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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14345050 No.14345050 [Reply] [Original]

How do i cook this 2 pound ribeye? All i have a frying pan and an oven.

>> No.14345055

reverse sear
the only way to cook a steak

>> No.14345059

imagine frying an oven baked steak

>> No.14345069

Like the anon above says.

Here’s mine >>14344932

>turn oven on at 100 to 120C
>place the meat on a rack and dry the surfaces
>insert a probe thermometer from the side and stop when you reach the thickest area with the point
>pop everything in the oven and set the thermometer for 52C
>when the steak is ready have the pan already hot and ready
>pat the steak dry and immediately transfer it to the pan
>1 minute per side and 30 seconds on the fat cap
>transfer to plate and let it rest 5 minutes
>wa la 58-60C medium rare close to medium

>> No.14345073

The anon above is this one >>14345055 btw

>> No.14345083

>>insert a probe thermometer from the side and stop when you reach the thickest area with the point

I don't have a probe thermometer, any estimation of time needed to reach 52ºC internal temp?

Also i prefer medium rare close to rare.

>> No.14345085

How thick is that? Also how much it weighs?

>> No.14345103

A little bit under 2 inches thick and 2.2 pounds

>> No.14345161

Ok but keep in mind that it’s a guess work based on my experience and my oven.
Without the probe we can’t really be precise.

Also is the steak at room temp or in the fridge?

For example the steak I cooked was 2.30 inches and started from fridge temp (8C) in a ventilated oven at 120C, it took 1 hour and 45 minutes to get to 57C.

Usually to reach 52C from circa 18-20C internal temp (close to room temp) it takes 45 minutes to 1 hour or a little more.

If you want to eat the steak medium rare close to rare I’d say aim for 49C at the core and cook it as I said so you’d land in the 54C zone perfect medium rare.

If the steak is close to room temp cook it for 35 minutes max 40 minutes (for 49C)
If it was inside the fridge all the time add another 30-40 minutes.

If you have a pen thermometer you can check as it’s cooking, if you don’t have it then as I said it’s almost a guess game.

Buy a probe thermometer next time.

>> No.14345209

Ok i'll try about 40 minutes at 120ºC from room temp. and see how it turns out. I don't really care that much about super precise doneness. rare/medium rare/medium are all fine in my book.

>> No.14345249

Ok let me know how it ends.

The fact is that it really depends by many factors, the presence of bones and the quantity of fat (fat insulates the meat from the heat) make the steak cook slower than a boneless ribeye. A non fat and marbled steak cooks faster.

>> No.14345302

Do not fucking reverse sear or whatever meme thing they are suggesting. Get a grill and grill it. Rub it with oil and season with salt and pepper a couple hours prior to starting. That's all you need as long as your coals are hot enough.

>> No.14345321

He clearly said that he has a pan and an oven.

Also you can reverse sear in a grill, are you aware of this you mongoloid?

>> No.14345328

I clearly said to GET a grill, and reverse searing is for incompetent faggots than can't figure out how to cook a decent steak.

>> No.14345347

About 15 minutes should work. Last weekend did basically that, with mom's in 15 minutes before mine and my Dad's (I always end up doing most of the food when I go over for dinner) so she got well done, and ours were Medium Rare.

>> No.14345350

He bought that steak and he need to cook it right now, and you suggest him to buy a grill? Seriously?

Reverse sear is for people who want to eat a better steak.

>> No.14345354

>15 minutes from room temp to 49C at 120C

No anon absolutely no.

>> No.14345382

Butter, pan fri, what are you some type of faggots, even my dubs laugh at your candy ass

>> No.14345394

The oven was at 135C.

>> No.14345400

In a hot frying pan on the stove top unless you don't know how to cook and have to do meme cooking methods like reverse sear or sous vide

>> No.14345429

Ok but room temperature to 49-52C (22C) in 15 minutes equals to 2C every minute, it’s way too fast even for 135C if your steak was similar to the one in the Op.

If it was thinner and smaller and/or leaner It can be.


>> No.14345436

Imagine being this clueless on a cooking board and when your HRT drugs are making you cunty

>> No.14345452

>reverse searing is not cooking

I repeat myself: KYS

>> No.14345453

Anyone can buy a fucking grill. Reverse sear is for people that can't cook steak. You can't cook steak, can you faggot?

>> No.14345458

Not anyone can you dumbfuck, those who live in an apartment without garden can’t.

