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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14417498 No.14417498 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to be doing a water fast soon. Any tips and advice is appreciated. I'm doing it more for the detox than anything else.

>> No.14417656

You might need some vitamins?
Otherwise your "detox" fast might lead to some serious problems

>> No.14417969

Just do 5 days if you haven't done it before and really are just doing a detox.

>> No.14418009

Do you really think any of us lardasses fasts? Ask /fit/

>> No.14418197

you'll acquire a whole new mindset, OP. are you aware of that impending inevitability? i'm not sure what your background is, but assuming you're at all conditioned to comfortable modern society, fasting awakens all sorts of things our brains never ever require, and they're mostly sources of power, focus, strength, acuity, lucidity.
but you do need to soldier past some initial pangs of misery, energy etcetera, but then it seems like your body adapts and cruises along in this other mode indefinitely. I'd consider some sort of nutritional strategy, OP. Knocking out conventional food is great, but once you are in your new mode of mind and body, you may find a piece of fruit or something like that will not "break" your fast's self improvement and may actually taste better, may even strike your fasting senses with psychedelic power albeit just an apple, and this will help you continue deeper into your self technology

>> No.14418212
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wear one of this

>> No.14418217

please OP, snap out of it.

>> No.14418238

Now this sounds interesting...

>> No.14418261

I fasted for 5-6 days a week for three months.

>> No.14418270

OP is on the verge of feeling new extents of being human, which puts poorly what will feel quite amazing, finding yourself In kind of post-food mode, your senses will be more sensitive, your thoughts sharper, your judgement more cutting yet harmonic to the world, the real one, the circadian one, not the three meal a day one, great as it is, it completely Mason's away much of us, maybe some of the more interesting parts of us. You get access to almost a console mode of yourself, free from titillation and stimulation, you gain a new vantage above all that via fasting.
Sorry if I'm droning, and I'm sure all this has been said better before, but I just think fasting is a powerful technology and I don't do it anymore because I have babies and can't be stumbling around on the stairs with them and truly I need all the calories I can get. Good luck, OP. I hope you surprise yourself by how much you benefit.

>> No.14418347

I'm considering doing something like this too can you post any resources you might have come across relating to this? I've been doing 16/8 hour intermittent fasting the last week and definitely feel better than I did on monday. sorry I don't have much to share

>> No.14418376

Make sure to get your sodium and potassium in or you'll feel like shit and may actually just end up in the hospital. Silly people call it snake juice but it's just electrolytes.

>> No.14418377

You might need to eat some salt. I think that's important.

>> No.14418381

This, bananas were my friend.

>> No.14418541

3 days was my limit.
Good luck.

Be sure to reevaluate your life and the decisions that have brought you to this point every 24 hours.

>> No.14418586

You don't even need to eat bananas and break the fast, you dilute these salts into the water you already have to drink. They're easy to find and cheap

>> No.14418607

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.14419713

Fasting is for retards, and accomplishes nothing. Change my mind.

>> No.14419731

Ya right, his new mindset is going to be "goddamn im hungry"

>> No.14419920

>water fast
Are we talking eat nothing at all for all these days or fast during the day and eat a meal in the evening/night?

>> No.14419939

Enjoy your slowed metabolism and chronic constipation because your body thinks you're going through a famine.

>> No.14419950

You will die. Good bye

>> No.14419971

Had to fast for five days on laxatives once ... cleared me right out and pretty much reset my body. I went from feeling like shit, and having horrible bathroom habits to full of energy, and normal bathroom habits. I had IBS due to poor diet, and bacteria buildup, which was causing bad heartburn, and bloating.

I now do it at least once a year. Usually after Christmas holiday season.

>> No.14420026

Drink tap water, the minerals will provide nutrients.

>> No.14420044

lol u had the mad poops heh anon was STINKY hahahaa

>> No.14420200

it's good for losing weight, just don't eat lol

>> No.14420203

Based. I'm interested now too.

>> No.14420342

>I now do it at least once a year. Usually after Christmas holiday season.
Could you elaborate on this anon? Do you take laxatives during the fast?

>> No.14420350

Why would you get constipated from not eating? You have nothing to poop and your body clears most of it out within the first couple of days.

