous samples. The new DNA method they developed allowed them to determine whether male lobsters experienced declining numbers of sperm when they mated successively, leading to sperm limitation within the population.


>> No.14442649

The technique is described in their study which was recently featured in the Journal of Crustacean Biology. Researchers outlined how they were looking to better understand how climate change may alter lobster reproduction by influencing the amount of sperm a male lobster could produce. The challenge they encountered was counting the number of sperm contained in the lobster's spermatophore -- the package of sperm a male lobster transfers to females during mating. Each spermatophore contains about two million sperm cells, so counting them under a microscope is too time-consuming, especially when processing numerous samples. The new DNA method they developed allowed them to determine whether male lobsters experienced declining numbers of sperm when they mated successively, leading to sperm limitation within the population.

>> No.14442657

"Imagine if it took a week to produce a complete lobster spermatophore. That would mean that male lobsters might only be able to mate once a week," said Watson. "That, in turn, might mean that some female lobsters that might be ready to mate, would not get the chance. Females only mate after they molt, which they do only once per year, and they all tend to do it around the same time. So, limited availability of male sperm could significantly impact the population."

The absence of cost-effective ways to measure lobster sperm meant that testing the sperm limitation hypothesis were rarely attempted, despite concerns about the sustainability of the American lobster population.

"Beforehand, if we wanted to look at questions of reproductive output in lobsters, it took labor-intensive methods and an incredible amount of time," says Ben Gutzler, a recent PhD graduate from UNH in Marine Biology and lead author. "This new DNA method will hopefully make it possible for a broader group of scientists to ask more relevant questions about more animals."

Although the researchers did not find evidence of sperm limitation among male lobsters, they did uncover inconsistent sperm production among the individual lobsters studied. For example, they found that lobsters with severe shell disease, which is very common in southern New England, packaged fewer sperm cells in each spermatophore. This could have implications for population sustainability and prompt further study.

>> No.14442658

Okay, but now I need you to link me a doujinshi with lobster impregnation.

>> No.14442664

Lobsters have meat. Roaches don't, they have goo. Maybe the lack of animal proteins make your vegan brain forget that.

>> No.14442666

I can't find one anon.

>> No.14442677
File: 183 KB, 688x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14442683

I highly encourage you plight on discouraging the consumption lobsters. With less people buying the price will drop and i can enjoy the foods i love at better prices

>> No.14442704

Hi OP I'm sure I can beat to death your full of estrogens tranny body in less than 30 seconds wanna try? I wish I can...

>> No.14442722

Who the fuck said anything about veganism? I'm strictly talking about lobsters.

>> No.14442727

It's an analogy, retard.

>> No.14442732

this is OP's goal of shilling this anti-lobster thread.
Keep buy & ating lobster so that the modern poor are forced to seeth

>> No.14442738

>Roaches don't
Actually, yes they do. And who said that I was a vegan.

>> No.14442742

What analogy? Anon assumed that I was vegan.

>> No.14442748

I am going to bet he does not

>> No.14442754

But it looks like/is a bug; that was the point of the OP

>> No.14442757

You should look up words you don't understand before replying next time.

>> No.14442767

Why are you so dense? Anon clearly said it was an argument against veganism.

>> No.14442772

oops, meant to say argument for veganism. Veganism has nothing to do with this thread.

>> No.14442798

It was not making any kind of vegan argument, for or against. it was very clearly comparing OP's bad argument to the bad arguments made by vegans. It's not even close to ambiguous; you just have terrible reading comprehension.

>> No.14442802
File: 28 KB, 474x316, monkfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this ugly ass fish tastes delicious also, just like lobster.

>> No.14442814

virgin cockroach
>guts and lodse cottage-cheese looking fatty tissue
chad lobster
>sweet, sweet muscles
Yes, clearly the same thing.

>> No.14442858

The point is that people back then properly knew this was a disgusting water bug that should only be eaten out of desperation. They are the bottom feeders of the ocean. This isn't just about the bad stigma that lobsters previously had.

>> No.14442883

haha it go squish flat

>> No.14442889

I don't care how much self-deprecating shitposting you do, lobsters, I'm still going to enjoy eating you.

>> No.14442904

None of that has anything to do with the post you replied to, and most of it is flat out wrong. They didn't know anything about lobsters being bottom feeders. They were literally crawling all over the beach back then so they just scooped them up and threw them in a bag. Then they boiled them for like 2 hours to the point that they were straight up rubber and served them to prisoners 7 days a week without any kind of seasoning.

>> No.14442911

>Then they boiled them for like 2 hours
Yeah, because that was the only way to make them edible, since they decompose so fast. They maybe not known about their bottom feeder status, but they did know that it decomposes much faster than most meats and makes you more sick than other meats.

>> No.14442922

Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that part. They didn't just scoop them up and bring them back alive; they actually killed them and cooked them hours later after they were sitting without any kind of refrigeration. Are you agreeing with me or...?

>> No.14442957

Bad logic, you must be a no salt, fair trade spice, vegan....?

