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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 780x439, virus-outbreak-disney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14389122 No.14389122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So now that it's open, what you guys looking forward to eating first at Disney World?

>> No.14389140

I've watched DeSantis spout complete bullshit for months now, but the one thing he's said that I actually agreed with the other day was that, if anyone is going to get this right, it's going to be Disney.

>> No.14389141

I went years ago when I was around 10 and had fish and chips at some place and it was trash, on that day I stopped respecting British people

>> No.14389143

People still go to Disney land? They built one in France 30 years ago and nobody went.

>> No.14389149

They didn't build a Disney World in Paris because they thought French people wanted to go to Disney World. They built it because Paris is the most visited tourist destination in the world, and Disney (rightly) knows that families get bored going to museums so will likely take a day off to go to Disney Land.

>> No.14389151

Already seen reports of people going to first aid with covid symptoms and not being told to leave the park. Disney will fuck this up just like the rest of the US has so far

>> No.14389154
File: 107 KB, 1020x573, coronamap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*laughs in universal healthcare*

I mean god damn it's actually sad but what are you yahoos even doing down there

>> No.14389155
File: 55 KB, 704x415, SW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if anyone is going to get this right, it's going to be Disney

>> No.14389158

Americans are literally proving that they're too retarded to live.

>> No.14389162

For me, it's Le Cellier, the best Disney restaurant.

>> No.14389163

Nobody is suing Disney for ruining Star Wars, but if you chip your tooth on a premium bar they'll bring out an entire swat team of paramedics and lawyers.

>> No.14389166

walmart is doing free grocery delivery if you use a promo code. I decided to try out grocery delivery for the very first time. I'm in AL and we're close behind florida

>> No.14389175

just stop testing.
>no tests means no new cases
>economy opens up full roar
4. profit!

>> No.14389179
File: 80 KB, 760x428, AFP_1V12BZ.focal-760x428[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait bros.... if he's wearing a mask... doesn't that mean that it's *gulp* real?!

>> No.14389180

To be fair, Star wars should have ended after 1980. Lucas kept fucking up by adding in a bunch of shit for the home releases like dated CGI Jabba the hut and MACLUNKY, and then the prequels were just a trilogy of shit so the last movies they made were.... eh... could've been way worse.

Their handling of Marvel and everything else that they own now is going to show just how big they can fuck things up. They're probably gonna cancel Deadpool or make everything of his PG-13 and forget more films like Logan. We're gonna go back to the purgatory of what super hero movies were like at the turn of the century.

>> No.14389187
File: 729 KB, 320x240, Fuck Florida.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking shithole

>> No.14389190
File: 159 KB, 1024x612, 1594305978790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, it's literally no big deal. CNN said it themselves.

>> No.14389197


>> No.14389199

>muh China
most of the cases came from Europe.

>> No.14389200

Imagine being this much of a bugman

>> No.14389201

imagine the mutations

>> No.14389203

What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.14389208
File: 30 KB, 512x427, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14389214

Yeah, looks like the black people live in a small fraction of the red area on his map, you coping mutt.

>> No.14389221

It means you suck corporate cock and consume as directed

>> No.14389223

He's an obese man in his 70s. The virus has always been known to be a major risk for people in his demographic.

The question is whether it's equally dangerous for the rest of us, and that still appears much less likely.

>> No.14389230

Wait until you find out that he's trying to build sea-walls to protect his properties from another very fake Chinese hoax...

>> No.14389236

I haven't been to Disney Land since before anyone using zoomer speak was even born. That doesn't change the fact that if anyone is going to regulate shit down to a tee it's going to be Disney.

>> No.14389240


Oof, too soon.

>> No.14389243

>trying to build sea-walls
Yeah right. He's going an Epstein before Christmas.

>> No.14389245
File: 15 KB, 285x177, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that's crazy, covid cases are definitely not correlated with the overall population density at all (pic related), it's just the blacks!

>> No.14389247
File: 384 KB, 1404x2000, EV6cRD-XQAUWs_F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then people will protest and boycott and shoot guns at Disney because they were OPPRESSED and HUMILIATED when they politely insisted that they wash their hands at the entrance and wear masks. Same bullshit that's been an issue only in America with supermarkets.

>> No.14389252

Weren't most of these #ReopenAmerica protests heavily astro-turfed? I know that they were trying to make that hashtag take off in mid-March.

>> No.14389253

kek you might be retarded anon

>> No.14389256

Worse, American.

>> No.14389259


That is one hell of a misleading map. The us dots seem to be centered on counties, Canada is centered on provinces.

>> No.14389267

I know you love obsessing over America, but these people are a tiny vocal minority and everyone here hates them.

>> No.14389268

once famous people start dying I will worry about this. if they aren't safe from it than its actually an issue.

>> No.14389270

It's also zoomed out, so the dots are much bigger than they appear making the map seemed more full than it really is.

But give it a few more months and it'll look exactly like that.

>> No.14389271

Where did this happen? Didn’t hear of anything like this in Texas

>> No.14389273

They literally control all three branches of your government.

>> No.14389274

and the top half of Canada is basically empty land save for a few medium sized towns

>> No.14389282

If that were true, corona cases wouldn't be skyrocketing form sea to shining sea. People would have worn masks and washed their hands for the last 3 months and reached a level of normalcy like other first world countries

>> No.14389283

1) No, they don't.
2) The republican party is turning on Trump because it's pretty much guaranteed he's not getting reelected at this point.

>> No.14389294

this is what was said when he was first elected. try another tactic

>> No.14389296


Haha, of course Trump is going to get reelected. It'll be 2016 all over again.

