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File: 72 KB, 920x605, Best-and-worst-cheeses-for-your-diet-The-healthiest-cheese-on-the-shelves-1-920x605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14400282 No.14400282 [Reply] [Original]

Which country makes the best cheeses?

>> No.14400292


>> No.14400294

oh fuck off with that shit, not again

>> No.14400297
File: 120 KB, 1500x1125, Americancheeseproduct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we all know who makes the worst cheese

>> No.14400298

The U S of A
Made yuropoor cheese actually good with science and mass production
Don't think gooks or nogs even make cheese

>> No.14400308


>> No.14400331

France > Italy > USA > Spain > Netherlands > the rest

>> No.14400350

>listing USA as the third best in the world
What in the fuck do they even make besides knock off cheddar and kraft singles? Colby, pepper jack, etc tastes like nothing with their only saving grace being that they melt easily. American cheese is quite literally the most flavourful cheese that they produce and that's sad.

>> No.14400357


Awful opinion. Italy is arguably second but UK, Switzerland and Germany all score higher than Spain which scores higher than USA.

>> No.14400366

if you're lucky enough to be close to a specialty cheese producer, the only kind they'll make will inevitably be a cow's milk cheddar of some kind.

>> No.14400384

Cheddar being an English cheese, which you can get of good quality in all anglophone countries.

>> No.14400390

do american actually wonder why the entire world fucking hate them? look at the food like the one in OP for good examples, simply appalling. unnatural food full of GMO fed to SSRI zombies. sick people. americans should be rangebanned from this fucking web site.

american is SIMPLY SICK from all the FOOD

>> No.14400427

>What in the fuck do they even make besides knock off cheddar and kraft singles?
Absolutely everything. What you're thinking of is massive dairy conglomerates that make affordable, low quality cheeses for mass use. USA also has many small, artisan cheesemakers whose cheeses do well in international competition

>> No.14400443
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>> No.14400451


Netherlands has precisely two types of cheese, both of which are the same.

t. am Dutch

>> No.14400452

>Muh artisan producers and medals
Yeah and English wine is better than French wine lol.

>> No.14400453


>> No.14400459

You also make some fantastic emmanteul knock offs. Aged Gouda is very different from younger stuff too.
t. Am English

>> No.14400464

Why do you autistically screech about Americans in every single thread on this board? Fuck off already.

>> No.14400467

Yeah there's some edge cases (there's even a few veined blue Dutch cheeses!) but it's mostly mass produced variations of Gouda/Edam

>> No.14400482


>> No.14400486

and here the american defense brigade comes out of full woodwork . BRAVO !

>> No.14400492

Have you had artisanal USA cheeses? The only reason USA isn't seen as highly regarded in the world cheese scene is because the good stuff is mostly produced for the domestic market.

>> No.14400498

I'm not American.

>> No.14400502

I've never had any Dutch blue cheese but aged Gouda is something really special which we've only started getting in England recently (although I've had a lot there, ex weedhead so been a lot)
I do agree with your assessment though, 90%+ of your cheese is either edam or gouda, like ours is cheddar, but you guys do eat a lot of it!

Jarlsberg is decent

>> No.14400508

I'd say that's fair. Manchego is pretty good, but that's just one style and the Italians (and Croatians) do it better.

>> No.14400521

No I haven't but you can get good artisan cheese anywhere. Most of it is artisan by nature. Supermarket cheese is the worst in the USA out of the whole west though. I would seriously take a small 7/11 style shop in Europe over any American Walmart style hypermarche. They don't compare.

>> No.14400524

What’s that little green roll up in the back ?

>> No.14400538

>No I haven't
Then how can you even have an opinion? Having had cheeses from around the world, and as cheese competitions would agree, US cheeses are right up there with the best of them. As per the thread, US makes some of the best cheese.

>> No.14400549

I'd rather have a good mature cheddar over aged Gouda: it gets boring quickly.

>> No.14400554
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>> No.14400559

Yeah and English sparkling wine has won multiple (French) competitions over French champagne, so therefore English sparkling wine is better than Champagne? No. Just no.
Most American cheese is trash. Same with chocolate. You are allowed to claim beer because Europe now copies American styles, but not cheese.

