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14403259 No.14403259 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Ramsay. Is he really a world class chef or just a TV huckster?

>> No.14403285
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Yeah, he's a good chef and put in his dues. He does seem to think he's the greatest chef alive and that his opinion is god when it comes to food, so I generally don't use him as a go to for recipe's or techniques, unless it's a proven famous one, or referenced by another chef who has an opinion I can trust.

>> No.14404147
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Today I will remind them

>> No.14404172

Well, he has more than one 3 stars restaurant... If he's not a world class chef, who is?

>> No.14404184

He's probably a competent chef in the real meaning of the word as in: a person who directs line cooks in a kitchen, but like all TV personalities he is a puppet for the elites.

>> No.14404319

based jack scalfani inspiring tv personalities

>> No.14404327

Yes Gordon is a based chef. You have to watch his show where he hunts and cooks to see him in his element. Everything else is just bullshit American TV ratings shit.

>> No.14404358

He is absolutely one.
But he also isn't someone you should be learning to cook from. Like most chefs, he knows how to get something to taste good but isn't good at explaining it and breaking down why.
Also he has a bunch of bullshit rules that he breaks all the times and teaches people to follow like theyre the bible. (eg his scrambled eggs)

>> No.14404363

Reddit loves him

>> No.14404379

>Redpill me on Ramsay. Is he really a world class chef or just a TV huckster?
He's a hack. It's not obvious to you that his "best ever" recipes are prepared by staffers? He's dunking worchestershire in Mexican recipes, I mean, c'mon. He ingredients and techniques both are filled with flaws. He's just a small town kind of poverty kid, who got some money, but never got "class" or traveled for culture. He is missing that intuitive culmination of natural talent. He's just had great financial backers.

You can see his chip on his shoulder. He's the child of a bully, worked for a bully, and the bottom line is alcoholism that created that monster, whether his father, his brother, his circle of friends. It's sad.

>> No.14404407

t. Marco

>> No.14404426

A very good chef, especially when it comes to haute cuisine. However, totally puts on an act to create a persona he can market. Realized being the kitchen 12 hours a day isn't a good life

There is better chefs, but no one knows who they are, just taste their food

>> No.14404427

I'm sure Gordon saw this post while on his phone in his Ferrari Enzo while sitting in a garage of his $20,000,000 house and it really upset him. You just ended him bro.

>> No.14404695

Idk seems pretty authentic to me. Marco seems to have much more of a chip on his shoulder than Gordon

>> No.14404701


>> No.14404851

he isn't a chef, he is a businessman. all of his recipes are made by a group of marketers. he simply pretends to be a chef on camera in order to get more publicity for his shitty restaurants.

>> No.14404872

why yes, it did. money can buy you happiness, but it certainly wont be some shitty sports car that you can't even drive in actually high speeds without fucking dying. deep inside Gordon knows that it's his fame that kept his finances alive and now that it's dwindling away he can't help but notice that he is becoming more irrelevant. he has to scour all these internet forums to search for discussions about him and see what people dislike about him so he could do that shit even more in order to shock his audience. his restaurants and shows are really bad and without his fame they will die out.

Gordon Ramsay kills himself during the next 3 years, mark my words.

>> No.14404888

He's got genuine talent, but I think for the past few years he's just been dicking around. Too much time making shit tv shows eroded his sense of reason.

>> No.14404962

People you haven't heard of are. World class chefs do not acquire fame.

>> No.14405088

How do you know they exist then?

>> No.14405292

Irrelevant? They post clips of shows from fifteen years ago on youtube and they get five million views in a day lol

>> No.14405306
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Listen here you fucking nobody
Stop flapping your lips about and just give it that mediterranean. You pathetic fucking nobody

>> No.14405316

it's mostly bots.

>> No.14405334

That is some cope right there if I've ever seen it

>> No.14405534

It's amazingly clever how he was able to take complaints of him being too aggressive and abusive toward his staff and spin his entire brand to be about that.

>> No.14405545

Especially when he first got noticed by the media for whinging about his boss being too mean.

>> No.14406975

He's shite. I ate at one of his restaurants and it was overpriced dogshite. Simple as.

>> No.14406998

I've been using his scrambled egg method for years, it's great. What are you on about?

>> No.14407020

>He's just a small town kind of poverty kid, who got some money, but never got "class" or traveled for culture. He is missing that intuitive culmination of natural talent. He's just had great financial backers.
he grew up dirt poor with a deadbeat dad and trained in paris, both of your statements are objectively false.

He's not perfect, far from it, his professional kitchen bullshit is bullshit and we can see how toxic he was in the movie about his michellin star.

>> No.14407050

definite huckster

>> No.14407174

isn't gordon a based norfman?

>> No.14407382


>> No.14409243

T. pseudo intellectual

>> No.14409256

I only like the one video where he is on his third day of “coke challenge”, salting burgers and everything hundred times. You know, the one where looks like PS3 character.

>> No.14409269

An hero.

