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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 69 KB, 465x465, beets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14366915 No.14366915 [Reply] [Original]

i planted beets in my garden this year, and they are ready to be picked, wtf do i do with them, i have like fucking 60

>> No.14366952

Stews, soup, or roast them in the oven. Or store them for later.

>> No.14366954

>i planted beets in my garden

>> No.14366996

take them as a reminder to question following life choices more thoroughly than you did planting those

>> No.14367009

beet kvass

>> No.14367011

Pickling is a good idea. You can just do it with vinegar but fermented in salt brine is better. You should look into canning if you're going to have that much food as well.

You can also try to eat the greens more quickly and then the root part will last for a while in the refrigerator, but you probably don't have enough room for all of them. Try giving some away or swapping them for something if you think you'll end up just throwing some of them out otherwise.

>> No.14367019

Salads too

>> No.14367044

He's obviously a percussionist.

>> No.14367052

How to plant beet ? Please help mee

>> No.14367065

I season my beets in olive oil, salt, pepper and whatever else i feel like using. Then I roast in the oven or even grill. I cook them like potatoes basically.

>> No.14367071

Beet Burger is pretty baste if you ask me.

>> No.14367086
File: 51 KB, 640x480, pink-pickled-deviled-eggs-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pickled eggs, baby. Get that delicious red-purple color on 'em. Or better yet, pickle the eggs, then devil them and impress your friends and family.

>> No.14367106

Do you pickle the beets the pickle the eggs in the juice? Or just throw some beets in with the eggs while you pickle them?

>> No.14367113

then pickle the eggs*

>> No.14367124

You can get cans of pickled beets and just throw them in with the eggs

>> No.14367129

You throw the beets in at the same time as the eggs, though you'd have to pickle about 1000 eggs to make use of 60 beets that way.

>> No.14367219

Don't waste the leaves. They're good steamed with chard and a squeeze of lemon.

>> No.14367226

Can make headphones

>> No.14367768

Borsch, lots of borsch

>> No.14367785

You pickle them. You can also make a pretty good pasta sauce with them.

>> No.14367825
File: 689 KB, 1221x1080, 1444653406125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beet greens are even better than the beets themselves

>> No.14368076

Kraut, roasted beets, borscht, steamed beets with butter

>> No.14368204

to disguise his renal issues

>> No.14368214

Bear, beets, battlestar galactica

>> No.14368223

borscht freezes well

>> No.14368943


>> No.14369001


>> No.14369068

Do whatever you want with em. Don't forget to eat the greens, they're fantastic.

>> No.14369092

Beetroot is an amazing vegetable. Apparently beneficial for athletes too.
DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2012.243121
>supplementation improves vascular control and elevates skeletal muscle O(2) delivery during exercise predominantly in fast-twitch type II muscles, and provide a potential mechanism by which NO(3)(-) supplementation improves metabolic control.

>> No.14369097

I also planted beets, and I also don't know what I'm going to do with them
I also planted turnips and radishes

I don't even like root vegetables

>> No.14369135

Roast beets, slice, make a simple viniagrette, put beets in viniagrette, chill, sprinkle with feta.

>> No.14369138
File: 93 KB, 826x620, 1406090265513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pickled, add to salads/sandwiches.
Fresh, roast like a potato with olive oil and seasoning.

>> No.14369177

What do you normally like to do with beats? What did you have in mind when you planted them?

>i have like fucking 60
If you don't want to eat roasted beets on the side of every meal for the next month, and if you own a blender, invest in a $5 mesh straining bag and make beet juice. Just blend them up and squeeze out the liquids. I used to make beet and carrot juice all the time like this

>> No.14369213
File: 127 KB, 750x541, 07683d253498aa0217987e738e5bcf55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put them in the garbage and go pawn your hipster iPhone you payed over $4000 for so you can get some man food that puts hair on your chest like whisky, steak, done.

Because unlike you I do not eat vegetables because I am not a self hating TDS soy who hates hate law and order and traditional family structures. It's ok to be white!

>> No.14369489


>> No.14369607

Pickle them, then put on burgers.
Literally the only use for the cunts

>> No.14369660

I cant even tell what posters like this are trying to do anymore. Very meta bait. Is it even bait at this point? And for who?