>> No.14345470

@OP: do have an ETA?

>> No.14345471

I actually overshot the temp I was going for, but it worked out.

>hurr durr I dun leik pro tekneeq

>> No.14345475

Learn to cook a steak faggot

>> No.14345479


>> No.14345511

Not cooking rn, lunch tomorrow (europe time) so in 10-11 hours

>> No.14345540

Ok I’ll watch the thread

>> No.14345572


I'll set my VCR.

>> No.14345580

I guess reverse searing is "cooking" the same way heating a TV dinner up in a microwave is "cooking" if that makes you feel better, cooklet

>> No.14345607

>Implying I don't get great results because I use techniques that get genuinely better results
In other words, I do in fact know how to cook steak better than you do, and being elitist about only using a way that gives you an awful grey band of overcooked meat just shows how much of a dumbfuck you are.

>> No.14345611
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>> No.14345622

That's all you need retard. Assuming your frying pan is oven safe (i.e. no plastic/rubber handle or teflon coating etc) sear it on the stove on medium-high heat until you have a nice brown crust and a lot of the fat has started to render out and caramelize and then finish in a low oven (about 300F) until you're about 5 degrees below your desired doneness (115 for rare, 120 for mid rare, 125 for medium, etc). Carryover heat will get it up to temp. Thick steaks are easier to cook than thin ones because you don't have to blast them on ultra high heat to get a sear and a red center, you can take your time. Meat thermometer is a must.

>> No.14345627

I melt some lard into the frying pan and wait for it to be blistering hot. Medium high heat. While that’s melting I am putting some pink salt and some cracked pepper on it. Once the lard is ready I’m laying it down for awhile, I want to see it be golden crispy brown on the outside when I pick it up. Do the same to the other side. Make sure the edges and fats are all nice and cooked, then probably another dab of salt and pepper that the lard washed off. It’s good as hell.

>> No.14345638

Also, "reverse searing" works well enough but is a gay meme that offers no real benefits over traditional high heat to low heat cooking methods that have been used to cook relatively large pieces of meat for centuries. Further, "reverse searing" is almsot exclusively used by try-hard reddit faggots that think they know how to cook because they can "reverse sear" a steak. It's gay and I can't take anyone that uses the phrase seriously.

>> No.14345653

If it gets better steaks why is it gay?

It’s simply better and so is sous vide, if you want to pretend that’s not true it’s your problem then.

If you want to cook your steak in the pan then do it and shut the fuck up if someone else enjoy other techniques.

>> No.14345659

Learn. To. Cook. A. Steak. Faggot.

Reverse searing is a tryhard waste of time that mimics correctly cooking a steak. Which could be accomplished in 4-10 minutes by just cooking the thing correctly in the first place.

>> No.14345660

>sous vide
Okay faggot stop larping and go home. That’s the most Reddit way to cook anything in the history of the world. It serves only to make the steak worse, and make yourself look like a pretentious dickhead

>> No.14345665

It's gay because you don't know how to cook a steak, faggot.

>> No.14345695

Ah ok it’s all clear now.
You’re the insecure poor faggot who can’t spend money to get all the tech stuff people talk about so he resorts to hate everything he can’t afford and everyone who’s not poor like him.
You could’ve said it 20 posts ago and save us a lot of time.

>> No.14345707
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Why would I need all that dumb shit when I already have a grill and I already know how to cook a steak?

You faggot

>> No.14345708
File: 135 KB, 502x461, 456B0CBD-4ACF-404F-93D7-F7AAB4A11A48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech? What tech? You mean an 80 dollar vacuum sealer from Walmart lol?

>> No.14345710

If cooking to medium doneness or more, reverse sear. It is the only way to get to that level of doneness without a band of meat turning grey and rubbery. Many will tell you that cooking a steak to medium or more is ruining the steak anyway and I somewhat agree.
If cooking to medium rare or less done (which you should do), a standard sear is fine. Just get the pan hot and sear it for a couple minutes on each side.
Sous vide is a meme and is equipment- and time-intensive, but it does work. Good for cooking a lot of steaks exactly to the doneness that people want (say, if you're operating a restaurant) but overdoing it if you're making one or two steaks at home.

>> No.14345718

Of course people who buy sous vide don’t use it for steaks only. It’s ok to be retarded but not this much.

