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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14379924 No.14379924 [Reply] [Original]

Pic-related are two pieces from the exact same steak. Goal was medium. Cooked on an electric grill, I meant to take it off at 145F but was a few seconds late so it was 147 when I took it off, after setting it was 151.
Most of it was medium-well (slightly more cooked than I was going for) but like 1/3 of it had the pink left.
Is this because some of the steak was a few millimeters thicker? Can you actually get a steak cooked medium throughout or will it always just be some parts medium/medium-rare and other parts medium-well?

>> No.14379934

Doesn't look like you cooked it hot enough. Super pale.

>> No.14379960

High heat over coals for brief time periods will give you even doneness. I would not cook it over an electric grill in any case.

>> No.14379979

Could be uneven distribution of heat on the cooking surface. Also looks like temperature of the cooking surface wasn't high enough. 145F is medium well so yeah looks like the left cut

>> No.14379990

Steak is supposed to be pink in the middle., I eat it rare, if it doesn't still bleed I don't want it

>> No.14379992


You need the meat to be super dry before you start. if its not then you're basically steaming it unless you fire is super hot. One way is to salt the steaks and leave them uncovered in the fridge for a day or so, another is to salt it then use a ton of paper towels to dry it.

Electric grills are pretty shit, they don't get hot enough. Turn it on high letit gethot as it can then put the steaks on. Cook for 15 seconds then flip do this over and over, 15 secs then flip.

Doing it that way lets the heat dissipate instead of soaking into the middle of the meat and cooking it inside. You can build up a nice color on the outside this way without overcooking the middle.

>> No.14379997

Did you accidentally boil the steak?

>> No.14380010


This flipping method was promoted by Heston Blumenthal, you can find clips of him explaining why it works.

>He says, "By flipping the meat every 15–20 seconds, the steak will develop a crisp, flavoursome exterior without being overcooked in the centre. After cooking, it is important to remove the old oil from the pan and then, after a couple of minutes, to add the new oil while the pan is still warm.

>> No.14380060
File: 23 KB, 466x560, 71X0tRC2MsL._AC_SX466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a grill, man. Frying steaks on an electric range is just wasting them.

>> No.14380079


Cooking them in a cast iron pan you heated up for 10 minutes can give you a good sear plus you have juices left for pan sauce.

>> No.14380131
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Yeah it sucks to lose the drippings, but I like the delicious flavor of smoke.

>> No.14380137

>need the meat to be super dry
hm. I marinated the steak in olive oil + Worcestershire sauce so it was soaked in that, should I have used a paper towel to pat it dry first? Would that remove the flavor of the marinade?
>flip every 15 seconds
interesting I'll give that a shot next time, I just left it on one side ~5 minutes then flipped for another 5 minutes.
yeah but I live in a city. And can't afford to buy a suburb house, I rent an apartment so I can't grill outdoors.
I may try that next. Does it have to be cast iron or can you do it with stainless steel?

>> No.14380147
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You'll just have to get a little creative.

>> No.14380148


I prefer the smoke too but its so unbearably hot and humid here during the Summer that dealing with a charcoal grill is a nightmare.

>> No.14380187

I've always found grilling to be pretty low maintenance compared to standing over the range. My method is kinda set and forget.

>> No.14380193


>> No.14380194


Yea, you want it dry if you want a good sear. There is no reason to marinate in olive oil and whatever, your main goal is to dry the meat out on the outside first. That means salting it to pull the excess moisture and either refrigerating it on a rack so its got air circulation or salting then using a ton of paper towels.

Just forget about a marinade with a steak, that's for cheap cuts. Aside from salt it's better to flavor after cooking anyway so the seasoning or marinade doesn't burn.

Aside from salting and drying the steak you want HOT HEAT. That means cast iron that has been left on the burner to heat for like 10 minutes. it should smoke up your entire kitchen if its the right temp.

