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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 7 KB, 275x183, stringey cheesie cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14346080 No.14346080 [Reply] [Original]

based or cringe?

>> No.14346083

i'm thinking based.

>> No.14346087
File: 250 KB, 526x424, c117af21e2071da2f940e7b76509dc802b63c0b389f1f901b3898ece790131c8[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bad but i've never understood why it's called string cheese, what about this is stringy?

>> No.14346092

look at the back, and start peeling it, you will see.

>> No.14346097

I've always found it disgusting, since childhood

>> No.14346147
File: 99 KB, 958x960, nerdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roll through a red light, empty string cheese wrappers swirling around the cabin of my baby blue 1994 kia sportage
>leaving a trail of empty string cheese wrappers from driveway to movie theater because the windows are down
>packing string cheese in every pocket
>body heat keeps it nice and warm
>get out of my whip and hundreds of empty string cheese wrappers fall out with me
>"One ticket for Lord of The Rings please"
>find a seat? Not a problem, theaters empty.
>the lights dim and the trailers start
>I pull out a couple string cheeses from my socks
>movies okay, enjoying that dolby
>oh no, pockets empty
>lucky for me, backup exists
>loosen my pants and lift a cheeck
>oh fuck yes I remembered to pack the saftey string
>tease that string cheese out of my asshole
>wrapper smells bad but that cheese don't
>gettem gandalf
>mind drifts to six months ago when I last took a good shit
>fuck the system I'm the String Cheese Man

>> No.14346176

What is the point of string cheese, other than mozz sticks?

>> No.14346185
File: 32 KB, 500x375, 20100527IMG_2429 - Version 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

string cheese is great

>> No.14346192

cringe, also yikes @ still eating dairy in 2020 desu

>> No.14346195

It seems like a good idea, until one hot day melts it and all your buttons fall off.

>> No.14346196


Looks like a cheese butthole

>> No.14346210

i tried chyanee, cumin, salt, pepper, all spice on chicken. it was tasty. but flour didn't do anything.

>> No.14348087

theyre based

>> No.14348291
File: 459 KB, 3456x5184, untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14348307

You peel it into strings you dumb cunt

>> No.14348316

Is this pasta kek

>> No.14348323


>> No.14348344

Based. I always tried to make a surfer dude out of it.

>> No.14348350

When I was little I used to eat string cheese with ketchup

>> No.14350003

Based, but I dislike the bit of cheese that gets stuck under my fingernails, stinks for ages after I've finished eating them

>> No.14351802

its awful make tummy hurt

>> No.14351815

Thank you

>> No.14351817

no its cheese

>> No.14351843

This sounds gay but string cheese has amazing stretching ability when melted along its long axis. If you align them radially on say a quesadilla, burger, pizza, or sandwich, then cover with other cheese, you'll get strands that pull a foot or more when hot. A stupid trick but sometimes cool to use.

>> No.14351923

the stick itself is a string, just a really thick one

i think it would be better if they just called it rope cheese instead, less people would get confused

>> No.14351928

double based

>> No.14351960


>> No.14352008

Nothing like a generation of children shoving something under their fingernails before they eat it.

>> No.14353187

>based or cringe?
I believe it's mozzarella.

>> No.14353445

string cheese is best snack, porve me wrong. Protip: you cant

>> No.14353452

Good recipe to turn these into mozz sticks?

>> No.14353468

I like using it for pizza. Works pretty good.

>> No.14353842
File: 101 KB, 970x546, BASTE.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