>> No.14345721

It's probably better for your own health to calm down when posting on the internet

>> No.14345722

I too agree that people who buy sous vide setups are retarded

>> No.14345742

High heat and short time in the pan is a meme and reduces the quality of the texture of your steak.

>> No.14345755
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On the GRILL you faggot


>> No.14345832

reverse sear and sear on a frying pan is my advice. the sear then oven method overcooks imo.

>> No.14345848

Sous vide
Then reverse sear
Then sear in cast iron pan
Then blowtorch

>> No.14345852

>Warming the steak to a consistent target temperature then searing
>HUrr yu can't cook cuz you use a methoid that gets better, more reliable results!
You're either a troll or have extra chromosomes.

>> No.14345857

I bet your steaks are always cooked past well done, but you lash out like this because you don't want to admit it.

>> No.14345861

Sous vide has another advantage: it infuses herbs into the steak really well.

>> No.14345937

He doesn't have a grill you autistic retard. You also would still have the problem of being a retard wasting a steak by exposing it to high heat.

>> No.14345945
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I grill my steaks on the rare side of rare with a nice sear and no tough transition from sear to rare center because I cook them on a grill

Learn to cook a steak

You faggot

>> No.14345965
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Reverse searing is the equivalent of putting training wheels on a motorcycle.

Buy a grill. Then learn to cook a steak. Because that is literally the correct way to grill a steak. You faggot.

>> No.14346108
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>Obvious trolling at this point

>> No.14346258

It's not better though. As I said, the result is good but in what way does this method produce a better result? Is it enough to warrant the purchase of an immersion circulator and vacuum sealer? These are things that most normies or even a middling hobbyist aren't likely to own, let alone justify the purchase of just so they might be able to cook a steak a little better. Cooking a steak isn't complicated. If you already have the fuckin reddit chemistry set to do it the gay try hard way, knock yourself out. Otherwise, it's absolutely a waste of money on equipment that you likely won't use otherwise. The method may be useful for restaurants that want to produce consistent doneness through a high volume of orders with novice kitchen staff, but it offers no real benefit to the average home cook. Sure, the aforementioned immersion circulator and vacuum sealer may be nice to have and you may find other uses for them at some point but that's unlikely for most people, especially regarding the circulator. It's a gay meme because it relies on the ownership of specialized equipment that most home cooks aren't likely to own or justify the purchase of. In summation, you're a gay faggot.

>> No.14346400
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>Sous vide
>Hard way

>> No.14346407

Cook to medium rare on skillet over medium heat.

>> No.14346415

put it in the oven as low as possible for 30 minutes, take it out and let it rest for 15, then use the pan to sear it as hot as you can for a minute or two each side

>> No.14347030

>traditional high heat to low heat cooking methods
>less contraction of the muscle fibres
>therefore meat is more tender
>no searing at the beginning
>therefore moisture doesn't leave the meet like jews fleeing a country they just collapsed
>easier to impart flavours into the meat without worrying about them burning
Seems like a lot of benefits to me.
Low and slow is the way to go.

>> No.14347035

>Just get the pan hot and sear it for a couple minutes on each side.
But that leads to dry, chewy and cold steaks

>> No.14347054

Good, keep the thread bumped because soon OP is going to tell us how much he liked his reverse seared steaks and BTFO you cavemen autists

>> No.14347075
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This. Can’t wait.

>> No.14347080

has any asshole told you to reverse sear at 270F degree oven until 130F, then grill at 800F or fry at 420F?

You people are so new at this.

>> No.14347094


>> No.14347117

I can't translate to fag.

>> No.14347633
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It was pretty good not that i have really high standards. I did 45 min at 120ºC after 1 hour outside the fridge. It came out on the rare side which i prefer anyway.

Sear could probably be better high, i think my pan was too small.

>> No.14347635
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Random cuts before eating to check doneness.

>> No.14347643

Very good anon, I’m happy that you liked it and also the timing was correct.

Now that you know the method you can have full control with a probe thermometer.

>> No.14347705

It's beef, Anon.
Just eat it raw.

>> No.14347709
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>he even overcooked it


>> No.14347712
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Sous Vide > Reverse Searing > Pan + finish in the oven >>> Pan

>> No.14347780

>Avatarfag is still being stupid

>> No.14347854
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Learn to cook a steak.


>> No.14347873

Why are wh*toids so afraid of cooking their food?
>this steak needs to be at room temperature and not a single degree more or else it's too spicy!
"""Rare""" meat tastes like water. Get some spices on there and cook it thoroughly, then maybe your body will produce some testosterone.