Salt, dry, hot cast iron, add a little oil to the steak then put it in the pan. Count to 15 seconds, flip, 15 seconds, flip do that until the crust is the right color and then take it off the heat. If the crust is go but the meat is still too rare finish it in the oven.
When done put it on a plate to catch the juices and rest it for like 10 minutes so the carry over heat distributes evenly.

I've done it with stainless steel but it bakes the fat on the pan and makes it look brown and gross. You will probably need Bar Keeper's Friend to scrub the pan if you use stainless.

>> No.14380209

Does salt before cooking toughen the meat or is that just a meme?

>> No.14380228

Its the opposite lmao

>> No.14380229


Salt pulls moisture out, the amount you would use to season a steak shouldn't toughen it.

If you were putting fish fillets in a pile of salt for a month then it would pull all the moisture out and be comparably tough. That's how they preserve meat in a lot of places. Salt cod for example is "tougher" than fresh but you just rehydrate it by soaking in water.

>> No.14380240

Guaranteed you could get a grill on the sidewalk outside your apartment and make a steak while drinking a beer and nobody would say shit

>> No.14380246
File: 6 KB, 150x150, jb9JKvJ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a good way to meet the neighborhood. Kind of a shame that TV and air conditioning replaced porches and human interaction.

>> No.14380253

>"Officer? Yes, that's the man! He's not wearing a mask in public, and he's burning animal corpses on public property without a permit!"

>> No.14380259


I'd pick air conditioning 10 out 10 over making small talk with neighbors.

>> No.14380290

I'm gonna try this

>> No.14380296

>howdy officer, how do you like your steak?

>> No.14380300

>Just forget about a marinade with a steak, that's for cheap cuts
okay this was a strip steak that was on a big sale but usually I can't afford that so I go with chuck steak or something like that. Should I marinate that? And then I guess just pat it dry before grilling?

>> No.14380309

Depends on your neighborhood. I had cookouts on my block all the time and I lived in a pretty wealthy, trendy part of Chicago. Southside neighborhoods do it all summer long. People need to start interacting with their communities.

>> No.14380328

Better to just salt afterwards, since your not letting the salt sit for 1 hour beforehand and it's just gonna draw the juices out

>> No.14380381


It depends on what you're using the meat for. A marinade is going to fuck up your ability to get a good sear. I like the brown, crusty shit that comes from searing beef. To get that you need high heat and dry meat, marinade fucks that up.

If you like the flavors in the marinade just make a sauce to serve with the steak after its cooked.

A marinade that has something like pineapple juice can be useful for really cheap cuts of beef because it has meat tenderizers in it. Marinading in pineapple juice can be a great tool for cheap beef but you still want to dry the meat if you're trying to sear it.

Chuck steak is not steak, it can still be tasty but just because it's cut into a steak shape doesn't mean it's a steak. Chuck is very flavorful but its tough! Tough cuts need to be cooked differently than tender cuts like loin, ribeye, strip etc.

If you want a steak experience with chuck I would use meat tenderizer powder or pineapple juice. Don't dare cook past medium rare. For tough cuts you need to braise them for hours or cook them very slightly.

>> No.14380472

Electric grill is not ideal, but that's alright we can deal.
1. Let your steak come to room temperature before grilling it.
2. Pat it dry.
3. Salt and Pepper right before putting it on the grill.
4. Flip it a couple of times but try not to handle it too much.
5. For the last minute per side, turn the temp up to max and get a good sear on each side.
6. Go for a lower temperature than you're aiming for. Shoot for 140 if you want final 145, then wrap it in foil for 5 minutes to let it rest.
7. Eat your steak!

>> No.14380969

You can still get a good sear on marinaded meats, especially if they contain sugar(but that's more caramelization than maillard) if you can cook hot enough, like in a preheated cast iron or a good grill. Just marinade and pat the outside dry with paper towels.

And for pineapple juice - make sure to use fresh pineapple because canned and bottled shit is cooked and it denatures the enzymes that tenderize the meat. Also, marinate too long and it turns into mush - so gotta be careful.

