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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 440x330, Agaricus_bisporus_mushroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14423120 No.14423120 [Reply] [Original]

what if i eat only mushrooms?

>> No.14423123

Then there will be a fungus among us.

>> No.14423128

you will die
like the guy who wanted to only eat water

>> No.14423134

I some funny mushrooms a few nights ago and tripped balls for like 6 hours
Was pretty fun, mushrooms are cool

>> No.14423164

Probably end up with some kind of nutrient deficiency

>> No.14423189

You would starve yourself to death.

>> No.14423202

You would become a fun guy.

>> No.14423233
File: 233 KB, 691x1037, 345346343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll colonize your body and turn you into one of them.

>> No.14423237

Every time I see a mushroom I stop and observe briefly. They got that energy.

>> No.14423248

I think I see why they're getting used for psychiatry. I was a UAV pilot and probably had some latent PTSD, and took shrooms with my roommates, and had a life changing experience.

>> No.14423308

>wooaah bro, I used to bomb middle eastern civilians but these magic mushrooms make me forget all that and we’re just human :)

>> No.14423320
File: 510 KB, 1000x1000, 1439931364364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll turn into one of da boyz

>> No.14423326

Yeah. Fuck, I was 19-22 and pretty much killed dozens of people, and then had good friends then went off and died, so there's survivors guilt. It's not great, but it's almost always some betafag that wants to judge me about it.

>> No.14423339

Genuinely not trying to judge you but there’s a lot of teenagers that join the armed forces that don’t understand the kind of toll taking a human life imparts on someone. You were merely a victim of propaganda and too-good-to-be-true promises.

>> No.14423355

Beta. Right. Sorry at 19-22 I wasn’t “alpha” enough to wanna Jill innocent civilians under false pretenses for a fascist imperialist government that fucks it’s own citizens. This little thing I have called a “conscience” has always gotten in the way of that.

Fucking disgusting idiot murderer. Kill yourself. You should’ve died with your friends, but you were such an “alpha” you sat your fat mutt ass behind a screen to kill.

>> No.14423364

TBF he might’ve actually killed rapists and murderers

>> No.14423365

Pretty much, yeah
I never said I was alpha, I was a fucking brainiac, which is why I played murder video games instead of kicking down doors. My point still stands that it's always sheltered limp wrist faggots that are the ones to judge people in the military.

>> No.14423366

lol okay beta

>> No.14423387

Naw, add them shrooms to chicken noodle soup and enjoy.

>> No.14423400


It's always queers like this that think they'd be the hero that didn't participate in pain and suffering even though they export it all over the world with their consumerism. They are literally the fags that see some article like "98 year old librarian for the nazis sentenced to life in prison" and shit on them thinking they'd be that one fucking person that wouldn't have done the same. I hope you fucking die a tortuous death, not even being edgy here.

>> No.14423420

You all come across as morons that that have never worked for a dollar for day in your lives, that's why you suck so much.

>> No.14423433
File: 87 KB, 640x720, Y2OwVgY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks military slaves don't work for a living

>> No.14423438

You faggot foreigners expect shit from the USA, GTFO! You think we suck, then why do you do come here, GTFO!

>> No.14423439

Connect one thing to do with another?
You dumb sack of shit.

>> No.14423452

What the fuck is your problem with out military? Seriously, give me a problem? I certainly wouldn't want to be their problem. But what a naive sucker like you is that, that a lot of people die because of political bullshit, you don't understand that we don't know that? What are you not only stupid and naive? That's not a good way to go through life, bitch.

>> No.14423464
File: 21 KB, 500x500, P38_Can_Opener-US_Army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One for our US Army friends!

>> No.14423469
File: 105 KB, 1080x870, 2D06AB71-B6ED-41A3-B632-5A66E15DAAB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s-a my job!

>> No.14423499
File: 560 KB, 600x595, 1501897857666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooooh, nice!

>> No.14423504

I like chopping up mushrooms and adding them to chile, they give a nice consistancy and some savory without using that stupid jap word unami.

>> No.14423527

Reading comprehension much? I'm responding to the guy that's criticizing militaryfags. I served, and it's basically indentured servitude. I don't love it, but it's a great option for people that don't come from privileged families.

>> No.14423556

I came from a poor family, some of them where military some not. I got jobs right out of school, it didn't mean that any of us that weren't drafted weren't from "priveleged" as you claim.
You just seem to have a bug up your ass.

>> No.14423562

be quiet you poor faggot

>> No.14423567

How how take that bug up your ass and shove it where the sun don't shine. Then there's no reason to be arguing with eatch other. No reason indeed.

>> No.14423573

shoo poorfag

>> No.14423572

As you say.

