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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14441391 No.14441391 [Reply] [Original]

>From 1999–2000 through 2017–2018, the prevalence of obesity increased from 30.5% to 42.4%, and the prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4.7% to 9.2%
More than a whopping forty percent of american adults are obese. Is there any way average individuals can help reverse this beyond avoiding becoming obese? Does there need to be a more aggressive push on nutrition education and such?

>> No.14441403

Bullying. Early, and often.

>> No.14441405

At this point, education really isn't the issue. Ignorance isn't an excuse anymore. It's either let fat people be fat, die early and continue, or start making certain foods illegal which won't really sell. This isn't even a uniquely US problem anymore. Not even trying to shift focus here because US usually still leads the pack, but most developed countries are following the same pattern, with some having year over year increases that'll put them as fat as the US by the end of the decade.

>> No.14441410

I feel like the marketing from the 90s-2000s about getting quick meals on demand for "muh busy wage slave life" coupled with increasing sedentary lifestyles and not knowing how to cook proper meals fucked us over. Also HFCS. I don't have proof though.

>> No.14441422

I think it's more closely correlated with dual income families. You no longer had a mom at home cooking meals, so you moved to more eating out, more prepackaged low nutrient food. But it's multifactoral.

>> No.14441430

Is there a way to make home cooking seem more 'hip'? Or guilt tripping parents into it

>> No.14441437

America is completely demoralized and broken. There aint no fixing it or the people that live there. Best to hope it all falls swiftly and the powers that be swoop in and put an end to that most incomplete of people.

>> No.14441443


>> No.14441450

fat person here, losing weight is fuckin hard man. like i've been trying to do fasting but like shit after one week I lost some and then next week didnt do jack shit guess cause i ate some popcorn and the carbs kicked me out of ketosis. like i know its my fault but its still despair educing whenever you are trying and your efforts and showing results.

>> No.14441455

I think more education IS necessary. They stop teaching "nutrition" after elementary school here in New York. And even then you were a dumb fuck kid and could barely do multiplication.

>> No.14441460

It's because nutrition is fundamentally that basic and simple. It's like why they stop teaching shapes after primary school.

>> No.14441473
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The hardest part of losing weight is learning how to do it effectively.

You already know that fasting and low-carb are the keys to success. Now you just have to keep trying to quit carbs like it's a smoking habit. It takes most people multiple attempts to quit smoking. Just keep trying.

>> No.14441519

>Does there need to be a more aggressive push on nutrition education and such?
Maybe. Perhaps you can explain how someone else being obese affects your life in some way?

>> No.14441527

thanks for the motivation bro gotta keep going, do you think that intermediate fasting is better or OMAD?

>> No.14441540

No it's not. If it's so simple why don't you teach me right now?

>> No.14441580

Why do I need to police fat people?

>> No.14441632

Why should I care about fatties with no self control?

>> No.14441640

Do atkins for a couple months to kickstart your weight loss and then transition to regular diet and exercise. You will not keep the weight off if you rely solely on meme diets. The second you get toward your goal weight you will go right back to eating too much and sitting on your ass and the weight will come back. So the most important thing is to change your habits.

>> No.14441648

Friends and family members are afflicted and don't consider it an issue. Not interested in public healthcare with so many fatties. And fat people take up more space.

>> No.14441659

>Perhaps you can explain how someone else being obese affects your life in some way?
They BLOCK THE ENTIRE AISLE at the fucking store.

>> No.14441661

So your problems with fatties are:
>negatively affects the possibility of public healthcare
>your family is fat
>fat people take up more space
Seems like I remain unconvinced to take up the fight against fat people. The US has more important issues to deal with without having to worry about fat people without a job that takes up more space (on public transportation I presume).

>> No.14441663

>The US has more important issues to deal with
Like what?

>> No.14441664

>push on nutrition education
That's 50% of the job, the positive and creative part. Rest is fighting people who would not profit from your work, who caused the current situation.

>> No.14441686

OMAD is better because not only does it have greater hormone advantages, you only have to cook and clean dishes once per day.

If you really have a lot of body fat to lose you can even do OMEOD.

>> No.14441693

>Like what?
Fat blm, and other Marxist domestic terrorists that are taking over zones under the cover of "protesting".

