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File: 704 KB, 539x960, tip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14418784 No.14418784 [Reply] [Original]

imagine tipping...

>> No.14418801

>Not just taking one dollar even tho she did everything fine to leave her wondering what went wromg

>> No.14418844

>being american
>having to tip everywhere you go

The absolute (united) state(s)

>> No.14418926

Lol imagine being so poor you can't afford a good tip. Stay home broke fag

>> No.14418976


>> No.14418981

Cry more poor fag

>> No.14418982

>mom! I posted it again!

>> No.14418996

If I have to pay something just write it on the fucking menu you dumb american, or shut the fuck up. I don't have to be a participant in your tax evasion scheme.

>> No.14419001

in my country, tipping isn't necessary. since we pay our workers a living wage.

>> No.14419010

Being poor sounds difficult. I'm sorry for you. You should eat at home more because you can't afford to eat out because you are so poor. That's just my advice.

>> No.14419016

Yeah in countries like that it's a little different. If you don't tip in America it's because you're a classless broke fag

>> No.14419020

Tipping is not about the customer being rich, it's about the bar owner paying his employees indirectly because he doesn't want to pay taxes. But I have little faith you will understand anything I say even though it is super basic, you seem pretty dumb.

>> No.14419027

Lol I don't speak broke bitch. Go cry in your shitty studio apartment and enjoy your top ramen you poor thing

>> No.14419032

coping waiter

>> No.14419041

Waiters don't exist anymore

>> No.14419112

Why do black people hardly tip? And if they do tip, it's usually pathetic. I use to be a pizza delivery lad and the blacks in poor and working class areas rarely tipped but the whites in the same neighborhood usually would. But even in wealthier areas blacks would hardly tip. Why is this? I've heard this complaint from all waiting/delivery employees. Also certain stores would stop delivering to ghettos after dark lmao.

>> No.14419116

Because tipping is a cultural thing that whites get from their parents.

>> No.14419175

Pretty sure we already established multiple times on /ck/ that waiters are very much entitled faggots who just want to make thousands a month in untaxed cash for work a trained monkey could do, get paid the difference equivalent of minimum wage by their employer if they fuck up anyway, and are the first ones to cockblock any change in legislation about tipped workers' wages because they don't want to lose their the easy money source they get from playing the victims and guilting everyone, pretending they are ultra poor workers.

>> No.14419188

$5 ? I always tip 20% when I go to the US, as a guest, I try to respect even the most uncivilized custom when I'm traveling aboard. So it was a $25 meal ? For 2 peoples ?!

>> No.14419197

Go away you falseflagging faggot.

>> No.14419209

I don't get it too. Why the fuck don't they write down the real prices ?

>> No.14419213

>since we pay our workers a living wage.
Real reason is your country has "tips" included in the bill.
In reality your country probably pays doctors the same as what American garbage men take home, so how well do your waiters get paid?

>> No.14419251

>20 percent
FUCK NIGGERS I TIP 10 percent.

>> No.14419255

I'm gonna start the very first waiters/bartenders union...if I get big enough I can wreck restaurants and the service industry at the same time, forever ending this shitty argument and saving the people of the future from unnessacary cost in exchange for moral brownie points.

>> No.14419256

They always want more. If you say 20% they'll pretend the normal thing is to give 30%. That's why you need to give nothing, to break up this insane cycle of low skilled workers deciding their own wage.

>> No.14419267

it's literally like a ritual of a new religion.

If you follow it you can go do your part by buying overpriced bagels and coffee to support your local business person. Then every day before you leave, you lay a little communion In that cup in Hope's that the beautiful black intelligent goddess behind the counter will bless you with her powerfull words of mercy and forgivness

>> No.14419268

>If you say 20% they'll pretend the normal thing is to give 30%.
Tipping has always been acknowledged as being 15-20%, and Americans tip, because niggers don't.

>> No.14419273

Not at all. 30 years ago 5% was acceptable, 20 years ago 10% was OK, now even 15% is considered low.

>> No.14419275
File: 145 KB, 848x480, question.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 years ago 15-20% was considered appropriate for a tip, today 15-20% is deemed appropriate. Now fuck off, retard.

>> No.14419281
File: 143 KB, 1004x769, tipped wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14419284

>Real reason is your country has "tips" included in the bill.
We also include taxes, and the reality of it is that there is usually little difference in price to the customer. Waiters get paid minimum wage because that's their skill set is worth.
And the whole "our garbage collector get paid more than your doctors" is always so laughably retarded. Median salary for a garbage collector in the US is around $38000 a year while in the evil, evil free and socialised healthcare of the UK , general practitioners make around $85000 while specialists earn over double that on average.

>> No.14419288

>Blacks giving Gibs

>> No.14419289

cope more, waiter

>> No.14419290

Fun fact: In Europe they tip their bankers 3-10% a year for holding their money (instead of collecting interest).
In the US banking only cost us our foreskin, and the banks pay interest.
Maybe this is why most Europeans don't tip.

>> No.14419293


heres another thing, on price of meal. a 5 dollar tip is good enough for anything below above and beyond service. If I decide to come spend 150 dollars on my family at your resturaunt, you should be concerned with making me come back, not how much of a gratuity I leave you.

My dad got us a nice meal one time to welcom my sister back (server) and after, shes making sure he leaves like a 50 dollar tip cause it was expensive (and mediocre) food. It was delivery tho and I really dont see how it's that far out of your job description to deserve this extra cash. Theres so many other service jobs that dont require tipping...its like just roasties who know they got their nails in rich white guys....Thing is the chicks at that resturant were hot and my dad tipped em...