>> No.14347882

>Why do niggers mub da mo bidda te dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga?

>> No.14347949

Cook it in a cast iron pan with a fuckload of butter. Spoon the butter over it as it cooks.

>> No.14347962

The light in my kitchen is not the best, def wasn't overcooked.

>> No.14347968

Enjoy your burned butter and cancer

>> No.14347978
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It’s ok champion, light can fuck up pictures

>> No.14347986

Im grilling Ribeyes tonight. I usually oil the grates, pat dry the steaks and season w/ salt and pepper. But I only get a crust on the thin grill marks. Between the marks is always gray and soft.

Will oiling the steaks instead of the grates help?

>> No.14347987

You should only add butter right as it's almost done, it'll burn while searing, but only brown if done at the end.

>> No.14347997

It's because you're only searing with the grates.

>> No.14347998

Try and also flip the steak every minute

>> No.14348000

no, it's the grates that are retaining the heat and searing. you're just going to have the oil catch on fire if you use it on the steaks. get a thicker grill.

>> No.14348024

Salt, pepper
Olive oil
Fry for as long as needed
About halfway through, put a slice of butter on the steak

>> No.14348038

Thinner grates, and rotate them to a cold part before flipping the steaks over above the coals. It'll help if you have a way to keep the coals lifted closer up as well.

>> No.14348056

this will increase the size of the 'well done' band of meat in the steak. mind as well straight up use a pan if you're going to rely on the coals to sear.

>> No.14348073

well it's a propane grill, some cheap shitter but it gets really fucking hot to the point I can hardly stand in front of it.

So oiling the steaks won't allow the entire surface to crust better?

>> No.14348079

No, it'll just create a consistent sear over the surface instead of grate marks. Grey banding is caused by cooking the steak through using direct heat. Best use of a grill is you heat them to near-done indirect, then sear hot and fast.

>> No.14348085

>well it's a propane grill,
Well, there's your problem.

>> No.14348093


>> No.14348097

i mean it will help, but the oil's going to drip into the fire and burst into flames giving you some nasty black smoke taste. a light coating is fine but it's not going to solve this problem.

>> No.14348107

the grey band is caused by increasing the amount of time it sits in heat. the longer you keep it on a cooking surface the more heat it absorbs and the more cooked it gets and the deeper it gets into the center. the only way to reduce the band is to not subject it to high temperatures for a long time.

>> No.14348120
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my friend, just salt & pepper, pan sear it and butter baste. Keep it simple. Have some beans, bread, and sour like pickles or slaw on the side.

>> No.14348162

Make a compound butter. Place in fridge. My favorite is sage, garlic, and a little honey, but some prefer something like rosemary, garlic, and soy sauce or Lea and Perrins. Paste the garlic before adding it to the butter. Pat the steak dry, season generously on all sides. Sear all sides on high enough heat that you get a crispy, thin crust in under 30 seconds per side. Place in oven. Cut pats of butter and place a few on the steak when it reaches about 120 degrees for a mid rare steak. Give or take about 5 degrees depending on desired doness (so add at about 115 for rare, 130 for medium well). Baste the steak with the juices and melted butter once or twice before removing and setting to rest.

>> No.14348289

Why not just eat straight from the cow instead of wasting your time undercooking it?

>> No.14348330

That's fucking medium

>> No.14348382

In Fahrenheit please for those of us who speak freedom.

>> No.14348415

Reverse sear is a stupid expression, the reverse of searing would be something like flash freezing.
What you actually mean is pre baking followed by frying in a pan.

>> No.14348427

Yes I just love cooking my expensive cut of meat inside a plastic bag.

>> No.14348441

it's about 250. It's really fucking low.

>> No.14348443

212 to 248F

212 is better if your steak isn’t very thick.

>> No.14348452
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True but that allows the meat to tenderise and the connective tissue to melt.

Actually you can go down even to 70-80C, but 100C is the right compromise imho.

>> No.14348547

No, it's caused by being cooked entirely by indirect heat, which causes a thermal gradient to develop through the meat instead. Indirect then sear prevents that by first getting the steak evenly cooked through, then a hot fast sear only cooks the surface.

>> No.14348552

>Perfectly done is undercooked
Bet you also put ketchup on your steak.

