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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14394737 No.14394737 [Reply] [Original]

Whatd the most you ever spent on one meal? I took two asian girls to a sushi place and we all ended up spendinh over 200 dollars on sushi and sake. Ended up sleeping with one later that night

>> No.14394744

>spendinh over 200 dollars on sushi and sake. Ended up sleeping with one later that night
That's an expensive hooker

>> No.14394754

>spending 200 dollars on pussy
why not just learn to talk your way into pussy my nigga

>> No.14394766

I went to a Teppanaki or hibachi table whatever its called. Got filet mignon, lobster and scallops. Plus a couple sapporos and tip I paid 120 or something around there.

>> No.14394770

I was thinking people woumd have more expensive stories

>> No.14394776

Wait a minute, do Japanese people eat shrimp tails?

>> No.14394777

A fucking burger in Iceland was like $50. It wasn’t anywhere fancy, just a normal restaurant.

>> No.14394780

$16 on an average sized sub from which wich. Sub only. No drink or chips

>> No.14394784

Dropped like $250 for four people for a decent but not expensive meal. Most expensive dinner I've ever wasted on myself came out to like $120. I say wasted because it was not really worth $120. Still good, but not worth $120.

>> No.14394811

Most I've spent was about 50 bucks for two people, which isn't that much for eating out.

>> No.14394816

wife and i go to a local joint here in houston for crawfish when they're in season. we usually drop $100 before tip for crawfish and beer. when they aren't in season, we get crab legs and beer. that usually runs around $175 before tip.

>> No.14394817

Man. I consider 'expensive' anything where I spend $60 or more in a sitting. But I am El Cheapo otherwise.

>> No.14394818

$1200 5 course meal at Michelin Man star restaurant

Worth? No

Tasty: Yes!

>> No.14394823

>$1200 five course meal
Before or after drinks? This is vital.

>> No.14394826

I paid $93 or me, a friend and his gf to treat them for spending the day with me and helping me/cheering me on during a shitty time. Was like 6 plates of Chinese food at a pretty cheap restaurant. Shrimps, house rice, chowmein, beef and broccoli, pepper chicken and general tao. Also a garlic mushroom plate. I ended up eating nearly all of it becYse it was too much for them but it was delicious so I don't regret it

>> No.14394841

I'd like to think one of the girls was nice enough to acknowledge the amount of money you spent on them so she slept with you out of pity

I never ate at an expensive restaurant so for me it's probably 50 dollars

>> No.14394898

theres a pretty nice sushi place by me that has a combo that comes with a lot of sushi, salad, soup and these amazing deep fried oysters. it's $35 per person, but ive paid for the combo for 3 for my brother and a friend.

for my sisters 21st my family and a few cousins and friends went to an overpriced place called the sugar factory in nyc. they had these meme $36 fishbowl drinks. i think the bill came to over $400 and my parents paid for all of it.

nothing too crazy i guess. ive gotten drunk and ordered myself way too much takeout too.

>> No.14394967

around $500/person at French Laundry ($325 for tasting menu plus some of the add-ons and cocktails)

absolutely not worth it

>> No.14394982

Probably would have slept with her regardless of me me spending money on a big dinner, 4k a month in a small city goes a long way. She also cooked me a few dinners prior

>> No.14394990

let me clarify my statement: the meal itself was no where worth the money I paid, if looked at as a meal alone; yes the Oysters and Pearls was delectable, yes that piece of actual Japanese waygu was perfection, but it was still a meal...a 3 hour one but a meal nonetheless; the experience, however, was worth the price much like front row seats at <insert band of your choice here> would be....I’ll never go back, but I can reflect on the memory and feel pretty good about it

>> No.14394998

800$ Tasting for two plus a bunch of add one and wine/cocktails. It was a 4 hour experience and progressed at a great pace, for me it was totally worth it. The question of whether something like that is worth it is dependent upon the individual, often when you pay that much it’s for an experience as well as the food. If you are into that sort of thing then you’ll like it, if you’re not into it then you’ll regret spending that much.

>> No.14395038

been there, it's insanely expensive, but it was a friends birthday
Ended up waiting to drink at the club

>> No.14395065

It included wine pairing and also a cocktail at the start.

>> No.14395078
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I think when it comes to really expensive meals, the experience and your memory of it are what you're really paying for and last, not necessarily the basic level of tasty or not regular eating out.

>> No.14395085

idk why this typo made me laugh

>> No.14395098

Because I'm a stupid phone poster that is too lazy to get out of bed and post on my desktop?

