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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14348676 No.14348676 [Reply] [Original]

This is how ragusea reacted to Ethan's video about criticising not deep frying at home.

>> No.14348677
File: 174 KB, 1118x864, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2...

>> No.14348682

And why the fuck would we care?

>> No.14348698

I'd never heard of this loser until I saw his smug face on this board on 100 threads. Seems like /ck/ is his entire audience.

>> No.14348722

I ain't gonna read any of that shit, but I will say that any reply that long is probably from a buttblasted faggot and not worth my time.

>> No.14348741


>> No.14350570

I find the amount this crypto seethes to be amusing, and I won't be going to reddit to find ant of this for myself.

>> No.14350596

whos ethan

>> No.14350607

This guy, he makes some nice videos

>> No.14350615

Adam is legit psychotic.

>> No.14350624


>> No.14350652

tldr: oven method is more focused on timing, easier clean up, and setting up home cooks for success. also he says all oils smell funny at deep frying temperatures.
also deep frying food at home for the lone purpose of eating fried food is dumb according to adam.

>> No.14350666

well you can get okay results in an oven but it's still never as good as actually deep frying for some things. i usually do anything like that in an oven by just putting oil on the baking sheet and then pouring a little more oil over the top of the food, it is a lot less work, but sometimes actually deep frying is worth it.

>> No.14350714

he is so FUCKING MAD its unbelievable

>> No.14350783

He's not wrong.

>> No.14350890

you are so DIDN'T READ ANYTHING its unbelievable

>> No.14350897

tl;dr, but I can see how utterly assblasted he must be.

>> No.14350964

>And why the fuck would we care?
No one cares but someone is for sure butthurt.

Who is posting on who's vlog? Sounds like this Ethan guy he's calling out people by name, considers myself to be equals with everyone from Kenji to Rageusa, intentionally antagonizing them.

FIRST OF ALL, the camera is unfocused shit.

"That signature meaty taste"
"Browned burgers, browned onions, browned buns"
"Emotional or human factor"
He says "Like I said earlier..." at 15 second intervals.
"Once I learn, I want to share that information with you, so we can all become better cooks together."

He's a tool. I can't keep watching.
Second of all, he has not mastered the hanging participle, nor better cooking. He sounds like a middle school kid doing his first 3 minute Powerpoint assignment. He is a kid just copying Babish's monotone fakery, and there's already too many
of those types wearing a chef's apron, rolling up sleeves to the elbw, getting cool chef tattoos for artistic reasons. 41k subscribers, good for him, but how can tolerate him?

As far as rageusa? He hasn't learned that you ignore and cut off people if you want them to go away. That's Bully 101, and social media psychology Rageusa, delete your account. Or, claim damages, and slap him with a desist and detest, and a liability lawsuit. What you don't do is flame war with people who slightly less stupid than you. Also, rageusa, shave your face, already. So umkempt. He needs to stop prepared food. Other than that, carry on people. This belongs on reddit not /ck

>> No.14350991


>> No.14351392

I was only introduced to this guy a few days ago after ignoring these threads for a long time. His seething comments on his youtube video in response to viewers comments are very funny.

>> No.14351418

>someone criticizes video
>creator of video shows up to discuss/defend it
what is the problem here

>> No.14351473

It's just kind of long winded and ridiculous. He does this to most any criticism. It's even funnier when he does this in response to a simple comment on his video.

>> No.14351491


I read two paragraphs and then stopped reading after the second paragraph because I honestly do not give a shit about any of this.

>> No.14351780

adam's videos are ok for the most part but he thinks of himself so highly and embarrasses himself whenever someone disagrees

>makes an argument for why he personally doesnt like deep frying