As for chuck, the chuck primal, when broken down properly, actually has portions that are perfectly fine, if not fucking amazing for cooking like a "steak", but you can't walk into a grocery store and buy a pre-butchered hunk of chuck and expect good results. The chuck primal contains some pieces that are basically an extension of the ribeye, denver steaks, shortrib(good for quick cooking) and more. Definitely worth learning some very basic butchery to turn one of the cheaper cuts of beef into one of the tastier and more versatile pieces of beef. The vid below is a pretty good demonstration of that.


>> No.14381756

That's basically room temperature.
Double it.

>> No.14381965

>Cooked on an electric grill

Contact grills ("foreman" being a common brand... the gizmos that clamshell around the food) are not amazing.
Cooked and safe, yes. They will do that.
But... not cooked best.
You need to preheat the grill (5-10 mins), you need to warm the raw food up (30-45 minutes on the counter), and yes it all needs to be the same thickness or the top of some of them won't cook right.
I cook on one out of necessity; it sucks, but cooked & safe is the best I can hope for, and I plan accordingly.

>> No.14381987

Should also add that if you have a common oven in your apartment, and it has a broiler setting, a broiler is a grill with the heat on top instead of on the bottom.
You will likely get better results by turning on the broiler, preheating 3 minutes, oven rack on highest or second highest level, and sticking your steaks on a broiler pan underneath it for 3-4 minutes a side.
(The 15 seconds/flip thing works here, too. Just more effort.)
If you don't have a broiler pan:
Dollar store, cookie sheet, cooling rack. $2 to keep the meat sitting not in its juices.

>> No.14382772
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Did you take the mean directly from the fridge to the grill? If so the inside will be cold while the outside will look done. Make sure you let your meat rest at room temp for an hour before grillin

>> No.14384273

Anon, don't listen to these cucks.

>smoke your steak first (just for 15-20 minutes)
>then sous vide it for an hour and a half
>sear at very high heat (you need a separate propane burner that exceeds 50,000 btu)
>pour on bearnaise sauce you prepared


>> No.14384401

imagine being so white that you can't even cook steak correctly

>> No.14384428

get a mini weber grill and charcoal chimney, if I remember I spent maybe $50 total for them at Lowe’s a few years ago. get the charcoal going, suck down about 15 light beers and grill the steak. If the coals are really rolling, you’ll only need about 4 minutes per side of the steak depending on thickness. let it rest for 15 mins while you drink 3 more Busch lights, and you’ll be in business

>> No.14385543


A cheap cookie sheet is probably dangerous since they are paper thin so warp easily. That means oily juices being catapulted into the broiler.

If you're going to broil invest in restaurant quality 18 gauge aluminum lipped sheet pan. I would suggest buying both a half sheet and a quarter sheet. They cost around $10 but won't warp and fling juices. Amazon has one with a silicone baking mat for $13.

>> No.14385572

Do you realise that you can smoke the meat until the core temperature is close to the desired doneness and then sear it on the hot grill 1 minute per side? It’s called reverse searing.

>> No.14385627

hahahahahahaha how do you fuck up steak it literally takes like 5 minutes to cook and is entry level bottom tier cooking technique.

>> No.14385646

Why is /ck/ so good when it's night time in America?

>> No.14385703

the crossboard faggots tend to fuck off by then

>> No.14385715

going into dumb drunken rages for no reason makes the board so good

>> No.14385746


>> No.14385755

OP sucks we get it. That's why he made the thread. At least he tried to cook something.

>> No.14385765

he's not gonna blow you for protecting him...

>> No.14385778

That redness is myoglobin, not blood, boomer.

>> No.14385794

If you're so great at grilling, why not contribute to the thread and show him how it's done? You won't though because you're only here to drunk post and shit the board up.

