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14345466 No.14345466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to be an alcoholic? Do you just feel the need to drink it? Do you even enjoy the taste? I ask because I'm just fascinated by this act of self destruction

>> No.14345482

Yes if I'm not resorting to cheap swill

>> No.14345491

I drink because i hate women

>> No.14345517

I dont understand the relation

>> No.14345543

I feel the need to drink it, yes. When I stop, which I'm capable of, most of my thoughts are about alcohol and how I actively shouldn't have it. I think about it more than sex when I stop drinking. It's unfortunately also a pretty big part of my career, and quitting outright would probably mean needing to switch careers and no longer having a social life.

I started drinking heavily because I was depressed about a girl, and wanted to do something self-destructive. I now associate it more with fun than depression, but it's impossible to get away from. Every adult, especially single adults, does a ton of drinking.

I do enjoy the taste of most. And when I'm not drinking, I don't feel free, which is an odd thing, I know.

>> No.14345612

Do your hands shake?

>> No.14345618

drinking helps me to hate more intensely

>> No.14345624

There are days I need to take Xanax and drink water for the hangover nausea but yeah 90% of my week includes alcohol and weed

>> No.14345647

For some people, the dopamine it gives you starts to muscle out everything else you enjoy. You not only chase that dopamine, but you also become this person who just doesn't get joy from things anymore. Once you're in that rut, it's very difficult to get out, since it's literally the only thing that brings you those enjoyable brain chemicals.

At start I think I liked it, or at least I told myself I liked the taste (or even the "burn" of a stiff drink). When I inevitably return to drinking after taking a break, it's clear that the taste and smell is disgusting, and alcohol's effect in reducing your sense of smell and taste mutes the bad taste allowing you to pretend it's better than it is.

Even if you start to hate the drinking you're doing, the fact that it's replaced everything else in your brain that used to give you joy, means that it's difficult to give up. Naltrexone helped me a lot, because it prevents those pleasurable brain chemicals you get when you drink alcohol. It won't make other things immediately enjoyable again (only long term halting of drinking does that), but at least it stops alcohol from being the only thing that gives you those enjoyable brain chemicals.

>> No.14345714

Not an alchie but my work friend can smell me if I have a glass of whiskey the night before. What do I need to drink to avoid smelling like alcohol the next day?
Not hungover just exude a certain scent I guess.

>> No.14345740

Depends on the day, and they do a little bit. If I really hit it hard, there's days things are troubling, and you can see me having a hard time with the first glass of the day or something. Most days, maybe a little, but not noticeably.

>You not only chase that dopamine, but you also become this person who just doesn't get joy from things anymore.
This hits home. With the combination of alcohol and my uncle's suicide, just about everything feels pointless and like no fun. I kinda enjoy things, but barely.

>> No.14345749

Become so important that people don't care anymore.

>> No.14345764

Alcoholism is a physical thing you're body literally intakes alcohol differently than normal people and you function better while drunk. You are unlikely an alcoholic just a binge drinker.

>> No.14345770

I work retail, nobody cares except this one person. They can always smell it. I drank the day before I was interviewed for a higher position I should have gotten and that person said I smelled like booze, literally had less than 8oz of whiskey. I was passed over for a woman with 0 experience. I attributed it to the D&I push from the company but I wonder if I smelled a certain way affected things.

>> No.14345791

This isn't talking about hangovers, just an analogy.

Imagine you have a headache all the time, nothing seems to make it go away, then one day you accidentally walk into a wall, and for a few hours it's gone. It's like a fucking miracle, so you start smacking your head into walls trying to make it happen again. You know you look like an idiot, but the headache is endless and every so often you manage to get just the right whack that it stops for an evening. Maybe you even get some good sleep once in a while.

Eventually you've got a whole routine, you tap your head a bit on some drywall before you go out, there's one bar where you know the doorway has just the right feel to it to smack your head into, so you usually go there, you tend to try a few different walls when you visit friends. But gradually it stops lasting as long.

You know it's obviously got to be making the headache worse in the long run, you're hitting your head into walls ffs, but it makes it better for a little while.

>> No.14345809

Try drinking clear alcohol like vodka or gin, maybe drinking a lot of water will wash it out of your system. I don't think that most people would be able smell booze off a moderate drinker unless they are a super mormon or if you got a genetic disfunction or something like that.

