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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14359290 No.14359290[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just a friendly reminder to some of you guys.

>> No.14359296
File: 83 KB, 640x852, 2Vye3OGBWRigbHVMO0Ugdl-WIebJpXBMON_Az-Bm1vM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not

>> No.14359304

I feel obligated to lose weight by the sense of disgust I get when looking at my fat self in the mirror

>> No.14359307

Then I am not morally obligated to quit smoking or drinking and you fat fucks should shut your cake encrusted pieholes. Bitch about my health why don't you niggers look in the mirror.

>> No.14359310

I'm not morally obliged to care about black lives either.

>> No.14359316

You are legally obliged though.

>> No.14359325

/ck/ would be a literal ghost town of 10 people who actually cook if all the fat people were killed

>> No.14359348

If you live in a country with free healthcare, then I think you actually do have a moral obligation.

>> No.14359356


you are under no obligation to keep stuffing your face with donuts

>> No.14359362


>> No.14359363
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i give in to all my hearts desires uwu

>> No.14359366


but you are biologically obligated if you're interested in not dying early

>> No.14359372

these are the people who loudly clamour for universal healthcare and they're also the reason the USA doesn't have it

>> No.14359373
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>all members of the socialisthivemind must not drink, do drugs, be overweight, or do anything that would impinge on the functionality of the healthcare system
what kind of life is that?

>> No.14359379

I mean you're under no moral obligation to not hold your head underwater until you drown. Still shouldn't do it. I don't get their point

>> No.14359395
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Every time this Halo Top commercial plays, it makes me want to go running.

>> No.14359400

Not wanting to be a waddling sack of lard isn't a culture.

>> No.14359402

I'm also not morally obligated to not call you the fat sack of horrifying shit that you are, fatty. Drown in lard.

>> No.14359403

Watch as OP ends up being a 300 lbs fatty

>> No.14359415

You certainly don't have a moral obligation to be healthy, you can smoke, drink as much as you want, do drugs, you can eat yourself to death, you can deliberately make yourself a burden and a constant source of worry and anguish for your loved ones too, you're a human being and you're free to destroy your body and ruin your life in whichever way you chose. That being said, consequences will always exist and obesity will ALWAYS be unhealthy.

>> No.14359416

Nice reading comprehension, kiddo.

>> No.14359434
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I want you all to stay fat so that your lifestyle of materialism is proven to be a failure and far stronger people will conquer you.

>> No.14359444
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I'm not morally obligated to treat you like a human being.

>> No.14359458

How much is the sugar industry worth?

>> No.14359476

Your benighted country established at Nuremberg in 1946 that laws were subordindate to morality and feels if you didn't like them

>> No.14359537

You can't post a picture like that without at least a couple lines of HEEEEEEEEEEEYHEHEHEWOWOOOOWOOWOHEHEYEHEEEEH.

>> No.14359538
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Lost 35 pounds over corona vacation.
shits easy, only excuse is laziness.

>> No.14359583

you're not obligated, but dont expect any respect
if you can't even respect yourself, why should i fatty? (thyroid conditions notwithstanding, poor souls)

>> No.14359587
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>thyroid conditions notwithstanding
Shitty meme.

>> No.14359589

What was your method? I just started my diet, and I might try cardio too.

>> No.14359594
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>> No.14359607

Correct, you're obligated by self-preservation.

>> No.14359617
File: 290 KB, 2048x1878, 1568866556356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1200 calories a day. and 100 pushup, situps, and squats every single day (unironically, but this doesn't burn calories its just to get fit)
some days just eat a single meal, others 2-3 smaller ones. but always kept it around 1200 calories consumed (give or take maybe 100 just due to minor variations like sauce or not weighing things)

lean cuisines and similar meals are expensive but they're great for portion control. I usually get the healthy choice ones and the crustless chicken potpie is actually really good.
just cut out all snacks and liquid calories and you should be good.

other thing imo, don't count calories burned as a thing. yeah its a "thing" but fitness trackers are full of shit, and 90% of the time you're going to be a few hundred calories off from what you actually burned.

if you're getting hungry, try to fill up on things like protein or high fiber foods (vegetables, and berries are good for this, and berries can be treated like a dessert too since they're super low calorie), both fill you up while being relatively calorie dense. carbs are what makes you hungry because your body burns them fast.

overall, just don't fall for meme diets and just eat less. meme diets is how you get burned out, if you just watch your calories you can do stupid shit like replace lunch with a slice of cake if you really really want a slice of cake, since its the same calories over all.

do your best anon.

