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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14368516 No.14368516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There’s a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

Around 7,000,000,000 male chicks are culled every year because they do not lay eggs. The chicks are placed into a large high-speed grinder or suffocated. This is what you are financiaIIy supporting when you purchase chicken and eggs.

We are the ones creating them and then putting them in grinders after birth.

How is this a legal business practice?


>> No.14368530

I agree, it sucks.
That's why I buy my eggs from a local lady with hens.
Honestly fresh eggs taste so good that I can't even go back to store-bought.

>> No.14368534

>male chicks
whoah, cool it with the transfatphobia???

>> No.14368539

Sounds like a good source of biofuel imo. Don you fags care about the environment?

>> No.14368541

Why don't they just make them into food?

>> No.14368546

You'll find that most people really don't give a fuck.

>> No.14368547

>Around 7,000,000,000 male chicks are culled every year because they do not lay eggs. The chicks are placed into a large high-speed grinder or suffocated. This is what you are financiaIIy supporting when you purchase chicken and eggs.
This makes me feel even better about eating chicken and eggs. In fact I will literally go eat some chicken after I post this reply. I currently have it heating up in the oven.

>> No.14368551

How many egfs can you buy from her a week? I go through 21 eggs every 7 days.

>> No.14368571

>That's why I buy my eggs from a local lady with hens.
And where do you think she gets more hens from?
And what do you think she does with male chicks?

>> No.14368572

if chickens are so important then why don't they just fly away from the grinder camps? retard

>> No.14368575


>> No.14368576

maybe if they stopped complaining and started laying eggs too they wouldn't get killed by the billions. That's the problem with those young male chickens: no work ethic. Back in my day we knew to be grateful; it was "yes sir" and you get the job done, no back talk

>> No.14368578

Well I raise chickens and sell some eggs on the side and I let the male chicks grow until about 5 or 6 months

>> No.14368582

>I let the male chicks grow until about 5 or 6 months
And then what?

>> No.14368589

Imagine how many are killed in non-reporting third-world countries like China. You're only outraged because of stats from places where you have the freedom to know where your food comes from and how it's produced.

But no, campaign for stopping this in the countries which are a drop in the pissbucket that larger countries like China are just pouring into.

>> No.14368590

Generally the breeds for egg-laying are not the same as the breeds for meat so raising them wouldn't give good ROI.

>> No.14368591

Chickens are pretty brainless already, chicks must have like 3 neurons total inside their little heads. It's over quickly and it doesn't really hurt them so I don't really see the issue, if it has equal or fewer neurons than a nigger fetus then it doesn't really weigh on me that much.

>> No.14368595

>t. tryhard redditor

>> No.14368602
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I unironically believe every word I posted.

>> No.14368607

Those countries are accounted for in the data, it says world wide in the Wikipedia article

>> No.14368613
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stop buying local they said
this way is cheaper they said

>> No.14368616

I don't understand. What exactly is the problem?

>> No.14368623

worse things than this happen every day so I don't really care desu

>> No.14368633

that's bullshit
I want to buy baby chick meat, why the fuck isn't it in the grocery store?
thanks for letting me know, I've got to find some baby bird meat

>> No.14368637

>estimated data from non-reporting countries
It's always worse.

>> No.14368645

He takes them out for a nice candlelight dinner then fucks them to death on the haybales

>> No.14368651

That is disgusting and wrong but that doesn't mean I am going to stop eating chicken. That won't even fix the problem. It should just be illegal to do this as you said. Or we need a business to buy the chicks and raise them so they can be eaten instead of wasted

>> No.14368719

Why buy egfs when you can ask her out and get a realgf?

>> No.14368732

Not an answer. They could sell the chicks as us, or capinuze them.

>> No.14368739

Like the other reply. I mercilessly fuck them to death with my 8 inch cock

>> No.14368743

What did you think McNuggets were, anon?

>> No.14368746

What is done with all of the meat from all of this? The wiki page wasn't clear. I don't like this process but if it's what we are doing now, we should at least be using the meat for something. Fertilizer, feed for carnivorous animals in preserves/zoos, feed for pets, etc. That at least lets us be less wasteful while we figure out a less cruel method.

>> No.14368753

They are. Do you think so rich a fertilizer as ground up chicks would just be thrown away?

>> No.14368802

If there were a real market for that they'd be doing it already.

>> No.14368828

Enjoy you and your descendants being harvested by 5 dimensional aliens for eternity

>> No.14368843

I can't see why I should care.