>> No.14423575

does mushroom even have nutrients

>> No.14423579

Why? Who are you to tell me to tell me so?

>> No.14423580

no, there's not mushroom in them

>> No.14423582

I came from a rural area. I did shop all years of HS and was a badass arc welder. I couldn't find a job for shit because all you could find in that area was retail at the one shopping center in town or in the few fabricators or mechanics or farms in town, which were never hiring because they only hired their children and their children's friends. Maybe I'm salty about it, but I'm 31 now, so I'm probably over it. There was almost no opportunity where I grew up. And I'm the UAV fag. I literally got a perfect score on my ASVAB, and did the military because it was my only realistic option because I'm white. I couldn't get a scholarship, but I did trades instead of sports, and the only people I knew that got them were sports people and minorities.

>> No.14423584

It's nice sliced in clile to add so called "mouthfeel" and umami. It just tastes good.

>> No.14423585

psssst hey kid over here

>> No.14423588

Fuck off with your copypasta, really piss off.

>> No.14423589

You sound like the salty one friend.

>> No.14423592

ha ha you're poor lmao

>> No.14423594

We don't do that to each other.

>> No.14423595

Not anymore, I'm a nurse that's in PA school.

>> No.14423598

It all has to be in fun, once it's not, than you get it.

>> No.14423599

what are you trying to say? you've got the mental illnesses my friend

>> No.14423600


Well, I'm poor by old money standards, but I doubt old money folks shitpost on a Taiwanese cat fighting forum.

>> No.14423603

What if I eat only rabbit?

>> No.14423609


>> No.14423611

Read the book.
All Quiet On the Western Front.
Nobody sane wants again.

>> No.14423631

That's a harsh one and you know it.

>> No.14423689

Jesus m8 go to a hospital your stroking out

>> No.14423704

Everyone is talking shit on you because they’re sheltered underage faggots but I feel for you anon, and I’m not even a military fag. I just actually have life experience and empathy and have genuinely been in a position where I considered joining up because my parents were shitheads so obsessed with their own bullshit they never cared enough to teach me anything or help me in any way besides the basic necessities and assumed school would somehow teach me to do everything forever.
Your first mistake was only specializing in one pretty specific skill, your second mistake was joining as a drone operator thinking it would spare you any of the madness. Nevertheless, there’s many people who have been put into your exact position (minus all the tech) for thousands of years and it’s genuinely nobody’s fault but the elites of this gay earth.

>> No.14423731

My recruiter wasn't a shitbag, he was probably one of the most honest people I'd ever dealt with.The whole MOS choice was that it was a huge sign on bonus and very low risk. But my HS didn't offer a whole lot, I graduated 07 and the most tech oriented things it offered was CISCO and "technology". I was maybe a tard for not doing CISCO, but I did tech and it was no more advanced than basic breadboard shit. Otherwise all we had was shop and small engine repair.

>> No.14423755

High schools can no longer adequately prepare kids to enter the workforce, really. I'm a highschool teacher, in business ed, and we talk about this shit all the time, and I just sit there and quietly think about how it's all bullshit. These classes aren't meant to give you any skills, but help you a)get thru school and b) prepare you to pursue post high school education in this field.

>> No.14423761

They definitely weren't that way when I was in. But isn't that (the accurate) millennial meme? Have they not fixed that shit at all yet?

>> No.14423775

The second people in America realize our educational system is outdated, broken, and pathetic, the generations pre-upgrade are going to get left in the fucking dust by 12 year olds doing multi variable calculus.
It’s absolutely fucking pathetic how little value my education was, and it wasn’t even that long ago compared to anyone who isn’t underage b& around here. I was learning about civil rights a month out of the year every year? What fucking right does a 6 year old have learning this shit from someone other than their parents or history books as a teenager? Meanwhile I was taught literally PEMDAS over the course of SIX WHOLE FUCKING YEARS??? What fucking 10 year old is still learning multiplication the FOURTH time in a fucking row they’re taught it? But no, let’s initiate this “no child left behind” garbage and absolutely stunt the mental growth of any kid that is above average bc other kids might “feel bad”

What an absolute god awful abomination education has become in the US, all about money and posturing and nothing to do with education or children’s potential.

>> No.14423781

Lol, the first 2 years of college/university are just rehashing HS shit too.