>> No.14345827

I drink a lot of water every day, I do have hyperhydrosis but that is in my armpits. I bathe and use deodorants everyday but if I go over my brother's and have a couple beers she always knows I was drinking.
Is this in my head and her super smell sense is throwing me off?

>> No.14345839

I only get this when i've been doing speed
honestly, you sound like a mutant

>> No.14345842

Anyone got suggestions on how I can get my closest friend to stop drinking? It doesn't affect their life right now as they've been quite successful at work and have been promoted a number of times in 4 years. But they drink every night and get angry as a result over nothing. I have to read long text messages or be on the phone for an hour or two some nights to hear out his drunken rants. He doesn't want to do anything but go home and drink by himself. He sometimes smells like whiskey but I don't think people in his profession care as it's a job that's based on alcohol provision.

Any suggestions on how to start the conversation of "you've got to stop man" before it's too late?

>> No.14345850

the al/ck/ threads were the only good thing left about this godforsaken shithole of a website and the dumbfuck jannies just had to get rid of them. pisses me off to no end.

>> No.14345853

Whiskey stinks dude. Drink something else.

>> No.14345856

lol, quit trying to tell people how to live their lives, fag

>> No.14345862

I haven't tried yet. But seeing people fall into helplessness and losing a good person and friend is devastating. Faggot.

>> No.14345865

I think she has super powers. I've heard that people can smell the alcohol on you the day after but I doubt most people would be able to notice unless you got absolutely tanked.

>> No.14345887

I've had it since I was 12, doctors and prescriptions don't help.
I need to find an affordable sipping drink I can have to relax some days that isn't whiskey then, cheap gin and any vodka has been garbage in my experience.
She might, 3 7% beers the night before and said she could smell it.

>> No.14345890
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I'm a functional alcoholic, I cannot participate in society without being reasonably inebriated.

I work faster, I hold conversations naturally and am much less doom and gloom. I don't want to be an alcoholic, but it's just the easiest way currently.

>> No.14345936

Don't become that guy, dude. Point out his anger issues and don't blame the booze. Trust me, you'll end up cut off before you actually help him. And "stop drinking" is the worst way to put it. You might be able to get to him about cutting back, maybe by suggesting non-booze things to do together.

People don't seem to realize that being guilted about alcohol just generally makes us alcoholics feel worse about ourselves and drink more.

>> No.14345959

holy fuck i relate to this.

recently i've been trying to ween off. as soon as my eyes wake up in the morning im filled with dread. until i drink or do something like masturbate or have sex i can't enjoy anything and am in a perpetual state of anxiety.

been trying to push back when i start, one hour later every day. i was AA was a thing right now. i just need to be held accountable.

it's honestly starting to ruin my life and affect my job and the people around me. rock bottom is no fun.

>> No.14345960

Thanks for the response man. I haven't looked at it like that. I have spoken to him about his anger but never linked it to his drinking, as I've been scared of him then getting angry at me.

I don't want him to feel more isolated then he already does. He has lots of (unjustified) insecurities surrounding certain people and places. I can hardly get him out of the house. Once he finished work he heads straight home with two bottles and doesn't come out for the weekend.

Don't want this to be a shit question, but what would make you stop drinking?

>> No.14345979

Apparently it's a real thing. My wife says she can smell it on me as well. Switching to vodka from beer seems to make me sweat less at least so I think it helps but it may be placebo

>> No.14346095

>being guilted about alcohol
There is something to be said about being tactful in every difficult conversation we might have with another human being, but how are issues supposed to be approached in life?

What if alcohol is completely the issue, not some 'anger management problem'?

Alcoholics need to be called out, not angrily, and with clear concern, but they still do need to be called out.

>> No.14346256
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Yeah, no worries man. Happy to help. I'm on the border of true alcoholism and not, so I try to be rational. It sounds like his insecurities and other things are hard to get over, alongside the business aspect, which is hard for me too. Drinking makes me fun, and connects to my workplace and friendships.

