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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14354378 No.14354378 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw just use running water and my fingers to clean most dishes
>tfw occasionally use boiling water from a kettle to get rid of oily shit
am I doing it wrong? it takes too long to fill up a sink with soapy hot water

>> No.14354397

Do you clean your car by smearing your hands all over it? Retarded.

>> No.14354425

You can

>> No.14354430

you live with your parents don't you op

>> No.14354509

Just wash your dishes right after you eat and it wont be a problem

>> No.14354522

>it takes too long to fill up a sink with soapy hot water
>let me just boil a kettle for the exact same amount of time at least

Also filling the sink with soap & water is the caveman way of washing dishes. I just wash everything as is, as it gets dirty. After every meal or sometimes I'll wash shit after cooking but before eating. Like if I make pasta or something I'll wash the pot right while the food cools down for a couple of minutes (I hate steaming-hot food). After I'm done eating I'll take all my dirty dishes and wash all of them. Simple as that.

If I drank out of a cup, the cup gets a wee drop of dish soap and hot water, if I ate out of a bowl then the bowl also gets a a drop of soap and hot water, same with plates, for utensils I'll drop soap onto the sponge and scrub them down. I also scrub the underside and outside of the glasses and plates and bowls and everything and rinse it out with cold water and that's that.

Soaking everything in the same water & soap is DISGOSTEN, that last pan or bowl or whatever gets cleaned last is just sitting in the grease and filth of all the other shit that was cleaned before it. It's like how families took baths in the 1920s, whoever was last barely managed to get clean.

>> No.14354528

how can people eat off dishes that havent ben sanitized by a dishwasher O_O

>> No.14354530

Personally I just rinse my dishes with hot water and then go over them with a soapy washcloth and rinse again.

>> No.14354532


>> No.14354546

dont larp on /ck/ there are better boards for that

>> No.14354557
File: 22 KB, 352x400, donotwant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like those people who hardly shower, don't use soap, don't use soap when washing clothes, and coworkers/colleagues don't want to be near your due to your smell.

>> No.14354600

Is this you, OP?

>> No.14355156

Use only hand? What is this nonsense? Detergent is there for a reason. For clean dishes, one drop of detergent on sponge and warm water is enough to clean up to 5 dishes. For meat products and other assortment of greasy foodstuffs, pour hot water over stains and keep for 5 mins and then clean with detergent and sponge. For best results, clean as soon as you're done with dishes. "Soaking dishes" is fucking bullshit and enables bad behavior. My strategy is cook, clean and then eat, then immediately clean plate. Don't fill up sink or anything as it is unnecessary and wastes water.

>> No.14355195
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i hope you're just kidding because that is disgusting

>> No.14355332

For most things this is fine. Pain in the ass to get fatty or burned on messes cleaned up though. Soap doesn't sanitize things just by touching it. In fact it doesn't sanitize things at all. All it does is helps water take things away physically. If you can get it done without soap more power to you. I use soap because it makes cleaning way easier.

>> No.14355436
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>Soap doesn't sanitize things just by touching it. In fact it doesn't sanitize things at all

>> No.14356146

my brother used to live like that and now he lives in my parents basement and has a kid and is raising that kid from my parents basement. to quote my generation, you do you. I'm tired of this hellhole

>> No.14356164

You give everything a simple wash in the suds water and then finish all the dishes off by rinsing under hot, hot water. Takes away the gross you described.

>> No.14356171

>not sanitizing
r e t a r d

>> No.14356768

people have all up until recent years, anon

>> No.14358006

Normal soap acts as a binder to remove grease. Companies add other stuff to make it disinfectant.
Not that dishes at home really need to be sanitized desu.

>> No.14358030

Soap molecules rip apart bacteria cells.

>> No.14358146

everything is covered in a layer of bacteria, among other things. they immediately recolonize whatever you wash

>> No.14358153

You're supposed to clean them and then put them in the dishwasher for no reason

>> No.14358156

Do people actually fill up their entire sink to wash dishes?

>> No.14358175

soap literally tears apart bacterial cell membranes and viruses you fucking retard

>> No.14358182
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why are you talking so much about shit you obviously know nothing about?

>> No.14358210


if you live alone you don't even need to use soap on your dishes. hot rinse right after eating

>> No.14358240
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>> No.14358702

Did it for 3 years straight no issues

>> No.14359165

Soap does not sanitize. Look it up before you spout your mouth. There are antibacterial soaps that kill some bacterias, but even those still do not sanitize.

>> No.14359192

not to mention we have more bacteria cells in our bodies than human cells, we're literally bacteria

>> No.14359216

>Soap does not sanitize

>> No.14359294

>Soaking everything in the same water & soap is DISGOSTEN
The sink is the dirtiest place in your home. I guess people want to conserve water, but it's pretty gross.

>> No.14359308
File: 29 KB, 454x390, wash basin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Single sink. Too bad.
You have to have something extra for either soaking or draining dishes. While your dishwasher is in the process of loading or running, you can't just leave shit stacking up and blocking the sink.

Get your proper tools if you aren't going to actually remodel.

Buy a separate wash basin. Store it under your sink. In and out of service, when needed. Fill up basin with hot soapy water. Empty out your sink, and soak a load of plates in this wash basin. Use your sink only for rinsing off soap. Place dishes in drainer or hand dry. Make sure you give it only 5 minutes. Replenish the hot soapy water when needed.

No dollar store soap, but actual concentrated Dawn. Have heavy duty and light duty sponges. Long handled brush. Dobie or some nonstick scrubby that doesn't hold cheese/bits, for some jobs. Brillo for other jobs. Bleach disinfectant spray to finish up your sink and countertops. Another use of the basin is for sanitizing with dilute bleach solution before air drying. If you are not regularly serving 12 dinner plates each night, that's too many dishes sitting around.

>> No.14359314


>> No.14359596

why did you link me to a page about hand sanitizer? are you washing dishes in hand sanitizer?

>> No.14359611

lol thank you community college scientist

>> No.14359625

Why do you continue posting? https://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle/soap-doesn-t-kill-anything-how-to-hand-wash-your-dishes-and-spread-fewer-germs-1.4538098

You don't even need to go to school to know this. Work anywhere in food. Dishes get washed in one sink, then they get dunked in sanitizer in another sink.

>> No.14359746

The word you’re looking for is sterilize you cretin.

>> No.14359774


>> No.14359810

I don't fill up a sink with water. I just put some soap on a wet sponge and squeeze it till it's sudsy. I also wash my dishes right after I'm finished with them so I never have many dirty dishes.

>> No.14359867

op, you nasty.
use dish soap
use hand soap
use bodywash
use shampoo
use toothpaste
wash your asshole


>> No.14360215

Tell me more about how soap doesn’t sanitize, anon.