>> No.14359633


>> No.14359634

Over-weightedness and obesity costs the US upwards of $300 billion a year. This is only increasing. We could have universal health care that still turned a profit if it wasn't for over eaters. None of this addresses the damage to the ecosystem caused by the production of the food requisite to keep 40% of the population obese, and 70% overweight. You are absolutely under a moral obligation to not be a fat ass, regardless of whether or not some capitalist has figured out how to take advantage of the fact you just won't stop consuming.

>> No.14359645

I did the berries for dessert thing too! I definitely have a sweet tooth so a pro-tip for me is that reddi-whipped cream is only 15 calories, and it has saved me so many times.

>> No.14359647

its a condition, but it doesn't make it impossible.
99% of the people who claim they have a thyroid problem are just fatties.
>wow i ate nothing but vegetable shakes for 2 weeks! how come i didn't lose weight?! my thyroid!
>proceeds to wash down her vegetable shake with 2 liters of coke

>> No.14359654
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It's a condition that will affect you by maybe a couple pounds here or there if you aren't on medication. But no matter what condition if you just EAT FUCKING LESS you will lose weight.

>> No.14359758

there are people with thyroid conditions that will actually fuck em up pretty good
the problem is that people have latched on this as an excuse to be a landwhale when 99.9% of them are just lardasses with no thyroid problems

>> No.14359782

>Star Trek reference
I bet you’re 400+ pounds.

>> No.14359806
File: 1.12 MB, 1568x707, chinkd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being overweight is healthier than being thin.

slightly overweight people have the best general health, lowest all cause mortality, best thymal persistence, etc.

t. person who was overweight in teenagedom and became forever average at 20

>> No.14359814


>> No.14359818

Its not a moral obligation, but diabetes and heart disease run in my family. Would rather lean away from that as much as possible even though im a gourmand.

>> No.14359820

not him, and not really related.
but there's a girl i know who has a phd in electrical engineering and does jiujitsu. not the fittest girl in the world but she's fit enough to have a toned body and some nice abs.

but she's the biggest star trek nerd i've ever met.

>> No.14359822

Morality is a lie, i'll fuck your dad and the universe won't care

>> No.14359826

is there any evidence that super obese people are actually fat?

like I get that they weigh a lot. But has there ever been an analysis of the composition of their fat?

I'm asking because I know quite a few lardwhales who barely eat anything. Also the way their excess fat looks is weird. Their fat doesn't look normal, it looks dimply and soft, almost like it's a mixture of water and fat or some shit.

>> No.14359825
File: 532 KB, 396x748, 1571115658065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to define "thin" and "slightly overweight" before you can make this claim.

>> No.14359827
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Just look at an x-ray.

>> No.14359833
File: 355 KB, 525x3102, 1564852545983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm asking because I know quite a few lardwhales who barely eat anything.
No you don't, you know quite a few lardwhales who are good at lying about and hiding their eating.

>> No.14359847

technically some people could be hiding massive tumors in their belly, but i can assure you that's not the normal case.

>> No.14359872

first pic is obese
but even obese have certain health benefits over average weight.
For instance, obese have better persistence of the thymus into adulthood. Overweight people do too, and obviously it's better to be overweight than obese.

>Compared to individuals with a BMI <25, individuals who were overweight (β: 0.36 [95% CI: 0.07, 0.64]) or obese (β: 0.27 [95% CI: −0.03, 0.56]) had higher thymic function.


>The BMI value that was associated with the lowest all-cause mortality was 23.7 (95% CI, 23.4-24.3) in the 1976-1978 cohort, 24.6 (95% CI, 24.0-26.3) in the 1991-1994 cohort, and 27.0 (95% CI, 26.5-27.6) in the 2003-2013 cohort.


There are certainly health problems associated with being obese. But it's clear that "average" or "fit" are not the healthiest phenotypes.