>> No.14389304

>I literally can't read a map: the post

>> No.14389305 [DELETED] 

suburban upper-middle class white liberal detected. Blacks have been the absolute worst about taking common sense precautions throughout this pandemic, even worse the lower-class whites. Even in march when this was being astroturfed as spanish flu 2.0, all the niggers were out having barbecues and block parties regularly, not to mention they naturally like to loiter in groups throughout the day. This is all compounded by the fact most blacks have terrible hygiene. Blacks make up a disproportionate amount of bat cough cases because they just don’t care, they’re even worse than trumpniggers about this stuff.

>> No.14389307

I don't understand your incoherent mutt noises.

>> No.14389315

>Ever being right

>> No.14389317
File: 546 KB, 780x439, le freedom fighters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was mostly the north--ish. There was one armed group in Michigan that rushed and took over its Capitol building.

>> No.14389323
File: 461 KB, 2400x1600, EVqsqy5XYAEM_Gq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14389325

>rushed and took over its Capitol building
That's absolutely not what happened.

>> No.14389329

Imagine if they were heavily armed working class black folks instead of petit bourg yts LARPing in camo...

>> No.14389332

oh whoops what happened then

>> No.14389341

I sure love me some food & cooking discussion

>> No.14389342

>in camo
most of them are wearing autism jeans lol

>> No.14389367

A small handful of incels drove from 5 states over with their army surplus gear and super cool CoD guns to "protest". All the people who worked at the building were like, "well, the law says they can open carry, so whatever, but this kind of feels like straight up intimidation, and they all look like school shooters, so maybe we should take another look at the gun laws because this is pretty ridiculous".

>> No.14389377

Not really. Deaths have plummeted and something like 30% of our deaths came from long term care facilities who were forced to take covid patients

>> No.14389383
File: 293 KB, 1160x773, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A small handful of incels

>> No.14389384

That sort of chimping out is precisely what the 2nd Amendment is intended for, though.
Petit-bourgeois types protecting capital from the tyranny of democracy and government.

>> No.14389386
File: 186 KB, 960x960, hi0zh78q82l41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, America is really crumbling into oblivion.
Just like Rome before it.

>> No.14389390

This is actually true. Multiple articles on how hard hit black communities are over this

>> No.14389401
File: 735 KB, 4000x2667, ANGRY COUGHING NOISES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also that doesn't negate what I said. They marched in uninvited and forced/threatened their way in.

Obviously after a while they got bored and left as they realized that The Government wasn't just one physical building you can wave guns at until it makes you happy, but they still did what they did.

>> No.14389402

I don't know why you would ever expect British-tier fish and chips in a giant plastic kiddie park in Florida.

>> No.14389403

Niggers are the real virus

>> No.14389412

Yeah this is pretty typical of relatively new countries. Civil war, peace, civil war, peace, civil war, peace. Anyone with an ounce of knowledge on history could have predicted it

>> No.14389432

>they marched in uninvited and forced/threatened their way in
It's a government building open to the public in a state with open carry laws. It was a bunch of losers not breaking any laws or forcing anything. They were just being annoying and trying to elicit a reaction for the sole purpose of claiming persecution while not explicitly breaking any laws. This isn't /pol/ , dum dum. You actually have to make an argument here if you expect not to be laughed at.

>> No.14389434

Is it weird to go to disneyworld alone, and with no kids?
I just want to eat at Victoria and Albert's chef table, and then fuck off into a room for a nap, and then leave the park.

>> No.14389450

Where is the food and cooking? Can someone help me find out what part of OP is related to food and cooking? I'm not sure, but it just doesn't seem like there's anything about food and cooking going on in this thread!

>> No.14389453

It's almost like the 2nd amendment is there to keep the government in check by the people it's supposed to serve

>> No.14389457

>You actually have to make an argument here
/ck/ - cooking and food

>> No.14389468

LMAOno. The aristocrats who drafted the second amendment had absolutely no intention of common rabble having that much power.

>> No.14389478

You know this why?

>> No.14389492

That's actually exactly what they intended as far as any interpretation I've read

>> No.14389497

This almost sort of made sense back in the day where everyone just had muskets and flint lock pistols anyways, but today the government could drop nukes on your head from space while you're going pew pew with your collection of wal-mart rifles.

>> No.14389498

So they fucked up, and that's bad? You want Cheeto Hitler to have more power over you?

>> No.14389505

Oh yeah totally since they really won that war in vietn... Oh well they definitely defeated the insurgency in afghan...huh. it's almost like guerilla warfare is extremely challenging to overcome. Also why would they nuke and irradiate a giant portion of the land they want to keep?

>> No.14389510

Many of the "founding fathers" were pretty explicit in their distrust of democracy. James Madison ("Father of the Constitution") in particular flat-out stated that democracy needed to be limited in order to protect the wealthy elite from the masses.
Guns are fine, but the 2nd Amendment is intended to protect the elite from the masses, and that's how it tends to manifest itself in practice. The whole "militia movement" grew out of Cold War spooks trying to set up our own little Operation Gladio to prevent a "communist uprising" (i.e. democracy weakening capital).

>> No.14389520

>it's almost like guerilla warfare is extremely challenging to overcome.
It is, when it's on foreign lands.

>> No.14389527

The only thing that we can confirm from the second amendment is the right to beararms.
They haven't given my beararms, so I'll just buy gons.

>> No.14389537

Do you not understand how big and diverse the landscape of the US is?

>> No.14389574

Is this okay?

>> No.14389649

Yes, and it's also not a alien foreign land. It's nothing like vietnam, the American government wouldn't be like ARKANSAS? WHAT IS THIS PLACE? DO THEY HAVE JUNGLES THERE? because it's their fucking land

>> No.14389662

this but unironically.
the great majority of cases are mild symptoms. if you're a boomer then take appropriate measures.

wear your mask, if only to offer a non-confrontational placebo to everyone else that believes walking past a stranger at the grocery store for a quarter of a second with nomask on is akin to "murdering grandma"

if we had let this thing run it's course we'd all be fine. the alarmist stories of overrun hospitals is what caused every politician to go in major CYA mode and implement ridiculous society-breaking measures so they wouldn't have to justify putting "a single life" at risk

>> No.14389674

Ok retard.

