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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14377165 No.14377165 [Reply] [Original]

Are these common in the US. In my country about every household has one. There's so much talk about "singles" on here and I want to know if the average american owns a cheese slicer?

>> No.14377204

Yes, those are fairly common. People use kraft singles on burgers; they don't replace actual cheese.

>> No.14377265
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This is not true at all btw unless you live somewhere gay like the bay area. The vast majority of Americans buy pre sliced or pre shredded cheese. If you go look at shartmart or something similar there are very few actual blocks of cheese. I'm not sure why everyone buys it pre sliced/shredded when it's more per ounce but that's just how it is.

>> No.14377428
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>> No.14377533

I buy pre shredded because it's annoying to have to clean a box grater every time I want to put a little cheese on something.

If I'm doing a recipe that calls for a lot of shredded cheese then I don't mind. But just as a quick addition it's a lot easier.

>> No.14377635

Yeah I own a cheese slicer. It's called a knife you fucking faggot.

>> No.14377797

My parents are from Europe so we obviously have one.

Most people in the US have no idea what the fuck that thing is or what it's used for. They use a knife or one of those gay wire things if they get a block of cheese.

>> No.14377857

Please don't use that language in my thread

>> No.14377892

i have one because i grew up in a house with one, but they are not very common. my grandma was norwegian and gave everyone she knew a cheese slicer.

>> No.14378358

Then you don't use a box grater, you absolute tard. They make simple one sided graters. Saving five seconds isn't a good enough excuse to eat cornstarch coated cheese

>> No.14378375

I've seen a lot of wire ones, much more common then the bladed type.

>> No.14378386

I just use a grater or cut it in pieces. Why should I want this?

>> No.14378398
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>> No.14378406

Not really. Unless you're upper middle class. Real cheese is expensive here compared to the garbage that comes in a bag or pre-sliced. Just go to reddit and look for cheese and crackers plates that are presented as some culinary masterpiece.

>> No.14378424
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To make slices for putting on bread. If your cheese comes in a block I guess you'll be fine with just a knife but when your cheese comes in diffrent forms it comes in real handy

>> No.14378713

Everyone I know just use a regular knife to slice cheese

>> No.14378723


No--surprisingly, most Americans have never used a poop trowel.

>> No.14378725

Yes, they’re very common. I keep mine next to my egg circumciser and dedicated egg holding cup. lmao. No, europoor, we use a knife to cut cheese, they’re still legal here, if you can imagine that.

>> No.14378730

No. Whenever an American buys a brick of cheese, they get home and just start sobbing because it's not shrink-wrapped in convenient little slices.

You fuckin' idiot.

>> No.14378731

Those are all blocks. If you can't solve those with a knife you must have failed preschool.

>> No.14379012

>The vast majority of Americans buy pre sliced or pre shredded
Only stupid people like you and your family.

>> No.14379023

Why? America has a huge dairy industry and it famous for its cowboys. The state of Wisconsin is known for its cheese production all over the world.

>> No.14379039
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Plastic cheese comes in blocks like regular cheese.

>> No.14379069

I don't, but I use a box grater to grate cheese. It does have a slicer on the side that I use sometimes too, for larger shavings.

That being said, highly processed "singles" have a place in cooking, just as much as "good cheese" does. Burgers, bacon egg and cheese sandwiches, etc, all get highly processed "singles".

Other dishes get good cheese

>> No.14379073

You aren't from America and you never will be

>> No.14379135

You guys are so mean, please leave my thread

>> No.14379150
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Here OP this is what most Americans who cut cheese use.

>> No.14379153
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>you have to be upper middle class to buy actual cheese in america

what the fuck am i reading, how are there so many people who believe stupid shit like this or the "muh healthy food is more expensive" meme? you are aware that there are actual, affordable grocery stores and not just walmart, right?

every day this mutt country strays further from god and sanity.

>> No.14379164
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I cut the cheese with my ass.

>> No.14379177

He's right, though

>> No.14379180

Most poor people are to lazy or busy (many poor people do actually work ridiculously hard for shit pay because they lack the social skills and education to move up) to prep and cook raw ingredients into a meal. Anything more complicated than hamburger helper is seen as a luxury of time as well as money. I agree it's sad but you can't force them to be more functional people.

