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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 624 KB, 1920x960, do-germans.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14419222 No.14419222 [Reply] [Original]

What do Germans typically keep in their refrigerators/freezers, and eat at home?

>> No.14419333

bissi käs, wurst, essiggurken, leberwoscht, bissi gemüs wenn du magst, sardinen und dosenfisch, etc

>> No.14419388

Show the contents of your fridge kraut.

>> No.14419444
File: 64 KB, 630x399, wurscht aufschnitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milk, yoghurt, pickled cucumbers, cheese, sausages (see image), vegetables, eggs

>> No.14419449
File: 21 KB, 600x748, thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Germans not have their own refrigerators?

>> No.14419450


>> No.14419454

surrender the contents of your fridge, kraut

>> No.14419456

>image search

>> No.14419459

>go upstairs to get camera
>go downstairs to go to fridge
>take photo of fridge contents
>go upstairs
>search for the right cable to connect camera to pc
>transfer image from camera to pc
>erase metadata from image
>search for "wursch aufschnitt"
>pick an image within a few seconds

>> No.14419498

>hiding the fact that he only has pickle juice, and old condiments in his refrigerator

>> No.14419531


>> No.14419578
File: 2.72 MB, 1294x1545, badfridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roast me, do your worst.

>> No.14419585

It would have been better if you posted
>do your würst
But I can't expect normal people to have a trained comedic response whenever one arises.

>> No.14419587

Wo ist der Senf??

>> No.14419591

left side, Herr Kühlschrankinspektor.

>> No.14419606

I´ve seen worse. But not much.

>> No.14419608

"Bautzner". Perfect Bratwurst-Mustard.

>> No.14419615

fun fact, due to my shitty phone camera it looks actually better then it should. Haven't cleaned that one in 5 years.

>> No.14419637

So, you have the last EHEC-Free Cucumber sitting there?

>> No.14419650

its sitting there for a week now. I probably should finish it soon.

>> No.14419660
File: 2.60 MB, 4624x2604, 1576883498794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fight me

>> No.14419669

Cheap, not overbearing in taste and available pretty much anywhere in Germany.

While there are better mustards most are either expensive as hell, expire fast or have a taste thats brilliant for one specific application but horrible for all others. So for me it's Bautz'ner.

>> No.14419726
File: 1.63 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20200718_145850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine,i post mine too.
Cooling Section.

>> No.14419728
File: 1.72 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20200718_145814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Door.

>> No.14419735
File: 1.82 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20200718_145918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freezer Part 1.

>> No.14419738
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20200718_145930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freezer Part 2.

>> No.14419746

Thats it. With the "Kühne" Pickles, way too many Sauces and "Hela Ketchup i think it´s pretty German looking.

>> No.14419757

I thought euros didn't refrigerate eggs?

>> No.14419765

You wash then refrigerate to make them last longer.

>> No.14419780

Strange. Nearly all people i know keep their Eggs in the Refrigerator.
As >>14419765 mentioned, i wash them before.
It´s the same with Ketchup,Mustard, nearly every kind of bottled Sauce. I KNOW they dont need to be cooled, but it feels safer to me.

>> No.14419784

>2 places for eggs for 6 eggs each
a little weird, but whatever
>food that comes in toothpaste tubes
I only see this in yuro countries
what are the 2 bottles of peach colored stuff in the door?
oh and
>putting tobasco in the fridge
this isnt necessary at all just to let you know

>> No.14419789


>> No.14419809

The Toothpaste-Tube is Tomatopurree? Concentrated Tomatos. This is btw op when used on a Sandwich with Peanutbutter and a slice of old Gouda.

The 2 "Peach"-colored Bottles are "Eierlikör". Eggnot with Alcohol.
And if you asked for that other Yellow Bottle in the cooler, it´s a pretty common Sauce here called "Hamburgersauce". Some relict from the 80´s that lived on until today. Dont ask^^.

>> No.14419810

>ketchup, mustard, sauce doesnt need it
not really true. restaurants may not do this because a bottle of ketchup or mustard will be used within a few days. in your home it will stay there much longer and will go off after a few weeks of getting warm. I sure as hell wouldnt leave my ketchup out in my kitchen. I dont leave my AC on when im not home so it gets hot in my house. those condiments would be absolutely ruined.

