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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 217 KB, 2001x1335, 64mQFlA0KuhAokyeZ9wpsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14348987 No.14348987 [Reply] [Original]

Is smoking allowed on this board? I think there's a pretty solid argument for it. It has a taste and it's something that you consume. There are three states of matter. Solid, liquid, and gas. We eat solids. We drink liquids. Why not allow smoke?

>> No.14348990

You eat cigarettes?

>> No.14349004

Do you eat beer? There are beer threads.

>> No.14349044

>There are three states of matter. Solid, liquid, and gas.
Plasma, superfluid, glass, fermionic condensates, etc.

>> No.14349045

bleach has taste and it's something that you can definitely consume right now

>> No.14349047

What do you like to smoke? I'm a Turkish silvers kinda guy.

>> No.14349068

Do you ingest and digest cigarettes? Do they provide nutrients?

>> No.14349072


>> No.14349075

If cigarette and cigar threads are allowed why not allow vaping?
Hell, let's also talk about crack

>> No.14349108

I got banned (for off topic) posting baking supplies that just happened to resemble drugs, so I think cigarettes definitely shouldn't be on this board. you should be banned.

>> No.14349113

Explain this one

>> No.14349127
File: 2 KB, 126x103, 604BDEE0-1499-4439-8A7B-A00D306FC128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ has long been the home board to tobacco threads, mostly cigars and cigarettes. They pair well with food and drink and are ubiquitous across the industry. Since the creation of /out/, they usually have a pipe tobacco (no weed) thread that I prefer though that’s never really caught on here. Newfags will say that smoking is not /ck/ but it is. Others will say it’s unhealthy and not classy but neither is the oft-honored mcChicken.

>> No.14349130

The condensates haven't even been proven you cuck

>> No.14349136

glass is amorphous. It doesn't have a crystal structure like solids do or a sea of electrons like metals. It is essentially a liquid with such enormously high viscosity that it can be treated as a special type of solid.

>> No.14349138

If that really was your thread, it was clever please don’t stop

>> No.14349154

You drink cigarettes?

>> No.14349181

>"We have observed condensation of fermionic atom pairs in the BCS-BEC crossover regime. A trapped gas of fermionic 40K atoms is evaporatively cooled to quantum degeneracy and then a magnetic-field Feshbach resonance is used to control the atom-atom interactions."
That was back in 2003, faggot.

>> No.14349217

>They pair well with food
Yo what the fuck?

>> No.14349222

>quantum degeneracy
Based as fuck

>> No.14349350

yes they are a nootropic

>> No.14349472

Did somebody say crack?

>> No.14349496
File: 118 KB, 1075x339, Bildschirmfoto 2020-07-04 um 23.44.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all actuality, yes.

>> No.14349507
File: 21 KB, 500x333, 3b8dca907cebf6c9ab8ee55366287aa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what have you smoked recently, /ck/?

>> No.14349513

>glass is amorphous.

So is ice

Fuck off

>> No.14349518
File: 63 KB, 621x700, dare-drugs-violence[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smokers are jokers!

>> No.14349520

You just know...

>> No.14349526
File: 9 KB, 456x429, iceIh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? Are you deranged or just dumb?

>> No.14349531

I'm currently vaping on Riot Squad Apple Grenade.
It's based although the bottle looks kinda gay

>> No.14349550

How many times do smoking threads have to be left up before retards get that, yes, smoking is allowed on /ck/?

>> No.14349557

Vaping some "lemon tart" thing right now, but I think I've just come to the conclusion that all baked goods themed juice tastes like burnt cotton filament.

>> No.14349561
File: 16 KB, 618x636, index.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditionally it was impossible to make flat plates of glass, because it was spun into disks and then cut into plates.
This left one end thicker than the other, and the thicker end was place at the bottom of a window frame to keep it stable.

Retards today renovate old buildings and when they find the unusual tapered glass windows, they assume that glass must be a liquid and "settle" over time since obviously glass panes are flat.