>> No.14348557

>No, it's caused by being cooked entirely by indirect heat,
Direct heat, fuck.

>> No.14348571

Sous Vide improves on that by bringing it to the perfect internal temp and holding it there in a concentrated brine, toss some rosemary/thyme in the bag and it's just fucking amazing.

>> No.14348653

Heat transfers. The longer you keep it over direct heat the more it cooks throughout. Hot and fast means exactly that. You expose the meat to high heat to sear the surface and give it little time to transfer inwards. The ‘cold grate’ method is simply increasing the exposure time of the meat to the heat. You are delaying the sear by reducing the grates heat and size.

>> No.14348656
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I know anon, I know

>> No.14348684

do you sear it in a pan or with a steak designated blowtorch?

>> No.14348687

>Has it completely backwards
Cold grate makes sure the heat transfer is from the charcoal, not the grate. In other words, it actually creates a consistent flat sear the way a pan, torch, or salamander would.

>> No.14348693

I usually do it in a pan, blowtorch in apartment isn't a great idea.

Best as tested by Sous Vide Everything is a propane flamethrower, and these guys built a compact one for searing:

>> No.14348758
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I use a cast iron pan or a torch, not a fancy one btw

>> No.14348787

It makes zero difference when it is seared.

>> No.14348893

yeah and charcoal does not heat as quickly as the grate. that's why you get char marks. the grates get hotter. using the cold grate method is simply bypassing the heat from the grate and using the coal, which means you have to expose the meat to heat LONGER. longer exposure to heat = more grey band

>> No.14349196

Avatarfagging as an Anniefaggot is kinda retarded bro

>> No.14349415

Never said it was hard, retard. I said "try hard", as in faggots like you that try hard to impress others with their "technical knowledge" and basic cooking "skills" that they learned from watching some gay youtuber.

>> No.14349548

Unless you like a blue rare steak with a shitty crust, you can't pan fry a steak, get a good sear, and not have a grey gradient. Have you ever tried reverse searing? Maybe don't be such a hipster faggot that has to hate on the new popular thing. Like sous vide isn't necessary if you are good at cooking because you can manage the temps, but it is good for newbies.

>> No.14349793

if the steaks are thick enough i don't see why sous vide would make a better steak than reverse searing desu

>> No.14349835

It makes a serious difference how you get the heat to the middle of the steak. The only steaks you should only use direct heat to cook are skirt/flank. And with those two direct on the coals is the god-tier method.

>> No.14349848

Except you're wrong again. Did you miss the key part of having a tight charcoal pile as close to the grates as possible?

The only way to get a flat, even sear without using cold grates is if you have an intervening griddle surface.

>> No.14349856

Both are good methods, but again, sous vide has:
Better control over the process
Infuses flavors better than reverse sear.

>> No.14349877

>Infuses flavors better than reverse sear.
I've don't side by side sous vide with aromatics and without and I can't ever tell with the end product, I stopped adding herbs in with mine, and just save them for the baste.

>> No.14349884

>The only way to get a flat, even sear without using cold grates is if you have an intervening griddle surface.
which is why i said use a thicker grate so you have more searing surface instead of coal heat surface. the grates transfer heat into the meat for a sear and the larger surface area covers more of the meat. if you're using coal closer to the grates to get a hotter heat, than the method is even more pointless since the metal will also absorb the heat faster as well. it doesn't take much time for thin metal grates to heat up if you place it very close to a very hot heat source.

>> No.14349900

So, instead of fixing the issue (that heavy, hot grates create isolated grill lines instead of a solid sear) you just double down on making it worse.

>> No.14349913

>it doesn't take much time for thin metal grates to heat up if you place it very close to a very hot heat source.
The key though is they also cool down faster, and not faster to override the direct heat from the coals. I mean, this isn't really up for debate, you can just fucking watch people use the method on fucking youtube and see that the cold grate method gives a better sear.

>> No.14349930

you make it thicker and cover more area so you DON'T have to let it stick so long that it BURNS. you can slide it over after a few seconds after it sears to cover the parts that the grates don't touch.
and there are lots of videos showing people getting good sears without it, what's your point? there is a lot of variation out there on how to cook and get the same results. i personally don't see a point in a cold grate method.

>> No.14349944

the cooling down point is asinine. because the cold grate method relies on using a new section of the grill to work. that doesn't help the cook steak better at all, it just makes it logistically easier to cook wit this method.