To stop drinking, you can either tell me that I get to bang Gigi Hadid every day if I stop forever, or find me a social life and job that exists without alcohol. My therapist hasn't been able to help me do this, and while my friends aren't alcoholics like me, I just simply wouldn't be invited around to most of the activities anymore if I couldn't function around alcohol. I'm not going to go sit in a bar with the gang for three hours during football when I'm being sober, or go out to the club and watch everyone take shots and have a good time when I desperately want to but can't for only reasons based on myself. It's really tough.

>What if alcohol is completely the issue, not some 'anger management problem'?
>Alcoholics need to be called out, not angrily, and with clear concern, but they still do need to be called out.
Alcohol is often demonized way more than it needs to be, like cutting out the booze is going to resolve all of this person's issues. That's kinda the problem. People don't get the root causes, and think alcohol is the devil. It exacerbates issues undoubtedly, but it's not so cut and dry.

Like, let's be frank here. People who tell me to stop drinking say "well, you're going to die early from this!" And I say, "thank god." I'm not suicidal, but I don't want kids or a wife, so why do I want to live to retirement? Why do I want to extend out sitting in the office every day, plainly miserable?

>> No.14346703

Been a heavy drinker for a few years. I've had breaks, even did outpatient treatment and was sober for a year. Started drinking again thinking I could handle myself this time about a year ago, and have been drinking damn near daily. I try to stick to beer these days. Last time I went back down the liquor rabbit hole I was drinking 1L-1.5L of vodka in a night. Weirdly, I've never gotten the shakes or any of the heavier withdrawl symptoms.

>> No.14346716

Honestly, if hes actually addicted, hes not going to stop until he faces real consequences. You confronting him about drinking isnt going to go well. He has to really look within and want to change. Unfortunately, it usually takes something drastic to pull that out of someone

>> No.14346726

I think the best part of the day is when you hear the ice crack as you pour a huge drink into your favorite cup. I like the taste but after the first drink you don't taste anything.

Health wise. I prolly gained 100lbs in 14 years of hard drinking. My gum line is receding. I get headaches, Internally, I have a dull stabbing pain around where the liver and gallbladder are. My piss STINKS and my poops are bile mixed with poop. I am starting to get nephropathy in my toes and some days they feel like they are gonna fall off. Huge dark circles under my eyes.

I did a stint in rehab at my own accord back in 2012 but only lasted a month before I was back on the bottle. I like many have resigned that it will probably kill me. I was on Vivatrol for 7 months and didn't drink a drop but then lost my insurance and without it the drug is thousands a month. If you are looking to quit try that because it works if your insurance will cover it.

>> No.14346737

anyone got kino withdrawal stories. always boggled my mind how drugs could alter you physiology enough that you can die if you don't take it.

it's definitely a thing. Not only the breath. You could smell it in the sweat and the clothes.

>> No.14346789
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I have no clue why I drink other than enjoying the feeling of inebriation. The complusion is very severe; i cannot imagine not drinking for even a day. As to how it feels, I can't describe it, life is different for each of us and my experience probably varies greatly from the bum drinking colt 45 under a bridge. I suppose for me it is just a nice way of numbing the brain and ignoring my underlying flaws and insecurities. I am living a good life and I think I'm happy but must admit there is something broken in me-- perhaps my spirit, maybe just simply discontent with my reality and a longing for some meaningful purpose in this life. Maybe having kids could adjust that underlying malaise, or maybe it could further it. Maybe I'm just a loser in denial trying to cope with being mediocre in a historically complacent and peaceful time in my country. I suppose the grass is always greener and I like to think all the best days are ahead of me but some days the negativity and realization that this compilation of fleeting memories will all be lost to time kind of gets me in a funk. I don't like to look at old photos.

>> No.14346815

Got out of a medical detox about a month ago. 5 days in psych on Ativan. Wasn't to bad. Pretty shakey. Bad sweats. Light nightmares. Worst part is accelerated heart beat or arrhythmias combined with the fear. Makes you think you are having a heart attack. Mostly I slept and ate. First time I detoxed it took me forever to start eating again. This time was way better.

>> No.14346884

Just move on to mixed drinks and call it a day.

>> No.14346916

I'm kinda getting tired of beer but really enjoy drinking wine with some good food, even the cheap wine here is enjoyable.