>> No.14359880

No, my mom is highly overweight, possibly obese, and I know her eating habits intimately. She eats about 1300 calories a day.

she's not as obese as the people pictured in this thread, but obviously there's something going on other than just "calories in calories out" as the reddit neckbeards want to pretend.

>> No.14359883

23.7 is Healthy according to BMI, not overweight.

Congrats, you played yourself.

>> No.14359884

That doesn't really say shit anon.
>all-cause mortality
you mean fatties stay inside and don't go outside where accidents happen?
fatties sit around all day instead of having jobs where they could potentially get injured?
fatties tend to live in nicer countries and have more money than people who can't afford food?

>> No.14359887
File: 38 KB, 460x441, 1570672835558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you not asking your mom to claim her Nobel Prize for violating the laws of known thermodynamics?

>> No.14359889

>Virus specifically targeting boomers and fatties
Are we living in the most based of times?

>> No.14359890

That's thermodynamically impossible.

>> No.14359891

>I know her eating habits intimately
Do you weigh everything she puts in her mouth and enter it into a food diary? If not, you cannot claim to know how many calories she eats.

>> No.14359893

who's that pokemon

>> No.14360066

You kind of are when your lifestyle affects others, like fatties producing fat kids or making others worry for you. Also if you live somewhere with public healthcare, everyone else has to pay for others doing dumb shit and being fat.

>> No.14360159

the year isn't 1978

study was done in the US.
Even if you chalk it up to correlation confound, then why do fat fucks have better thymal function? This is something that is highest in kids and gets lost with age.

>> No.14360166

actual retard. Put a Jap and a Punjabi on an all milk diet. The results will be "thermodynamically impossible" according to you.

>Do you weigh everything she puts in her mouth and enter it into a food diary?
I actually monitored her several times when I used to live with her. That's how I came up with the 1300 number.

>> No.14360180

There's a pretty hefty industry on the side of just letting yourself go.

>> No.14360202

Ok Sheldon

>> No.14360210
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>> No.14360218

Depends if you're white or not. If so you have zero moral obligation to contribute to a system that despises your very being and treats you nothing more than a data point on a gdp chart

Fuck the system. Milk it for all it's worth.

>> No.14360222

your body will just want to die forever until you do written in small print somewhere

>> No.14360235

This image always confused me, since visceral fat has a tendency to distend your abdominal organs. Am I supposed to believe that someone can hit this kind of level of subcutaneous fat and still be completely normal underneath?

>> No.14360263

if you put them on 1300 calories of milk they'd both be losing weight
the jap is gonna lose weight faster but the punjabi isn't gonna gain weight on a 1300 calorie diet

>> No.14360267

you can either try and change the system or act like a woman and cry about it while doing nothing

>> No.14360274

But if they're consuming and expending the same amount of calories, why would they be losing weight at different rates? Calories in, calories out, right?

>> No.14360276

some people can have medical conditions that cause excessive water retention, but that's a pretty rare

>> No.14360283

if you put them on a 2000 calorie milk diet, the Punjabi would absorb 2000 calories.

The Japanese would absorb 1300 calories, maybe less because he might have faster intestinal transit time.

You can also put someone on a 2000-calorie diet of gasoline, and they would absorb 0 calories.

>> No.14360288
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Go to /fit/ faggot, NEVER trust a skinny cook.

>> No.14360291

if you can't digest the calories that's not a calorie in now is it

>> No.14360292

I'm not saying it's just water retention. I'm saying the fat looks super different, and it should be analyzed.

I've gotten slightly overweight before, and basically what happens is that I have normal looking subcutaneous fat.

But with these obese people, the fat looks totally different. Their fat is often dimpled and cellulite looking. It's definitely different somehow.

>> No.14360296

But calories in, calories out?

>> No.14360298

there you go, if you want to lose weight, drink gasoline instead

>> No.14360308

what are you even trying to imply?
if you want to lose weight, eat less

>> No.14360310

Is that one health stat the only thing you're going to cite?

>> No.14360316

if you're just a little overweight, you just have fat buildup over where people normally have fat
if you're obese you've run out of places to put it so your body just starts cramming it wherever it fits

>> No.14360323
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>there are actually anons that don't do GOGAD

>> No.14360333

which is lower on the social pecking order: an incel or an obese woman?