>> No.14441717

maybe not eating out every week and cooking ur own shit like eu does?
are supermarkets really that expensive?

>> No.14441734
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Send all fat people into labor/manufacturing camps and starve them until thin. Less fat people and China BTFO. Alternatively, harvest their extra fat and use it as fuel.

>> No.14441885

>putting your body in a state of diabetic shock to avoid confronting the reality of calories in calories out

>> No.14442317
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My man!

>> No.14442478

Deny health care for anyone obese and over. No health insurance or anything. Even add a fat tax.

>> No.14442997

What this anon said or jack their premiums through the roof. It amazes me that insurance companies aren't doing this already. The problem is that we don't teach self control anymore. Instant gratification is huge in this day and age and thats why people don't cook and eat out instead. I always try to cook unless I'm either out of ingredients or its just too late to make an honest meal.

>> No.14443470

Unpopular opinion: people got fat when they started taking away their tobacco. Fat sick people generate more profits than wheezy sick people.

>> No.14443509

>low-carb are the keys to success
I lost like 30 pounds by just cutting out REFINED carbs, but continuing to eat fruit, whole grains, beans, drink milk, etc. Not making the distinction between refined and unprocessed carbs is ignoring part of the problem, and trying to force people into a more strict diet where they have to cut out an entire macronutrient might not be viable long-term.

>> No.14443523
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obesity is a symptom, not a cause.

The society is diseased via industrial chemicals, factory produced food, harmful EM waves, etc.

obesity is just a compensatory mechanism to cope with this. Being overweight actually has advantages (thymal persistence, lower all cause mortality), and is probably the reason people are becoming overweight.

CICO is a myth, give a Jap and a Celt a diet of milk and only one of them will go into ketosis.
fuck (((mayos))) and their (((noseberg))) masters

>> No.14443547
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>CICO is a myth, give a Jap and a Celt a diet of milk and only one of them will go into ketosis.
everyone needs to adjust their diets based on individual variations, that doesn't mean CICO is a myth

>> No.14443579
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True but while Nicotine has benefits, smoking does not.

CICO is a myth, see >>14443523
if you're not convinced, drink a cup of gasoline, it has all the calories you need.

low carb is the peak goy diet. Just look at how Native Americans ended up to see what a low carb diet begets.

carbs aren't a problem, the environment is the problem. Being sedentary, eating polyunsaturated oils (soybean/corn), being bombarded by 5G waves which have been proven to cause DNA-inductor propagated waves (look at the way DNA wraps around histones like a solenoid around an iron core), looking at a screen all day, doing the same exact shit day in and day out, getting vaccines which are unproven to actually work, and drinking fluoride are the reasons your health is going down the shitter.

Carbs have nothing to do with this at all, people have been eating carbs for dozens of millennia. Even before agriculture. Irish people literally got killed and reproductively cucked if they couldn't digest carbs from lactose.

>> No.14443587

>if you're not convinced, drink a cup of gasoline, it has all the calories you need.
Gasoline isn't food. Silly statements like these don't make people think you're right.

>> No.14443595

>while Nicotine has benefits, smoking does not.
unpopular opinion #2: this is why they are cracking down on vaping harder than they ever did on cigarettes–they want people to be unhealthy because it makes them more money.

>> No.14443598

It means that genetic and environmental variations are so numerous that CICO is basically irrelevant.

In an ideal world, we would all lead active lifestyles, only use coconut oil (and some butter), have zero background E/M radiation, derive all our entertainment from interacting with others via games and music, work for our food, allow a higher margin of infant mortality, and drink unfluoridated water (among other things)

Only some of these things are realistically achievable now.

>> No.14443602

>this is why they are cracking down on vaping harder than they ever did on cigarettes–they want people to be unhealthy because it makes them more money.
True. Still, the safest route is probably oral consumption.

But vaping is more enjoyable so it attracts more people, so in practice that's their enemy.

>> No.14443603

>Does there need to be a more aggressive push on nutrition education and such?
Most people already know what junk food is and that it's bad for them. They usually just don't care until something scares them into wanting to really make a change. Plus there's a mental health issue that needs to be addressed, telling obese people about nutrition won't do much good if they're using food to cope with trauma or depression or something.