>> No.14423784

Nobody gives a flying fuck about fixing the education system because it would require completely and totally destructing every last bit of the current system and that would cost a lot of money, take a lot of time, incur a lot of risk (because ever-aging dipshits will still be in charge of the reform), and most likely millions of people would be forced to accept that their children are not equal with everyone else (which is okay!!! PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT GOD DAMMIT) and all of those things sound really hard and doesn’t the educational system kinda work anyway? I just want to send them off while I work so I can sit em in front of a tv when I get home, why can’t things just go back to the way they were when I was a kid and things were perfect... *sighs morosely*

>> No.14423790

You entered a thread about edible mushrooms and started giving everyone your tragic life story. Shut the fuck up you drone pilot pussy, daring to call others "limp wristed"

>> No.14423791

That’s partially because stupid fucks will waste years of their life in high school being stupid fucks and then get a dead end job for 4 years before deciding “college is just right for me” and then get themselves into a debt for an English degree despite the fact they’ve never written a single line of text worth jack shit their entire pathetic lives
They don’t really need the education, just the debt and the confidence to run their lives further into the ground supporting the US economic debt machine

>> No.14423830

This mirrors most of my thoughts pretty well. I've put off thinking about it until I get closer to having children though. Going to be a scary moment. Maybe I'll try to have enough worth stockpiled and being made, and the luck of finding a smart wife, so that the children can be home-schooled and then skip grades. But then I'll have to figure out the whole socialization thing.
It's a scary future to consider. All those bad options over worse options.

>> No.14423856

Neighbors buddy. Unless the parents are weird (you might want to move to a relatively small town to avoid the fake ass retards living in more densely populated places) your kid will have friends. Neighbor kids will be friends even if they’re really different solely on the basis that they live near each other so there isn’t much choice. I had neighbors that are still my bro’s to this day and without them I would’ve had literally 0 friends because public schools are really just that shitty. I was able to have more friends in a city where I didn’t even go to school just because I had a few cool neighbors that opened me up to really experiencing what being a kid was all about, petty crimes and running around a city bored as fucking hell. Obviously you don’t want your kid doing dumb shit, but you get the point.

>> No.14423857

just like my hentai doujins

>> No.14423862

How cares about war crimes? let's talk about mushrooms

>> No.14423873

What’s your favorite? Have you foraged any or just store bought? Ever tried any that were unique/rare?

My gf’s great aunt has a bag, long forgotten in a cupboard, of dried wood eat mushrooms. I want to try them, but she was a bit senile in her old age, so the validity of a wood ear identification is dubious at best AND if they’re even actually the right mushrooms they were almost definitely found and dried over ten years ago at the least.

>> No.14423881

Usually buy them in a local farmers mart, i really enjoy eating them raw and uncooked

>> No.14423882

>raw and uncooked

>> No.14423897

You type like reddit. lurk more.

>> No.14423901

give them a chance the moist is the best part

>> No.14423904

It was only offered as info that shrooms are kinda cool, everyone else got all bottled tears about it. But mention anything America, and expect 4chan or Reddit to shit their pants about it.

>> No.14423913

>satirical argument
>looks like reddit
Sounds pretty fitting, dipshit. Learn English.

>> No.14423916

Oh yeah and it’s lurk moar newfag

>> No.14423919

Observing wild mushrooms makes me anxious. I don't like fungi.

>> No.14423928

Glad that worked out for you man
Grow up, loser

>> No.14423929

It’s probably an evolutionary trait spurned by your ancestors desire to not eat poisonous mushrooms like they’re retarded brother-cousin that shit blood for 3 days and died

>> No.14423935

Facts, same feeling I get when I see an animal carcass or slime on the surface of tepid water. A mixture of vague nausea, itchy skin, and fear

>> No.14423995

oof, for me it’s rotting carcasses and spiders (bc those tiny little fucks can literally ruin your life, I can see a fucking snake but I can’t always see a stupid black/brown speck in a fucking corner)

>> No.14424072

I always get a big ol box of medium size button mushrooms or crimini mushrooms and i take the stems out so theyre like a little bowl. Then i wrap them each in a strip of bacon with the fatty end sort of “stuffed” inside the mushroom so that the greasy bacon liquid just pools inside of it because im a diabolical fat fuck. Then i cook them on indirect heat on my weber (charcoal) grill. I do the same except i fill the mushroom bowl with a noce pesto and when theyre about 5mins from being done i put a nice amount of fresh mozzarella on top and let them melt. I fucking love bacon wrapped mushrooms and theyre the perfect drinking food

>> No.14424092

This sounds pretty good but and realistically it isn’t so bad. Sure you’re eating bacon but as long as it isn’t an absurd amount (which I’m sure you’ve done at least once) you’re really not eating some insane amount of calories.

>> No.14424194

I wrap one strip around each mushroom and probably eat about 4 or 5 so idk i dont count calories i just try not to eat like garbage during the week. But every saturday is when i go balls-out

>> No.14424212

this was supposed to be a comfy lighthearted mushroom thread