>> No.14389681

Rent free

>> No.14389688

just be a useful idiot, never question anything or use critical thinking. I envy your npc happiness

>> No.14389691

As bad as new star wars was, old star wars was always overrated.

>> No.14389699

*grabs the same load of bread as 15 other people did that day and wipes his hand on his mouth*

>> No.14389702
File: 47 KB, 1200x1200, pepecringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "free-thinker who just so happens to parrot right-wing corporate astroturf campaigns" episode
These writers ought to be shot.

>> No.14389703

>wear your mask, if only to offer a non-confrontational placebo to everyone else that believes walking past a stranger at the grocery store for a quarter of a second with nomask on is akin to "murdering grandma"
Wear a n95 respirator with eye coverage.

>> No.14389708

I wish I could infect bugmen like you with covid, but a mild case of the sniffles isn't really that satisfying a fate...

>> No.14389715

in your authoritarian utopia, we'd both be shot

>> No.14389729

FAGApedes drowning on ventilators is pretty neat, I don't know what you're on about.

>> No.14389745

no one has yet to address what the fuck the point of a four month lockdown was if it did jack-shit for the numbers.

a cold runs its course after about a week. even if it wasn't perfect, there should have been a serious reduction in cases over the spring months.

so either someone is cooking the books with the number of infections or there is absolutely no advantage in locking down everyone in the fist place.

>> No.14389748
File: 53 KB, 879x548, 1591186624261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

famous people have already died. 137,000+ people in the US alone died. and the majority of those deaths was DURING the lockdown. now that the lockdown is lifted and cases are now skyrocketing it's inevitable the deathrate will follow suit as hospital resources become taxed beyond their limits and medical staff are forced to choose who lives and dies in triage.

>> No.14389757
File: 426 KB, 1314x1328, 1591446279987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one has yet to address what the fuck the point of a four month lockdown was if it did jack-shit for the numbers.

It was to make the numbers more manageable and not tax hospital resources beyond limits. You fucking braindead shitstain.

>> No.14389761

It highlights the absolute lack of leadership in the country on both sides. Total clusterfuck. Every elected official from the mayors up should be dragged

>> No.14389764

nothing we've done has had any real effect, so let's just take our lumps and let it run its course.

until there's a vaccine there is no way to hide from this thing.

>> No.14389766

It was to recoup the loss of Switzerland's banks going into negative interest rates.

>> No.14389774

bullshit. it's the trite "it could have been worse" argument that's been shown to be incorrect

>> No.14389782

>a cold runs its course after about a week. even if it wasn't perfect, there should have been a serious reduction in cases over the spring months.

Do you even know how viruses propogate through a large population? Only a small % of the population has actually been exposed to and have been infected by CV19. Antibody testing statistical models show this. What the fuck do you think the death toll would be if there wasn't a lockdown? Just look at Switzerland where the death rate per hundred thousand was several times the number of the surrounding countries who enforced lockdowns.

you're a fucking illiterate retard

>> No.14389785

Its weird, but they're not going to kick you out for it. They'll probably just think you're a depressed weirdo or art student.

>> No.14389787

I'll buy this for sure, no one knew wtf they were doing and everything has been damage control since day1

>> No.14389796

Go volunteer in the ICU of any hospital in any large city right now. Beds are running out and it's only going to get worse.

>> No.14389795
File: 118 KB, 1024x682, EXxOs7IXsAAAOmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People were protesting the "lockdown" and coughing on police officers & not observing any sort of basic hygiene like 3 fucking weeks into it.

If you look at countries where China welded apartment buildings shut and in Italy where streets were deserted and South Korea where they tracked people's cell phones and credit cards or any other country where they did more than a eighth-measure, cases have gone down.

>> No.14389824

The democrats new what they were doing when they sacrificed Americans to covid to prove their point.
>refused to lock down
>refuse to stop flights
>hid ventilators
>hid money
>opened testing tents without tests to give just so more people could contract covid and get sent home
>sent covid carriers to congregate and riot
What a bunch of evil fuckwads.

>> No.14389829

>Vietnam and Korea have little to no deaths

Nope America is just retarded

>> No.14389832 [DELETED] 

it is so typical that american act this way . look at that . disgusting fetish pedophiles and trying to infect more people .

you people eat poisinous food and are all addicted to SSRI (which destroy your brain) and you all have obesity and diabetes . by 2050 the CCP will own every public work in america. it would only take 1/10th of PLA to beat america in war. china has 5000 year of history, america has 200 and will be GONE in the blink of an eye, completely forgot by time.

i can use 1,000 words to speak to 18 generations of your disgusting pig ancestors. fuck your mother. YOUR GOVERNMENT lied to you. TRUMP made the virus.

you people are absolutely disgusting. disgusting fat trump with diabetes. you are the laughingstock of the world

>> No.14389842

yeah how terrible it is that Democrats are in control of the government

oh wait

>> No.14389844
File: 38 KB, 500x333, 1279055459625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 rubles has been deposited to your Yandex bucks account
>Thank you for aiding our ongoing PsyOps war against American scum, Komrade

>> No.14389846

so? every medical expert has admitted that we're all getting infected at some point. covid isn't a new virus, it's just a particularly nasty strain.

us trying to duck this out as a species will just make us weaker when the next one comes.

of course none of this matters since it's out of our hands anyway. just take your smug points from your inevitable "haha retard" reply and go back to your impotent posting.

I know I will.

>> No.14389853

China let everyone in Wuhan died, and the world should sue them for spreading the kung flu.

>> No.14389854

catch COVID 19 and die faggot

>> No.14389856
File: 145 KB, 632x612, CE116C4D-7223-408A-B9C9-2FB3B4BB7243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha retard

>> No.14389861
File: 253 KB, 1774x1242, 919F4402-ED5D-4272-B673-8B5DBF8933B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14389862

Cases are going down, outside of America.