>> No.14395137

because I thought it was a lazy attempt at making a stereotypical Asian accept in the post, but it was just a typo

>> No.14395147
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Really it's the liqour that does in my costs

>> No.14395413

Like $100.
I don't trust portion sizes so I almost always buy a main and leave if dissatisfied, getting second dinner elsewhere as necessary. The $100 was already a 5 disappointingly small course set at an expensive restaurant, with some level of 8 person group buy discount.
Also my restaurant going is an all evening affair, so I'd never buy more than the one drink. I'd go to a bar after.
The most I've spent at a bar is closer to $200. That'll likely go up as I try all the cheaper whiskys available.

>> No.14395495

Its always 10 times more expensive to drink out than drink at home, thats why I pregame

>> No.14395504

That one piece is almost entirely fat

>> No.14395596

I understand what you mean. However, the liqour in my photo was incredibly hard to get even for industry people, so that I got to try it at all makes it worth the cost.

>> No.14395613
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it was a very delicious meal

>> No.14395715

I got a promotion while on a business trip, so I celebrated by going to a Japanese themed grill.
It was one of those places where you can sit up at the bar right in front of the cooks and bartenders. I sat there and they handed me a menu, which I handed back and said, "Give me whatever you think is good."
So the cook just went nuts giving me all these fancy grilled meats, amazing stuff. I told them to match the drinks with the food, got to know the cook pretty well and had a great time. They knew I didn't care about the price and gave me some really special treatment.
When it was time for the bill, the bartender gave me a worried look and gave it to me.
$500 AUD
I almost couldn't believe the price, it was the most expensive bill I had ever seen. Even when I go out with family the bill never gets that high.
But I really enjoyed myself, absolutely the best dining experience I ever had.

>> No.14395812

Anywhere I pay over 10 USD is too expensive for me (my country's currency is worth 5 times less than the USD). I mean, I can pay for it but I really feel bad

>> No.14395939
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140 bucks bill plus tax at Hugo's Cellar in Vegas. I had won a 10k video poker jackpot the night before and everyone I was with had already gone home whilst I was staying another night. It was actually pretty reasonable for what I got: Manhattan cocktail, lobster bisque, filet Oscar style with a half order of giant scallops and an espresso. Included in the entrée price was a bread plate, a table side made salad, a palate clearing sorbet and some chocolate dipped fruit dessert. Pic related was my 1 in 650,000 dealt hand and I just happened to be playing ten handed. I left an even 200 for the tab.

>> No.14395989

For multiple people? Like $800 because credit card roulette bullshit.

>> No.14396003

Years ago spent over $300 for a 17-course tasting menu with the wife. Would probably be $500 today.

>> No.14396017
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And the entrée course.

>> No.14396026

Looks weird but cool story. Hope you enjoyed it!

>> No.14396037

>probably would have slept with her regardless
Yea probably but you didn’t sleep with her regardless

>> No.14396048
File: 345 KB, 2592x1456, hTugUsP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Hope you enjoyed it!
I didn't hate it.

>> No.14396069

Not really dude. The cost is overall lower as well because OP got a meal out of it, and likely has a chance of more puss in the future

>> No.14396081

Do Americans really?
Just fucking pay for the shit you ordered, how is this hard?

>> No.14396480

I have not found that restaurants have access to hard liquor that I don't. Some bars do have independent bottlings you can't get, and some have their own bottlings that no one can get, but you're getting pretty specialist there. Typically my personal collection bought from regular bottle shops will eclipse a bars.
They certainly have direct connections to wine that you can't access though (without showing up in person, at least). Which I am not a fan of. When it comes to wine there is too much to try, so part of what you pay for at a restaurant is curation. Which is useless if you can't then buy the bottles you've liked.

>> No.14396488

>They knew I didn't care about the price
You're only supposed to do that when you're expensing the company

>> No.14396529

I've been told no split orders after a 20 person gathering. It's fine, we all have the savings, but this shit happens.
This has actually happened a few times with birthday parties / guys quitting, resulting in a few $1k bills.

>> No.14396623

how tight was her pussy?

>> No.14396647

My uncle who went to Vietnam told me it was sideways, he wasn't lying

>> No.14396648

Congrats on throwing your money away

>> No.14396871

That's so fucking stupid. I'd just leave if a restaurant told me that bullshit

>> No.14396879

$240 per person, before liquor, would do again, seethe

>> No.14396891

I took my gf to a nice restaurant in Deep Creek. Spent about 60 bucks (including tip). That's the most I've ever spent on food in one go, I never eat out because restaurants ramp up my anxiety.

>> No.14396894

lmfao should we even let poverty anons on the board???

