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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 138 KB, 600x800, Steve1989MREInfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14350063 No.14350063 [Reply] [Original]

New steve

>> No.14350065

Stop shilling this low IQ retard, nobody wants to watc him eat chili rice from a bag.

>> No.14350068


>> No.14350146
File: 56 KB, 625x625, 1593651762192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based New Steve poster

>> No.14350148


>> No.14350152


> t. not nice anon

>> No.14350182

>samefagging a thread you don't like
what for

>> No.14350235

who are some other wholesome youtubers like him? don't have to be food related

>> No.14350242


>> No.14350245


>> No.14350262

He sounds like he's tired of making these videos in the beef frankfurter video.

>> No.14350275

Yeah I noticed that too, he even is doing damage control in the comments. My theory is that he’s seething at people going all “fuck 4th of July” due to the protests.

>> No.14350501

he and chris morocco should get married.

>> No.14350663

People have been saying this since he started. You're thinking too much

>> No.14350704


>> No.14350754

Why are you alive?

>> No.14350775

I hate shitlibs

>> No.14350779

steve visited epstein island and steve did not kill himself.

>> No.14350797


>> No.14350803

I haven't watched the Korean MRE video yet. But he's clearly drunk in the US MRE video

>> No.14350805

What do you think the size of his cock is OP?

>> No.14350833

I think he's having a lot of fun in it. Good a good few chuckles from it.

Loved the line about people who call them moist towelettes unironically.

>> No.14350853

Holy shit the Korea MRE looks so fucking good

>> No.14351209

nick the smoker
that guy who feeds racoons on his backporch
review brah

>> No.14351233

Tasting History

>> No.14351251
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>> No.14351256

not being able to recognize irony is a sign of autism

>> No.14351314

i do

>> No.14351373

Glen & Friends

>> No.14351486


>> No.14351499

>I think he's having a lot of fun in it. Good a good few chuckles from it.
His videos are better when he isn't trying so hard to make a bunch of jokes. Hopefully he doesn't let his fame go to his head like Reviewbrah. All of Reviewbrah's videos suck now because he keeps making unfunny jokes.

>> No.14351989

This was more like oldschool Steve before he got big though. Go back to some of those first videos and see. He was having fun. But I know what you mean, hopefully he doesn't start doing this on every single new video, even though this one was funny as shit imo

>> No.14352005

Incredibly based

>> No.14352011

Asian rations are boring. They're always the same thing.

>> No.14352041

Let's get this out onto a tray,


>> No.14352060

The new video was controlled compared to one I just watched where he had an orange tray and did the sad faced cheese man. That one was way crazier so these people saying he sounds tired of doing this are pretty wrong actually

>> No.14352066

I've watched every single one of his videos. His latest one appears likes he doesn't give a fuck anymore. He doesn't even pretend to be informative and instead wants to make stupid jokes. It's like /ck/ post 2016. I'm not the only one that noticed this because a ton of youtube dumbasses are also commenting about it.

>> No.14352079

Ty, I had a bad day too.

>> No.14352085

How long do we all give it until board consensus turns against Steve, I say within six months any threads or posts about him will be called reddit or shitposted into oblivion

>> No.14352153

Doesn't pretend to be informative? That last IMP video was absolutely informative. What about the end on that Korean ration? Did you make it to the end of this hotdog one too? Nah, you didn't. What about the 1906? It was filled with facts and info/background. What the hell are you even talking about? Confirmed troll... weak try.

>> No.14352190

You kinda seem like a piece of shit.

>> No.14352195

It already did, look at how surprised reddit refugees in this thread are at the idea that some people don't like Steve
>W-what you don't like le based MRE eating Forrest Gump? How dare you!:( Not "nice"! Black Lives Matter!

>> No.14352203

Seethe harder, dummy.

>> No.14352205

You must wasted at least 30 minutes today coming back over here pretending to be four different people. Actually this page looks like maybe 3 or 4 people total. Who knows, maybe I am all four of those people and you too. This entire post is just one guy.