>> No.14389863
File: 6 KB, 201x250, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gutter oil fried dog

>> No.14389865

>the Russian hacker
You're still pushing that.
All lives matter BTW.

>> No.14389868

>catch covid and be slightly uncomfortable for about 2 days

>> No.14389876

america is stupid and disgusting

weak people. china (country of more than 1 billion) have only 2 NEW CASES A DAY!

america is backwards. CHECK THE FACT!


>> No.14389880
File: 72 KB, 512x341, 1588250692915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so not going to lie. I've only recently started coming to /ck/ because I'm on a diet and I'm craving delicious looking food.
Why is this board just /v/'s backup for being neo-/pol/?

Its a board about cooking why is everyone always talking about politics? I came into this thread thinking there'd be good disney themed foods and its just generic /pol/ bait constantly.

>> No.14389883

kinda true
americans are too stupid to follow any lockdown measures properly
so nothing is gonna work
may as well say fuck it

>> No.14389888

ive known a few young healthy guys who got it. sure it didnt kill them but now they have permanent asthma and shit like that

>> No.14389889

He was at a hospital for that pic

>> No.14389891

I wish I could be paid by my government to shitpost propaganda on Iranian Paper Crafting Bulletin Boards.

>> No.14389911
File: 32 KB, 310x341, yeepancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah how terrible it is that Democrats are in control of the government
>oh wait
Pretending that the democrats didn't let lose their Marxist dogs to go hog wild, and ape shit.
Before covid they were gun grabbing, and proving their point by giving guns to criminals while supporting terrorists. Then they proved their covid point by going against the white house, CDC, who in order to spread covid.

>> No.14389915

Point a gun towards her forehead and let's see if she wants "liberty" or death

>> No.14389929

rent free

>> No.14389931

this is what dementia looks like on a computer screen

>> No.14389934

Every board gets raided by pol/discord faggots every day, with it increasing on weekends. 4chan died 2016

>> No.14389937

Not an argument, you retarded faggot.
All Lives Matter.

>> No.14389950

the fat ones are my favorite

>> No.14389952

Hey ya dumb moran. The US government was allied with the south Vietnamese government. They still couldn't beat the commies. Now add in every other type of terrain and try to weed out rebels. Good fuckin luck. Pennsylvania alone has so much uncharted forest itd be impossible to confront the enemy.

>> No.14389953

>this is what dementia looks like on a computer screen
Maybe you should look up Leland Yee a major anti gunner, and Coumos response to covid along with every democrat's tweet during blm rioting "lul burn it all down cuz insurance".

>> No.14389957

People were told they could protest by the government and health officials and other people started going out since if the protesters could go out, why couldn't they? I think that's a big reason for this explosion in numbers.

>> No.14389958

tbf hospitals are houses of death
he was probably more cautious about catching pneumonia over covid

>> No.14389961

So most of Europe is retarded then? Asian countries have 0 trust in China and closed up early

>> No.14389968

I know everyone likes saying this, but some boards are still better than others. /ck/ is especially bad from the week or so i've been here. and I usually end up hitting up most boards of interest during my late night depression.

for example even with its autism, /fit/ at least pretends to make it /fit/ related with incels just unable to contain their autism and sperging out. here its just blatant /pol/ shit without even attempting to hide it or make it slightly related to cooking.

>> No.14389976

The US had nothing to beat during Vietnam, and they were there along with the Brits as a direct to being left there by France. The only goal was to kill people without an end game then they went home.

>> No.14389984

but america completely destroyed both Vietnam and Afghanistan. we 'lost' vietnam because of politics and retarded draft policies. and we basically completely fucked over the middle east for decades thanks to how much we bombed them.

i mean if living in a horrible trash heap with fear of being blown up from space is how you want to live, feel free. but most people don't call that a "win"

>> No.14389986

Leftypol raids other boards, because they can't handle real /pol/.

>> No.14389990
File: 253 KB, 750x962, 8ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but america completely destroyed both Vietnam and Afghanistan

you shitposting wumao retards are unironically making me love america, and i'm not even american.

>> No.14389993

>All Lives Matter.
So you wear a mask to not spread corona virus?

>> No.14390003

I wear a 3m n95 respirator with a full face shield to stop the the spread of the kung flu.

>> No.14390009

Yeah, just like he supports aid to families with babies not-aborted into abject poverty.

>> No.14390016

Do you just wear a cloth mask without eye protection like a retard?

>> No.14390058

They were literally fighting the north Vietnamese.
Oh so you don't think there will be any dilemmas in our country over killing our own people? Brash assumption m80. Youre wrong about the 2nd amendment. You're simply ignorant on everything surrounding it

>> No.14390080
File: 3.23 MB, 3700x1829, 1581714646269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the government won't do anything if we commit domestic terrorism!
>they'd never fire upon us law abiding citizens that are shooting at them!
there's a difference between being ordered to shoot people who are just peacefully protesting, and being ordered to shoot people who are armed and actively shooting at you.
nobody will give a shit about your citizenship if you pull a gun on them.

keep in mind, the military has fired upon unarmed protesters in the past. the fact you think being armed is going to make them more sympathetic is sad.
but whatevs, i'm not on /ck/ for /pol/ shit. have some cute anime girls and ease up on the larping.

>> No.14390085

hospital usage is still very low even after the lockdowns have basically been thrown out the window after the race riots, even considering incubation times. Young people are just getting tested now.

it sucks, I was really worried about covid when you weren't supposed to be and it could have been stopped with international travel bans and small scale quarantines and now I think it's overblown when you're supposed to be in terror but it's too late to stop.

Why are you dumb plebs always so fucking dumb

>> No.14390101

>They were literally fighting the north Vietnamese
With no real end game. It was literally just fighting the north Vietnamese during the power vacuum after France ran away from Vietnam.