>> No.14349974

Except it does help the steak sear better, because the entire fucking point is that you're not using the grates as a heat source.

>> No.14349981

>"""Rare""" meat tastes like water

Are shitskins really so unevolved they can't taste meat?

>> No.14349999

i'm talking about the 'it cools down faster' point anon, that point is asinine because you're simply going to MOVE the steak to a unheated section of the grate anyways to continue with the 'cold grate method'. it helps logistically if you don't have a large grill but it cooling down faster doesn't make the steak taste any better.

>> No.14350000

retard. He should cook it as long on the fat cap to render it down completely, that's the most delicious part of the steak and the only thing that really needs to be cooked at all. Also because the cap is an edge and it's easier to balance on the edge when it's raw.

2 minute per side, but the cap might take 3, and try to sear all 5 surfaces. When you see the first bit of blood pooling on a cooked face, pull it off and you might only be MR. You definitely want to render all faces in the pan unless you're going for a prime rib approach like a short braise.


>> No.14350013

>but it cooling down faster doesn't make the steak taste any better.
It gets a smooth, solid surface sear, like you've been told 50 fuckling times already, why is this difficult to comprehend?

>> No.14350025

>The key though is they also cool down faster
are you talking about the grates or the steak? because you highlighted
>>it doesn't take much time for thin metal grates to heat up if you place it very close to a very hot heat source.
in response.

so im very confused as to you why you're bringing up the fact that thin metal grates 'cool down faster' as a reason for how it can make the steak taste better. when you will simply MOVE the steak to a cooled section of the grate instead of WAITING for the grate to cool down again. explain to me how metal grates being able to
>The key though is they also cool down faster
is helping you get a better sear when you're going to move the steak over to a section of a grate that is unheated as per your 'cold grate' method?

>> No.14350067

The grates, because the point of the technique is to minimize the heat from the grates.

The fucking point you don't seem to get is that the methods uses heat from the coals, not the damn grates.

>> No.14350073

and how does the grates ability to 'cool down faster' help with the searing process anon?

>> No.14350089

Are you just completely and deliberately obtuse? Because the point is that you don't want the grates under the steak to be what's doing the searing.

>> No.14350107

anon, if the grates are being heated up, it's ability to 'cool down faster' is null. it being able to 'cool down faster' are your words, not mine. i said that the thin metal grates readily absorb heat have the ability to 'sear' meat quickly if heated by a power power source. so again, are you trying to say that its ability to 'cool down faster' is helping the searing by not absorbing heat? if that is the case, doesn't your 'cold grate' method just instruct you to MOVE the steak to a already cool portion of the grill to continue? why is its ability to 'cool down faster' help with the cooking process in anyway?

>> No.14350300

Because, again, the point is that the grates aren't searing-hot when you put the steak on it.

Again, why is this so difficult to understand?

>> No.14350327

again you fail to explain how that ties in with its ability to 'cool down faster'. how is it simultaneously heating up when under a heat source and cooling down faster help the cooking process? i keep repeating this but don't you just move the steak to a cool section of the grill?

>> No.14350367


Jesus fuck, how many times does that need to be said? The purpose is to minimize the effects from the grate on the sear.

>> No.14350398
File: 576 KB, 1680x1357, 20200125_121510-1680x1357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No point in reverse seat or sous vide if you dont get a good sear

>> No.14350406

Why not? Have you tried deep frying a reverse seared / sous vide steak?

It’s heaven

>> No.14350418

okay im done i really do think you're retarded though. i understand what your saying that you don't want the grates to heat up to sear the steak and by moving it to a cooled section of a grill, you can repeat the process of searing without using the grates. but your adherence to a benefit of 'cooling down faster' is perplexing and makes no sense because the method you are advocating states that you should move the steak to a uncooled portion of the grill and shift the grill back onto the coals. if this is the case, the point of you saying 'it cools faster' is asinine because it cannot cool faster while being on top of a heat source. and yet you keep repeating points im not arguing in the hopes that it answers my question 'why does metal grates cooling faster help with the sear?' the fact is, it doesn't because your method doesn't rely on the grates cooling down fast, it relies relies on using a completely unheated portion of the grill and shifting it over a heat source.

>> No.14350420
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Deep fried for 30 seconds to 1 minute

>> No.14350432

microwave on high for 10 minutes, that should kill the nasty germs

>> No.14350571
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>> No.14350585

that's not even what im arguing about retard. again you evade, answer how 'cooling down faster' helps at all when you move the steak in the 'cold grate' method. absolute retard.