>> No.14368844

What are we supposed to do with 7 billion adult roosters per year? They aren't bred for meat

>> No.14368962

Mmmm. Could go for some processed chicken right now, ṭbh. Preferably shaped into nugget form.

>> No.14368966

It's awful presumptive of you to assume their gender based solely on the non binary state of their genetalia.

>> No.14368968

Why should I care?

>> No.14368984

Gotta make chicky nuggets some how

>> No.14368988

Sounds like a perfect base for chicken stock and bullion. What's the problem OP?

>> No.14368989

so what?
they get turned into pet food, glue and protein powder.

>> No.14368992
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>> No.14369008


>> No.14369012

Who cares?

>> No.14369015

That's purely psychological.

I guarantee you would not be able to taste the difference in a blind taste test.

>> No.14369021

You’re supposed to not breed animals and then throw half into a grinder

Especially since it’s completely unnecessary. Eat something else. It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases

>> No.14369040

>muh vegan propaganda
Miss me with that shit holmes

>> No.14369127
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yummy nuggies

>> No.14369207 [DELETED] 
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>white males being dropped live into a wood chipper
what's morally wrong about this exactly?

>> No.14369227

>le edgy racism Xp

>> No.14369247

Vegan shits are such disingenuous bitches.

>I buy my eggs from a local source

You know unfertilized eggs don’t hatch right stupid fuck?

>> No.14369255

She gets the hens from a place that already culls the males

>> No.14369256

Why is this a serious issue?

>> No.14369264

What do you mean “why is grinding up billions of innocent baby birds unnecessarily an issue?”

>> No.14369268
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I find it ironic how vegans boast about finding natural alternatives while eating beyond foods, the most UNNATURAL things to ever exist on this planet

>> No.14369280

How do you know that?

>> No.14369281

>That's purely psychological.
No, there are notable differences between fresh and store-bought eggs. The thing is that the eggs you buy in the store are often weeks old and that does definitely affect the egg's composition, texture, and flavor. Just look up videos comparing the two and you'll see:

>> No.14369286

What's unnecessary about it? They don't lay eggs and they don't grow big enough for meat.
Might as well grind them up into dogfood or something useful.

>> No.14369289

when you vegans push for the rights of 1) illegal immigrants who pick your produce and process your garbage soybeans getting ICE'd before being paid 2) farmers outside of the US having their crops razed because they won't play with the big boy drug cartels that are paid by US agriculture to murder people and 3) non-US farmers caught in big agriculture who are sprayed everyday with pesticide to the point of infertility (all three in order to keep prices artificially low for communist faggots who can't stop eating at McDonalds because they think they're too poor but too good for home cooking), I'll start listening to you faggots
Animal lives don't matter when humans are dying.

>> No.14369302

I'm not even vegan, man. It's just a fact. She either gets more hens by allowing some of her own hen's eggs to be fertilized and hatched into chicks or by purchasing female chicks from a breeder.
If she hatches her own chicks, she can't choose whether they'll be male or female so the males will have to go somewhere.
If she buys female chicks from a hen breeder, then that hen breeder has to face the same issue of finding something to do with the male chicks that hatch.

>> No.14369310
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It can be considered an emotional issue for some people I guess. I suppose some people would consider it a serious issue akin to world wars, ecological collapse, or economic depressions but that is none of my business.

The ultimate dogma of vegans involves reducing animal suffering or withdrawing financial support to companies that cause animal suffering. I don't think 'natural' is an important factor. Morality is. Health isn't important either, but they use it as a tool to try and recruit people to their religion. Honest vegans admit that they will sacrifice their health for the sake of reducing net animal suffering in the world.

>> No.14369314

Oh nononono hahahahahahahahaaha

>> No.14369325

Blame breeders and their caveman ass mentality of MUST HAVE MORE KEEDZ

>> No.14369334

>You're supposed to not grow plants and then throw half into a garbage can
Let me tell you how much of a plant is literally inedible to humans. What do you want me to do with it?
Oh, look, a cow that can eat the part of the plant I can't because it has four stomachs. Hm. Very interesting. Hey, what should I do with this cow now that he has eaten all of my garbage plant matter?

>> No.14369337

My diet is garbanzo beans, brown rice, hot sauce, olive oil, seasoning salt, avocado, broccoli, b12 supplement, d3 supplement, k2 supplement, DHA+EPA supplement

Protein shake made with oats, banana, chia seeds, 30g pea protein powder, turmeric, seaweed flakes, hemp seeds, agave nectar, ginger powder, black pepper, pinch of salt, frozen strawberries and blueberries, almond milk

Maybe an additional 20g protein from an evolve pea protein shake, plus more DHA+EPA supplement. Lots of water. Spinach too.

