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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14355461 No.14355461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the current state of the board in your opinion. What could be done to increase the quality of posts on /ck/?

On a side note - did you know al/ck/ threads were banned without any forewarning and decided upon by the few moderators who rot in the 4chan irc?

>> No.14355482

im a newcomer so I don't feel entitled to an opinion. I'll just sit back and let the elders speak

>> No.14355487

Thinly veiled alki complaint thread.

>> No.14355492

Ban all niggers,chinks,spics, etc. Only let the ethnicites who've been to the moon speak. Also fuck mods and fuck nannies, this is a serious post discussing the META

>> No.14355511

If that's what OP is doing that would be allowed but heres the thing, those threads were iconic for this board. Now you have multiple threads with steel reserve pictures and McCormicks vodka and every thread is shat up with people who used to be contained in one thread. While the content itself wasn't great on there I've been using ck since 2015 and I can remember a lot of funny posts as well as people genuenly helping each other and I also remember on multiple occasions people who got sober.

>> No.14355514

Ban all eceleb, and fast food shit.
And then remove the shite mod we have.
>phone posting
Other wise based

>> No.14355524

Society is more divided than ever and all boards are going to reflect that until things change. The good times are over.

>> No.14355528

yeah now fucking wasted retards fuck up everyone else's threads with their alcoholic rage when they could be in one

>> No.14355529
File: 69 KB, 412x471, Noooooooo+not+the+heckin+rebuttal+nooooooooooooooo+not+the+flipping+argumentarino+_39c87813b23e7e6e04076f2a61e25695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah now fucking wasted retards fuck up everyone else's threads with their alcoholic rage when they could be in one

>> No.14355530

Too much fast and junk food threads, too litle actual cooking threads

>> No.14355531

Allow al/ck/ threads, they're on topic for this board. Mixology is closely related to cooking and should absolutely be allowed.
Related, more communication between the mods and the anons.
Less e-celeb shit. I don't wanna see posts about Binging with Babish, Bon Apetit (rip), Adam "Prep the bull not the wife" Raguesea, etc. That's neither food nor cooking.

>> No.14355532

The funny thing is the mods janny fags truly thought the al/ck/ posters would go somewhere else. That might be the best part of the entire situation.

>> No.14355539

I still wish someone had screencapped the last thread. Some faggot got btfo and I'm 99% sure it was a mod or janny posting anonymously, or someone who brown noses in the IRC

>> No.14355541

lol don't tell me you haven't run into a belligerent drunk spewing schizo-tier nonsensical hate to derail a thread

>> No.14355542

/ck/ has unironically had some of the best OC past week

>> No.14355543

Yeah this board definitely sucks these days. It all went downhill around like 2016-2017 or so. A very quick, steep decline at that.

>> No.14355551

that's all of 4chan tho

>> No.14355558

This board needs mor pro-Trump content

>> No.14355560

>the offtopic blogging was iconic to the board
alkie detected
nobody misses you
join a real support group

>> No.14355561

Stop deleting the jack threads

>> No.14355562

I'm a Biden campaign manager in my local community and I disagree.

>> No.14355564

Need more tranny threads

>> No.14355565

I never want to see that one guy's festering asshole ever again

>> No.14355566

>t. janny
You aren't fooling anyone

>> No.14355568

Na it went down hill during obamas second election. That brought in more tards than usual.

>> No.14355579

>everyone who hates my whinging is a jannie
neither food nor cooking
you are the kpop general of /ck/, a bunch of fuckups that bonded over being useless
there's literally no reason you can't keep having threads on /r9k/

>> No.14355583

Why? He won't be president much longer. Seems like a waste

>> No.14355587

The "muh oc" retard is everywhere and these threads belong in /qa/, sweatty

>> No.14355589

Needs more marcoposting and knorrposting

>> No.14355594
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More Jiro threads

>> No.14355595

I am a Biden child sex slave and I agree.

>> No.14355597

Donald Trump is going to be the last president of the USA ever.

>> No.14355600

If the alkies, teafags, and coffetards can all have multiple general threads going at one time, why can we not have be allowed to have one Claire general thread on the board?

>> No.14355602

Good. I seriously hope there's an apocalypse. Imagine the /ck/ threads then?

>> No.14355604

Ever since the Clover app defaulted to this board it has gone to shit. I miss when it was slower.

>> No.14355606

ok schitzo tripfag

>> No.14355608

Steak general for everything that ranges from showing off to asking questions (related to steaks) should be mandatory rather than having 800 different thread "rate my steak", "how do I cook this ribeye", "what should I do with this steak?" and so on at the same time.

>> No.14355613

If Steve1989 threads are acceptable content here, why do I get banned for making Reviewbrah threads?

>> No.14355623

what does the cosplay tranny get active janny protection?

>> No.14355630


I remember have full on auditory and visual hallucinations after I went cold turkey. I got the courage to try to be sober from the alck threads. I was drinking myself to death in the middle of nowhere. The booze store was 45 minutes away and the closet AA meeting was over an hour and a half away. I grew up in foster care so I have no family and I'm autistic so I have no friends. The alck threads gave me someone to talk to and the help I got from the honest people in them, I can say for sure without it I wouldnt be alive.