>> No.14360351


skinny chefs are discerning about what they eat.

>> No.14360359

>(thyroid conditions
Fuck you

>> No.14360367

Yeah, and to someone who can't produce lactase lactose isn't calories. But that's not why your mom is fat. A person not being able to digest or absorb all the nutrients in a particular food isn't the same as someone claiming to produce energy from nothing.

>> No.14360380

>Cream in cereal

What in the goddamn?

>> No.14360385

But calories in aren't calories in? Calories in, calories out, bro.

>> No.14360387

Which will also tell you two 5'10" dudes where one is ripped as fuck and the other is a complete lard ass at 260 pounds are both overweight

>> No.14360397

>tfw put on a bunch of weight since quitting smoking

For fuck’s sake, now I can’t eat anything without needing to punch another hole in my belt

>> No.14360446

>dude all of this fat just magically came into existence lmao

>> No.14360464

This. I only allow myself to fluctuate +-10lbs throughout the year. Nothing wrong with gaining some weight, but food isn't going to disappear anytime soon, so no need to keep eating it.

>> No.14360507

"Calories in, calories out" is true, but sort of a simplification. "Calories out" includes undigested / unextracted calories, which vary person to person, and metabolic base rate, which also varies. Nonetheless, for a given person and diet, if it's currently keeping them at a stable weight, decreasing their intake across all calorie sources will make them lose weight.

>> No.14360571

>I'm asking because I know quite a few lardwhales who barely eat anything
No you don't, you don't know anyone like that because they don't exist. I'm almost 500lbs, I know what it takes to maintain this weight. Don't even fucking try to play that game. It takes minimum 4k calories a day every day. You aren't watching them 24/7, they can tell you they suck on nothing but air but they are full of shit and fat.

>> No.14360640

Just because you’re too dense to understand it doesn’t mean it’s not true

>> No.14360649

Western Civilization is a joke.

>> No.14360656

Bro, just CICO, it's easy. Calories in, calories out. Thermodynamics, bro. Like we learned in grade school.

>> No.14360809

you're mother is a liar, now begone from me you shoe

>> No.14360813

I had been feeling so down on myself, but this post saved me, thank you OP

>> No.14360832

Are you denying based CICO? Do you not know how physics works?

>> No.14360884

OK buddy there's three possibilities here
1: your mother's body violates the laws of physics
2: your mom is a liar
3a: you are a liar
3b: you are stupid

>> No.14360887

I'm starving myself

>> No.14360924

stay salty, fatty

>> No.14360931

These two posts have convinced me to go for a run.

>> No.14360957

>4: PCOS

>> No.14360959

I accept this. If you're not on insurance (because you're skewing the numbers there) or on any sort of public program (because, again, skewing numbers).

If you're willfully and purposefully being a fat, unhealthy piece of garbage, it shouldn't be anyone else's job to cover you.

>> No.14361014

but doing a proper weight loss regime would mean spending less money unironically, the weight loss industry doesn't have to see a single dime from you

>> No.14361022

Your brain can't read things LMFAO just look at that image again LOL idiot.

>> No.14361026

What if you're in a country with a nationalized heathcare system during a pandemic? It's all fun and games until the beetus comes for you.

>> No.14361030

eating less and being healthier is both economically viable and makes you more capable of getting a decent job due to having more stamina and less cravings to interrupt your workflow

being healthy is a literal objective improvement even disregarding the culture surrounding it

>> No.14361045

Snorlax probably

>> No.14361653

>free healthcare
Aside from a few oil rich states, mainly in the gulf, not such thing.

>> No.14361669

>(unironically, but this doesn't burn calories its just to get fit)
Strength training does burn calories, and can increase metabolism for 48 hours afterwards. You weren't doing much so you won't have burned off much but you will have done some.
If you're very fat don't do impact cardio like running.

>> No.14361675
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[SNFL] I know what you mean. Me. Fat since I was 8, now 26. I think it's sugar and refined carbohydrates triggering a proccess of extreme lipogenesis so I have a ton of fat cells even if they are not at full capacity.