>> No.14350653

I have, several times you fucking extra chromosome twat. You keep ignoring it because you can't seem to comprehend it.

>> No.14350668

post it one more time, this time don't say that you want it cool so that it doesn't sear the meat. because that isn't what im talking about. you said it 'COOLS FASTER' not that it IS COOL.

>> No.14350733

How about fuck you, you fucking obtuse retard?

>> No.14350847

yeah, i thought so retard LOLLLLLLLLLL

>> No.14350868
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>fully explained
>With a video
>hurr you didn't explain it durr

>> No.14350907


>Did reverse searing on steaks in the past
>Great results
>Covid, saving money, don't get steaks for months
>Get one
>Forget to pre-sear

I just need to get a new thermometer because chinese ones break so eaisly

>> No.14351021

>still can't answer my point blank question.

>> No.14351088
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>Has been answered repeatedly

>> No.14351115

show it hehehe.

>> No.14351148
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>> No.14351152

so that's why grates cooling faster make for a better sear? nice. HAHAHA

>> No.14351165


When we make a steak general it dies within the day with 30-40 posts at best, and it’s a thread dedicated to posting pictures of our steaks and discussion on how to cook them, but nobody cares.

You opened this discussion with ONE simple question and you unleashed the autism.

Thank you for reminding me how shitty this board is.

>> No.14351203

Jesus fuck, why is this hard to understand? It's because you don't have the grates acting as the heat source of the sear. You want the part of the grate you flip the steak onto to be cooled off so it's the coals doing the searing.

Hot grates = grill marks = mostly unseared steak

Now fuck off already.

>> No.14351220


>> No.14351268
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>> No.14351275

so that's the answer? shit dude, i guess metal grates that cool down quickly are the answer to how to get a good sear on a steak!

>> No.14351278
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>> No.14351308

still can't answer it kek.

>> No.14351379
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>> No.14351593

you're not supposed to use brine for sous-vide anon, that will corrode your circulator

>> No.14351600
File: 2.27 MB, 1400x1400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually buy a thing that goes on the end of a bernzomatic torch called a Searzall. Its basically a little catalytic converter; a platnium screen that gets really fucking hot and can sear meat perfectly. Since its got a catalytic on the end, there's virtually no smoke, and i've used it in tiny apartments
also great for smores

>> No.14351608

how does that compare to >>14351600

>> No.14351697

Looks like shit

>> No.14351719

Just how do you think sous-vide work?

>> No.14351722

>season liberally
>sear the fuck out of it
>baste with butter throw some garlic and thyme in there as well
>pop it in the oven
>make a blue cheese and herb compound butter
>check temp for your liking
>eat like a king

>> No.14351732

you put food in a vacuum bag, evacuate the air, and then put it in a water bath
water bath
not brine bath

>> No.14351735

Or is it plastic you don't understand?

>> No.14351823

it's reverse searing because the cooking order is reversed

>> No.14351874

>58-60c medium rare
What is wrong with you people, stop eating overcoomed meat
50-52c is medium

>> No.14352638


>> No.14352788

The salt you put in the bag with the steak dissolves with juices from the meat. Think before you post.

>> No.14352792

Yeah, that'd be great if they were easy to find.

The flamethrower beat even the searzall, but obviously you need safe space to use it.

>> No.14352799

>Being this dumb

>> No.14352814

It's reverse order from the traditional "Sear first and then put it in the oven" method.

Dumb fuck.

>> No.14352843

A dumb term for a dumb technique outside of few legitimate uses.

>> No.14353189
File: 302 KB, 1125x1758, DB1E4976-1162-4732-B322-A68B90B1B1AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>133€ for the bernzomatic torch
+ gas canister and 40€ for the Chinese rip off searzall because the original can’t be found


>> No.14353589

Yeah, as if I'd trust a Chinese Knockoff.

>> No.14353790

That’s the point.

There are european made torches identical to the bernzomatic for 40€ max 50€ then you have to add the canister (12€) and the searzall that can’t be found and if it was available it would cost 70€.

130€ for a torch with an attachment...I refuse to spend this money when with 140-150€ you can buy a compact Weber barbecue.

I bought my torch setup and again it’s nothing fancy and not as hot as the bernzomatic (still 1800C) for 23€ and every canister costs 3€.