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14422996 No.14422996[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>visiting Europe
>go to restaurant for lunch
>very hot day, my hotel doesn't have AC, so I order water with my meal
>server brings me water but it has no ice
>ask server for ice
>she says they don't have an ice maker

>> No.14423010

that's ok because cold water throws off your chi

>> No.14423046

One of the weirdest things about Europe for me as an American was how reluctant restaurants were to give you water, especially cold water.. You usually had to explicitly ask for it and then it would be a very small glass of luke warm water which they would not refill unless you again specifically asked for it

>> No.14423060

I heard that in Germany you actually have to pay for your water

>> No.14423062

contrast this with American restaurants where you are immediately given a large cup of ice water which is usually promptly refilled, or they straight up give you a large pitcher of water to refill yourself as you go

>> No.14423071

The strangest thing to me as an American was that yuropoors had no water or food at all. Well I guess that's not strange for them. Different culture I guess

>> No.14423073

You probably have tipping culture to thank for that

>> No.14423076

I found that restaurants were constantly trying to scam you into buying sparkling water, you had to specifically ask for tap water or they would bring you some bottled water you had to pay for
I think its all across Europe, not just Germany, saw it in Amsterdam, London, Prague, Munich, basically everywhere I went

>> No.14423081

but it genuinely makes me think Euros do not drink as much water as Americans

>> No.14423090

but like why can't euro's just go the carafe of water for the table route that a lot of nice restaurants in the US do? There isn't even much labor involved in that

I think its especially noticeable as a tourist since you are typically walking around outside a a whole lot more than in normal life so extra thirsty

>> No.14423095

I have no idea. Wait until Europeans chime in. I was just making a wild guess.

>> No.14423109
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The no AC thing always confused me. I read that thousands die every year during summer because of heat.

>> No.14423140
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I’ve only visited once briefly and I found that most places gave you water although I did have to ask for tap water specifically. What was terrible was when I lived in Korea and they would only give you a thimble full of water they use these little stainless steel cups couldn’t be more than an 8th of a cup. Apparently you’re only supposed to drink water at the end of the meal?

>> No.14423358

That or they will bring you carbonated water which might be even worse, and they’ll charge you seven euros for it

>> No.14423403

Someone post the pasta with the ugly Game of Thrones chick

>> No.14423445

lol you dont have bread shut up

>> No.14423447

Neither ice maker nor AC are standard equipment here. I don’t really know why you’d need them. I never needed either. Perhaps you’re too fat to live?

>> No.14423463

>t. soon to be victim of global warming

>> No.14423465

Holy shit dude it's 2020, get with the times

>> No.14423486

Past few summers really were fucking hot and AC would probably be nice, but this year we’re back to the good old summer days in Europe.
I still don’t see what’s wrong with cold water from tap, for other drinks ice just dilutes them anyway.

>> No.14423496

ask for a big glass of tap water, i always get cold water. Just make sure to explicitly state tap water or some scummy restaurants will scam you for a small 3€ bottled water.

>I heard that in Germany you actually have to pay for your water
some charge although its like 20c, only shit restaurants do it.

Its because ACs aren't really needed in north east and some of central europe. If your hotel or restaurant didn't have AC it was just shit.
Also electricity is quite expensive thanks to green cucks.

>> No.14423533

yeah, this is fucking dumb, why would anyone ever want carbonated water? Just trying to scam people

>> No.14423535


>> No.14423540

>I don’t really know why you’d need them
because it is fucking summer and this isn't the third world?

>> No.14423551


>t. I'm too poor to afford these luxuries

Even niggers can afford AC in the US