>> No.14352209

Based Sherlock.

>> No.14352212

Agreed, based Steve bringing good vibes.

>> No.14352214

>N-noooooo, this must be a conspiracy against my favorite e-celeberinoooooo
Are you this triggered by the fact that not everyone watches the same garbage as you do? Sheltered fucking manchild, go do something useful with your life for once.

>> No.14352216

You're a terrible person! I am going to hang myself now. I hope you are happy with yourself!

>> No.14352227

>pull a shitty redditor larp out of his ass

>> No.14352230

and I like Steve's videos. I just know how this place works. It's happened to multiple e-celebs beloved by various boards, after a certain point opinion shifts.

>> No.14352235

This nigga knows whats good

>> No.14352249

Okay you win please don't hurt me! aiieeeeee

>> No.14352253

>muh Ecelebs
Fuck off, normalfags.

>> No.14352258

Yeah it happened to Binging with Babish & Review Brah. It's really not that big of a deal, but I still do like to bring the evil outta some of these guys. You can see how the Lord of the Flies mentality occurs. Kinda fascinating, really. Pretty sure most people on 4chan who hate on one another and on creators of YT or TV are just really unhappy people at heart. Not much of a regular here and every time I come back it's pretty clear why. Not on reddit either though, it's too complicated.

>> No.14352263

Advertising and e-begging is not permitted, retard.

>> No.14352278

I fuckin love this guy

>> No.14352282

Postercount hasn't increased with this post, hmmmmmm

>> No.14352290

That is because I am you and the other 4 guys on this page.

>> No.14352297

steve was getting saucy in that frankfurter vid

>> No.14352298

If that is the case that you are me and I am the other four guys on this page.

>> No.14353305
File: 281 KB, 371x532, nice hiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not going to eat that
*eats it*

the man is a treasure

>> No.14353328

based among the based

>> No.14353362

I think he was on the sauce for that one, he seemed so much more talkative than usual.

>> No.14353384

Oh, he's definitely drunk off his ass.

>> No.14353429

He's racist

>> No.14353441

post 10

>> No.14353461

Until he gives an explanation that explains his behavior other than "I was feelin quirky" I'm gonna believe he was drunk

>> No.14353510

Greg's kitchen

>> No.14353524

That guy comes off as a literal cuck

>> No.14353668

Wasted retard

>> No.14353723

I do

>> No.14353779


>> No.14353785

based, he's good at telling stories

>> No.14354028

I don't agree.

>> No.14355145

He would have been slurring his speech, not that witty, and his eyes woulda been blood shot red if he was drunk. Steve is a good actor, hamming it up for a 4th of July review.

>> No.14355150

Ok Steve we know you were all drunk

>> No.14355228

That pic should be commissioned into a 6 by 8 foot painting

>> No.14355308

Drunk here... he might have had a tallboy but he was not drunk

>> No.14355345

He was fucking high, dummies.

>> No.14355442

I don't think he was high at all. Maybe in some other videos where he's so chill..

>> No.14355444

hes not an eceleb hes more like a /ck/ youtuber

>> No.14355453

why cant you just be...NICE

>> No.14355459

He will have 2 millions subs before 2021. History channel approached him about starring in a show and he declined. He's an e-celeb.

>> No.14355465
File: 14 KB, 500x500, 1588644717734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e-celeb thread

>> No.14355468

theres a channel called should i series: he makes jack and kay recipies and tastes them on camera.
maybe not wholesome but very entertaining /ck/ related content

>> No.14355476

fuck off newfag

>> No.14355484



>> No.14355485

he may be famous for his videos but he isnt trying to be some stupid internet personality. his videos are about interesting shit and people like it
your acting like hes just trying to get famous
but he just like making interesting videos

>> No.14355499

>your acting like hes just trying to get famous
You're projecting. All that I did was state facts. I never even said I was against e-celebs. I enjoy his videos but the frankfurter one came off as him trying too hard to be funny. I hope he doesn't keep that shit up like Reviewbrah does now. I get that the plebs eat that shit up and it brings in the subs but I could watch any other popular Youtube channel for snarky humor.