>> No.14443606

i imagine graphs representing obesity levels and education levels during a specified time would be damn near identical for USA citizens

>> No.14443609

you're either being intentionally semantic or you're a legitimate retard, I don't care which

>> No.14443610

Why do I have to worry about someone else? I'm not an insurance company so why should I personally give a fuck, and take time out of my day to tell fat people something?
They die then more for me.

>> No.14443620

>It means that genetic and environmental variations are so numerous that CICO is basically irrelevant.
CICO basically just means eat less and you'll lose weight, eat more and you'll gain weight. There are other factors involved of course and it's not taking actual nutrition and how to feel satisfied with what you're eating into account, but you have to start somewhere.

>In an ideal world, we would...allow a higher margin of infant mortality

>> No.14443646

>From 1999–2000 through 2017–2018, the prevalence of obesity increased from 30.5% to 42.4%, and the prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4.7% to 9.2%


>> No.14443662

Black people are the most obese demographic, with black women being at the top of that. It probably is partially wealth disparity making it so that black people sometimes only have access to less nutritious food, but it also seems to be cultural because it seems more common for black guys to talk about how obese women are sexier. Nobody really wants to tackle the latter though.

>> No.14443704


No doubt but the negro pop as a % of the whole is relatively flat. The same cant be said for the border hopping mexicans and the squatemalans. Spics are to thank for the increasing fat shit stats as well as the decreasing iq stats. the good thing is that in despite being "family oriented" (read: all the kids get sexually assaulted by older relatives), their birth rates plummet the more generations they accumulate in the states. so perhaps the future will be a bit brighter than it is today if border control holds.

>> No.14443748

>Just do your best bro
This is never enough on it's own, you also have to go in with a good plan. Just pure fasting isn't the best solution. Something more like intermittent fasting/keto diet, where it's a routine/life change that can potentially be permanent, is more manageable. The whole notion of "going on a temporary diet" never works as a solution long-term. The real fix is adjusting and sticking to a diet that a) is actually good for you, b) you actually enjoy, and c) can comfortably stick to every day for the rest of your life (excepting slight variances to avoid flavor fatigue, while maintaining roughly the same net nutrient intake throughout the day)

>> No.14443761

can't have public healthcare without government-mandated health enforcement
and i mean that in the best way. we should have public health care, and people who refuse to improve their health should be denied human rights

>> No.14443801

Do you really want public healthcare?
I mean all of you faggots claim this, but I don't recall any of you doing anything.
Like you dumbasses could have started putting your own money up for outside of employment collective healthcare insurance, or something.

>> No.14443854

You can't tax fat people, they will say they're like this because of their genetics. And if you even try to fight their genetics, you're worse than Hitler.

>> No.14443877
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I blame America's classic, family-friendly eatery; Johnny Rockets.

>> No.14443898

>50% of us claim to be democratic, or Democratic learners that are pro universal healthcare
>not one of them had the brain power to collectively pay a couple hundred dollars a month for healthcare that everyone can use
Seems strange?

>> No.14443946

what the fuck are you trying to convey with this train wreck of a "post?"
do you need medication?

>> No.14443959

why do you retards always talk about fad diets or fasting/keto

literally just count your calories dumbasses

>> No.14443964

You can't understand the fact that people who claim to want muh public healthcare had never, ever tried setting up collective healthcare payments with each other that everyone can use?
Seems hypocritical that they haven't attempted to do this even though they could have had.

>> No.14443973

Are you braindead?

>> No.14443985

this is mental illness

>> No.14444012
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It is unironically a mental illness. 72% of the US is overweight or obese it's so disgusting

Children who want to be coddled and make excuses. No self control at all

>> No.14444020

Japan has all of this and is the 2nd largest consumer of HFCS
Yet they're all thin because society has more pressure to not be disgusting looking

>> No.14444025

I would save money with single-payer government healthcare. The obscene premiums I used to pay for medical insurance only to be denied coverage on whatever they fucking felt like (this is their only job) made me flip the fuck out every time. I can't even get "health" insurance anymore. Are you insane?

People could still be fat as shit, drink, and smoke all day long and public healthcare would still be cheaper than private insurance.