>> No.14400570

>You are allowed to claim beer because Europe now copies American styles

*laughs in Trappist*

>> No.14400574


Is there anything we can't win at?

>> No.14400576

Compare apples with apples.
You say most good American cheese is produced for the domestic market, well how come if I walk into a fucking warehouse Walmart the selection is objectively shitter than a Tesco express?
Cheese is artisanal by nature, but the cheapest English cheese is as good as the most expensive in a supermarket setting. That's just a fact.

>> No.14400583

Not dying of COVID

>> No.14400595

Eh, there are plenty of Belgian brewers now making New England IPAs! Arguably they are influenced by Belgian brewers in the first place though (even if they use English names for the styles)

>Champagne? Oh you mean French English sparkling wine?

>> No.14400605

>"Most American cheese is trash"
>ever had non-Kraft cheese?
>"No I haven't"
As it relates to cheese, it's like saying UK doesn't make good blue cheese because you decided for whatever reason that stilton doesn't count
The thread isn't asking what countries' supermarkets have the best average cheese quality

>> No.14400613

>A few tryhard breweries are making shitty over-hopped IPAs just like the tastelets in America, therefore America has won at beer

Solid logic, you win life.

>> No.14400617

>The results finished with only one French cheese in the top 15, prompting the newspaper Ouest-France to describe the outcome as “sacrilege,” according to Sky News.

>> No.14400624

Yeah I'm sure that kebab stand only uses the highest quality ingredients

>> No.14400636

>That's just a fact.
It really isn't, but continue to make a fool of yourself.

>> No.14400644

Look kid, if you're buying from a supermarket Canadian cheddar is better than yours. You haven't created a single style of your own. Supermarket cheese in Europe is American artisanal level, cope.

Thanks. Belgium is probably number one for beers, but USA have innovated there (unlike fucking cheese lol) so just giving props where they're due to be balanced.

>> No.14400665

Nigga I've eaten your cheese in your country. It's bad. I'm sorry but it is.
I'm sure if I went to a farm shop in Wisconsin it would be nice if that's any consolation.

>> No.14400695

>Look kid, if you're buying from a supermarket Canadian cheddar is better than yours.
Now for an educated statement by someone who has experience in what we're talking about:

If I go to a supermarket for cheese-- let's say I want a block of cheddar. Now, I can buy some low quality but still tasty Kraft or store brand cheddar, or I can buy a higher quality product, available at that same store in that same cheese section, for a few dollars more. The Kraft cheese, granted, is nothing to write home about, but the more expensive cheeses are at least as good as imports, if not better in many cases. Since you've never had any, all I can do is tell you to try some and see for yourself.


>> No.14400701

>Anecdotal tale you can't prove
I've eaten cheese in your country and it's bad. I'm sorry but it is.

See? I can do that too. When you say something is a fact, you are expected to back it up with something substantial, which you haven't.

>> No.14400711
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Nigger, there is one of these in every Kroger in my town, and Kroger isn't even the fancy supermarket around here.

>> No.14400736

Right, and pay a couple of bucks more for an expensive cheddar and now you are at the average European level of quality.

Some of those cheeses look and sound tasty but you can get artisanal cheese everywhere. Sharp cheddar in America would barely be classed as mature here.

Of course it's anecdotal. I've not eaten your most leet cheeses but I've bought the nicest stuff available before and been pretty disappointed. I'm not shitting on the US food scene by saying you mostly eat crap cheese, it's true. If it's not widely available in the natiinwide supply chain it's dumb to say it's mostly sold domestically, like jamon or something, it's mostly sold locally.

>> No.14400740

I hate the French with a burning passion, but even I will concede that cheese is their domain. I can almost taste the triple-cream Brillat Savarin, which has a thick and almost chewy rind encasing cheese that tastes of vomit and unwashed hair — but in a good way. Fuck me, I need to get some.

Spain, IMHO, has the best sheep's milk cheese outside of France. Italy has the best aged cheeses outside of France. The Swiss and the Germans are doing that mild shit to their utmost, I suppose. Thank god for Anglo-American Blue/Bleu.