>> No.14355506
File: 42 KB, 636x358, 12343124213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14355616
File: 27 KB, 480x353, 1566599031515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you shilled him here before?
I like the water sounds and don't remember how I started watching these videos

>> No.14355657

I didn't, I also don't know how I started watching him lmao

>> No.14355678

pleb taste
not nice

>> No.14355867
File: 73 KB, 1287x454, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just cause it's a 4th of July video he's aware people didn't like it. Video was great and if you didn't like it then the korean mre video makes up for it.

>> No.14356037

Glad you showed this but now I feel like a dick jumping on him about the frankfurters vid

>> No.14356056


>> No.14356198

Someone needs to paint his portrait.

>> No.14356218
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big hiss

>> No.14356342

he comes off as a bit uninformed, but he is doing a service making that garbage.

>> No.14356434

Townsend is right alongside Steve in wholesome and informative. Actually, Townsend is doing such a service.. his shop is fuckin awesome too. They hand make the outfits, tailored and all. Wish Steve would open up an MRE shop or something.

>> No.14356442

God damn, I want her to crush my pelvis from snu-snu

>> No.14356686

todo meco este vato si o no raza

>> No.14356960

You can find shop for MREs in the other channels that collaborated with him

>> No.14357002

True, but I wanna buy an MRE from Steve. Maybe he could get into the business of selling trays and can openers.

>> No.14357004

Steve is genius level IQ, but you on the other hand cannot even spell properly.

>> No.14357022

nah, he's a mid-wit.

>> No.14357037

nah, he's a genuine-wit

>> No.14357519

Robert Dyer
>welcome, welcome to the Robert Dyer channel

>> No.14357570

the frankfurter review was great
love silly steve

>> No.14358014

fuck off faggot steve is peak aesthetics

>> No.14358055


>> No.14358208

The Slingshot Channel until he sold out.

>> No.14358345

Bless this man

>> No.14358893

>love silly steve
the moment he threw the bag, followed by the charms, my first thoughts went to steve getting corrupted and slapping the food as he pulls it out then throwing eggs on it all at the end. I fear silly steve

>> No.14358973
File: 234 KB, 720x960, 1563032349117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low IQ
You just do not understand

>> No.14359037

what happen to him

>> No.14359048

He sold out, and was one of the first channels to start shilling mobile games.

>> No.14359700

Steve's newest video was by far his best in years.

>> No.14359714

Forgotten weapons

>> No.14360789

Checked out on the new korean ration video. Dunno his videos have completely lost their charm with me and they just put me to sleep now.

>> No.14361159

I watch them before bed for this reason

>> No.14361197


>> No.14361213

Get out

>> No.14361235
File: 261 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cowboy rollins

>> No.14361442

Neck yourself, fudd.

>> No.14361503

dude imagine getting shot at by jungle niggers while you're forced to survive on fucking army rations, and then 30 years later this faggot is creaming himself over the same fucking gruel

>> No.14362596


>> No.14364028

good vid thanks anon

>> No.14364360

he hates the 4 fingers of death cant blame why

>> No.14365091

Niggas. Hate on Steve all u want,my boy is eating guud

>> No.14365458
File: 395 KB, 1015x737, 1469302706273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve is alright by me

>> No.14365466

i would vomit of that shit log was presented to me as a meal

>> No.14365651

Dude is such a fucking specimen. Never thought a man could be objectively beautiful until I saw that fucking CHAD cooking fish sauce

>> No.14365924

>nobody wants to watc him eat chili rice from a bag.
Oh how little you know

>> No.14366002

I know it's a meme to say this but he is relentlessly handsome.

>> No.14366034

>This one probably has the cancer-causing food colouring. Mmm cherry!