>> No.14419815


>> No.14419822

why is this a video

>> No.14419823

>search for the right cable to connect camera to pc
email yourself the image
>erase metadata from image
4chan has done this for years

>> No.14419825

>bottled eggnog
sort of want to try.
>hamburger sauce
sounds based.

>> No.14419836

>>I dont leave my AC on
Now THIS is something completly different between our countrys. We dont even have an AC. No one i know owns one. Ok, in the Cars, but not in our homes.
With 2.4KW/h it would kill our electric bill.
Electricity is sooo expensive, i pay already 130.-€ per month.

>> No.14419874

what part of Germany doesnt get warm enough to need AC? not even a small window unit to cool your bedroom? I thought it still gets somewhat hot there in summer. I live in the southern US, even indoors with all the fans on and windows open would be unbearable with no AC. also, mold would grow like crazy inside because of the horrible humidity. new homes basically need AC now, its interesting to see houses built before air conditioning was invented and how they all had huge porches to sit outside for this reason.
>130€ a month
ok so thats 150 bucks. not the end of the world I guess. I pay about 90 a month even when I do leave the AC running non stop for days sometimes. so about 79€
I wonder why power is more expensive there.

>> No.14419878

>bottled eggnog
>sort of want to try.
I thought Eggnog is an american X-Mess Thing.
Even in "Two and a half Man" Jake got drunk on that stuff in one Episode.
>hamburger sauce
>sounds based.
No,it´s not. It is a kind of Remoulade from 70´s-80´s German Hamburgers.
You must know that most of us discovered the real Burger-Culture just a few Years ago. Now we try to hide this kind of Sauce of pure ashamemend. It´s some sort of a childhood-memory. If you grow up with that stuff and realise later in life that it was all a lie...you dont want to give it up. Like a bad behavior like smoking or a mildly adict.

Sorry for my bad english,btw.

>> No.14419900

Tabasco und die Sojasauce oder was das ist müssen nicht in den Kühlschrank.

>> No.14419903

Ok, i live in the Middle Part. The last 5 Years it was sometimes over 42°C outside. But no, not even a small window unit. It is not a German thing. But i guess, if it´s still getting hotter and hotter from year to year, that will change.

130.-€ is expenive as fuck. 10 Years back it was at 55.-€, but thx to Mama Merkel and all our greedy,incompetent politicans we had to buy our power from other countrys.
"Öko-Strom-Umlage". For going full frontal Green, we have to pay for that shit. No add the prices for Gasoline and Food. It is NOT cheap to live here.

>> No.14419909

Gutes Auge, ist wirklich Sojasauce.
Muss nicht, aber schadet auch nicht.
Sofern ich nicht gerade in einen Bloody Mary Wahn verfalle, hällt eine kleine Flasche Tabasco bei mir über ein Jahr.

>> No.14419917

yes, people only drink eggnog for Christmas here. Even then it seems to not be that popular anymore. I make it on Christmas Eve if im at a family thing, but only me and my grandma usually drink it. its delicious.
>hamburger sauce is a lie, it always was
lol when I get a hamburger in a diner, I put Heinz 57 on it.
I want to visit Germany while I still can.

>> No.14419947

I see, so its some globohomo "green" reason they are forcing you to get power from other countries. Nuclear power isnt green enough? I hope merkel gets a brain prion from a bad adrenochrome supply and fucking dies.
funny now that you mention it, I have really powerful AC in my house, but not in any of my vehicles. I have a truck and a car with no AC so I have to drive fast with the windows down to not have a heat stroke.

>> No.14419958

Lol, same goes for me with the US.
Mostly S.F and Maine.
S.F because...im a Nerd,so yeah. And Maine because i hate hot Areas, i like Forrests and im a Fan of Stephen King.

If you come over here, be aware that not whole Germany looks like Bavaria. Only Bavaria looks so. Wanna see Girls in Dirndls? Dont search for them in Hamburg or Berlin.
Hamburg and Berlin are btw completly leftist Areas. I sweard to myself, my Feets will NEVER touch Berlin Ground unless i need them to change the Train.