>> No.14390139

Yeah and look how that historical event turned out. It was the nail in the coffin for vietnam. Also there really isn't a difference when it's potentially your own family you might be firing at. Read up on history a bit and see how much dissention happens in the military during civil wars.

>> No.14390146

It’s not that bad, I think you just click on all the shit threads and are suffering from confirmation bias. Go spend some time on /tv/ for example

>> No.14390147

Wait until he finds out that those "fuggen gommies" were basically anti-colonial nationalists who asked the mutts for help.

>> No.14390152

>a hot sauce thread died for this

>> No.14390155

I never said the war was justified. I used it as an example of how effective guerilla warfare is

>> No.14390167
File: 97 KB, 331x385, 1593044681932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DON'T even JOKE about THAT

>> No.14390666

>muh gorporations

I work in a tight-knit urban area that relies heavily on the business of the surrounding office workers. Most of these businesses are run by families or small partnerships that have spilled tireless years and endless capital into these restaurants, cafes, stores, and so on. Between months of shut down, and even after opening, mass working from home, these people will likely lose everything.

You're much less enlightened than you fancy yourself.

>> No.14390805

Let's just admit we're all fucked until there is a vaccine. Huge economic crash coming in early August.

>> No.14390957

It's a shame that old star wars went from 'Oh neat, Empire is on, lemme watch for a little bit' to a cultural phenomenon where every day was Star Wars Day and everything seemed to revolve around this goddamn IP. The period of quiet after revenge of the sith came out was really kind of nice.

>> No.14390971

you are a stupid faggot. you could hold me at gunpoint to get that vaccine. it will be like a flu shot which also doesnt work and just poisons you.

>> No.14390972

>kekistan LARPers comparing themselves to Vietcong and Taliban warlords
This thread took an unexpected turn

>> No.14390985

Are you implying this didn't happen with rise of skywalker being done? Theres

>> No.14390988

No, no. States, counties, cities are gonna reopen then shut back down as cases spike. The U.S. (and thus world) economy is fucked.

>> No.14390995
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>there is no way to hide from this thing
>mfw working from home, diligently washing my hands, and wearing a mask

>> No.14391011

>period of quiet post-skywalker
minus all of the tv shows, video games, books, talk of spinoff movies, etc. After ROTS it was books + the occasional video game, so you could get away from it if you wanted to.

>> No.14391018

Fucking stupid. Surgical-style masks aren't going to do shit against a sub-micron virus.

If covid is indeed all it's cracked up to be (doubt.jpg), then mass public gatherings should still be off the table.

>> No.14391024

surgical style masks are effective at limiting transmission from you to others. If everyone wore masks + stayed 6 feet away from people they didn't know then this shit would come screeching to a halt.

>> No.14391030

The virus exists in droplets, it doesn't just wander around in the air on its own

>> No.14391031

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.14391033
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Muh smurr burznerz were the ones astroturfing the #ReopenAmerica movement in mid-March, eh? Didn't realize they had that kind of dosh...

>> No.14391048

>derp those people with medical degrees aren't as smart as me, I watched a youtube video aimed at 'free thinking' alt right retards like me

>> No.14391068
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Is now a good time to point out that antivax nonsense is pushed by big pharma because they make much less money from a one-time shot than a lifetime of polio treatments?

>> No.14391098

>virus has 15-day incubation period where you show no symptoms
>Disney World opens for 1 day
>15,000 more people show symptoms
>somehow this must have happened TODAY and not 15 days ago
Almost as if it's all bullshit propaganda scare tactics.

>> No.14391107

That's not at all what OP was saying. He was pointing how ridiculous it to be opening up a major attraction park in the middle of a pandemic when the state is breaking records for new cases. Not that the cases came from disneyland.

>> No.14391138

I've been to the Disneyland in Anaheim numerous times and my favorite trip was when I went alone. Never having to wait for others and doing whatever you wanted to the whole time is awesome. That also goes for any other theme park.

>> No.14391149

Except even then democrats admit they made a mistake and have moved forward. Now democrats are arguing to take preventative measures while republicans still insist this is a hoax

>> No.14391159

It was almost entirely Russian disinfo. I’ve literally seen bigger crowds to get fried dough and sugar

>> No.14391183

That’s a pretty small amount of people for an event that was heavily advertised, orchestrated and backed by the president

>> No.14391195

They are not. They are useful in limiting bacterial transmission, as the particles involved are much larger. We are talking about a sub-micron virus, however.

>I'll blindly trust the 'approved' credentialed authorities even though I don't know what they're talking about, and even though other credentialed experts have made opposing statements.

>> No.14391210
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>the test comes back positive for anyone who has had the common cold recently
>patients are also listed as covid even if the test comes back negative
You /cvg/ shills need to get site-wide bans already.

>> No.14391221
File: 70 KB, 580x418, UOEH_A_684582_F0002_B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are indeed droplets, but the majority of particles in an influenza-like aerosol are in the sub-micron range (which a surgical mask will not stop). Please refrain from spreading your ignorance.

>> No.14391228

You people deserve to die. And you will, 3rd wave will be murderous riots in 2021.

>> No.14391232

Ok retard.

>> No.14391233
File: 1.20 MB, 320x240, THERE IS NO VIRUS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virus is smaller than the holes on an N95 mask. The masks literally do nothing, moreso if you're not wearing goggles.

Fuck off.

>> No.14391236


Yeah, these high US numbers seem a bit suspicious. Why are US numbers so high when countries who are literally doing nothing, like Sweden, have so much less? The US has to be over-reporting, and given how heavily politicized this shit is I wouldn't be surprised if this is being done to make Trump look bad.

>> No.14391238

yup, whities suck

>> No.14391241

Sweden is a developed country and inhabited by humans.

>> No.14391242
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>t. pic related

Hospitals are being paid for every covid case and then paid more if they put people on ventilators (which often kill people, especially when they don't need it). It's a racket.