>> No.14349572

I was never big on the whole baked good themed liquids. I always go for the apple flavored ones and I have tried a bunch.

>> No.14349576
File: 48 KB, 655x439, OB-DD994_0220pi_NS_20090219140505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think pipe smoking and cigar smoking should be allowed because is a hobby where taste and flavour are seen as important.
Cigarette smoking is just a vice and vaping is /g/

>> No.14349578

I've started smoking cigars during the quarantine. It is pretty nice, but damn they take forever to smoke. Now I understand the appeal of cigarillos.

I also tried vaping, but I appear to be allergic to e-juice so I guess I will no longer be doing that.

>> No.14349582

I think citrus is usually the best. Refreshing and doesn't leave an aftertaste. I kind of wish it felt easier to experiment, I'd be curious to try something like anise or coffee, but I'm sure I wouldn't want it more than once.

>> No.14349585

Vaping gets deleted on /g/. It gets deleted from every board other than /ck/.

>> No.14349593

Before 'rona the two stores I frequented most often would have testers so you could try before you buy.
Obviously you'd get a throw away mouth piece

>> No.14349599

>like anise
I can't stand anise but one time I had an apple + anise juice and it was good. I can't remember the name though

>> No.14349621

I didn't realize that was a thing. I wonder if I just asked at the place I go to if they would have something similar

>> No.14349623

I don't know. It probably depends on where you live and if they allow vaping indoors. I'm in Germany so there are probably other regulations in place

>> No.14349628

No laws about it in the US other than general tobacco laws, like age

>> No.14349635

Then it might not hurt to ask. perhaps they have samples as well.

>> No.14349639
File: 120 KB, 1532x555, zoomer juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried these? Someone in another thread said it's what all the zoomers are doing now that Juul sucks. I've never even seen them before.

>> No.14349644

Isn't that the thing Dave Chapelle puffed on in his one Netflix special? Looks like that thing

>> No.14349662

some vaping news site says it was a juul in the netflix special. i laughed when tracy morgan had a big old fucking box vape in his episode of the new twilight zone series, though

>> No.14349676

dumb retard post

>> No.14349766

>now that Juul sucks
What's the problem with Juul?

>> No.14349767

know what?

>> No.14349774

a bunch of people got sick on black market vapes last year, the media and government freaked out about kids using vapes, juul is the biggest name so they got all the focus on promised to quit selling good flavors so kids would stop buying their product. they only sell tobacco and menthol now

>> No.14349798

i hit a watermelon one and got pneumonia the next day

>> No.14349803

I switched to cigs because vapes gave me headaches because they had so mich nicotine.

>> No.14349810
File: 190 KB, 540x482, Jibanyan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you just switch to vapes with less nic?

>> No.14349947

Mix it yourself. I keep my nicotine really low, like 3mg. That's barely anything

>> No.14349952

Does it even do anything at that concentration? 15 already feels like nothing to me.

>> No.14349964

I want to end my life, so anything that accomplishes that is preferable.

>> No.14349972

You can't even buy ready to go liquid with more than 12mg here in Germany.
I don't get buzzed anymore from my 3mg concentration but that's ok with me. I just don't want to up the dosage

>> No.14349984

That's fucking insane to me. Standard bottles here are 25mg and 50mg

>> No.14349990

Plasma is a weird state of a Gas, super fluid is just a specific type of fluid, glass is a solid retard, Fermionic condensate is a phase of superfluid which again is still fluid. I.e. you're absolutely retarded.

>> No.14350022

i smoke cigs. i tried pipe tobacco and cigars and i do not see the appeal.is it the filters?

>> No.14350030

Did you inhale the cigar smoke lol? Cigars are not meant to be consumed for nicotine, they're for taste.

>> No.14350046

i did not inhale. maybe it is a mindset of consumption i have because of cigarettes?