>> No.14396904

$120 for a seven course omakase - no booze
$90 or so at an izakaya to celebrate the end of the semester - had a bunch of dishes and three drinks. Chuhai, some hard to find japanese whiskey, and sake which they poured in the meme way where the glass overfills into a separate container. Then I went to the movie theater and watched First Reformed.

haven't really spent big on a meal in a few years since then. might try for a reservation at Atelier whatever in SF or French Laundry once this covid shit fucks off

>> No.14396916

I don't got a lot,
I don't need a lot,
Coffee's only a dime! Ha-ha!

>> No.14397037

500 dollars on a steak dinner for 4 with drinks in San Francisco

>> No.14397362

500-600 plenty of times at different places for two. The food is always great and all but it's really a case of diminishing returns. At a certain point you're paying for atmosphere and service.

>> No.14397390

$600 bucks for two at some 5 star restaurant in Tokyo that had a special wagyu menu where you got 11 small dishes. Was honestly delicious.

>> No.14397415

one time I was real suicidal and I was literally going to heem myself and I figured wtf does it matter I might as well blow some money so I brought some real fucking expensive champagne (like 300+dollars), and tonnes of oysters and other shit

of course, being suicidal, I didn't enjoy any of it and just ended up crying in my car and going home afterwards. I actually tipped most of the bottle out on the road in a rage. The oysters tastes like seawater snot.

>> No.14397426

Well, by your standards, the "one meal" portion of the "one meal" qualifier does not seem very important...
I spent around $1900 once, but that included reserving a private room at the restaurant, and a $450 bottle of wine (included their @corking@ fee).

Not the best meal I ever had, but it was nice and the company was good.

>> No.14397444

Dropped $800 on a six person meal at this all you can eat white table cloth Brazilian steakhouse near Seattle. We spent probably three hours there. I've been back three times since with one or two people and it's around $200 ever time.

>> No.14397762

>only 200

>> No.14398906

like $250 on my own with no alcohol cuz I was teetotaling from my alcoholic past which I've resumed. might have been better with booze but I have no ragretz. multiple times I've spent 80-150 usd on omakase and or prix fixe menus and also have no ragretz

>> No.14398973

Did you kill yourself later?

>> No.14399066


>> No.14399747

holy fuck,

I thought I was bad when I did $91 for 2 people at the keg last year.

>> No.14400129

Around 150 euros with wines in several restaurants with Michelin stars or other Michelin mentions.

>> No.14400151

Maybe 400 or 450 SEK, like 40 to 45 dollars.

>> No.14400300
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don't wanna kill a thread to ask this one thing, so I'll take a ride on this one
Anons, I'm ordering sushi today but I've no idea how many sushi I can take. I once ate 100 with my girlfriend and I was so full I couldnt even breath. but some other time I'm sure I had eaten a lot more and was cool.
how many sushi you usually eat?

>> No.14400305

So there is not middle clase meal. Either you spend $60 or $800

>> No.14400324

1,000,000 sushi. I have practiced ancient stonach expanding kata. Its a spiritual thing. I imagine the food as my enemy, and my only way to come out of the battle alive is by attrition against the sushi. Im not sure if you will understand.

>> No.14400342
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>> No.14400360

Ha. Ive learned from ancient masters. Your dog could not even handle 50 sushi.

>> No.14401219

4k+ tip between 6 people at Don Dons izakaya in downtown Toronto on new years eve

>> No.14401613

money well spent

>> No.14401626

Does he a filipino girlfriend?

>> No.14402764

Epic Steakhouse

>> No.14402823

I think the most would probably be like $120 on a very nice steak dinner one year to celebrate something. If we include alcohol it's probably in the $300 range.

>> No.14402869

Either a binge dinner on PizzaHut that I shared with fellow resident hall regulars and workers to say Thank You/Sorry, or the seafood/craft beer joint I spent with my mom when she came to scoop me up after the end of a semester.
But if I can keep it food& 'beverage' related? I tried making my own bar when I turned 21. I had the housing federal aid I my pocket whilst living at home and blew like $250 on my own bar that I would up pouring down the drain beacuse I had to keep it locked in a chest on account of my alcoholic mother downing my spirits.

>> No.14402911

Got a 40€ for me and my wife
conversation regarding sushi degenerated and she confessed her infidelity

so yeah that would be my most expensive meal

>> No.14402918

Not really enough for me to remember. I feel bad spending too much money eating out, when I could use that same dosh to feed me and my family for 2 or 3 whole days.

>> No.14402926

Around $250 for two, chefs tasting menu at a contemporary Japanese restaurant. It was a first date with a girl that was my gf for a couple years afterwards. We've since broken up because I'm an idiot, but we're still friends and occasionally hang out casually

I secretly still love her, but i know she will never feel the same way again after how i treated her. God it hurts

>> No.14402980

From the sound of things, I'd say 40-60 is your absolute limit.

