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14395361 No.14395361 [Reply] [Original]

Will drinking these turn me gay?

>> No.14395365

No, it just lets everyone know.
Berry is pretty good btw

>> No.14395371

You're OP, you're already gay. I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.14395372
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No, even better
You will turn into a beautiful woman

>> No.14395376

I feel sorry for the people who can't enjoy La Croix or White Claws or whatever because of how they think it makes them look. The drinks are very refreshing

>> No.14395387

It’s pretty fucked up that parents would not only let their son do this to himself, but also encourage him. Quite frankly, it’s child abuse.

>> No.14395391

No, but caring what other people think based on your preferences is.

>> No.14395409

It's child abuse to tell a girl that she has to be a boy and deny her basic medical care until she's grown into a monster to satisfy your narcissistic desire to have a boy's Little League coaching "life experience"

>> No.14395414


>> No.14395428

If trannies are so mentally and physically stable, why do 41% of them commit suicide?

>> No.14395441

>caring what other people care about isn't cool
Say Nword on your social media accounts.

>> No.14395458

I tried some coconut flavor of this, it had a weird waxy feeling to it

>> No.14395460

probably because they have people like you in their lives

>> No.14395477

It's child abuse to lie to a boy by telling him he can ever be a girl and then endorsing his chemical and/or physical castration.

>> No.14395512

I'm sorry your parents sent you to gay conversion therapy but the legacy of abuse can end in one generation if you can stop excusing it as "my parents did this to me"

>> No.14395524

White Claw and Truly are trash as seltzer. Coors-Molson has released a seltzer that actually tastes alright. It's called Vizzy. Sadly no tough guy will buy it because it comes in a salmon pink case.
t. liquor store anon
p.s. when I'm not drinking booze, Lime La Croix is the way to go for me to eliminate any bit of hangover I may have during waking/working hours.

>> No.14395533

Black cherry bubly > passion fruit la Croix > pamplemousse la croix > orange grapefruit aha > orange kroger brand > all the others >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> berry la croix

>> No.14395542

everyone else does grapefruit better, surprisingly la croix's pomple moose is bad imo but other brands nail it

>> No.14395550
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It's time to stop.

>> No.14395608

I'm curious how people like you don't realize that you're the ones advocating gay conversion therapy. You're telling kids who are overwhelming gay/lesbian that they should undergo a "treatment" that will sterilize them and allow society to pretend that they're now straight. It's not even subtle.

>> No.14395618

No, but they are the cure for alcoholism.

>> No.14395625

Got the OP for that screencap anon? I wanna see the context

>> No.14395687

>treats trans people like they're so stupid they can't figure out they can't reproduce
>calls them freaks and phonies and taunts them into suicide while constantly reminding them they can't enjoy all the things everyone else enjoys by default
huh, I wonder why the suicide rate is so high, really makes you think

>> No.14395696

my husband loves the coconut flavor.

>> No.14395720
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You can't blame society forever. Eventually you have to grow up and accept responsibility.

>> No.14395760

there's always gotta be a moral panic about something, huh

also La Croix sucks ass

>> No.14395774

I like Trulys

>> No.14395789
File: 2.66 MB, 426x240, repent sinner.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>morality's relative
>we're just animals
>if it feels good, do it

>> No.14395842

They are better than White Claw. Try a Vizzy next time you "buy drinks for the wife". That's the excuse every dude makes when he comes to my store and buys seltzer.
Seriously, try a Vizzy though. It seems to be the perfect balance of flavor. Honestly a pedestrian but still refreshing choice is the Bud Light seltzer in mango. They have an okay black cherry too, but nothing to write home about.

>> No.14395851
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>> No.14395873

>that webm
Kino, what a chad

>> No.14395887

>my very presence turns fruits into vegetables
Uuuhhh based?

>> No.14395905

My nephew works at the La Croix factory as a recruiter and he told me that they actively avoid hiring gays, spics and niggers so no, I don't think so.

>> No.14395976

You're already gay when you start basing what you drink based on what other people think about it.