>> No.14379184


>> No.14379198

That's called a calcified fecal impaction and you should really have a professional look at it.

>> No.14379199

this is exactly how it was for me growing up, hamburger helper and taco bell were the best dinners we ever had
with a little bit of white bread and country crock spread

>> No.14379213

>as well as money

that part is the meme. i know because i was broke as fuck and used to be a vegan and therefore had to become an autistic wizard of bargain eating, and i discovered it's actually dirt cheap to eat basic protein/veggies/rice meals that still taste good if you are into fitness, or even just meh tier but tasty stuff if you're not. it is much cheaper than eating processed horseshit, those microwave and boxed meals cost more because processing them and putting them in a bunch of wasteful plastic costs more money. and even mcdonald's $1 burgers are more expensive than one you can make yourself.

it is 100% just a knowledge problem, if they weren't retarded they could save time and money by eating healthy, cooked meals but i don't really blame them for being retarded. i just hate the "it's more expensive" part of the meme, it really, really is not. food deserts are also just horseshit made up by leftists to apologize for PoC retardation too, find me an inner city area without grocery stores. i read some article bitching about how it's racist that there are some places with grocery stores that are a whole mile away lmao.

>noooooooooooo obese laquisha has to walk 20 minutes to the store it's not fair she has dem kiyids AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

>> No.14379233

I tried to explain this concept to my parents since I was about 4 years old
They fed me processed hamburger helper multiple times a week, and I kept trying to tell them that healthy cheap food can be made at home, they don't listen
if my mom cooks from "scratch" the recipes usually involves whole bags of shredded cheese and cans of various goops
I have never seen my parents cook chicken rice and vegetables once in their entire lives, theres nothing you can do to change them

>> No.14379255

I somewhat agree but food deserts are a real thing. The closest place that sells food of any kind from my parent's house is 15m of 60 mph road away and that's just a gas station with snacks and instant food. The closest grocery store is 25m away.

>> No.14379267

that's because you're white and live in a rural area dummy. the types of blacks this applies to don't even have cars like you do so they do not live anywhere where stores are 20 miles away.

>> No.14379281

>The vast majority of Americans buy pre sliced or pre shredded cheese. If you go look at shartmart or something similar there are very few actual blocks of cheese.

No, this is just because the majority of Americans only eat a few types of cheese. Generally, any form of Cheddar, Mozzarella, Provealone, Swiss, Pepperjack, Colby Jack, Muenster

>> No.14379284

Thank fuck

>> No.14379285

With most grocery stores now doing online delivery, and most poor black people getting free or subsidized internet access, expect the food desert argument to dry up.

>> No.14379298

A big problem is that real poor people often don't have enough money at once to buy "cheaper" food because you gotta buy in bulk, use a coupon for a 2-for-1 deal or similar. Sure you can buy 6$ of food and make, say, 12 decent burgers at 50 cents each, but if all you have on you is 2$, that's not possible. Or maybe you do have 6$ on you but you gotta keep 3$ for bus fare to get to work the rest of the week.
Even if they would make enough money to cook cheap meal, they don't have to cash flow to do it.

>> No.14379331

rarely are people so poor that they literally cannot buy $50 worth of shit to last them one week, assuming they a source of income at all. and there are food stamps. you must also keep in mind that the same people tend to smoke cigarettes, buy lottery tickets, use substances, etc.

i know how much it sucks to be dirt poor because i literally worked at fast food at one point living in subsidized housing in my early 20s before i got my shit together but making excuses for poortards is all pointless because it really does just boil down to the fact that they are not aware that if you know where to look and what to buy, it's the smart option: some cheap pans from goodwill, a little bit of oil, some chicken thighs, rice and frozen veg etc. will cost less than your weekly burger king and newport 100s and reefer. if you eat a vegan subsistence diet it's even cheaper, at maintenance calories i can go on cronometer right now and put together a vegan diet that costs $20/week per adult, or $30 with chicken. it is all about lack of knowhow, people are generationally ignorant of these things and there's no real education about this stuff coming from the government or anybody to teach them if they don't have the initiative to look online.

i don't really know how to solve this other than putting them in fucking reeducation camps lel, it is a tragedy as old as time.