Kool-aid drinkers ITT.

>> No.14444053

>hur mental illness
Is this the new
>incel, cope
spam that retarded lefties post after reading something that breaks their talking points?
If you want healthcare for everyone then why don't you faggots pay for it?
Democrats can literally start a healthcare program that everyone in the country could use, and fund it out of their own pockets without government approval (just like employers for their employees).
It could cost each of them roughly a couple hundred dollars a month (just like in Japan), but they don't. Why not? Literally, and figuratively nothing stopping them.
>inb4 cope, incel, have sex, u need meds, and etc
Just answer the question tranny.

>> No.14444063

We can stop pumping sugar into everything for starters

>> No.14444069

>I would save money with single-payer government healthcare. The obscene premiums I used to pay for medical insurance only to be denied coverage on whatever they fucking felt like (this is their only job) made me flip the fuck out every time. I can't even get "health" insurance anymore
Then go ahead and start up a collective insurance plan for everyone dickhead.

>> No.14444078

why don't you to go blow each other's cocks on your containment board instead of here

>> No.14444082

Why would I want insurance? I can just start a medical bussing co-op that takes people to Canada and Mexico, pay for medical services and prescriptions in cash, and still come out ahead.

>> No.14444092

You wouldn't have a healthcare problem if you had a decent job, so go for it.

>> No.14444097

Thinking of naming all the busses.
Beetus Express
The S.S. Genetics
The Goodtooth Lolipop

>> No.14444106

Self-employed because I am a true patriot.

>> No.14444112

Because random people on 4chan aren't politicians and don't have a decade's worth of political will to rebuild the healthcare system from the ground up? Jesus, get ahold of yourself.
>Why don't you just change the course of the healthcare system for hundreds of millions of people if you want to solve the problem?
That's you.

>> No.14444120

Name it
>the self deported

>> No.14444127

>has never heard of medical tourism
sweet summer child

>> No.14444135

>change the course of healthcare
It's just buying healthcare as a collective outside of employment
The retarded left could have done that at any time, but they'd rather just bitch about it.
If it was a good idea then every American would pay into it.

>> No.14444143

>medical tourism
Then problem solved, so shut the fuck up.

>> No.14444180

I'd eat this board if I could.

>> No.14444186
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When you have a Dear Leader who is morbidly obese, people fall into goose stepping lines behind him.

>> No.14444201

>It's just buying healthcare as a collective outside of employment
Do you know how long and how much hard work and cash it takes to organize a healthcare collective? This isn't communism, we don't have a fucking Politburo of central organizers doing this. We have a government of representatives, or in your idea the money magically appears day 1 to pay thousands of personnel and rebuild the entire healthcare apparatus.

>If it was a good idea then every American would pay into it.
Sure, just like every American wanted to pay into Obamacare. This is an extra funny statement because this whole argument is premised on the fact that Americans are fat idiots who don't know what's good for them and can't stop scarfing down cheeseburgers every day.

>> No.14444270

>It's just
Lol you're a fucking retard

>> No.14444321

I ate a burrito today that was easily 1000+ calories in one sitting

>> No.14444511

Japan does that though and they have one of the thinnest people on earth.

>> No.14445133

just make P.E. mandatory for all grades, and slackers get the paddle.

>> No.14445189

>I really want thing, b-but it's too hard to accomplish on our own
It's as hard as it is for an employer to set up insurance. It's doable, but probably unsustainable, because it relies on jobless liberals paying a monthly fee instead of sponging every month.

>> No.14445212

>using food to cope
can you even beat that circle in a healthy way? binge eating basically is the only thing that helps my depression

>> No.14445219

That's the healthy version of fast food

>> No.14445225

>brings up 5g
Am I supposed to take you seriously?

>> No.14445237


Seriously, the fat Americans meme needs to stop.

>> No.14445242

You're fucking trash, kill yourself. You know nothing of us.

>> No.14445257

No it isn't. Goddamn you foreign faggots need to die or shut up.

>> No.14445261

Literally look at half of the politicians in Europe. Even the German chancellor is fat.