>> No.14395990

Don't drink the limoncello
the vanilla aftertaste is too much to enjoy properly

>> No.14396011
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Take the Polar pill if you can find them. But if all else the tall and skinny fag cans from La Croix are actually decent.

>> No.14396071

yooooooo just got these at the old Cost Co. Just drank grapefruit, these ones are so tasty they are soooo sweet, there has to be a catch. zero sugar what? Waaaaaaaaaat? Seriously there has to be some additive that is highly toxic not on the ingredients list it almost tastes like soda pop

>> No.14396112

>accused of nihilistic hedonism
>respond with sexual euphemism
pottery etc etc

>> No.14396137

you are nothing but fakers and that makes you an abomination. if you need insurance co-pay for genital mutilation you don't have my support and no I don't support infant circumcision either

>> No.14396242

it's child abuse to gaslight children into believing they're transgender under the guise of "helping them parse these feelings" because pfizer isn't making enough money on fucking menopause medication and you've found a use for deranged court eunuchs
it's extortion and class warfare when a full round of treatment costs over a million dollars per otherwise healthy child

>> No.14396416

Trans people are literally freaks. Today, one approached me at the store, and I told him to get the fuck away from me.

>> No.14396435

We're talking about trannies you fucking retard keep up

>> No.14396460

The secret is that you have to put gin in the top.

>> No.14396534

lime lacroix weaned me off coke
now I do drink a coke zero every now and then but it's fairly rare

>> No.14396590

get you some limoncello la croix my man, its fucking great

>> No.14396755

La Croix is shit but Cherry Lime Klarburn is fire, but if you are worried about your fragile masculinity, check out Liquid Death Mountain Water

>> No.14396797


It’s hell. I just want to drink refreshing beverages with hints of fruit in peace.

>> No.14396831


Coke and Pepsi spend $4 billion each year telling consumers what to think about people who drink their products. Without that advertising lemmings don't know what to think.

>> No.14397638

hi there. it's me, Steve Lacroix.

I noticed your little disagreement and thought I'd stop in to say that we do, in fact, pee in the seltzer. this is what makes it healthier than water, as here at Lacroix we firmly believe that drinking piss is good for you and we love to drink piss

have a lovely evening and use promo code 4CHAN for 10% off your next order

>> No.14397879

Will an ice cold du Cnoix turn you gay? Click here to learn their one weird trick.

>> No.14397882

Silly OP, you were a faggot long before your first sip.

>> No.14397902

Flavored water is disgusting.

You're desperately lying and rationalizing. None of it is good.

>> No.14398052

I like la croix but white claws are gross

>> No.14398077

LaCroix is delicious, except for morons that expect it to be sweet like a soda.

>> No.14398085

The cola flavor of croix is fucking delicious by the way.

>> No.14398086

these are terrible. I don't know how they managed to make seltzer taste like cardboard

>> No.14398255

why are you pedos so obsessed with chidren's genitals

>> No.14398499

Your husband is a faggot.

>> No.14398535

Kill yourself, seriously. The world would be better off without you.

>> No.14398547

Thanks, will do man.

>> No.14398574

I want to say that most men don't like being condescended to so something a sparkling water called liquid death mountain water would be even more shameful than La Croix, which is also why dr Pepper ten flopped.

But then I remember that bulletproof coffee exists

>> No.14398587

The coconut lacroix tastes like fucking sunscreen but not in a good way. Lemon, lime, and unflavored are the best. Unflavored on ice with a wedge of lemon is probably the single most refreshing thing you could ever drink

>> No.14398818

>he drinks flavored water

You must either be a woman or a sodomite.

>> No.14398894

I'm getting hints of fruit from this post.

>> No.14398910

join us

>> No.14398912

Do you like plain seltzer? I started to prefer that. The fruit ones taste good at first, but fruit flavor with just bitterness from the carbonation and no acidity/sweetness eventually started to taste unpleasant to me.

>> No.14399896

My work has Spindrift. That's the good shit. Lacroix is barely distinguishable from the Safeway/generic equivalent.