>> No.14355634

Lets be honest 4chan peaked years ago. It’s now a place for divorced moms and their edgy 14-year old sons.

>> No.14355642
File: 84 KB, 714x846, 1593959752125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cawk and ball examination thread. Its a thread where every male poster posts a picture of their cawk and balls for examination purposes.

>> No.14355651

If only you could go to AA where you clearly belong instead of 4chan where you clearly don't.

>> No.14355652

.t fast food poster

>> No.14355654

Good bait epic troll sir redditor

>> No.14355656

Needs more nigger jokes.

>> No.14355660

>What's the current state of the board in your opinion.
Big sloppa shit.

>> No.14355680

Do you guys remember my thread 2 weeks ago where I was drinking in public and got sushi and sake in a corner of the strip mall? That was fun, right? Jannies banned me for a MONTH for that lmao

>> No.14355683

And its still one of the better boards.

>> No.14355684

t. asshurt fagit

>> No.14355687

You deserved that

>> No.14355689

/ck/ has the worst jannies and mods of any board. I know your reading this you fucking cunts. Kiss my Gooch

>> No.14355691
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What happened to the guy who would always post in the dark? It was like he lived under someone's house or something. I miss that freak.

>> No.14355693
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I don't deny it

>> No.14355696

Tripfag in 2020 thinks hes belongs on 4chan.

>> No.14355710

It's completely hit or miss. Some threads which are obviously against the rules get banned while others that arent are pruned instantly. I think theres less than like 5 mods total and most of them arent active anyways. So when one is online he just deletes whatever the fuck he wants because he knows he has no one to answer too.

>> No.14355720


>> No.14355721

I think I remember that dude, unless there was more than one poster squatting underneath somebodies house.
I imagine he got caught lol

>> No.14355724
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Dude I got banned for it LAST NIGHT. Janny sat on that for two weeks and then sniped me like 9PM, 4th of July

>> No.14355726

Every fucking thread devolves into some /pol/ shit. Nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.14355727

Can we unban Dinotendies from /ck/ already?
Or are the mods too afraid of his power?

>> No.14355729

What happened to doll poster? I havent seen him recently

>> No.14355739

make a constant cooking with jack sticky

>> No.14355742

I liked that thread

>> No.14355748

/ck/ unironically needs more eceleb threads rather than fast food threads

>> No.14355755

Me too, these newer mods and jannies are the no fun allowed type
Been banned more for funposting in the past few months than I have in years

>> No.14355760

I posed the yummy for my tummy macaroni thread yesterday, thank you for all who participated.

>> No.14355772

Is anybody else an american who posts "do americans really" regularly?

>> No.14355775

i screenshotted this for future threads

>> No.14355782


>> No.14355787


>> No.14355793


>> No.14355794

I got a warning for reporting an Alice thread yesterday.

>> No.14355800
File: 186 KB, 618x497, 1585093883955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't be so bad if I just got banned from /ck/ when I broke some arbitrary rule, but it's always all boards now.

>> No.14355850

I used to pretend to be a bong ranting about Americans but I'd insert clues like "flavor" or "color" without the u. But people here were too stupid to catch on and just got trolled the old fashioned way instead.

>> No.14355856
File: 126 KB, 672x936, indicate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need spoilers. For science

>> No.14355890

I miss old /ck/ before it became fast food advertising and stupid "pretending to be retarded" bait threads.
Now you fucks are invading other boards making them go the same way.
Fuck you all.

>> No.14355897

This, but range ban IP non-Australian addresses

>> No.14355899
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>> No.14355915

I've always thought poster country flags would be a good addition. I need to know how many Aussies shit up this board too.

>> No.14355918

Why the fuck are threads about babish, chef john, and Steve allowed but I get banned for starting a jack thread?

>> No.14355924

Don't report people who aren't doing anything wrong then, cuckhead.

>> No.14355930

Just post about jack in those other threads.

>> No.14355932

Alice threads break around half a dozen rules and are pure cancer.

>> No.14355933

just be thankful food is really hard to read politically. Otherwise we'd go the way of /tv/, completely ruined by /pol/ brainlets

>> No.14355954

As a /pol/ brainlet but also an '06fag I feel bad about how /pol/-tier rhetoric has infected the entire site

>> No.14355956

/tv/ was always shit.

>> No.14355966

/tv/ unironically got a lot worse after the waifucaust.

>> No.14355976

/v/ is even worse

>> No.14355978

See you on /qa/

>> No.14355990

I'm a typical /fit/ and /tv/ poster, and at least in comparison to those two /ck/ is in a pretty good state.

>> No.14356052

>2 weeks ago
>banned for a month
>is posting

>> No.14356066
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Awful post and waste of dubs.

>> No.14356073
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Wrong way around. Ban white people, all they know how to do in the kitchen is steal recipes from minorities, ruin them, and charge 5x the price to other white people

>> No.14356089
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Awful post and waste of dubs.