>> No.14403009

Slip her the D

>> No.14403027

Just say you're sorry

>> No.14403067

why would you lie on /ck/?

>> No.14403079

right at the beginning of the pandemic a friend and I walked into the most well-regarded sushi place in my city on a friday night and got omakase from the founder/head chef, who was trained at sukiyabashi jiro
with alcohol it was about $750 for the both of us

>> No.14403081

lmfao cheap sushi and you got cucked wew lad lmfao

>> No.14403193

Bout the same
1-2 hundread

>> No.14403198

and I'm feeling guilty spending this much on commissioned smut

>> No.14403237

I have plenty of times, but no amount of apology will undo what i did. Which wasn't even that bad, but enough to permanently damage her trust

>> No.14403402
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>> No.14403425

My mom paid for a 150 dollar meal between the two of us while we were on vacation as a teen, I still feel guilty about it. If I spend over 20 on a meal I feel wasteful, I usually enjoy eating in hole in the wall places for cheap more than I do fine dining.

>> No.14403428

What'd you do, anon? Pull off the scab for my entertainment. :)

>> No.14403433

about $100, more or less. I really enjoy the Melting Pot

>> No.14403502

I hosted a medium sized celebration at a 3 star restaurant. Pre-drinks, tasting menu, wine pairings, and a few extras afterwards came to a bit over £1k per head.

>> No.14403595

I kinda impulsively accepted a great job on the other side of the country and basically abandoned her with our rental lease without much notice or consultation. Of course i paid her my half of the lease with the money i made. But the emotional damage was done. I feel very bad about it

>> No.14405224
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Don't. Fuck bitches, stack paper nigga.
Live yo life yo way yo.

>> No.14406727


>> No.14406743

I wanna go to Japan/Korea and eat a bunch of msg laden foods then fuck a tite asian whore as revenge for letting their monks diddle little boys

>> No.14406959

>>monks diddle boys

I think thats more of a catholic thing

>> No.14406993

monks did it too i forget the name they gave their altar boys though
i hate Catholics but they’re already being infiltrated by the devil so I don’t need to get revenge on them

>> No.14407184

Christ, you're retarded. I'm sure you know that but just in case

>> No.14407919

Well there's a but more to it and i simplified it, but yea i I'm retarded i know. Don't worry, i suffer a lot because of it

>> No.14408009

What monks

>> No.14408071

Those people who eat centipedes and seaweed? Yeah probably. At least they killed it first

>> No.14408771

A coworker and I ate the tasting menu at a michelin star restaurant in LA by accident during a conference. Afterwards we decided to expense half the bill and split the other half. Pretty worth tbhq.

>> No.14408942

Went to Fogo de Chao once with a friend of mine and his uncle. It was kino.

>> No.14409178

Spent 250 at Heron's in Raleigh on dinner for two with their fall seasonal menu
I still think about it all the time

>> No.14409333

>Ended up sleeping with one later that night

>> No.14409383


>> No.14409786

>for crawfish
unless you got literally 2 32 gallon garbage cans full of boil with sausage/corn/potato etc I can't imagine paying this much

>> No.14412180

jesus christ

>> No.14412261

Most expensive meal I've ever purchased? Probably taking my sister and mom out to eat at a nice sushi place, about $100 for the three of us. Never had a serious enough relationship to go out to a fancy restaurant and when I eat solo I don't need to spend that much even at night restaurants. There's also the time some coworkers and I were grading final projects for 12 hours at the end of the semester, and I bought everyone dinner from a takeout place. That was probably about $100 too.

The most expensive meal I've ever had was for my 13th birthday. My parents took out to Michael Simon's Lola in Cleveland -- he'd just won the Iron Chef competition. They paid for us to have the chef's tasting, one of those fancy meals where they serve you whatever the chef feels like cooking at a special table. It was a 7-course meal, pork belly and scallop, sturgeon wrapped in potato, beet and goat cheese salad, that kind of thing. We even got to meet Michael Simon and Dad told him a cringe joke about how it was a better 13th birthday than the traditional banishment from the herd common in tribal societies. (?) Mom later ruined it all by complaining about how much it cost, $600 or something. It was nice, we all fondly remember it. Highly recommend everyone go to a fancy restaurant at least once.

>> No.14412400


>> No.14412440

>Most expensive meal I've ever purchased? Probably taking my sister and mom out to eat
Based and Family pilled. You're doing it right Bro.

>> No.14412590

Did you fuck your sister?