>> No.14400763

>Right, and pay a couple of bucks more for an expensive cheddar and now you are at the average European level of quality.
You say that having admittedly never having had any cheese to compare with. I could respect your opinion if you had a little experience in this-- it would still be wrong but I could respect it. If you gave it a go, you'd find that Wisconsin produces better cheese than most European countries.

>> No.14400767
File: 55 KB, 625x262, 79518715538b9fb1b0ec7b9bfb475dc7539afda69c6c9c912515d6ea9cf67b2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sites Bon Appetit

>> No.14400777

Is there anything about the content of the article that you find not credible in some way?

>> No.14400779

I said in the same post that I've bought the most expensive stuff available and been disappointed. What's hard to understand?

>> No.14400783

It's literally an opinion piece by a fucking food blogger.

>> No.14400797

What else could it possibly be? A pubmed article from the Journal of Lists of Cheeses?

>> No.14400801

>I said in the same post that I've bought the most expensive stuff available and been disappointed.
And if you could, please list us, oh, the last 5 or so of these cheeses you bought

>> No.14400810

Fuck you're just trolling now or being deliberately dumb. I'm English. I have bought the most expensive cheddar in supermarkets in America and it was shit tier. I haven't been to your country for 6 years so no I can't name them dumb fuck.

>> No.14400814

>Of course it's anecdotal.
Facts cannot be proven by mere anecdotes, anon.

>> No.14400815

It could be an opinion piece by someone who is more than some literally who. It could be an article from an organization that maybe has more authority than someone on a Taiwanese catfish noodling forum, such as the International Cheese Awards, which the US won in 2019, to the absolute butthurt of the rest of the world.

>> No.14400818


>> No.14400823

Switzerland > France

>> No.14400824

What does the author even have to do with it? It's a list of cheeses and a description of what they are with some pictures. "Authority" isn't even a thing here

>> No.14400827
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Americans are so insecure about their quality of their shit cheese lol

>> No.14400829

>Says the guy who is obsessed with America

>> No.14400830

No. You're as dumb as >>14400818

>> No.14400833

So insecure that they enter them into international competitions, win, and then fuck the wives and daughters of all the European losers, leaving them seeded to birth strong sons

>> No.14400839

Eurofags are butthurt about literally everything they make. They had to make up a DOP to try and protect their products that the rest of the world has blown by them with. You can find so many better and cheaper products from other parts of the world now because European "artisans" think they perfected things hundreds of years ago and refuse to innovate.

>> No.14400840

You won once in 200 years and you act like you're the best in the world at producing plastic cheese product lol

>> No.14400850

It's more so that euros hate America so much that there was no way they were ever fairly judged. They had to btfo you so fucking hard it wasn't even a contest anymore.

>> No.14400856

It takes the following to make good cheese
>high quality dairy
>high quality fermentation culture
>location with appropriate temp/humidity etc
idk who makes the most good cheese, but good cheese can be made just about anywhere

>> No.14400878

>You haven't created a single style of your own
America is the only country creating new styles of cheeses because they're the only country that isn't beholden to strict 300 year old criteria. It's the only place you'll find blue cheddar or a gouda-parmesan hybrid

>> No.14400903

Unironically England.

>> No.14400909

The best cheeses I've had are Australian, but I don't believe the best product enters the mass export market. If I lived in USA my favourite cheeses would be American.

>> No.14400928

france but italy gets special mention for buffalo mozzarella

>> No.14400990

>do american actually wonder why the entire world fucking hate them?
no, probably less than 2% of the population has ever had that thought, ever. No one gives a remote fuck about anywhere outside of America

>> No.14401048

Yeah, Sardine does!

>> No.14401459
File: 95 KB, 1200x630, dscn4287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right that Dutch cheeses produced on a mass scale, the kind average people would buy pre-sliced in the supermarket, are just Gouda/Edam. I'm not sure I agree on them being exactly the same, my great-grandfather was a cheese whole-saler who made his fortune selling cheese. Gouda being for the domestic market en Edam being sold at extreme markups to affluent Germans during the British blockade in world war 1. (He jokingly referred to it as moffenvoer).
During spring when cows get to taste their first grass again, a special cheese is made of their milk called Graskaas, which I can recommend. I also enjoy brandnetelkaas and cheese with different herbs in hem.

