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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 92 KB, 610x343, mettbroetchen-mit-zwiebeln-ob-das-koblenzer-wurfgeschoss-mit-gemuese-topping-kam-konnte-die-polizei-im-nachhinein-nicht-feststellen-symbolfoto-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14397884 No.14397884 [Reply] [Original]

name a more based dish

>> No.14397905

>nazi language
Lmao, you pathetic /pol/tards never fail to make me laugh. Every brown person in this world is infinitely more successful than you’ll ever be.

>> No.14397907

American satire everyone

>> No.14397909

fuck off namefag

>> No.14397910

You forgot to cook it

>> No.14397915

Americans think that they are so funny with their pathetic attempts at sophomoric satire. Or were you trying to bait a lobotomized 5 year old? With retarded Americans it's hard to tell.

>> No.14397921


Why do you exist?

>> No.14397922
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It isn't uncommon for many educated men around the world to be fluent in German, particularly in the United States and even Canada.

>> No.14397923

How's Arizona?

>> No.14397926
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>> No.14397927 [DELETED] 
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Imagine being such a retarded lardshart that you think that's me. You fell right into my trap.

>> No.14397929

Add raw garlic and it's a 10

>> No.14397937 [DELETED] 

No but your doctor is from there
Nice cope though

>> No.14397940

I can't

>> No.14397947 [DELETED] 
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Obsess more schizo fat.

>> No.14397956

>attentionwhore namefag has medical issues and lives in Arizona
Ohnonono... I feel bad for telling him to fuck off constantly.

He should still fuck off, though.

>> No.14397959 [DELETED] 

Cope more retard

>> No.14397970
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>> No.14397972 [DELETED] 

lmfao at the jannies getting mad. Americans are truly pathetic.

>> No.14397994

Yeah, and that american is you

>> No.14398074

because I wear my mask

>> No.14398193

ok whatever, I'll have the general tso chicken and some fried rice

>> No.14398259

says every brown faggot mooching off white countries. kys, nigger.

>> No.14398274
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>> No.14398276


>> No.14398280

You know this to be true because whites are still fucking dogs.

>> No.14398363

name one thing meds contributed to soceity besides homosexuality and pedophilia

>> No.14398369

Letting the jews into Europe and every single scientific, cultural, and artist benefit that brought your dogfucking cave nigger ancestors.

>> No.14398390

cope, pay debts and take a shower

>> No.14398393


North africa and the middle east are the ones that seeded the world with math and science.

Europeans just stole everything and then sat on their ass drinking wine while spouting off random nonsense.

>> No.14398448

none...none more based

>> No.14398461


>> No.14398481

damn the whites have no civilization/culture retcon is being pushed pretty hard huh. I wonder where you guys are from.

>> No.14398490
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>blocks your path

>> No.14398512

>dry ass bread the destroyer of palates
>worst kind of lettuce

>> No.14398529

Despite having eaten bucketloads of pickled herring in my life I have never had it in a sangewedge now that I think about it. It was always "open faced"

>> No.14398534

Don't eat raw meat, folks.

>> No.14398546
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>my delicate mouth can only handle toast

>> No.14398549

They have them pretty often at train station bakeries in Germany, dunno about elsewhere.

>> No.14399001
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>> No.14399062


>> No.14399072

Take off the meat and the bread because the only things you'll taste are the raw onions.

>> No.14399086

I, too, enjoy getting a helminth infection.

>> No.14399095

That must be why millions of them are trampling each other to move to white countries so they leech off of the welfare system

>> No.14399097

must be a american thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.14399102

Yes, Mettbrötchen and parasites in raw meat are somehow American now. Retard.

>> No.14399103

Remember that one Tunisian village where half the teenaged boys had to get rabies shots because they had gangbanged that donkey?

>> No.14399118

are you telling me americans eat cooked parasites and are ok with that? here in europe we have measurements against parasites lmao

>> No.14399262


>> No.14399301

Too bad those cultures in the North Africa and Middle east are gone and replaced with something completely different.

>> No.14399522


>> No.14399567
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Excellent bait, anon.

>> No.14399574

Never tried it. What's in it?

>> No.14401153

>Every brown person in this world is infinitely more successful than you’ll ever be.
Not George Floyd

>> No.14401158

Ok, based on what though?

>> No.14403210
File: 48 KB, 450x466, CUTE-hamsters-1140511_450_466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Mett
>tfw Bongers are all massive fags and refuse to even consider the idea that raw meat might actually be edible
I should move back to Germany

>> No.14403227

Yes you should you absolute faggot.
Don't like America. LEAVE.

>> No.14403293

What part of your malfunctioning brain made you think I'm American? Fucking lol

>> No.14403321


>> No.14403326 [DELETED] 

I Don't care. Also didn't read your stupid post. Don't like America? Leave, nigger. Don't @ me

>> No.14403328

Mmm tar tar :3

>> No.14404098
File: 222 KB, 1600x1066, 6470673F-0BD2-46EC-A26A-266DBC06358B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moose baby soup