Düsseldorf has the 2.nd biggest Popoulation of Japanese Folks outside of Japan. They are all pretty cool.

If you can manage to come here, you must! try a Currywurst. Sadly the bests are available in Berlin.
Hmmm...whats more?
Wanna eat real Sauerkraut+Haxn? Bavaria.
And one last thing most doesnt even know about: "Sauerbraten with Raisins". If you could get your Hands on this Food, try it. I hate Raisins, but in Sauerbraten they are delicius.
Oh, in our bigger Citys nearly everyone can speak english. Most of them way better then me.

We arent the bad Nazi´s anymore and im sure you would hafe a pretty nice Trip here.

>> No.14419973

>no beer, mustard, or kraut

>> No.14419988

There is Mustard. The little blue Box is called "Bautzner" and it is the best Mustard for "Bratwurst" out there.
Not all of us eat Kraut on a regular Base.
The lack of Beer is curious.

>> No.14420002

What’s the go to beer of Germany? If there is such a thing. I have family in Bavaria so I’ve gotten the stereotypical southern German tour but never went north of Augsburg

>> No.14420017

Radeberger, Köstritzer (is a dark one). To be honest, i drink only Faxe Black. I think most of the classical German Beers are massivly overrated.
"Störtebeckers" have some decent ones in their portfolio.

>> No.14420036
File: 49 KB, 250x1024, 767ED354-E955-49EA-993C-75E2CF6161F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kostritzer man, the only true Schwarzbier you can find on the east coast. I’m big into Ayinger too, and I’ll keep an eye out for the others you mentioned. What’s the German view of American food (actual food not fast food or texmex crap). I remember my German cousin telling me how the Thanksgiving meal he had with his host family (in PA) was normal enough but the sweet Hawaiian roles cracked him up

>> No.14420047

yes, I at least know enough to stay far away from Berlin and other "diverse" areas. I want to visit Bavaria of course, and thanks for the food tips. I love German food, I go to a local German pub here all the time, im going today actually. its the only one in the city, the Germans that visit here say its almost just like in Germany.
>we arent nazis anymore
:,( I know. it's tragic.

>> No.14420058

is it common for Euros to have such tiny fridges?

>> No.14420065

Used to be that they would hit the grocery store more often due to it being a short walk away, I think that’s changing though

>> No.14420069

>uht milk
>tinfoil on cucumber
>pasteurized lemon juice
Looks ok, not sure about the shitty McDonald sauces or whatever. I hope that's not refrigated supermarket shrimp or else you're eating preservatives. Small based for that oyster sauce.
>uht milk
>shit meat products from animals that never see sunlight
>rama fake butter for frying
>butter from grainfed cows that never see sunlight
>capri sonne
>half that fridge is condiments
>quality of food is the lowest and cheapest you can buy

>> No.14420070

also much, much smaller kitchens (well living spaces in general)

>> No.14420073 [DELETED] 

There evens would be Jews not shure refrigerator mabe wiener schnitzel

>> No.14420085

OH I forgot to warn to to stay away from San Franshitgo. its streets are literally covered in shit, things have gotten bad in big American cities in the past decade. really, really bad. Youd be lucky to find a handful of people you could even identify as "American" in the city centers.
Just stay away from California in general. Jew york, Shitcongo, Miami are horrifying, and yes Ive visited all of these places multiple times because work reasons and also driven around the country a lot to visit people.
Maine is a patrician choice to visit, thats good on you. I would say visit a small town in Texas or some place like that, but unless you know people there to stay with and do lots of American stuff, it would be very boring. At least safe, but very boring.

>> No.14420086

There oven I would say Jews refrigerator prob wiener schnitzel

>> No.14420107

I can only speak for myself and i never visited your mostly beautyfull countrie, but ok...i try my best.
BBQ seems to be amazing. That is a whole other Level then our Grilling Culture.
The southern States with Cajun/Creolic (or what its called) looks like the Food there must be amazing.
What i realized after way to many "Man vs. Food", "Guy Fiery" and such Guys, your Portions are way to big. Even a normal Pizza, posted here on /ck/ would here be sold as "Family-Size".
Thx-giving on the other side?
Wow, i would kill a Turkey myself just to get the Chance to try that. It seems so nice,bodywarming,satisfiying to me.
You made the best Burgers. Not the Foodchain-Stuff, i mean the real Deal. Nice Bun, a real Patty, a few slices of Pickles,Chese,Onions. Maybe Mustard/Mayo/Ketchup. But only one of them. Damn, that shit you culivated like Japanese to perfection.