My brother was the same but he lost the weight when he was 16, still carries the skin and fat pudge at 30 even if he's thinner than most people now, it only goes away with surgery.

I've tried losing weight a ton of times but basically the diets I was given were bullshit. 5 meals a day, still eating bread, retarded shit like that. Every time I got stucked at X weight and feeling more and more miserable everyday, because your body adjusts to the reduced calories you give it and simply burns less calories. Fasting and a diet with more fat and less carbs gets around that so I'm 10kg down now.

Fasting is fucking great to be honest, makes me feel great, I remember the first time I fasted 3 days I wrote "I have discovered an eternal kaleidoscope" because that shit was giving me so much energy, healing me everywhere, mentally too. I can't fathom how medicine gets to this retarded point were most doctors tell you it's dangerous, at least in my country, Spain.

>> No.14361690

It was the based of times, it was the cringe of times.

>> No.14361692

>t. know nothing
You're a retard, but I encourage you to be fat and rid the world of your genes asap.

>> No.14361702

you're 100% morally obligated to pursue health, and it's not diet culture that says it, it's every single moral system ever devised.

>> No.14361740
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diet culture and 'wellness' is cringe and ultimately unsustainable and just makes people feel worse about themselves but it is worth learning to cook well, and constantly trying to improve and learn new cuisines and dishes and develop a healthy relationship with food and it's also worth finding exercise you genuinely enjoy and that's good for your mental health and can become pure habit and hobbies and these things can make you healthy the whole thing the industry and the memes are bullshit but fat people shouldn't just be off the hook body positivity is equally a good idea which manifests in cancerous iterations it's really something on both counts that you get right from day one because people believe their own bullshit too hard so my kids will be based and healthy but you fat cunts i have my doubts about you're so annoying what you reject and what you champion is the same nonsense versions of good ideas it's really tiresome for me as a normal person and i think where we might meet is food and cooking but you don't really give a shit about that either do you all your trash the ones with atleast a modicum of know how are the worst because you're just even more commited to your dogmatic nonsense for me its tasting my food and trying to learn and improve my cooking every day and take on other cuisines and foods and cultures and riding my bicycle every day and walking and not being mean to fucked cunts even though you are fucked aren't you


>> No.14361755

>Fat as the queen of sea cows
>mystery mutt lineage
>made up moniker with a surname she thinks means cannabis but is actually Hindi for ‘murderer’ or ‘killer’
Disgusting. Anyone who can get hard to this monstrosity has serious problems. Psychological problems.

>> No.14361767

I wonder what your friends think when they see you without a shirt

>> No.14361785

Wrong. No one has a legal obligation go care about others dying.

>> No.14361802

>I can't fathom how medicine gets to this retarded point
You’re like one of those brain dead women who likes magical crystals and incense. Begone delusional lard

>> No.14361804

suicide by food cost the whole society billions every year, so yes, you are under moral obligation to pursue health.

>> No.14361810

There is nothing wrong with corporations profiting off getting people fat by putting HFCS in everything and then trying to then sell you expensive health loss programs. In fact it's quite smart of them and a genius plan.

>> No.14361812

>100 Pushups, squats, and sit-ups
>Doesn't burn calories


>> No.14361814

lol ok fatso, you should do it for your own self worth

>> No.14361817

If people wanted free or government based healthcare, then being fat should be a taxable offense since fat people take up the lion's share of health problems that would hurt the system. At that point, it would be a moral obligation to the other people in your society to not be fat, besides your moral obligation to not be fat so your children can actually respect you.

>> No.14362003

>My mommy wouldn't lie!!!!

>> No.14362013

I mean, they aren't wrong that you are morally obliged to lose weight.

>> No.14362019

Do you type like this to compensate for the fact that you have to pause for breath every 2 or 3 words IRL?

>> No.14362022
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>not enjoying bbw latinas
i dont even know who she is but god damn she has some delicious milk

>> No.14362023


>> No.14362030

Yeah, that was fasting is, totally

>> No.14362044

I just looked it up and holy shit that was bad. Im on a diet and working out starting today, no joke. Even the comment section on YT is shitting on this.

>> No.14362049

incel obviously lol