>> No.14391243

So why does it seem to work in Japan, Korea and well everywhere but America?

>> No.14391245
File: 257 KB, 1080x998, 1592183600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jump off a bridge.

>> No.14391248

That's a very silly picture, but you're still a retard.

>> No.14391252

Americans INTENTIONALLY, ACTIVELY AND BRAZENLY flaunted the rules as le "oppression" and this is the result.

>> No.14391256
File: 78 KB, 828x348, 1592365636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you mean the media who called the US president a Russian spy for 3 years based on a known-fraudulent dossier isn't being honest?!!!!

>> No.14391258

Posting screenshots of the terrible corporate "news" in muttmerrica doesn't address the question.

>> No.14391263

k retard

>> No.14391265
File: 180 KB, 794x794, 1591951204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cvg/ mask trannies should be permabanned for shitting up every damn board

>> No.14391267

Which post are you quoting?

>> No.14391270
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>> No.14391271

Because Americans are genuinely retarded and hopeless as a people.

>> No.14391276

Republicans are basically anti-vaxxers at this point.

>> No.14391281

Literally seething retard.

>> No.14391282


Yeah, it appears that hospitals get 20% more if they claim a patient has COVID, and aren't forced to limit payments for long term care if the patient was diagnosed with COVID.

Hospitals are definitely over-reporting to get those sweet COVID bux.

>> No.14391285

Because they were quick to shut down international travel, obviously. It's nothing to do with masks (which most people don't even wear correctly).

>> No.14391288

go back to facebook faggot. hes right, youre a redditnigger. fuck off.

>> No.14391291

It makes sense, refer to >>14391068
Sounds like the private healthcare industry (the envy of the world lol) is working as intended.

>> No.14391296

God damn, quit seething, retard.

>> No.14391303

So it’s trump fault then because he didn’t shut down international travel right? He only stopped direct flights from China

>> No.14391314

Based jannies dabbing on /ck/ by letting this get 200 replies

>> No.14391315

None of you visit their moms?

>> No.14391316

2016 election tourist spotted, think you need to go back you polnigger trash

>> No.14391375

He should've shut down all incoming travel as soon as the first cases appeared outside of China, yes. Recalled American travelers and put them through quarantine.

It's easy to say these things in hindsight, however.

>> No.14391380

It was painfully obvious at the time thats what needed to be done.

>> No.14391393

what food is this

>> No.14391394

Wasn’t dyke pelosi telling people to come to chinatown at that time

>> No.14391399

>lockdown covid orthodoxy
>someone questions an aspect of it
>only response is literal soyjack "noooo" posts with no valid counterargument, just mindless conformism to the current dogma

I'm not saying I know more that the next guy about the situation, but you folks need to realise that you only empower naysayers if you don't have a real answer to pointed questions.

>> No.14391475

All the Dems and leftist news sites were saying everything is fine and covid wasn't an issue

>> No.14391477

>does exact same thing
>except with a mask over their mouth
Yep wear the masks they save lives definitely

>> No.14391484
File: 20 KB, 500x313, DIJM8215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dems said covid was a myth guys

>> No.14391501

The real reason is Asia deals with this shit around every decade so people are more naturally cautious and aware.

>> No.14391536

You can't astroturf a legitimate movement of people losing their livelihoods, you fucking clown.

>> No.14391568 [DELETED] 


If the government is forcing shutdown then they should force companies to not collect rents and fees during the shutdown. Why the hell pay for shit you aren't using?

>> No.14391574


That's capitalism for ya.

>> No.14391600

>murr lerjidamurd murmint lurvlihurds
I literally don't know what you're screeching about (quite autistically, if I may add), but I was referring to the corporate money being dumped into trying to make #ReopenAmerica a thing before most states had even responded to COVID (which was at the time, IIRC, a "chinese libtard demokkkrap communist white genocide hoax" according to literally each and every single Republican voter and/or politician)

>> No.14391615

>which was at the time, IIRC, a "chinese libtard demokkkrap communist white genocide hoax" according to literally each and every single Republican voter and/or politician)
January 28 or so, Tucker Carlson said corona should be the biggest story in the world. February 25, Nancy Pelosi was telling people it was safe to come visit China Town in San Francisco. Get your facts straight, libtard dumbfuck.

>> No.14391620

Actually, it's not. It's government overhandedness.

>I literally don't know what you're screeching about

That's rich coming from someone who writes like a rambling, psychotic schizo pulling straight from his ass.

>> No.14391634

You can look it up for yourself. Pelosi and her goons were hugging gooks while npr and CNN were saying it's just a cold

>> No.14391647

I'm going to have to take Electrical Engineering/Signal Processing upper-level classes online because of this shit

>> No.14391657

I can remember the MAGA cattle such as yourself back in January, heads buried in their troughs of Jeezum-Chick-E (with x-tra corny syrup), only occasionally coming up for air and to remind "the libtards" that black magic like "germ theory" was an anti-white glomohobo hoax by noted communists Bill Gates, Obama and Soros. Of course, that all changed when it was realized that "chink cancer" could be played up as a racial issue (right-wingers lack the mammalian frontal lobe, but racism appeals to their under-developed lizard brains).

>> No.14391689

Reddit banning chapo trap house was one of the worst things that could have happened. Try adding a trip so I can filter you in the future

>> No.14391698

Hands-down one of the angriest (You)s I have ever received.

>> No.14391717


The market has changed because office workers realize they do not need to go to the office to do work. These resteraunts that are dependent on office workers need to adapt or they will go out of business anyway.

>> No.14391746

LMAO I knew you had no factual rebuttal. Imagine getting all your information from Rachel Maddow LMAO. You libtards really are clueless.