>> No.14401470

Oh fuck off, there is excellent Dutch cheese. The cheese shop has boerenkaas that can stand the pepsi challenge with this brie crap anytime

>> No.14401494

Is Pecorino better than Reblochon or Cheddar? It's a stupid question. Italy makes the best Gorgonzola, France makes the best Camembert, Macedonia/Bulgaria make the best Feta, and maybe the Netherlands make the best Edam, but who cares? It's trash anyway

>> No.14402283

>UK, Switzerland and Germany all score higher than Spain
what a meme opinion.

France, Italy, Spain, maybe Switz, >>>>> UK > Japan > Sardinia > USA

>> No.14402541

The position of Japan can be lower.
Japanese cheese is too expensive
If you try to buy the real thing, it costs seven times as much as the fake.

>> No.14402712

The answer is france but regardless my favorite cheese is a really sharp cheddar.

>> No.14402769

>What in the fuck do they even make besides knock off cheddar and kraft singles? Colby, pepper jack, etc tastes like nothing with their only saving grace being that they melt easily. American cheese is quite literally the most flavourful cheese that they produce and that's sad.
Even the cheapest bulk supermarket cheddar is really good.
Otherwise, there are a bunch of small specialty cheesemakers in the USA that make excellent cheese, but you need a soecialty cheese shop or Whole foods to find the cheeses, and the cheeses are usually 2 or 3 times the cost of imported French cheese.
Personally, I really like the cheeses from Jasper Hill.
Whole foods also has Hika Bay from Saxon Creamery, which is a really tasty hard cheese.

>> No.14402849

The filename is so fitting.

>> No.14402878

>buy cheese with inedible rind
>shave off every fraction of a millimeter of cheese attached to the rind
Anyone else a cheese jew?

>> No.14402891

Yeah, you could make the greatest cheese you've ever tried in your gramps farm, but that won't turn your country into an authority on cheese.
Which is a line of logic which mutts are using to cope ITT, because their only addition to the world of cheese, is a yellow plastic square.

>> No.14402902

The cheeses discussed in this thread are commercial cheeses. What's the criteria for becoming an authority on cheeses, if not winning awards and accolades for their cheese?

>> No.14402931

How the rest of the world regard your cheese, and how often it is exported elsewhere.

I could buy french cheese in just about any country of the world, but I'd have to go out of my way to find a gourmet american cheese outside of USA.

>> No.14402972

I'd say Italy but think England is the most underrated of the lot.

>> No.14403130

>How the rest of the world regard your cheese
Ranks highly in international competitions, so it's regarded quite well on the world stage, isn't it? The fact that it's less common globally isn't a factor in how good it is.

>> No.14403131
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Where my port salut niggles at

>> No.14403140

The only cheese like that I buy is Parm Reg and it's not insanely expensive for how long it lasts, so I usually just add the rind to tomato sauce when there's half a cm left because I can't really tell where the cheese ends and rind begins.

>> No.14403221

>being a poorfag
if we're going by price then american swill pummels everything else into the dust.

>> No.14403230

> usually just add the rind to tomato sauce
patrician as fuck

>> No.14403236



>Rogue River Blue has taken the top prize at the 2019 World Cheese Awards, marking the first time a US cheese has ever been named World Champion Cheese.
>An organic blue cheese produced by Rogue Creamery of Central Point, Oregon, Rogue River Blue beat a record-breaking 3,804 entries from 42 countries at the awards, held this year in Bergamo, Italy, in mid-October.
>Some 260 judges from 35 different countries judged the cheeses, narrowing the list down to a final 16. An international "super jury" of experts chose the winners.
>Coming in second place was an Italian cheese, the 24-month aged Nazionale del Parmigiano Reggiano Latteria Sociale Santo Stefano. It was followed by a Spanish raw ewe's milk cheese, Torta del Casar D.O.P. Virgen Del Prado made by Queseria Doña Francisca.