Peanut butter on Ezekiel bread toast, lentil soup made with lots of different spices and olive oil. And kale

>> No.14369341

You mean blame natural animal instincts (mother nature and genetics).

>> No.14369344

Good for you sweetie.

>> No.14369347

>Hey, what should I do with this cow now that he has eaten all of my garbage plant matter?
Pay for her to get a college degree so she can get a real job and be a productive member of society.

>> No.14369348

And if you absolutely have to have meat, scallops contain animal nutrients and don’t have a brain, and therefore don’t process pain

>> No.14369360
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>> No.14369363
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I am okay with causing pain to consume flesh though. And no you wont rule the world to enforce your world view on everyone else. There is nothing you can do about the fact that I and many other people kill and eat vertebrates.

>> No.14369365

how much do you spend on food per day?

>> No.14369366
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>b12 supplement, d3 supplement, k2 supplement, DHA+EPA supplement
You know, they make convenient multivitamins specifically for vegans like you.

>> No.14369381

Shit I forgot to add walnuts and Brazil nuts

I used to take a vegan multivitamin but I noticed better results when I took the supplements separately

>> No.14369389

I think it comes out to be like 10-12 bucks. Can do it cheaper

>> No.14369390
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That joke went right over your head, huh? Here, you dropped this.

>> No.14369395

It’s funny because I get like 150g protein a day and you are probably the fat cow

>> No.14369419

Whatever you say. Isn't it time for your afternoon feeding?

>> No.14369420

I own hens who produce eggs for me and havent ever ground a chick. Who is "we"?

>> No.14369559

Haha, I love the blind taste test because his wife can't even tell the difference.

>> No.14369573

Thankfully the kids didn't inherit her inferior tastelet genes at least.

>> No.14369585

>shit from literally over the planet
>some industrially processed chemicals because even that isn't enough
Unnatural and unhealthy. Industrial society was a mistake

>> No.14369595

Yeah, I just don't understand veganism. I've never seen a vegan that didn't look like a cancer patient and we have way bigger problems on the horizon than stupid animals being efficiently used as food.

>> No.14369609

fucking lmao you got me

>> No.14369614

lmao dicklet

>> No.14369665


>> No.14369676
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>Around 7,000,000,000 male chicks are culled every year because they do not lay eggs.

>> No.14369686

You can get an over abundance of good vitamins and nutrients from beef liver alone you stupid fag

>> No.14369773

>illegal immigrants who pick your produce and process your garbage soybeans getting ICE'd before being paid
This is fine, though whites do need to pick their own crops lest we end up with even more old farm equipment running around. May as well force the vegans and commies to do it.

>> No.14369786

the issue is skewing people's perception of food to believe something should be cheaper than what it actually costs to be produced and encourages big agriculture to use inhumane practices
i figure once illegal immigration dwindles, food prices are going to go up significantly and people who don't know how the real world works are going to bitch and moan

god i can't wait for bananas to go extinct 20 years from now

>> No.14369789

Solution: just clone the hens

>> No.14369801

> As of 2016, US producers expected by 2020 to be able to determine the sex of the developing chick long before hatching, so male eggs can be destroyed.

Oh great, now you won’t have to worry, after all an unborn fetus is just a clump of cells right?

>> No.14369805

cute birb

>> No.14369809

>i figure once illegal immigration dwindles, food prices are going to go up significantly and people who don't know how the real world works are going to bitch and moan
>god i can't wait for bananas to go extinct 20 years from now

Yeah idiot, just like cotton went away after the slaves were freed.

Most labor jobs are going to be mechanized (including harvesting) in the next generation moron.

>> No.14369820

this just in: vertically integrated corporate farms are bad

>> No.14369823

>Yeah idiot, just like cotton went away after the slaves were freed.
We just got different slaves.

>> No.14369837

Panama Disease is going to wipe out bananas, bro.

>> No.14369846


>> No.14369876

They're working on methods to determine the sex of the chicks earlier before they even hatch, which would make it so you don't have to let them grow to identify the males and then kill them.

It's still sad to think about though. I hope lab-grown meat and things like that can improve enough to replace all animal products.

>> No.14369881

Not the first time it's happened. And the Gros Michel bananas it wiped out last time didn't go away, they're just not farmed on industrial scale anymore.

>> No.14369911

who cares, their deaths were painless in their short existence.