>> No.14445306
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>> No.14445353

Take things with plate of haggis. Your country doesn't have 328. Million people

>> No.14445376
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>> No.14445413
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>> No.14445436

I'm 6' and 205 lbs and considered obese so I take that with a grain of salt

>> No.14445438

P.E. classes are completely cucked. Nowadays you can’t force children to exercise or you’ll get in trouble, so most schools just let students fuck around during P.E.

The whole system would have to be changed, but that’s not gonna happen.

>> No.14445447
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>DNA-inductor propagated waves

oh no I can feel my DNA being inducted RIGHT NOW

>> No.14445450

>205 pounds

One of the first two statements is a lie. The only way a 6’ person would be obese was if he was over 240 pounds and the only way a 205 pound person would be obese would be if he was a <5’6” manlet.

>> No.14445455

Shit, I meant I'm considered overweight. Forgot there was a tier between normal and obese

>> No.14445475

Overweight if you dont work out. I'm overweight because I ate like shit the past few months because of coronavirus. I'm 6'1 normally around 180, but I'd still consider myself fat. Right now I'm near 200.

>> No.14445724

Get rid of vidya and smartphones. Go back to meeting people and going places, not vegging in front of a screen.

>> No.14445758

cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.14445809

The only way to lose weight is to go above and beyond what a normal person does, and then once you're that weight you have to keep at it then too. If you were ever fat, be it born fat or whatever, you will always be forced to live a harder life than someone who has never been fat, and any single mistake means back to being obese because of fucked up metabolism.
It's not whether people can stop being fat, it's whether, in the 14 hour work day, you want to avoid a fat related heart attack at the cost of getting a stress related heart attack. Or maybe just an ulcer, which then fucks up your diet and exercise regiment and you stay fat anyway.
If you want less obesity, give people more free time. Teaching how to cook healthy foods also helps after that.

>> No.14445826

First they came for the /fit/bro’s, and I said nothing for I was not a /fit/bro...

>> No.14445837

dont do meme shit like keto. even if you lose the weight unless its something your going to do for the rest of your life you will put it back on because you did not develop sustainable habits. encorporate healthy habits that you can sustain for a life for sustained weightloss that will stick. Something like only 10% of people who lose a bunch of weight keep it off cause they do meme shit.

>> No.14446307

Mabey you could get a year citation. You know like anyone who wants to be deemed credible.

>> No.14446309

And source it

>> No.14446312
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i would take the tooth bus to mexico for the cheap dental work

>> No.14446571

>Is there any way average individuals can help reverse this beyond avoiding becoming obese?
I think discipline is a big part of it.
I've lost 25 lbs over the past couple of months just by not eating so fucking much. It helps that I had a decently nutritious diet to begin with, I've never been a fast food junkie or anything, but this is still the first time since probably high school that I've been in a healthy weight range. That's just with diet alone, as well. I could've dropped it faster if I'd actually started exercising.
No amount of education is going to help people if they're still not going to actually do anything about it.

>> No.14446581

>the carbs kicked me out of ketosis
You can get supplements that force you into ketosis immediately instead of having to go weeks with 0 carbs. I used something like that when I went from 230 to 170 a few years ago.

>> No.14446910

>CICO is a myth, give a Jap and a Celt a diet of milk and only one of them will go into ketosis.
Which one?

>> No.14446963

Objectively, buying ingredients and preparing simple meals is cheaper than fast food.
The issue is that even in the modern age of Internet and being able to google any recipe you want, probably a majority of Americans "can't cook."
I don't know if they just never bother trying and assume it's too hard or what, but having some basic cooking classes in high school would probably be good.

>> No.14446982

>vestiges great depression food culture
>and baby boomer era food culture
>increased portion sizes
>calorie dense foods
>additives that are addicting
>exposure to addictive food young
>lack of nutrition education
>lack of cooking education
>lack of physical exercise in daily life
>lack of free time to learn new habits
>lack of free time to cook healthy
It is much easier to profit off addicted fatties. Being fat is pretty engrained in the modern world because it brings the big bucks as they live and as they die. The cultural shift required would be blocked by the very addicts you are trying to save and buried by food lobbyists. The pizza lobby exists for a reason, anon. Are you willing to fight to ban all access to mass-produced pizza, and all other bad foods, for the rest of your life? All for fatties you don't know?