>> No.14420573

>Any tips and advice is appreciated
>>>/fit/ and go to /fast/

>> No.14420589

Come.back with the results. A few years back I started dating an Olympic swimmer which made me feel like a fatty. I basically went on a fast for 3 months. I still ate and drank some stuff but very little. Handful of nuts here and there, some coffee with sweetner, a couple table spoons of rice once every few days. Lost about 50lbs. Was 6' 220lbs strong fat. Lost an obvious amount of muscle in ny shoulders. I wonder what it would be like with just water.

>> No.14421563
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Add electrolytes into your drinking water. During fasting, your kidneys dump magnesium and sodium. I used to do 1-week water fasts for years, felt like shit - weak, dizzy, heart pounding, couldn't sleep, etc. - but just pushed through because I thought suffering like this was a normal fasting response. I didn't know shit. It was the depletion of electrolytes making my body go out of whack. Now I can do double and triple the periods of fasting without any of my old problems. Fasting is a breeze if you take care of your electrolytes.



>> No.14421684

Fasting is nu-nofap

>> No.14421771

i'm finna no-fap and fast at the same time

>> No.14421814

Yes, ignore all your primal needs and ascend to a higher being

>> No.14421934

I just need to scrub my dopamine receptors

>> No.14422075

A fast is not even close to the same thing as a detox, you utter retard.

>> No.14422369

No, he is right. When you do a water fast you go through what's called autophagy aka detox. Your body clears out old toxic residue.

>> No.14422397

>I'm going to be doing a water fast soon
this is not an anorexia board.
this is not an eating disorders board.

>> No.14422407

detox is a sham. your liver and kidneys do plenty of detoxing for you

>> No.14422412

Fasting is great. Good luck OP

>> No.14422421

If it's not an eating disorders board then why are, may Allah forgive me for using this word, carn*vores allowed to post here?

>> No.14422668

it's a fun board for having fun. please do not ruin our fun little man.

>> No.14422683

>I'm going to be doing a water fast soon. Any tips and advice is appreciated. I'm doing it more for the detox than anything else.

you have to condition your body before doing a water fast or you're going to get really sick

>> No.14422939

Go on the sunlight diet, it's much better for you.

>> No.14422965
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Have some /sips/ for an extra boost plus some vitamins when you feel tired. Only 10 calories and sugar-free.

>> No.14423043

Monster rots your brain

>> No.14423055

Can you describe what kind of conditioning you need to do?

>> No.14423067

it's just drinking bile. Taurine is the main ingredient of bile. they use it to cut the rush of the caffeine

>> No.14423131

Yeah just what normal people want to drink, bile....

>> No.14423147

Unless you're a Cathar, that sounds like a terrible idea.

>> No.14423200

>post-food mode
>your senses will be more sensitive, your thoughts sharper, your judgement more cutting
that's actually called the pre-food mood, aka "I'm fuckin hungry as shit I better murder something in a hurry or I might die" mode

>> No.14423357
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>acuity, lucidity.

I used to date girl with that name.

>> No.14423381

The hunger goes away pretty fast actually. I was on day two of a 5 day fast and felt nothing. You realize you were never really hungry. Just craving sugar...

>> No.14423404

This. Also if going for a long fast I'd recommend the periodic intake of nutritional yeast... Simple way to get some vitamins and minerals and give your gut biome something to munch on without consuming a bunch of calories.

The electrolytes are critical though. Keep in mind that if you over-hydrate to compensate for the empty stomach feeling, you'll be washing out your electrolytes at a faster rate. So don't over drink.

>> No.14423432

You just need to clear out your system and make sure there isnt any "matter" sitting in your gut. Basically eat fruit and veggies a few days before since they come out and digest a little quicker and easier and then take a laxative

>> No.14423875

regulate it, don't drink to cure your cravings, and possibly take vitamins as well.

>> No.14423877

Nice pseudoscience, new age faggot.

>> No.14423938

I want to fast but how do i get the sodium, potassium and magnesium salts? Can i just use sea salt? I don't have money to spend on stuff to just fast.

>> No.14424042

Just water? I hope you won't get bored. If you start to feel light-headed after 3 days, you might need some sodium. I take low sodium salt when fasting, it also contain potassium, magnesium and calcium.

>> No.14424052

Go change it yourself

>> No.14424095

Also interested in this but I do have some money, just need shit that's readily available in foreign cunts cos im not usa.

>> No.14424689

I was feeling very depressed today and looking at other boards made me depressed with everyone bringing pol and shit into it, I’m not into cooking but this board makes me feel better, some nice energies sometimes.

>> No.14424689,2 [INTERNAL] 

Could you tell me some more information about it? Let’s talk in PM