>> No.14369916

afaik gros michel are extinct and Panama Disease is affecting all banana crops due to farm-to-farm trade

>> No.14369919
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>afaik gros michel are extinct
They're not.

>> No.14369927
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You can even order some online if you want.

>> No.14369977
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>> No.14369991

All matter is conscious, with living beings simply having a more complex experience. This goes beyond "oh plants are alive too so vegans ain't shit lol" because this includes the ground you walk on. You can't even confirm that consciousness ends when there's no energy in an object. Even if a life was a life of pain that lasted less than a day, I would argue that the matter that got to be that chick was excited in those moments.
So rather than limiting the suffering of living beings, I'd want to maximize the amount of living things that were allowed existence in the first place, with priority to the most complex minds first. Let all of those chicks be born, even if they die later. Avoid foods that need to be shipped great distances, lest the planet become inhospitable for humans in 100 years. Let AI become very advanced, but never let them take over and disparage us from reproducing.

>> No.14369992

why aren't they being sold commercially anymore? did the disease just fuck the business so now there's no going back?

>> No.14370023
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Commercial bananas are farmed on such an obscene commercial scale that the only way to keep them so cheap is to grow them almost completely uniform and automate as much as possible.
Panama Disease ripped through the old Gros Michel monocrops like a wildfire so growers had to completely retool their production lines to accommodate Chiquita on the same scale.

The real solution would be to diversify crops and grow as many different banana strains as possible but educating the end consumer to recognize anything other than perfect unblemished yellow Chiquitas as bananas is considered too much hassle to be worth it.

>> No.14370024

>let them grow to identify the males and then kill them.
Why not just let them grow and then eat them, why liquidate them early on? Not enough meat?
>I hope lab-grown meat and things like that can improve enough to replace all animal products.
... the day lab-grown meat replaces actual meat becomes a thing, is the day I will become a vegan.

>> No.14370030

>The real solution would be to diversify crops and grow as many different banana strains as possible but educating the end consumer to recognize anything other than perfect unblemished yellow Chiquitas as bananas is considered too much hassle to be worth it.
I wouldn't care much if they had different bananas, sounds kinda fun with the different varieties to choose from honestly, though, I can imagine some people would hate it.

>> No.14370031

Where's the issue?

>> No.14370036

hmm yeah. i worked at a produce market and we were trying hard to push a greater variety of fruits but people just weren't buying them.
i think i'm gonna buy some of these various bananas from online. i'm dying for red bananas and i've only ever had them once. SO much better than the tasteless cavendish.

>> No.14370042

You and I would, of course, but good luck convincing Karen and Granpa.
Plus building new equipment to handle and sort multiple varieties of banana would be more expensive than growers are willing to invest in, especially without a guaranteed market.

>> No.14370047

>greater variety of fruits but people just weren't buying them..
Shame, I think it's a good idea, more so on the end of diversifying crops to reduce disease.

>> No.14370135

as opposed to what?? wasting feed on them to kill them later?

>> No.14370205
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>It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including veblah blah blah

>> No.14370210

Yeah that's cool I'll have steak and mashed potatoes and be just fine.

>> No.14370344

baste anpn

>> No.14370392

>the most repugnant of conclusions
utilitarians deserve death

>> No.14370579

do you really want to eat fruits and vegetables grown to an industrial standard?

industrial farming has never not one time improved the quality of flavor texture whatever.

>> No.14370617

dumbest comment of the day award right here

Not only is the colour of the yolk different but tast is certainly different. Do a bit of research or try the two types together. You will notice a difference.

>> No.14370726

Could they be used for snake feed, or sold to the Chinese as a delicacy?

>> No.14370756

All vegans should be fertilizer.

>> No.14371015

>Putting white males into a live wood chipper
What exactly is morally wrong about this? Honest question

>> No.14371025

They do sell the chicks. They just grind them up first.

>> No.14371117

Alex, what is "chicken byproduct meal"?

>> No.14371975

And that makes it ok?

>> No.14371983


>> No.14372001

Why can't they genetically engineer the male chicks to lay eggs?

>> No.14372082

Crack each in a glass and I can tell you which is which at first glance. Learn to eggs.

>> No.14372146

Abolish abortion and maybe then we'll talk about chicken shoah

>> No.14372279

In a few years we'll be able to genetically modify chickens to only give birth to females and this issue will be solved.

>> No.14372284

Germany and some other countries have already discovered how to determine the gender of the chick before it was hatched. It'll be fazed out. Also the grinder thing is essentially painless.

