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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14441251 No.14441251[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you drink coffee or (((coffee)))?

>> No.14441253


>> No.14441254


>> No.14441257

Coffee can be good for you. Until it's not. Also, aren't multiple parenthesis some sort of race-baiting cucked /pol/ meme?

>> No.14441271

Yes, it's a meme for cucks

>> No.14441274

t. (((coffee))) lovers.

>> No.14441275
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I don't drink

>> No.14441291

That's right, I *sip*.

>> No.14441317

i switch between them depending on my mood
blow me faggot

>> No.14441333

Your that faggot on gif arent you

>> No.14441334
File: 279 KB, 1280x1920, coffee_croissant_cigarette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the real deal

>> No.14441339

I like both

>> No.14441340

I drink sugar free energy drinks with a minimum of 160mg caffeine per can, coffee is just not strong enough. Nothing like slamming one after a night shift just to make the insanity continue

>> No.14441344

what the fuck do you think antioxidants and caffeine are?

>> No.14441348

lay off the caffie, you junkie fuck

>> No.14441370
File: 48 KB, 1024x1536, 25F3F638-1F22-41AC-B56E-1D7DA969F56A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and espresso pilled

>> No.14441371

Who drinks coffee with a straw??

>> No.14441396

Americans are very important and busy people. We have to have our food in portable form. A good daily meal of iced coffee and a crunchwrap supreme.

>> No.14441400

Coffee is bad for you anon

>> No.14441401

This but change the massive “we’re busy” cope with “we spend half of our day stuck in traffic and we need to eat/drink in our cars”

>> No.14441408

barbarically gay, like very seriously a faggot

>> No.14441419
File: 88 KB, 900x545, gx11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cars are a symbol of unbridled FREEDOM.

High speed rail that goes 200+mph? a working public transport? infrastructure and bridges that are well maintained instead of being full of potholes and falling into pieces? NAH MAN those are for filthy commies and socialists. Give me a gas guzzling piece of shit SUV stuck in LA traffic all day, everyday

>> No.14441427

Sorry no can do, the best I can offer is more welfare payments and section 8 housing.

>> No.14441454

Name better coffee

>> No.14441464

You should try it. I tried it one morning in Paris. It was a great way to start the morning.

Oh and the cigarette, espresso, and pastry was a great breakfast too

>> No.14441474

Gimmie a coffee. Black. Don’t even bother offering milk, cream, or sugar. Keep the change.

>> No.14441483

Coffee with extra half-n-half, no sugar. freshly ground beans made at home btw

>> No.14441486

Just made myself some good quality coffee starting out with freshly ground beans and a cafetiere. It's expensive stuff so I only have it a couple of times a week. Most of the time I have instant espresso powder with a dash of full cream milk (but never any sugar).

>> No.14441541
File: 275 KB, 1654x837, KAI0362-Caffeine-intake-S2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14441550


>> No.14441557

I'll have an iced tea please. No sugar, I have my own Stevia
Thanks anon

>> No.14441562

Literally go back to R*ddit.

>> No.14441569
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The patrician's Gfuel

>> No.14441574

My dudes, I fucking get it.
If you think you're a badass for ordering black coffee, then you're a fucking retard.
I don't drink coffee except for maybe three times a year. It's a fucking stupid drink, it tastes like shit, and pretending to love/need it because you've developed a caffeine addiction is just plain fucking retarded.
There is a special place in my heart for what I call "shitty gas station coffee" which is just coffee drowned with creamer only to be consumed alongside a cigarette. It's a nostalgic/ritualistic thing for me.
Otherwise, when I drink coffee when I really fucking need it (road trip, study session, to feign sobering up, etc) I just order an iced coffee with no ice and drink it as fast as I fucking can to get the intended effect.
Point being, coffee is fucking retarded.
If coffee is a significant part of your personality, you're a milquetoast fuck.

>> No.14441578

lmao get a load of this faggot he actually knows what reddit is haha what a fucking nerd

>> No.14441581

I actually kind of agree with this except for the cigarette part

>> No.14441582
File: 116 KB, 1900x1079, sign of the autobahn god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know a bit more about the joy and freedom of cars than you, Amerifat.

>> No.14441589

>not being a grown up and knowing the places you shouldnt be

>> No.14441591

Why do you faggots project your toddler palate onto everyone else? If you wince at a sip of black coffee like a kid, that's your own problem, manchild.

>> No.14441597


the only people ho drink coffee are people who hate their lives

>> No.14441598

“Coffee”: drinkable
Actual coffee: burnt dirt flavored

>> No.14441607

>arrested for putting on an exhaust tip

>> No.14441608

t. obese faggot
I don't add dirt to my coffee nor do I over-roast the beans so I never had that problem.

Cope more, kid-palated retards.

>> No.14441612

Fuck coffee. It's about having your epic gamer moment of Gfuel.

>> No.14441619

Yes, I'm a Jew.
Fuck you faggot, I was browsing 4Chan when you were getting snowballed by your Mom's bull.

>> No.14441625

>Fuck you faggot, I was browsing 4Chan when you were getting snowballed by your Mom's bull.


>> No.14441631

Why does black coffee always trigger people?
There is always a flock of manchildren who without a hint of irony claim that the millions of people who drink black coffee are "pretending" to like it or claiming that coffee tastes "burnt".

>> No.14441643

>it’s popular so it can’t be bad

>> No.14441646


If he was getting snowballed by his mom's bull, wouldn't the bull be his father and you would instead just refer to his mother's husband as his mother's cuck instead?

Unless the bull was for some reason snowballing his mother's husband's cum before somehow inseminating her with it, which is kinda gay for a bull desu

>> No.14441817

I like it with a little heavy cream

>> No.14441828

Its a defense mechanism to cope for the fact that they KNOW their palate is puerile, but they lack the courage to expand their horizons and shake of the conditioning from (((them)))

>> No.14441832
File: 76 KB, 552x1000, Aryan Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Blond.

>> No.14441839

I drink both types on rare occasions but I don't require it to function everyday like most people.

>> No.14441867

both are shit
- bitter
- gives you the shits
- highly acidic, really bad if you have weaker stomach/GERD and can give you bloating regardless
- expensive, if you count the equipment and price of beans and time needed to make it; onstant is garbage
all this for a measly fix of caffeine that you can get from anywhere

>> No.14441871

>being addicted to coffee in the first place

>> No.14441882
File: 326 KB, 556x415, 1588942894214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drink what i want and dont let (((reddit))) tell me what im supposed to like.

>> No.14441903

If your coffee is bitter, you are buying bottom-of-the-barrel beans. Also I don't shit myself or have GERD. Stop projecting your gastrointestinal issues. And I don't drink it for the caffeine.

>> No.14441913

>muh addiction
Nice yoga mom meme

>> No.14441915

widdle baby

>> No.14441916

>Do you drink coffee or (((coffee)))?
OP, comedian and actor, Denis Leary from his LocknLoad album/tour, more than 10 years ago, has a terrifically funny 30 minute rant about coffee. If you haven't heard it, the main point is wanting some coffee-flavored coffee in these days, pure and simple.
He's an acquired taste, careful the language in other words,but the angry smoker ranting (if you don't already love his language).

>> No.14441923
File: 25 KB, 600x455, working-class scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking coffee through a straw

>> No.14441925

I drink iced coffee with some creamer. International Delight Amaretto is my favorite.

>> No.14441929

Pretty funny that you post a Bristish person, known for their bad teeth.

Coffee makes your teeth black.

>> No.14441934
File: 114 KB, 640x300, 1593952505008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mention /pol/ on a blue board, you get what you ask for. Cant I just browse this cooking board in peace???