>> No.14346929

>literally had less than 8oz of whiskey
that's a fucking lot of whisky for one day you retard

>> No.14346949

..pshahaha that's a lot of whiskey for a morning. Hell, I used to drink that much in 2 hours.

>> No.14346972
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Vodka, no....my guts are rotting and i gave myself an anal fissure. 30+ year old boomer heavy drinker for 6+years. I made curried potatoes and eggs on Monday, inuave been a bed ridden jew since.
Eating steel cut oats like a bitch and fetal position in the shower after Every Shit.
Stop drinking frens, it's not worth it. I want to see my year old grow to be an adult.

>> No.14346982


>> No.14347003 [DELETED] 

If you are an alocholic degenerate good for you, but don't expect people to not smell it afterwards when you are drinking intoxicating doses.

>> No.14347010

If you are an alocholic degenerate good for you, but don't expect people to not smell it afterwards when you are drinking intoxicating doses like it's nothing.

>> No.14347020
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It used to be great (2014-18) but in the last two years it's gone from 'how much more can I drink before I blackout to go to sleep' to 'let me just finish half a bottle to even have a conversation and then see where the night takes me'
I never day drank (still don't) and thought I avoided the dependence but now I have it and it's made my anxiety worse because I can't have normal interactions out of fear they'll see me shake a bit and even if I'm not doing it because of booze it's the anxiety that causes it or helps it
but from 10 pm to 2-5 am I have a fuckin blast so I'm stuck

>> No.14347260

very interesting post anon
have you tried therapy?

>> No.14347267

>Eating steel cut oats like a bitch and fetal position in the shower after Every Shit.

>> No.14347273

all these accounts really make me afraid of becoming dependant on alcohol
fortunately I don't seem to enjoy drinking alone all that much so it's not looking likely

it's kinda shocking how such an addictive drug is so socially accepted when most other drugs are illegal and stigmatized

>> No.14347278

>hurrrrrrr the war on drugs was a failure, restrictions don't work
>hurrrrrr why is it legal to drink alcohol, you can't drink infinite amounts of it

>> No.14347290
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I'mma drink to you tonight anon but none of that sounds pleasant at all. I hope you make it and find relief, one way or another.

>> No.14347293

>putting hurrrrrr before valid points automatically makes them invalid
admittedly I don't think alcohol should be illegal, that just wouldn't work for many reasons
but if you think alcohol is less harmful / addictive than weed or even psychedelics like lsd you're just dumb

>> No.14347299

>but if you think alcohol is less harmful / addictive than weed or even psychedelics like lsd you're just dumb
I don't think you can compare them as they bring harm in different ways. All should be legal, though.

>> No.14347333

Withdrawal is not kino, it's just hell. You literally can't eat anything or drink water and keep it down, your body rejects it and throws it all up in minutes. I had to force myself to drink water and make a conscious effort to not throw up just so i wouldn't die from dehydration. There's also the depression. Your brain no longer haves the alcohol it was used to, to help it release the pleasurable chemicals on your system, so all that you feel mentally is BAD. You don't just feel like commiting suicide. You feel a sense of incoming doom. You actually believe that you are going to die. The sleeplessness. You just are NOT able to relax or sleep at all because your body was used to falling asleep when you passed out from the booze. If you do fall asleep though, it's always a really bad 3-4 hours sleep, and you'll have nightmares.
All that considered though, i believe the worst thing about all this is surely the chemical depression. Nothing, nothing at all, feels good to do. Even moving your body feels terrible. All you want is to stay there still and for it to be over. I drank one bottle of vodka a day for 5 days and that alone was enough to scare me off of binge drinking forever. I for the life of me cannot imagine how bad it is for the dudes who have been shitfaced for years and get DTs and shit when withdrawing.

You want a golden tip, anons? When you buy some booze and decide to get shitfaced, you can chug down as much as you want in one night, but NEVER get yourself drunk for more than two days straight. That's when you start getting into dangerous territory. Benders are a really, really bad meme.

>> No.14347352

even water is bad if you overhydrate retard, alcohol is fine when not consumed by pussy faggots with no willpower

>> No.14347354
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not an alchie but I do like to drink alot. I find that if I get too dependent on drinking it's not as good. Got to find that sweet spot if you like to drink.