>> No.14409274

he's both a good chef and a slut for tv money, they're not mutually exclusive

>> No.14409298

rent free

>> No.14409314

He's a cunt

>> No.14409340

That's not what world class means though you dunce.

>> No.14409366

He is the real deal, even if the dramatics on his shows are cringe. Check out this documentary on him from 1999, it's long but an interesting watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JWsiLmLhZg

>> No.14409380

this is all you need to see. skip to 9:00

>> No.14409389
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he is not clean enough for an example he washes his hands for 3 seconds at most like a retard and sometimes this dirty bastard doesint wash his hand at all I have seen him in person and after he touches raw meat for example pork he doesint even wash his hands (No I am not a chef I just saw him)

>> No.14409416

"Mmmm beautiful."

>> No.14409419

>his scrambled egg method
>French scrambled eggs belong to Ramsay
>isn't one of the first dishes you learn as a pro cook
lol k

>> No.14409430

documentaries are propaganda used to push a product

>> No.14409449

>oversized burger that you can't put in your mouth
>Approximately 3 kilograms of salt used
>burnt the shit out of everything. charcoal galore

What the fuck

>> No.14409479
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are you telling me this doesn't look like a 3-michelin-star burger to you?

>> No.14409514

He might really be an actaul good chef, but his TV and Youtube shows are pretty off putting to me. Kitchen Nightmares is overly scripted and drama ridden, his YT stuff has some really questionable camera work and editing. The constant jump cuts are not really all that appealing, and watching it I don't feel like I'm actually learning anything.

>> No.14409653

That looks like a depression meal

>> No.14409714

Yes and no. Nobody can deny that he's a decent chef, he has 7 Michelin stars, but he's not as good as he's portrayed. His culinary expertise is in french-style cooking, but he severely lacks knowledge in other cuisines and other aspects of cooking. Doing stupid things like putting oil in his pasta water, or making a carbonara with cream and peas, and of course this travesty >>14404147

>> No.14409718

It's not his method though, it's just the french way of preparing eggs.

>> No.14409720


>> No.14409751

It's true I saw him wash his hands one time and he didn't even sing Happy Birthday once let alone twice.

>> No.14409755

But it's literally not carbonara without cream, peas, and garlic

>> No.14409785

He sounds like a nightmare of a person desu. Dedicating years of his life to self promoting his vulgar brit persona and reality tv poison, it's not possible for him not to be some sort of insufferable faggot with that in mind.

>> No.14409798

That's a persona he wears for American television. He's so much more chill on British TV.

>> No.14409826

You act like that factoid makes him less repugnant.

>> No.14409836


>> No.14409883

I like him best on MasterChef

>> No.14409985

He is not repugnant. American television producers are repugnant.

>> No.14409999

He was repugnant in Boiling Point. He has only ever been known for being repugnant. If he were not repugnant, we would have never heard of him. Americans have a higher tolerance for repugnancy, so it had to be escalates for that audience.

>> No.14410002


>> No.14410006

Episode 2 of Boiling Point is what cements him as a chill, down to earth dude IMO.

>> No.14410007

Stop being Italian

>> No.14410195

>cream and peas in your carbonara
Seriously make two batches with and without those. Personally I find that cream totally kills the dish

>> No.14410220

Creme fraiche > cream

>> No.14410231

>a chill, down to earth dude


He's very calculating.

>> No.14410248

Well you're wrong, objectively. You're likely Italian and aren't willing to recognize improvements to your national dishes. Sad!

>> No.14410264

Yeah but he's always been open and honest about it. I respect his hustle.

>> No.14410279

I get cream but what the fuck...literally ruins the sauce

>> No.14410299

>throwing your mentor under the bus


>> No.14410321
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His new show is pretty fun. Saw the episode where he went to Alaska and the whole ep is people fucking with him and making him do stupid shit while he giggles like a happy goblin.

>> No.14410328

>making a carbonara with cream and peas

>> No.14410337

When your mentor is the Knorr Stockpot guy, it is.

>> No.14410340


>> No.14410368

I remember he tried to make American BBQ in the oven.

>> No.14410479

He took that Boiling Point personality and applied it to Hell's Kitchen and became a phenomenon in the States quickly, if he were soft spoken or motivating like he was in the UK Kitchen Nightmares (kino version also) he would have gotten as big as he is now.

>> No.14410741

he's a Scot

>> No.14410750

is this real?

>> No.14410756


Enjoy it Anon. It's a wild ride

>> No.14410795

gordonbros.. we got too cocky

>> No.14410821

oh my God wtf did i just saw, thank you.. i guess

>> No.14410902

The original seasons of the UK version of kitchen nightmares is peak soul

>> No.14410965

Aww, did Gordon hurt you?

>> No.14411026


>> No.14411078


>> No.14411089


>> No.14411099

>6 seconds in

>> No.14411114


>> No.14411616

That's not a travesty, that is prison cooking or stoner ingenuity.