>> No.14385797
File: 406 KB, 1580x1529, IMG_20200711_184822412~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright anons OP here I tried again tonight. 1" strip steak. I cooked it over the stove this time, cooking temp was close to 600F so pretty hot. I used salt/pepper and then patted dry with paper towel.
It did end up better than last night, it definitely had a good sear. Pic-related happened. It tasted fine and was tender enough but why does some get cooked more than other parts? It looked like the parts closest to the fat were less cooked, am I supposed to trim the thick fat along the edge? I assumed you're supposed to leave that but it might be what causes the steak to have some parts cooking more than others

>> No.14385818

i think you’re just trolling and ignoring the hot spots in the pan for (yous)

>> No.14385824

The middle piece is perfect. The one on the left will definitely make you sick.

>> No.14385896

I used a pressure cooker is that ok?

>> No.14386002

im sober, you're larping, and take a cast iron, put oil and butter in it and bring it to heat until nearly smoking. salt and pepper the steak, sear for a minute on each side and then flip every 30 seconds until it is your preferred doneness. let rest for 5 minutes and in that time throw greens ,(spinach, asparagus, kale, broccoli literally anything you want) in the cast iron and deglaze with wine or stock. THERE YOU GO BUD!

>> No.14386046

if you don't have a thermometer press your thumb and index finger together and press the pad of your palm, (under the thumb), and that is the resistance you want on the steak for medium rare.

>> No.14386067

>you're larping
You don't even know what that word means because you're using it wrong. Good job, though. You finally made a post where you're not coming off as a retarded cancerous shitposter.

>> No.14386074

>electric grill
yeah if you don't have an alternative consider using more oil and shallow frying the meat. you'd at least be able to achieve more even heating that way.

>> No.14386077

you concocted some bullshit larp about someone sitting around drunk just to troll you. that sounds pretty role-play to me dawg.

>> No.14386081

larping is what people that dress up and play dungeons and dragons do. Accusing some retard of acting like a drunk over the Internet has nothing to do with live action roleplaying. Grow a brain dumb ass. Drunks are smarter than you.

>> No.14386090


>> No.14386092

Imagine being so dumb that you use words without even knowing what they mean. I hope English is your third language.

>> No.14386116
File: 23 KB, 704x396, hestons-perfect-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The minute you mentioned drying steak in the fridge, I knew you were talking about the Heston method.
Still haven't had the patience to do the drying part, but can confirm flipping every 15 seconds works.

>> No.14386123

people use the term larp on here to make fun of someone for jumping to wild conclusions and making baseless accusations. it's slang, man. are you new? welcome to the world wide web! there's lots of things to learn!

>> No.14386164

>He's an elite cook but only ever cooks for 1
Maybe some day you will know what it's like to have a friend. Until then, enjoy your angry internet rants while you eat your perfectly cooked porterhouse... by yourself.
HOLY SHIT HE'S AN ACTUAL NEWFAG! Imagine being so new you don't know what larping is.
And btw, you pretending to not be new? That's larping.

>> No.14386189

>people use the term larp on here to make fun of someone for jumping to wild conclusions and making baseless accusations.
Retarded tourists misuse the term. You're on a site for nerds. The very least that you can do is learn the lingo. And you did come off as another shitposting drunk.

>> No.14386192

for the fucking life of me, I don't see how somebody fucks up a steak. You can literally quarter-ass it and literally remove from packaging, salt/pepper it and throw it on a hot pan for a few min each side

>> No.14386197

i cook for my wife and i, and have been around since somethingawful my mans. you really need to calm down and take a tylenol. you type like you have high blood pressure problems.

>> No.14386203

cooking is a strong word for what you did to that meat

>> No.14386207


oh boy, you gonna go down the good cop bad cop samefag route there huh? well played.

>> No.14386215

all boards need id's for schizoposters like you

>> No.14386236

Reverse searing is what's given me the best results. I'll do it in the oven to around maybe 100/120, then on a pre-heated grill sear it super quick. The sear is really just about the exterior as the interior is done in the oven. Or you could do it in the grill too if you had it in tin foil or away from the heat source. It's given me 95% interior exact same pink/red tone with just a tiny edge of grey.

Ill try the heston method.

>> No.14386240

>I've been around for 20 years but I'm so new I don't even know what LARPing means
t. Larper