>> No.14379347

yes u hit the nail on the head, they are poor because they usually are on drugs, smoking cigarettes, and possibly buying lotto
my parents did all 3 and fed me hamburger helper almost NIGHTLY for YEARS, I literally asked them to stop buying cartons of cigarettes so we can eat higher quality food and they simply couldn't do it its like their brains do not work in any sensible way
I'm still waiting for them to change! I've already moved out and it seems like my mom is an obese smoker now
Theyre incredibly ignorant, its extreme ignorance of modern food preparation and how to navigate a grocery store, make easy homemmade meals etc
these ppl that eat like shit are on drugs or smoking packs of cigarettes all the time

>> No.14379351

not to mention fast food addiction
people can't cook because they're addicted to fast food and eat it at least once a day

>> No.14379379

how do you get good slices if the tool is half the width of the block? I use knives on cheese always but growing up we had a wire slicer that I've used here and there. I think wire slicers are more difficult to get consistent results with than a knife. those triangle cheese scraper slicers look so useless. everything would be uneven wouldn't it?

>> No.14379385

$50 of shit can last you a month. And that's without restricting yourself to rice and beans.

>> No.14379387

Oh I agree, and I think these problems are usually relatively short lived, but they can really suck. I've seen it happen to a classmate as a kid. It was a single mom raising a boy, working a minimum wage job. She made it work until one day she got sick, missed too much work and got fired. She found another job soon enough but that sickness ate her economies, she missed some bills and soon she had to take a 2nd job to afford living, but it was kinda far and her first job was also kinda far so for a couple months, she was gone before my friend woke up, would be back about an hour after he got back from school, took like 10 minutes to heat up some cheap frozen food then would go to her 2nd job and be back late at night. The teacher actually gave my friend some brochure with the phone numbers and addresses of local charities that would help, but she didn't have a working phone line, and didn't have the time to go to said charities either becasue she was always working. Only when she finally collapsed at work did she get the time and attention to reach for help. Fortunately it ended up working out for them.

>> No.14379409

Fast Food is what taught me how to cook after watching an official McDonalds chef make a Big Mac in a home kitchen

>> No.14379432

>they simply couldn't do it its like their brains do not work in any sensible way
Man tell me about it. Soon after my sister and I moved out, mom decided that she cooked enough in her life so now she just eats snacks, frozen meals or stuff with little preparation. It's very obviosuly affecting her health and her doctor said she's not getting enough protein but she refuse to even fry a steak.

>> No.14379490

clown world. we've forgotten what traditional recipes and healthy homecooking like instead of our mothers teaching us how to cook Mr.Bigmac McGloboHomo teaches us instead
yeah my mom has gained a lot of weight, and leaves her wine bottles by the bed to pile up, she makes pasta salad now at least, with fresh vegetables, but my fast food addict dad is supplying her with fast food constantly he is lowkey killing her

>> No.14379499

>clown world. we've forgotten what traditional recipes and healthy homecooking like instead of our mothers teaching us how to cook Mr.Bigmac McGloboHomo teaches us instead
Hamburgers were what my mom cooked sometimes multiple times a week. Hamburgers, bratwurst, spaghetti, sloppy joes, meatloaf, all form of fried and baked potato, and usually canned peas and beef stew in the cold seasons

>> No.14379542

Yeah but "traditional recipes" were designed to be fed to farm hands, miners, and factory workers. I'm not sure how good they would be to us either.as a species we just aren't burning calories like we were 100 years ago.

>> No.14379568
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speak for yourself, there's literally no reason you shouldn't be lifting sick plates and therefore eating even more than some peasant dirt farmer so that you can make weightlifters a century ago look DYEL, we have the nutritional information now

>> No.14379606

Your kidneys and thyroid will start acting up in your thirties and the inability of your body to keep up maintenance on your excess muscle fat will cause it to start cannibalizing itself resulting disintegrating cartilage and bon decalcifying. Your entire life will be pain till you die of an opioid overdose. Then your perfect body will rot away in a hole in the ground just like everybody else.
Unless you you commit suicide in your mid thirties like most glamour builders do.

>> No.14379625

>regular exercise is unhealthy, you will die in pain!

what in the name of cope...

>> No.14379790

Yes, hello. I'm a professional so please send me some pics, Anon