>> No.14372424

The real question is, why the fuck would you not stop having pets? You know that most unwanted livestock goes into dog food and cat food right?

You should give up Rover and Biggles than anything else.

fuck doges and woofers, desu.

>> No.14372555

You have to grind up the males, if you didn't and you ate a manchicken's egg that would be hella gay

>> No.14372871

yeah its fucked up

>> No.14372897

I own chickens and its very clear what sort of food theyve been eating from the eggs. From shell thickness, to yoke color, to how much b12 theyre getting.

>> No.14372901

I mean generally you keep the roos unless they become a problem. They're good protection

>> No.14372924
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Duh. Where do you think the "chicken" in your nuggets comes from? You can't let all that fresh young meat go to waste. You squish it together into a patty, fry it and call it a chicken burger or nugget. Zero waste. The females will meet the same fate, except it'll just take a little longer.

>> No.14372938

Na, you want waybe one roo to 5 hens or they start to injure the hens. Plus they tend to be huge dicks.

>> No.14372947

caponizing is much more barbaric than near instant death

>> No.14372949

>Where do you think the "chicken" in your nuggets comes from?
The Tyson plant where they grind up whole grown chickens.

>> No.14372954

You really think they're going to NOT use technical chicken meat that would otherwise just go to waste? Pulverize them into fine enough mince and mix it into the vat of other ground meat.

>> No.14372968

Welcome back. What did the shit for brains mods ban you for?

>> No.14372973

There's no evidence that they do, nor any reason to believe that they would.
AFAIK it's only used for dogfood.

>> No.14372975

I love abortions! Especially the hundreds of thousands of black babies thrown away every year!

> t.white.liberal

>> No.14372978

this is why I only buy cruelty-free eggs from local farmers
based guera loca

>> No.14372993
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That's also true. Either way, it's technically "chicken meat" so it'd be a shame for their deaths to be wasted if they don't at least get ate and used every part. I'm not saying it's a good life, but at least it's brief. The poor fucking hens, on the other hand....oof.

>> No.14373008
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Watch The Game Changers on Netflix

Meatcucks utterly BTFO

>> No.14373093


>> No.14373435

This but unironically, liberalism is self-defeating as long as it continues to keep subhumans under its wing and the best way to get rid of them is to effectively segregate them and then let them self-destruct by themselves.

>> No.14373667

How are meatcucks this cruel?

>> No.14373700

The animal agriculture industry wastes no part of the animals. It all has economic value. There are rendering plants to convert every last offcut to valuable product.

>> No.14373708

Fantastic post

>> No.14374108
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Yeah, nah, you’re a cunt.

>> No.14374340
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>> No.14374383

My poultry was purchased unsexed. The plan is to eat the weak males and breed the strong ones, but they gotta grow up first.

Chick grinding is only done on an industrial level.

>> No.14374391

If caponizing is barbaric then neutering your dog is also barbaric. I have heard about people caponizing a cock in under a minute, and the wound is healed by the next day (so long as they do it right).

>> No.14374393

No one cares, faggot. The skin and bones are the best part.

>> No.14374399


>> No.14374400

neutering a dog is done under anesthetic
is surgery barbaric to you also?
what a retarded comparison

>> No.14374663

damn that guy is good at what he does. Each one of those birds is worth 60 bucks minimum. And he's doing it at a few seconds a bird. I'm impressed!

>> No.14374664

oughta just get the male chicks to transition so that they can start laying eggs too.
Simple as.

>> No.14374678

cocks are assholes and deserve to be culled
have you ever been chased around a farm by a two foot tall dinosaur with razors on its hind legs?
i have
shoot those motherfuckers

>> No.14374690

how is a fucking chicken worth 60 bucks?

>> No.14374700

it's simultaneously disturbing and cool at how much chickens just do not give a shit being handled like that

>> No.14374736

redpill me on avoid the descendant harvesting, anon

>> No.14375019
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nothing desu

>> No.14375157

Don't purchase meat, eggs, or milk

>> No.14375396

Some guy is getting paid to look at baby chickens genitals.

>> No.14375408

Can I make my own?

>> No.14375446


>> No.14375600

Meatoids will unirocally defend this

>> No.14375954

Based ban evader

>> No.14375966

What do you think makes up the fertilizer your vegetables grow out of?
You could grow tomatoes on a bed of dead chickens and water them with blood and still call it vegan.

>> No.14375972

>Meat grinder goes brrrrr
nobody cares you gaping vagina

>> No.14375986

You forgot the gallon of semen. Faggot

>> No.14376263

lol, you thought they got top hats