>> No.14420114

Local German Pub? Ask about "Sauerbraten". Realy,do it this evening!

>> No.14420146

Hmmm,well,desu...i dont want to invite the /pols/, but is it realy that bad in San Fransico? I´m laughing my Ass off over the CHAZ-Incident´s in Seatle and im speechless about all that Riots about one dead Criminal. BLM my Ass. ELM! There is one Thing we "Not American" ALL knows for sure.
Texas wouls be nice, but way to hot for me.
On the other hand, after 20 Years out of our Military, i realy crave to shoot again with a real gun. Or Rifle. But i think, thats also possible in Maine with legal Weed. First the Gunrange, then the Weed.
In Germany even the possesion of a Knive is forbidden.

>> No.14420183

>Even a normal Pizza, posted here on /ck/ would here be sold as "Family-Size".
most people do no order a whole pizza for themselves in America. Usually 2 or 3 men will share a "large", women probably a medium

>> No.14420201

I don't know much about Germany, but I do know that when I went to Berlin it was filled with sand people and the national dish was doner kebab.

>> No.14420242
File: 498 KB, 2121x1414, 958D7682-FB46-485C-8B0C-436520094664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBQ and burgers really are an art, you get barbecue masters who spend generations perfecting their technique. There definitely is a portion problem in American dining, an old artifact and a symbol of “we beat the hard times, let’s celebrate”. As for thanksgiving, every family does it different but mine does it pretty simple. You need: roast Turkey, stuffing, green beans with bacon, mashed potatoes, bread rolls, red wine, lager, and pumpkin pie for desert. The stuffing is my favorite and probably the only thing not common between our countries. All you do is sauté white onions, apples, and celery in a huge skillet in a ton of butter. Once softened, you add the stuffing bread (stale bread cubes, usually sourdough) and chicken broth. Mix until all cubes are coated and then transfer to casserole pan and cook in the oven at first with foil on top and ending without. After dinner, the men have cigars and whiskey and the women have wine and cookies. Coziest time to be an American

>> No.14420247

And I forgot the cranberry sauce, absolutely essential

>> No.14420329

Sadly, this isnt Berlin alone.
Even in my City (<100k Citizens) we have +-5 round about 20-30 Dönerstores, 2 Pita(with Pork)-Restaurants and ONE! fucking Asianstore. 2 Pizzastores with Italians. 15-25 Pizzastores with Arabs or Pakis.

But hey, we love our Multiculturale Live with all the Rapes,Kniveattacks and IS-Cells breeding like an undiagnosed, spreading, terminal Cancer

>> No.14420347

Yes well it seems it is what the people are voting for. I half expect the pendulum to swing hard back to the right in Europe. But I also wonder if the demographic trends are irreversible. The countryside in Germany was lovely. I preferred the eastern Germans to the western.

>> No.14420369

Dude, now im jelaous.
If i can interest you in another filling...my Mum(Grandmum, no difference) uses fresh Apples,dried peaches and Prunes. Rosemary+Thyme finely chopped.
Bread Roll with a Splash of Brandy+Redwine.
Mix it, put it in the Goose ( we dont eat turkeys here) or Duck, put them in the Oven and wait. Knödel and Redcabbage as a side dish. Brusselsprouts, Mashed Potatos and a Soup. Maybe a mixed Salad (with NO Mayo) and something sweet as Dessert. Dont know, i hate sweets.

>> No.14420394

Im not sure if they have this. hmm maybe ill post their menu

>> No.14420429

Do that. Im curious.
Nice to see that even a Refrigigator-Thread on 4Chan can lurk out the nice Guys and "Best Anonymous Friends of the Day".

Thats right. Now im interested in how far further Trump brought you. You get what you vote for,right?

