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File: 89 KB, 683x683, D6BF6FB6-C16C-486E-BBEB-2A2140F5B308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14418682 No.14418682 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve lived in New England all my life (and have been spoiled with my fresh seafood access), but have to move to the northern midwest for work. How is seafood out there? In grocery stores? In restaurants?

Does it even exist?

>> No.14418688

West Coastie here, it is bad. This has been my important west coast opinion. That is fact

>> No.14418709

No, it doesn't exist. It's literally impossible to ship seafood more than 50 miles from the coast.

>> No.14418730

I live in Indiana and it sucks ass. Freshwater fish is available everywhere but it's a fried fish sandwich 99% of the time and diner tier at best. Shrimp is also available but they're frozen and also fried with no other options outside of large cities. Say goodbye to lobster, crawfish, crab, etc outside of garbage chains like Red Lobster. Sushi exists and is common in large cities but it's extremely dodgy and low quality compared to living on the coasts.

>> No.14418740

Oh, and before some retard claims that the shitty seafood that they sell in Indianapolis or some shit is just as good as living on the coast, it's fucking not. I was born in New Orleans and the quality isn't even comparable in the Midwest.

>> No.14418742

You are moving to a place-an uncivilized shithole in fact, full of so called people (more like clinical retards) who eat wonderbread, bologna, mayo, and processed cheese sandwiches you're not gonna get any fucking fresh seafood pal.

>> No.14418833

When people in the midwest want quality seafood, they go fishing.
Depending on which part of the midwest you're going to, every bar and restaurant may offer a friday night fish fry. Some are OK. If you're in a fish fry area (you'll see signs if you look carefully), ask the locals which restaurant has walleye for friday night fish.

>> No.14418841

This but make sure you wear a mask when asking the locals, please we don't want more covid

>> No.14418846

It's a FAKE virus retard masks do not work and this is a scientifically proven fact this is just propaganda to take more of our rights and freedoms away. You don't have the right to tell me what to put on my face faggot.

>> No.14418852
File: 468 KB, 1080x1281, Covid denier dies from covid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yeah ok. Retarded Amerimutt thread? I think so. Death to you.

>> No.14418857
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>> No.14418862
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My favourite conspriacy is that this virus was designed to kill fatties because they take up too many resources. According to highly scientific agricultural studies, the fat American population consumes about 35% of the worlds food supply and we will actually need to plant crops on fields the size of Australia if we hope to feed everyone by 2100.

>> No.14418863
File: 472 KB, 868x709, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the virus could kill all fatties in Texas and Florida I think that's a win not only for the rest of Americans but the entire world, and god himself. You just know he's up there, staring down at em, regretting his mistake.

>> No.14418869
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>The hoax is making me not able to breathe

>> No.14418874

Crisis actors just like in Sandy Hook..you're not fooling anyone shill.

>> No.14418877
File: 827 KB, 1250x710, Masks don't work apparently.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take schizo meds

>> No.14418883

>He trusts MSM "stories"
Good on you anon! Remember that covid will kill you and your family if you go to church so FLATTEN THE CURVE.
Oh all those 1000s of people protesting, being pressed together like sardines? Our research shows no inclination of increased cases from that :^)

>> No.14418885
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>> No.14418889
File: 211 KB, 1486x991, Cuck in Chief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the king cuck got a pretty aesthetic looking mask desu

>> No.14418893
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>> No.14418899

Retarded shill. More people are seeing through this crap everyday.

>> No.14418900


You know what, I'm from REGINA Saskatchewan, basically as far away from an ocean as you can get! And my dad sometimes comes home with LIVE lobsters he CAUGHT!

Coasties are seething OP, dont believe what they say...

>> No.14418902
File: 70 KB, 720x887, Average Day With your Wife's Boyfriend .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But don't worry at least when you get covid you can boost your immune system with some beyond soy chicken

>> No.14418920
File: 574 KB, 1114x644, Italian doctor dies .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a worldwide conspriacy to take away my American freedom!

>> No.14418933

It's not profitable for restaurants to do this on a large scale. Live seafood is much cheaper to source on the coasts and it's still expensive. Imagine how much a fresh seafood platter would cost if a restaurant paid money to painstakingly ensure that a large amount of seafood remained alive while it was shipped many hundreds of miles from the coast. That's why all of the seafood that you find in supermarkets has already been frozen. If you find a place that sells live lobster from a tank it will cost a shitload of money to buy just one of them.

>> No.14419061


>> No.14419562

You’re the NPC Amerimutt. You will follow your leader blindly because you are a submissive cuckold and you deserve to be exterminated.