>> No.14403247

Before someone says "you got one good cheese," USA cheese routinely place highly in int competitions even if they don't win. Always some Wisconsin cheeses in the top 10

>> No.14403258
File: 10 KB, 236x236, 086d03393b6c0ef2ede1a721052f3034--reaction-pictures-frogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>win one (1) cheese award

>> No.14403265

Called it

>> No.14403278

do you think the general public pays much attention to cheese competitions

>> No.14403283

that's really not something to be proud of

>> No.14403289

England, because they make Stilton.

>> No.14403290

All a cheese competition is is a contest where judges rate different cheeses from around the world. The judges that rate cheese from the US like the US cheese. If the general public had it, they would like it too. It is good cheese. Some of the best in the world, in fact.
>well I'VE never eaten at Sukiyabashi Juri so their sushi can't be that good. me local tesco must have the best sushi in the world!

>> No.14403308
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It's expensive because Japanese people don't eat cheese as much as Europeans.
I'm not used to the taste of real cheese, so the demand is low.
The price is
Cheese for the poor is 3EUR for 4oz.

This cheese is packaged in 0.6 oz.

>> No.14403421
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French cheese is massively overrated IMO. I've never been fond of it, even after multiple attempts to like it. I love Italian cheese.

>> No.14403756

its probably only something in and around Ohio (I know they are in Indiana and Pennsylvania) the Amish make some great cheese with many varieties and its not expensive($2 for normal cheeses like swiss, chedder, munster, pepper/colby jack), if you are in northern Indiana go to E&S sales, if you are in Ohio go to basically anywhere in Holmes county.

>> No.14403771
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Ukrainian cheese tasted good last time I was in Odessa

>> No.14404019
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>> No.14404174

I love an extra sharp cheddar. A nice liecester is great with crackers and sausage or ham and there's a reason Stilton is called the king of cheese. For all the flak British food catches they have some pretty decent cheese.

>> No.14404906

I live in Norway and our cheese is a fucking meme. Jarlsberg is decent at best, brunost and gamalost can barely be called cheese. We have a handful prize winning blue cheeses, but nothing that can hold a candle to what France or Italy produce.

>> No.14404957

My dick makes the tastiest cheese

>> No.14404994

Give credit to Jarlsberg, it's deffo the best bang-for-buck for any cheese that comes in individual snack sizes.

>> No.14405115
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Bros, I'm trying to find a place to buy dolphin cheese or milk. I might make my own post later but for now I'll treat this as /cheese/ generals. If anyone knows a place online or where to travel to get this please tell I'm desperate.


>> No.14405147

France first, and then, Spain or Italy, idk

>> No.14405164

>having your teats right next to your vag

>> No.14405197


DOP had to be made because the own europeans were fucking and rivalizing themselves.

Is commonly known that italians sell spanish oil as "Italian made", and the list goes and goes....

>> No.14405239

Porpoise milk isn't harvested for commercial use, partly because of existing restriction on the use of wild animal products but mostly because the stuff is somewhat toxic from various pollutants.
If you *really* must, get a degree in marine biology and get a job studying porpoises. It's quite common for scientific samples to become culinary samples. Then you can do with it what you will.

>> No.14405850

French cheese comes in two forms.
Salty, gloopy grease
and rotten, salty, gloopy grease

>> No.14405961

for me, its crumbly Lancashire

>> No.14406386

shoot. I thought I remembered seeing it for sale for $50 an ounce from some online specialty store. But if I must, I'll wait until the stars align to get my dolphin cheese.

>> No.14406503

I'm Swiss, and I have to say Italy. It's purely subjective though, and France probably deserve the top spot objectively-speaking.
Switzerland should come third though, most people are ignorant of how diverse Swiss cheese is and only know Gruyère and Emmentaler (the meme one with the holes).

>> No.14406558

USA's dick living rent free in your mouth

>> No.14406577

>France > Italy > USA > Spain > Netherlands > the rest
Nice fuckin try yank
France>Italy>UK>Spain............>The rest

>> No.14406701


I love these "World Cheese Awards" that the US apparently dominates.

The one I saw had the "World's Best Parmesan" going to an American producer. Not a single Italian cheese even entered in the category lol.

Americans winning "World Cheese Awards" is on par with kids bringing home a trophy that says World's Best Dad.

The words are certainly on the trophy, but I'm not sure that the credibility is there.