>> No.14420438

This Thread lacks btw a lot of opend Refrigators. Nice Talk btw, but now show your frozen,cooled Foods. Didnt have to be German and no, im not Op.

>> No.14420440

I'm not American anon. Anyway currywurst was okay. The pork knuckle thing was nice too. Goodbye.

>> No.14420467

Anything halal.

>> No.14420550

Believe me...no!.
I havent eaten a Döner for the last 8- 10 Years?
It´s kind of strange to see so many leftists/greens eating a Döner ever fucking Day.

>> No.14420565
File: 109 KB, 700x1050, 1B336F01-C494-4054-A7C3-BCFE5A067C28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds really good, next time of all the family gets together I’ll have to try it out, I’m the cook of the family. Where are you from btw? Whenever I hear German knodel I think of Swabia but my international food knowledge is scanty. And what do you mean by salad? In the US, salad nearly always refers to a greens salad with other mix ins such as cheeses or meat if it’s an entree with a vinegar or buttermilk based sauce. Pic related is a wedge of iceberg lettuce with blue cheese and bacon, a hearty appetizer. In some cases it can refer to the less common chicken salad or fruit salad which I believe uses marshmallows and mayo (vile stuff, I like mayo on a sandwich but that’s it). Potato salad here also is mayo based usually unless you’re of German descent. When I hear Germans speak of salad I think of the classic mustard based potato salad or wurstsalat (which I know nothing about other than the obvious).

>> No.14420682

A mixed Salad is simple. Tomatos,Lettuce (or Roman, Ruccola,Spinach,Iceberg...) Cucumbers, Onions, some freshly made Croutons, a few graded pieces of Cheese. If you like some Olives.

My Dressing is just a bit of Oil, a splash of Vinnegar, a whip Honey, some Herbs out of my Garden. Salt,Pepper,Mustard. Thats it. If you can get some fresh fruits.

>> No.14420941

it's big enough for a single person. My biggest problem is the small freezer. But yes I plan on upgrading to a floor-to-ceiling one as soon as this one breaks down as it is about 10-15 years old I hope i'll happen soon.

>> No.14421060

This guy fawkes.

>> No.14421072

Why is problem?

>> No.14421084

Wtf is with the dubs in this thread?

>> No.14421090

Don't bother talking to krauts, they don't have a sense of humour, they defeat the purpose of this site.

>> No.14421279
File: 116 KB, 512x507, 73DB3CF3-4F95-44EB-A2FB-0C7255EE7DAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds really good, a lot of times for my dressing I’ll use Dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper. What are some of your go to home style recipes? I couldn’t find the Radeberger but I grabbed pic related while I was out. I got turned onto Einbecker as I’m a Lutheran and I heard it was his favorite beer

>> No.14421595

there really is no go-to one, it all depends. even the cheapest ones (öttinger being record holder for most beer sold afaik) are loved and hated depending on whom you ask.

>> No.14421622
File: 1.05 MB, 499x280, Cock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of sausages

>> No.14422091

I am from Polan we do not have electricity or refrigeration

>> No.14422164

Redpill me on Polen food anon, what would you eat for a nice family dinner

>> No.14422186

boiled potato, pickled cabbage with carrot, and cigarette

>> No.14422882

I got you beat Polski. In my country, the people drink glasses full of corn syrup and food coloring while eating mystery meat and chemical castration

>> No.14423107


>> No.14423997
File: 122 KB, 1024x576, Chef Aristos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there cuties~ I love what your packing there, mind if I come over with me old mates Olive Oil, Harold Holt and Sgt. Pepper to cook for you?

>> No.14424761

Thx, i guess.

>> No.14425426

Fick dich

>> No.14425652

Was zum fick

>> No.14425752
File: 1.54 MB, 3072x1728, Fridge2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14425897

Do germans eat kren? Czechs love that stuff.

>> No.14425907

raw ingredients, sausages (that's pretty much what our cuisine is)

>> No.14425928

Horse raddish? Yes

>> No.14426122

They aren't sold refrigerated but most people put them in the fridge after purchase.

>> No.14426631

why the fuck do europeans eat blueberries? they are from north america

>> No.14426660

just use your phone weirdo