>> No.14411655

He was good but now he has been so far removed from actual kitchens for so long that his recipes are now meme tier.

>> No.14411669

you had me until that last paragraph. Never seen so much unfiltered cope in one post, did Gordon fuck your wife or something jesus

>> No.14411717


Frito pie is an absolute trash tier food that a drunk person would make. He actually tried to make it a bit more gourmet by adding those eggs.

>> No.14411725


>> No.14411769

Oi bitchboi, which of the fugly chefs that got insulted on TV is you?
Gordon is the greatest chef living today ,deal with it..Still interested which episode of which series featured you. Respond now.

>> No.14411781

Think he's form hell's kitchen or nightmares?

>> No.14411783

Something tells me that it's you whos going to neck himself within the next three years. Screencap this.

>> No.14411790

Possibly, yes.

>> No.14411799

he's another forced meme british manlet who is probably an acceptable chef, but is only valued due to a synthesized artificial cult of personality around him.

>> No.14411804

B • O • R • G • A • H

>> No.14411828

how could anyone from britain be a world-renowned chef when they don't have a cuisine to speak of?

>> No.14411837 [DELETED] 

Julia Child excepted, of course

>> No.14411935

The madman actually did it. Jeez. I couldn't look my own wife in the eye (who happens to be myself) in the eye straight in the eye and say to myself (my wife) you are the best chef in the world. I simply could not do it, even if it were true.

>> No.14411973

A drizzle of salt!

>> No.14412031

Jesus, and this is supposed to be the instagram money shot. What a sloppa.

>> No.14412072

Nah Frito pie is good

>> No.14412289


>> No.14412739


>> No.14413187

>artistic integrity is completely separate from commercial success.

Imagine unironically holding this opinion

>> No.14413353

Jack was ahead of his time man... Fuck

>> No.14414548

This. Honestly wish he would go away. He just seems like a money hungry whore soooo far removed from actual food talent. Like the MTV reality show people who just wouldn’t move on and kept coming back to shows in their late 30s

>> No.14414729

No he doesnt

>> No.14414746

He has one restaurant with 3 stars.

>> No.14415282

SALT Nigga.

You absolutely can salt your eggs before putting them on heat, in fact its better.
Also he does the eggs differently almost every time hes on a different program. No consistency.

>> No.14415381

No, but the factors do correlate.

>> No.14416199

Just because someone is good at French cooking, doesn't mean they're suddenly good at Chinese or Japanese cooking. Same applies to Ramsay. He is certainly good at cooking some dishes, but not others. Having said that, he is probably one of the better "celebrity" chefs.

>> No.14416214
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Why do all the biggest celebrity chefs seem to be British? Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, Marco Pierre White. Even though British cuisine is often mocked for being one of the worst cuisines, they seem to have the most famous celebrity chefs.

>> No.14416242

british overcompensate their lack of food culture with tv personalities that cook french/italian food

>> No.14416251

brits didn't even know what olive oil was until these wankers started using it

>> No.14416344

He's great at what he was trained at, French and British cuisine. Every time he tries to make an ethnic dish I cringe internally. His burgers are also overrated as fuck. If you want fish and chips I'm sure he's the guy to go to.

>> No.14416500

>The madman actually did it.
go back

>> No.14417105
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>> No.14417133

he wasnt particularly poor he really exaggerates that part of his life he was born in glasgow the same city i am from and i can tell you people who are genuinely lower class here never leave they just stick us in schemes (projects if ur american or council estates if ur english) he went to a posh school and even had a failed football career his family may not of been rich but they where far from being in complete poverty

>> No.14417147

Based wifeposter

>> No.14417151

I fail to see what is wrong here. He used Fritos and Wolfbrand Chili. That is pretty much the two single requirements to make Frito Pie.

>> No.14417168

>people who are genuinely lower class here never leave they just stick us in schemes
in other words he was better than the rest of you and made something of himself?

>> No.14417182

salt is the problem.
have had "walking tacos" are scrambled eggs common in authentico Frito Pie like how chili in TX is meat slop and no beans?

>> No.14417187

B • O • R • G • A • H

>> No.14417222

World class restaurateur, probably a pretty good chef but it's probably been years since he was in the trenches.

>> No.14417262
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>> No.14417327

no i mean he was never that poor that he had to live off government handouts. i dont doubt he had a rough start but he acts like he started from the gutter when really he was just average working class not like super poor

>> No.14417335

Reamed Clams?

>> No.14417337

>S+ rank Marketer
>A rank Chef

He is pretty good despite being a British. He will look average among French, Italian and Japanese chefs tho.

>> No.14417831

>Doing stupid things like putting oil in his pasta water
This is something everyone should do and you are a total fucking tool for not understanding it. It works, go fuck yourself you piece of human shit for spreading this meme.

Fuck you forever tastelet cu/ck/ get the hell off of my board.

>> No.14417845

this desu

hes not a god, no chefs are. Watch him trying to make dishes like dimsum if you want to see him really struggle