January 28, Tucker Carlson says coronavirus should be the biggest story in the world:

January 31, Trump bans travel to and from China because of the virus:

February 1, Joe Biden call's Trump's China travel ban "xenophobic"

February 7, while the coronavirus was spreading through New York City and surrounding areas, Andrew Cuomo was saying the flu was worse, coronavirus was nothing to worry about
"Focus on the flu, not the coronavirus urges Gov. Cuomo"

February 29, Nancy Pelosi urging people to come to San Francisco's Chinatown because it's perfectly safe:

>> No.14391805
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>> No.14391824

>2020 has just been one long Twilight Zone revival
I can dig it.

>> No.14391825

>but the 2nd Amendment is intended to protect the elite from the masses
You have to forgive me, but can you point out the part in the second amendment that states that gun rights are permitted for a certain income bracket?

>> No.14391844

>You have to forgive me, but can you point out the part in the second amendment that states that gun rights are permitted for a certain income bracket?

The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, but libtard thinks the "militia" stuff came after the Civil War in the 1860's. LMAO.

Oh and in 2008 the Supreme Court said the 2nd Amendment had nothing to do with being in a "militia" in Heller. You don't have to be in a militia to own a gun. But libtard dumbfucks don't actually know any of this stuff and just repeat fake news they see on twatter. Imagine being this deluded.

>> No.14391854

Leftists while retarded are at least capable of changing their minds when new information is available

>> No.14391871

It's so funny... libtard dumbfucks on twatter keep saying things like "the 2nd Amendment says you have to be in a well regulated milita to own a gun" and "I guess the only gun you can own must be a musket because that's all that existed at the time of the 2nd Amendment..."

Not knowing the Supreme Court ruled on all of this stuff in 2008 in Heller and 2010 in McDonald v. Chicago. So clueless and ignorant.

>> No.14391890

I know the intent is facetious, but thats one of the things that actually makes this thing so dangerous is the number of asymptotic people spreading it, and the 2-15 day incubation period before you get sick where you're still out and about spreading it.

>> No.14391894

I love that you fucking poverty fucks kill yourselves. I hope you all get out and protest with your ar15s. Human filth needs to think at the last moment of their lives "I fucked up.." It's like road rage morons.

>> No.14391896

Nothing, Disney World has been dead to me since August 13, 2017.

>> No.14391898


This is what assholes type when they don't know words. Look up that word, it's a mathematical term.

>> No.14391914


Oh no, how will humanity recover from a virus with a 99% survival rate.

>> No.14391923


96 dipshit.

>> No.14391927
File: 56 KB, 500x705, and then theres this asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14391929
File: 50 KB, 600x387, 1586218976584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a well-reasoned rebuttal to absolutely nothing I said. Did you draw the short straw on your tranny discord to come here to argue about the 2nd Amendment tonight and when conservatives sounded the alarm about the virus? How do you think i'ts going so far? LMAOOOOOO!!!!!!

>> No.14391934


Asymptomatic isn't Asymptotic, I don't give a shit if your phone is as retarded as you are.

>> No.14391942

I can't even translate your goddamn bullshit. It's like a hail hortler post.

>> No.14391950


Even with inflated numbers the survival rate is still absurdly high.

>> No.14391951

>"the 2nd Amendment says you have to be in a well regulated milita to own a gun" and "I guess the only gun you can own must be a musket because that's all that existed at the time of the 2nd Amendment..."
Neither of these things are true

>> No.14391952

show me where you seeing that covid has a 4% mortality rate

>> No.14391958


Coronavirus Cases:
view by country

This is going to be worse than the Spanish Flu.

>> No.14391963

>I can't even translate your goddamn bullshit.
Oh I know. You have to have an IQ of at least 60 to understand what I'm saying.

>> No.14391970

Palosi is right wing. And Democrats aren't leftists, they again, are right wing or center-right at best. Get your shit straight you fucking retards.

>> No.14391971


Look at care fatality rate..


>> No.14391972

No shit. That was my point. The Supreme Court ruled on those issues yet libtard dumbfucks keep arguing those things on twatter because they are dumbfucks.

>> No.14391978

Bernie dropped out kid. The adults are talking now, shoo

>> No.14391979


dumbfucks dumbfucks, libtards, libtards.. Can't you fucking people just go drink bleach? I'm not kidding, you're going to end up in prison when you drive your moms car into a 'libtard'.

>> No.14391980

ending our posts with an infantile insult like "retard" and "dipshit" instead of a period does make your post more concise, poignant, or factual.

>> No.14391983

The "adults" here are poverty southern state retards with generational scholastic collapse.

>> No.14391984

I'm old enough to be your father.

>> No.14391985

The average age of death from covid in my state is 89

>> No.14391988


fascinating. And that death rate is at what?

>> No.14392007

didn't see anything called care fatality rate, which might have been a typo for case but either way, this is an extremely obtuse and open to interpretation research. the text itself points to how fluid that rate is depending on your tests population.

covid certainly does NOT have an overall 4% death rate. while some groups may actually have a higher death rate it is OVERALL 0.5-1% judging from the IFR (infection fatality rate) in recent studies.

>> No.14392008

Your imposing knowledge and intellectual skills are unmatched.
Maybe try refuting actual facts and arguments and citations to binding Supreme Court opinions ... If you want to start the kind of arguments you did... Again, how do you think you are doing so far?

>> No.14392009

You’re 60?

>> No.14392014


>> No.14392019

hello fellow boomer

>> No.14392033

For my state? It's at 3%

>> No.14392072

Even if this virus literally had a 1% survival rate like you subhuman chimps keep purporting it to have, that's still 3-4 million dead because of negligence and refusal to follow absolute basic guidelines. The US is soon to be banned from almost all EU countries, limiting international travel industries and further nuking the value of American airline industries. With that in mind, as we continue moving in this direction, it's literally only a matter of time before international trade is limited severely because the risks of carriers coming to and from American shores into otherwise clean European and Asian countries is not worth the business, and no corporation outside of the US wants to be seen as the ones that brought in a plague for a few bucks. Barring that, we already have inter-state restrictions on travel, considering a few states are taking this seriously while plenty of others aren't, and it's legitimately only a matter of time before Florida gets locked out of the entire country because they are a festering cesspit of complete blithering retards. All of you clowns who were bitching about shutting down the economy in a preventative move to curb the virus are now going to see the economy collapse as a result of not preventing it from the outset while we were still ahead of it.

