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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14373613 No.14373613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>A popular talk show that’s hosted and editorially controlled by a current government official is something we normally expect from a Latin American dictatorship, such as the late Hugo Chávez’s hilarious and terrifying Aló Presidente
Based or cringe?

>> No.14373619

take it to pol, you fagtard

>> No.14373639

No he's a cook

>> No.14373646

Food & Cooking, not people who cook food

Get this shit out of here

>> No.14373654

Why does Adam attract such an overly sensitive insecure fan base?

>> No.14373670

this guy is the worst. major pedant in every possible way

>> No.14373698


Says the over-sensitive liberal communist

>> No.14373704

>liberal communist
Thats the biggest oxymoron I've ever heard

>> No.14373707

They're synonyms, faggot.

>> No.14373709

I didn’t even vote for him, but watching the shit lib establishment hate on Bernie so hard is disgusting.

Fuck off and leave him alone, at least he has a spine unlike you lot. Just take your corporation $ and shut up.

>> No.14373717

In terms of economics yes, but if you mean socially liberal- most commies are ancom diaper fur trannies these days; tankie larpers just exist online

>> No.14373718

>capitalism and communism are synonyms

>> No.14373726

>overly pedantic and sensitive youtube cook/ university journalism professor turns out to shill for the establishment
It's actually comical that he's a neo-liberal shill, he just fits the stereotype too perfectly.

>> No.14373733

Shitlibs are the biggest sensitive pussies. I respect socialists and soc dems (like Bernie) who put economics over idpol horse shit.

What drives a man to liberalism? White guilt? Misunderstanding global economics? Or is it something else? Was he just born a massive faggot?

>> No.14373741

Ahah this is hilarious
Nice find Anon

>> No.14373750
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>> No.14373759

>The alt right is anyone who is mean to me

>> No.14373768

Isn't "boot licker" the lefty equivalent?

>> No.14373776

Yes, but cuck is also a pretty normie term at this point. I hear it get used as insult by all sorts of people

>> No.14373900

I knew I was justified in hating this fucking worm. His black beans recipe is DOG FUCKING SHIT

>> No.14373903

Yeah, cuck has just become a general insult among normies