>> No.14442961

You can't eat all of us anon!

>> No.14442973

>justifying eating sea bugs because they “taste good”
Coasties are mentally sick.

>> No.14442984

I think seafood eaters are more likely to be consuming estrogen. Women piss away those hormones from birth control and it ends up in the water supply which surrounds fish, lobster, etc

>> No.14443016

Who puts pepper on lobster?

>> No.14443030
File: 35 KB, 500x375, Mediterranean-Chopped-Salad-Recipe-Culinary-Hill-LR-04SQ-500x375[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literally people who buy and eat grass

>> No.14443167

Equating cockroaches to lobsters is like equating giraffes to moles. You're a dumb faggot.

>> No.14443177

lettuce is a plant and not a grass. stupid

>> No.14443189

mmm meaty insects with musclely insides
but ew to insects w/ gross liquid insides...bleeehhgh
(more 4 me i guess xp)

>> No.14443228

Just because it has an exoskeleton doesn't mean it's an insect.

I mean, are you a fish? No. But you both have endoskeletons so you are essentially a fish!

See how retarded you sound?

>> No.14443235

a drop of urine straight from the girl is like drinking 10 000 gallon of water

>> No.14443239
File: 104 KB, 495x294, stupid-tetrapod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but........ humans literally descended from fishes

>> No.14443245

You mad bro, that vegan diet getting your hormones out of wack.

>> No.14443289

equating crustaceans to insects is as retarded as saying eating beef is like eating literal human people since they're both mammals

>> No.14443306

They’re arthropods. Chitinous bugs with segmented limbs and exoskeletons that molt.

>> No.14443338

try breathing in water for a few hours straight

>> No.14443357

Grass is a plant

>> No.14443370

>implying pigs aren't worse
>eat slop and garbage
>lay in mud
>obese tubs of lard

>> No.14443384

>bug people eat bugs
What's the problem?

>> No.14443462

just like how cows and humans share the same mammalian characteristics. so whats your point?

>> No.14443516
File: 188 KB, 1440x960, Argo-bake-Jan-Ascanio-The-AMP-Team-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not enjoying a summer night by having a clambake and eating all the lobster, crabs, mussels, stuffies, chourico, corn on the cob, etc you can shovel into your mouth
is the flyover life really that depressing?

>> No.14443528

>what is evolution

monkeys have a tail. Do you have a working tail?

>> No.14443551

grass is a plant
lettuce is a plant
lettuce is not a grass

>> No.14443554
File: 137 KB, 638x903, timeline-for-evolution-of-humans-1-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish are closer related to insects than we are to fish.

>> No.14443583

none of those things are insects because insects have 6 legs

>not getting what does "descended from" mean

>> No.14443670

We'll just have to see about that.

>> No.14443703

It wasn't fed to the dregs of society BECAUSE they were the dregs of society. it was fed to them because it was cheap and abundant.

Then the rich people found out it taste good and the price skyrocketed.

>> No.14443709
File: 9 KB, 283x178, tree_sloth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA! Imagine eating a tree sloth! Fucking poor fag food.

>> No.14443744
File: 36 KB, 655x527, zCI0F86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14443747

It’s proving my point, lobsters are just sea bugs

>> No.14444880
File: 29 KB, 414x480, scorpion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard these taste kind of shrimpy

>> No.14445302
File: 421 KB, 553x827, 1577062457033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine arguing that a fucking roach is at all comparable to grilled lobster served mounted upon the shell with drawn garlic butter drizzled lightly upon it, spritzed with freshly squeezed lemon juice. God, you people are plebs. Embarrassing, I thought this was the cooking board.

>> No.14445317

And lettuce is just grass

>> No.14445336


it's the same thing.

it's disgusting, you're disgusting.

>> No.14445388

lobsters are crustaceans not insects.

>> No.14445390

It's literally not the same thing

>> No.14445407

Which of you sick fucks is cumming in lobsters?

>> No.14445418

God I wish a girl would pee in my mouth

>> No.14445876

eating scorpions is badass though

>> No.14445882

then why are there still fish retard?

>> No.14445946

just because evolution happened doesnt mean all of them became the new animals

just like there are still rats around even though the earliest mammal was a rat/shrew

>> No.14446943

I have never eaten lobster but lobsters and roaches are not even the same class of animals so comparing them makes no sense.

>> No.14446957

Yes ;^)

>> No.14446971

>wants kids: someday

Looks like she's about ready to settle down!

>> No.14446974

>Imagine being so poor you can't spend $25 on sea garbage.

>> No.14447604
File: 8 KB, 152x332, hans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitch aluminum utensils was once considered solely to used by French aristocracy. Doesn't change the fact that it's dirt cheap these days.

>> No.14448606

Aluminum is highly reactive so is rarely found in pure form in nature, so although it is very common, it wasn't until the Bayer process of extraction that actually producing it in metallic form in bulk was possible. So it was more valuable than gold at one time.

>> No.14448693
File: 278 KB, 1200x921, 1200px-Cow_female_black_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually spends premium money to eat a giant rat