I can legitimately only say I am glad that you continue to politicize this matter instead of taking it as a serious health and safety measure, because the impending fallout from this will never affect me until we're legitimately in Mad Max levels of societal collapse, and as long as our Greatest Ally still has need of our incomparably powerful military to threaten other Sandbugs, the only people who will suffer are poors (you) and small business owners.

>> No.14392121

Here's the big issue, we don't have any real insurance policy for this kind of thing. When someone's entire livelihood is going belly up with the governments help I understand the frustrations these business owners and their employees have. Honestly this who scenario is a prime example for UBI and NHS

>> No.14392182

>the fact you think being armed is going to make them more sympathetic is sad.
The pigs in Michigan didn’t fire on those retards carrying weapons, but other pigs did fire on unarmed protesters as well as journalists and bystanders. Why? Because even pigs aren’t stupid enough to antagonize a heavily armed crowd of people without a very good reason. 2A isn’t about sympathy, it’s about power.

>> No.14392185

ghetto trash doesn't belong here. now go ahead and call me a bootlicker like a good little goy

>> No.14392199

The hospitals are currently overrun. Look at Texas. Some traveling nurse positions are making 4000 a week.
NYC was offering 10000 for 2 weeks of work.
You're so fucking stupid. It literally take a few minutes in Google to see job offers with insanely high pay to see what kind of strain the healthcare system is and was under. If this virus were any worse than it is everyone would be fucked. We're lucky its only this bad.

>> No.14392203

>Recalled American travelers and put them through quarantine.
I’m pretty sure the president can’t put people under arrest for suspicion of having a virus.

>> No.14392212



>> No.14392228

>and it's legitimately only a matter of time before Florida gets locked out of the entire country
That wouldn’t even be legal to do, retard

>> No.14392246


We were long overdue for a war or a disease to cull off the weak. This thing isn't killing anywhere near enough people.

>> No.14392263

>weak people don't deserve to live only strong alphas like ME
Not to mention the fact that we still don't know the long term affects of it, blood clots and asthma and what not.

>> No.14392282

no it wouldn't. the math doesn't work that way. with higher precautions taken with the elderly and standard precautions for everyone else you'd just have a small uptick of serious cases and many more folks with little or no symptoms told to stay home and self isolate.

having known a few colleagues that went through it they all reported medical staff being blazé about the whole thing.

sure there's hotspots, and some specific hospital struggle, but a few cherry picked locations don't represent the whole.

but hey, keep living in fear.

>> No.14392294

our ancestors were much more accustomed to death, and so are folks in poorer countries.

the idea that we should strive to save every individual no matter how physically weak they are is a thoroughly contemporary concept that is probably unachievable.

we still took a hard hit even given that this is just a really bad flu. imagine how hard we'd have to scramble if this thing had teeth for real.

>> No.14392300

lying cuck, biden was critizing Trumps immigration ban on african countries not china.

Yesterday, Donald Trump further diminished the United States in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban, placing new restrictions on the residents of six more nations that limit who is allowed to come to the United States.
Three years ago, he took aim at Muslim-majority nations. This time, he targeted primarily African nations — including Nigeria, the largest economy and the most populous nation on the continent, and Sudan, a country striving to transition to civilian rule after decades of dictatorship. The “Muslim Ban,” this new “African Ban,” Trump’s atrocious asylum and refugee policies — they are all designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States. It’s that simple. They are racist. They are xenophobic.

>> No.14392305

>the gigantic monopolistic corporation who don't give a fuck about their workers is going to give a fuck about what happens to their customers when there is no negative consequences for them causing an outbreak.

>> No.14392351

The lady on the right is really hot :)

She doesn't have nudes maybe?

>> No.14392377

>just stay home bro
isn't gonna cut it when our modern civilization can't support the majority of the population isolating themselves. We can't all just collectively hide and wait for this thing to pass, the economy can't just hit a snooze button for a year or so like some are suggesting.

>> No.14392386


Sent ;)

>> No.14392421

Your colleagues had minor cases that didn't require intubation. You don't know what you're talking about.
No one is offering a $4k a week for what is normally a $1.2k a week job because its a hoax you dumb fuck. Theres a reason why Texas children hospitals are force to take adults. You act like you know something, but you don't understand the amount of work it takes for critically ill patients in an icu setting and when there are too many. People are dying from the disease as young as in their 30s. While not as common, should still be shocking because these people only have a pre-existing health condition of obesity. No one who is obese dies from just a flu. This is why there's no talking to you retards. You think you know how the hospital works because you hear a few stories from some lax non critical cases when you've never seen the mess it really is. Icu nurses are not the same as a floor nurse. As it stands if this disease were any more contagious we would not have enough icu nurses or respiratory therapists to manage the overall population. This disease does not just target the elderly. I had a 40% mortality rate on intubated patients in my hospital. This is including plenty of people ages 30-50 who should not be dying. You do not understand what this disease does to your lungs. You are blissfully ignorant. Is it world ending? No. We just barely managed with current icu staffing and jerry-rigging of ventilators. You're a retard.

>> No.14392434


>> No.14392437

I enjoy this discussion about food and cooking

>> No.14392456


Swedes are actually doing things, just different. Tests are not run on the whole population yet only on target areas and suspected cases hence the low numbers comparative wise.
Also me and alot of others are actually following recommendations like working from home, keeping distance etc like a normal thinking human would be.
What the US and Sweden (and others countries) have in common are idiots. Don't listen to the idiots.