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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 110 KB, 1360x1804, Ultimate-Meat-Lasagna-3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14421548 No.14421548 [Reply] [Original]

Lasagna is the superior form of pasta
>layered structure gives it the accessibility of a hamburger, allowing one to witness what they're eating beforehand
>simple shape of the noodles allows Even an idiot to Make a decent batch
> lasagna itself is very lenient concerning which ingredients go into it, Making it as customizable as pie

>> No.14421555

I kinda wouldn't mind a thread about lasagna. But OP kinda seems like he doesn't know anything about it and might have been dropped on his head as a kid. /ck/ used to be better.

>> No.14421576

there are a lot of threads like that

>> No.14421581

Most of his points are correct though

>> No.14421842

Bump because I find this funny

>> No.14421872

I sometimes make lasagna but substitute elbo or egg noodles mix everything up and bake it in a pan.

>> No.14421880

>/ck/ used to be better.
The other day I was in a thread and had dozens of people unironically defending mushroom omelettes as being acceptable cuisine. Mushrooms, the savoury fungus, and eggs, essentially tasteless sponges. It's as if they had never heard of "flavour profile".

/ck/ was never good.

>> No.14421889

Eggs are delicious. I'll defend that claim.

>> No.14421920

This is not a discussion about the taste of eggs, it's a discussion about these 2 different foods not mixing well together. Eggs are flat, they have no punch, no undertones, no surprise. As an omelette, they became even blander because they lose the creaminess of the yolk. Mushrooms on an omelette = putting savoury, soft, pillowy/velvety flavour-enhancers on a bland fluffy slice of nothing. What flavour are you enhancing? The flavour of blandness?

>> No.14421927

wat r u talking about
mushrooms are meaty fleshy things, perfect omelette filling

>> No.14421936

Stupid fucking commoner.

>> No.14422000

Fuck kinda thread?

>> No.14422058

I know people have been telling you you're uncommon all your life, but it was never a compliment.

>> No.14422071

Lasagna is just savoury cake, stop eating like a child.

>> No.14422073
File: 1.56 MB, 320x201, e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday I'd like to make a huge fat cheesy lasagna all for myself and cut out a huge piece right from the middle and gorge myself like a monster. OP's pic is making me so hungry.

>> No.14422085

I bet you eat muffins for breakfast.

>> No.14422159

but every other type of pasta is much more convenient to make into a meal.
you just boil it and serve it with butter or something.
You cook the mushrooms until they've been reduced into shrivelled little bitches then you add flavour to those mushrooms with a sauce of your choice or just salt and pepper and then have them with eggs. You are turning the mushrooms into flavour bombs, not using them to compliment or absorb egg.

>> No.14422165

English muffins with egg on top, yes.

>> No.14422235

That looks like a pretty tasty fucking lasagna

>> No.14422252

I called you commoner because you have the palate of a medieval villager biased by never having known any better. It's not an insult, it's just a statement of fact.

>You add flavour to those mushrooms with a sauce of your choice or just salt and pepper
Interesting. Do you also "add flavour" to your spices? Do you use sauce on sweet corn? Do you salt and pepper your fruit?

Please stop unintentionally proving my point. I don't want a repeat of that thread.

>> No.14422266

lmao this nigga so mad he got btfo'd last time that he's digging it up again

>> No.14422278

You are indeed uncommon.

>> No.14422282

Horrible pic. No ricotta layers. Not even browned on top.


>> No.14422905
File: 240 KB, 499x665, 1536102064588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a lasagna post
and not layering it
>between tasty greentext noodles
is a mistake only roo/ck/ies would make
>so enjoy my pasta, you fag

>> No.14422926


>ricotta in lasagna

>> No.14424293

a mushroom is not a spice. a mushroom is often even used as a meat substitute because of its texture.

You are too hung up with some random category you found in a book because if you cook the mushrooms rights then they are great with eggs for breakfast.

>> No.14424324

I put a bit of chilli in the mince mix