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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 221 KB, 1500x1320, into the trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14406798 No.14406798 [Reply] [Original]

What is the fucking point of these things? I have never, NEVER ate something out of one of these hell machines that wasn't either mushy and disgusting, or dry and tough as a leather boot.

>> No.14406800

I like making baked apples in them

>> No.14406807

You can make a mediocre piece of meat a lot better by slow cooking it with sauce in there

>> No.14406815

oatmeal or curry for me

>> No.14406835

Why not just use a regular pan on a low heat?

>> No.14406839

>What is the fucking point of these things?
it cooks thing slow

>> No.14406855

OP is faggot who has never cooked.

>> No.14406860

Yes I do fucking cook, instead of just throwing shit in a pot and overcooking it while I cheat on my husband or whatever housewives do.

>> No.14406861

Doubs confirm. Faggot.

>> No.14406862

Crockpots are amazin my dude. I live and breath by them.

>> No.14406870

Why don't you go fuck yourself.

>> No.14406882

Because some of us have to work during the day and this allows us to slow cook while we aren't at home

>> No.14406888

It just works, faggot. You can also better serve directly out of one.

>> No.14406891


>My retardness is so out of control and contagious that I manage to fuck up an automated cooking process just by being in the same room as it

Gf made pot roast in ours today. It was delicious and tender.

I think we can all agree here that the problem is you OP

>> No.14406910

Like cinnamon apples? What do you put in there bro

>> No.14406930

>I think we can all agree here that the problem is you OP
No it isn't because I never touch the damn things. I've just been served "food" out of them that was like prison food.

>> No.14406938
File: 72 KB, 675x505, 631d7962145cffc95bb676090619ec40_featured_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cinnamon sugar flour butter apples nutmeg clove vanilla. basically apple pie filling just baked in the slow cooker for a long time. if you're ever in tennessee near a calhoun's that's where I first had cinnamon apples they have good food

>> No.14406957

Damn that all looks good. I always get cinnamon apples anywhere that has 'em. Indeed seems like a great thing to make a large, homemade batch in the slow cooker.

>> No.14407010

Prison food is nothing like what you get out of a crockpot, more like a low end corporate cafeteria, or high school.

>> No.14407028

I make my chili in a crock pot. It's also easier for mashed potatoes since you don't have to stir it so much to prevent burning

>> No.14407053

it's a great side for parties since it's set it and forget it. I like making bbq a lot you can do ribs and a pork butt at the same time. other stuff like baked mac and cheese can be prepped and refrigerated and then baked last minute and heating up green beans on the stove is easy. really easy to make a big spread

>> No.14407151

It's perfect for stews.
Also pulled pork

>> No.14407155
File: 73 KB, 638x462, 1587389529587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're for shitty cooks (mostly women) who can just toss shit in them and come home after work to a ""homecooked"" meal for their husbands. Just edible matter to shove into their pie holes between episodes of Shark Tank or some shit.

>> No.14407167

Shark Tank is based, pleb

>> No.14407175

Idk about based but it's background TV kino i'll give it that

>> No.14408330

it's often the fault of the cook not using one properly. people pretend you can just throw a rump roast and some fucking carrots in it and take it out after 8 hours and expect it to be good.
it's a controlled simmering pot, if you use it right, you can make good things with it.
i personally make beans, lentils, soups, briskets, and pork shoulders in mine.

>> No.14408337

I use it to make calico beans. Crock pots are fantastic for comfort food.

>> No.14408457

yay a slow cooker rage thread again!

>> No.14408529
File: 235 KB, 992x1000, img_1067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a high-volume slave pot for wagies who have no free time between sleep and work. Chuck it on when you leave, work, come home to a finished pit of sustainance, sleep.

It will be my next purchase

>> No.14408566

Do you set a timer before going work and it cooks it for you? Doesn't it go bad?

>> No.14408577

they're a lot easier to clean than an oven
I don't even know how to clean an oven, but it looks really uncomfortable

>> No.14408745

You are not going to survive moving out of your parents' basement.

>> No.14408751

ngl, that looks fucking great

>> No.14408755

>I have never, NEVER ate something
It’s ‘eaten’. Are you a nigger? You write like a nigger.

>> No.14408758

Traditional black country slop me lad

>> No.14408882

>What is the fucking point of these things?
lazy and easy way to make food.
you can cut up the ingredients the night before, then 5min before you go to work chuck them in and turn it on.
come home to 8 hours slow-cooked stew, curry, corned silverside or whatever you want.
all you have to do when you get home is microwave some rice and dish it up.

>> No.14408889

Just toss everything in and make a stew. The meat turns so tender you can swallow it. Crock pots are really good for making healthy dinners. Just hope you don't have a power outage so you don't have to throw everything out.

>> No.14408921

how are people not afraid to leave things like this running unsupervized? i once saw a bean stew recipe that had you putting it in a pot in the oven, setting it to some really low temp like 50 or 70 degrees celsius and leaving it overnight. i'd never have the guts to do something like that.

>> No.14408951

Because you can safely and effortlessy place it in the cooker, turn it on, to to sleep, wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, work overtime, and come home to said meat.

You could do the same with a oven, but it takes some fidgetting due container moisture loss and indirect heating of a sealed pot.
And true:
You could do it with a pan, but there is always the risk that the lowest setting is too strong, so you eventually burn it after some 15-18 hours on the stove.

Because its not that bad if its a electric stove.
With a gas top or even a gas stove there is always the small risk of a failure leading to lack of ignition, and 10-15 hours of buildup sounds like a bad idea.

The entire point of the pots are:
1. They don't leak moisture, and it has pressure seals
2. There is no figdetting/experimenting to figure out how the heat transfer works
3. They operate on electricity, so its safe to leave them unattended

>> No.14409758

Would you be afraid leaving your pc on unsupervized while downloading a large game? It's the same thing.

>> No.14409784

No, it is not. You complete fucking idiot.

>> No.14409800

you should kill yourself faggot

>> No.14409855

the entire point of a crockpot is leaving it unattended, brainlet. There's very little difference between leaving it and any other electronic on in your house while you're gone.
For people who don't have some basic ass office job that allows them to work from home and who actually work for a living, being able to come home and not have to worry about cooking is beneficial. Most of the time it won't beat real cooking, but there are a lot of very good crockpot recipes out there and the time saving is the main draw.

>> No.14409860

lazy white people

>> No.14409901

The best use I've found with these is to use them in the summer as an oven replacement so your house doesn't get hotter than hell. I see it more as a seasonal item than an addition to the kitchen. Also, if you're away at work and something requires a cook time longer than you can stick around, it's a good option.

>> No.14409922

>there are a lot of very good crockpot recipes
Post one.

>> No.14409928

>he doesn't cook his ribs in there for 8 hours slathered in homemade bbq sauce
lol get outta here junior