Maybe it's just a spergy thing to argue about, but a good tool, I mean strategic tipping around all the right people...all the right ladys....if nobody's around then just dont tip...I do it all the time lol they already gave you your food

>> No.14419295

>make a webm of a static image
Are you a nigger? Because you sure as hell are retarded.

>> No.14419298

>interest doesn't exist in european banks
Real question, how retarded are you?

>> No.14419300

Comparing starting median for America garbage collectors vs tge highest earning established senior physicians in Eurohoke nations. This is what's laughable.

>> No.14419302

>Fun fact: In Europe they tip their bankers 3-10% a year for holding their money (instead of collecting interest).
Only in your mind though. Some banks charge fees, but never as a percentage of what you have in your account. And of course they still pay interest, unless it is a checking account, but you're not supposed to store your money on a checking account.

>> No.14419303

It's just currently atypical.

>> No.14419307

I held accounts both in America and in Europe and believe me European banking fees are laughably low compared to American ones.

>> No.14419309

then get a new fucking job, or buckle up and stand up for yourself...too bad, if it was an actual trade and not filled with hot girls and drug addicts youd might actually be able to get those tips spread out to everyone else who contributed (ALL staff, in other words givin to the company) then youd realize your real worth which is like barely over minimum if you've been there awhile. cause thing is it's not that these kids dont make a lot, 700 bucks a night is not bad and they know it. that's why they do it, but its only baller money till you get a kid and if you didnt go to uni or learn a trade then its (big suprise) holding out your palm at your bosses customers.

>> No.14419311

>starting median
Not only is this not true at all because the starting median is actually around $30000 but the top earners for garbage collectors still only made around $50000 which is still well below those supposed pitifully underpaid doctors.

>> No.14419313

>And of course they still pay interest
Name the banks that currently do this, and for which specific service.

>> No.14419315

What do you mean... A bank always gives interest on your savings... It's how finance work, Europe is no different, stop inventing things dumbtard

>> No.14419318

All the banks do this... I couldn't name one that doesn't pay interest on your savings. You're confused because you think people hold their savings on their checking account.

>> No.14419319

You didn't get the memo. European banking is currently luaghable. The bankers won, and the whole world is moving on away from those shitholes.

>> No.14419322

This word does not mean what you think it means

>> No.14419325

>What do you mean... A bank always gives interest on your savings
Lel. You'll be hard pressed to fund a bank in Europe that hasn't gone negative interest, or is in the process of transitioning from the old business model into the new. My guess is that you just aren't current in your information.

>> No.14419328

A bank is fixing it's interest based on the central bank interest rate. If it's going negative it means that inflation is very low too.
But I'm not here to give you a finance lesson, you seem low IQ so I won't discuss more with you. Keep thinking there is some kind of banker conspiracy leaded by Soros or whatever you think there is.

>> No.14419330

We both have the internet, yes? Salaries are available online, so compare France to US. Their doctors make about as much as American garbage men.

>> No.14419334

>If it's going negative it means that inflation is very low too.
They are attempting to fight inflation, and Europe gave the banks the thumbs up. What realistically happened was everyone who banked with European banks got buttfucked without getting greased, and Europeans have to pretend that they are playing 4d chess to cope.

>> No.14419337

>median salary of french doctors
>One 2011 study, which looked at doctor salaries from 2008, found that the average primary care doctor in France earns about $95,000,
>median salary of american garbage men
>Garbage Collectors made a median salary of $37,260 in 2018. The best-paid 25 percent made $49,260 that year, while the lowest-paid 25 percent made $28,280
Now what, faggot? Literally the first answer for each on google.

>> No.14419339

It's called inflation retard. 30 years ago you could get a new car for like $4000

>> No.14419340

>But I'm not here to give you a finance lesson, you seem low IQ so I won't discuss more with you
What happens when your banks go negative interest, and they lose most of their major international accounts while businesses shut down, and leave?

>> No.14419347

How about you list all those banks with negative interest instead? Because the only thing I could find was about national/central banks having negative interest, not customer banks.

>> No.14419349

French doctors start at 30-40k, and there is a huge power gap in pay between most regular doctors (80-90%), and the highest paid specialists for premium care holders. Is this the reason why you decided to share the median between all of them? Are you this desperate to win that you would post misleading figures?

>> No.14419353

Okay, I'll just post the ones that are negative interest rates.
>almost all
Now you post the outliers.

>> No.14419355

>American education
Inflation would be in absolute value. It doesn't make the percentage increase

>> No.14419357

>your country probably pays doctors the same as what American garbage men take home
That's totally understandable, considering how most of america is garbage

>> No.14419359


Well the insult that was directed at you plays on the poorer part. of europe. you see if you compare the us to France they come out fairly even. If you compare them to say Hungary (the actual lowest in europe, 1000 dollars a month starting) they usually win by a far margin in most areas.

>> No.14419360

Where did you find those numbers then and what about the starting salaries of garbage collectors? Better question is why you insist on starting salaries when most people don't get paid only the starting salary during most of their lives.

>> No.14419362

Doctors in the US make
>$192-673k/a year base pay
>$294k median
depending on their specialty/position.

>> No.14419363

>all cuz I said so
>can't even name a single one
Ok, faggot.

>> No.14419364

You seem to think that the interest rate is a commercial decision made by the bank... It's not. The only entity that has an influence on the interest rate is the central bank, and they make educated decisions based on the state of the economy. If they think it's good for the economy they will increase the rates. It's the same thing in America, except the FED has another policy that's why the rates are different. It has nothing to do with American banks being more generous with their customers.