>> No.14350048

You get nicotine from pipe and cigar smoke through the soft membranes in your mouth, dingus.

>> No.14350059

>It has a taste and it's something that you consume
same for cyanide, but obviously cyanide smells much better

>> No.14350064

>Plasma is a weird state of a Gas
Well not really, plasma is perhaps more like gas than it is liquids or solids, but it is distinct, the atoms ionize, so you have a cloud of electrons decoupled from their nuclei

>> No.14350090

I said "meant". Yes, you do get nicotine from it, but nobody goes for a "cigar break" at work. On the other hand, the only purpose of cigarettes is to get a buzz.

>> No.14350108

>calls others retards
>doesn't understand that "fluid" isn't a state of matter but a property exhibited by liquids, solids, gases, and other states of matters
Solids and fluids are two types of matter, but each encompasses a wide number of states of matter.

>> No.14350116
File: 163 KB, 1702x1384, pepe champagne wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only based things to smoke are cannabis (high THC dabs for the most high test among us), salvia and DMT.

Everything else is cringe for low test beta cuck faggots

>> No.14350575

That's pretty much my point retard. You're arguing semantics.

>> No.14350633

You were arguing semantics and getting definitions wrong. There are a wide number of states of matter, not just two or three.

>> No.14350769

I once took a smoke break at work and did salvia with two coworkers, was an awful experience

>> No.14350781


>> No.14350974

HC Maduros and some C&D Autumn Evening for some reason

>> No.14350979

fag on fag action for you >>>lgbt

>> No.14351013


>> No.14351024

Yes, tobacco has always been on /ck/. The threads only ever get deleted if a particularly anal jannie is on.

>> No.14351175

how did it feel

>> No.14351177

there are some problems with your sceince but it is good to think like you do

>> No.14351180

yeah man hey
i got a toilet as well

>> No.14351184

drugs and violence are really my favourite things

>> No.14351191

you guys gotta remember the type of energy the state will produce before remarking on the type of state constant in a dynamic

>> No.14351196

No, some of those older panes were also installed with the thicker end at the top.
The glass state of matter exists in more than just glass, including some plastics at various temperatures. Glass matter refers to a state which lacks a crystalline/lattice stucture but appears as a solid, but exhibits fluid-like behaviour in the way that supercooled liquids do. It's considered to be a transitional state of matter, since it is believed that it will eventually develop a crystalline structure and effectively become a solid.

>> No.14351211

Fucking christ, is this /ck/ or /sci/?

>> No.14351248

>is this /ck/
>thread about sucking on cancer dicks
You tell me.

>> No.14351289
File: 97 KB, 480x640, 330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoking these. They are pretty good.

>> No.14351488

neither food nor cooking you fucking cretin
now get the fuck out of my kitchen before the tar gets on my utensils and ingredients

>> No.14351624
File: 249 KB, 1400x1050, Waterford-Crystal-Ashtray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of ashtray do you use? You DO use one, don't you?

>> No.14351664

Nethier food nor Cooking. A consumable yes, but it is not cusine, wish you guys had a drug containment board tho.

>> No.14351670

I only smoke outdoors, so I just ash anywhere, and throw the butt in the trash after it is extinguished
smoking indoors is absolutely disgusting and trashy.

>> No.14351673

I can't tell at this point...

>> No.14351974
File: 45 KB, 425x509, 1593575396705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only good for the first day you have it. Flavor dies off quick. They're convenient but anyone who starts using these regularly might as well just switch to a pen/mod and find their own juice. Plus it's probably shit for the environment.

>> No.14351978

Metal portable ashtray. Friends are lefty as fuck and will give me shit for littering.

>> No.14352010

I got banned for posting about Seoungyung Youngest

>> No.14353496

That's a pretty bipartisan opinion, leaving cigarette butts on the ground is what society's trash does.

>> No.14354322

>tries to appear smart
>makes a fool of himself
Happens every time.