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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14337962 No.14337962[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guise I just became vegan and there is like fucking no vegan food here, I need to learn to cook asap pls help I don't know what to do or where to start

>> No.14337969

>I just became vegan

>> No.14337990

Don't worry I'm not one of those stereotypical faggots, I just feel bad for animals. I was a veggiefag for two and a half years so I didn't think it would be that difficult, but fucking everything has cheese or milk in it wtf?

>> No.14338004

>I'm not one of those stereotypical faggots, I just feel bad for animals
then you ARE one of those faggots.

>> No.14338014

Who cares, fuck off back to eating separator meat, retard.

>> No.14338018

>Feeling empathy for a living being makes me a faggot

>> No.14338019

If you are vegan, you are not helping by starting a thread here about it
You have so many better places to look, which is why this looks like a troll thread

>> No.14338071

Does this board really hate vegans that much? Fuck's sake, I was just looking for a few recipes without animal products. I've never been on this board before.

>> No.14338087

Frogthreads are always retarded. Without fail, every single one

>> No.14338098

Rice, beans. Im not vegan and I eat it all the time.

>> No.14338202
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Greek Lent is basically vegan + non-fish seafood, it's supposed to be about self restraint and most of the stuff would be eaten with a side of cheese as well otherwise.
Some dishes I like in particular;
Stuffed peppers/tomatoes/cabbage leaves/grape leaves with rice and fresh herbs
Roasted eggplant topped with tomato and onion and lots of olive oil (imam bayildi in turkey)
Bean pods stew or artichoke pea stew with fresh herbs and plenty of oil
Any thick legume soup, lentils, chickpeas, split peas
I'd pay special attention to the type and quality of oil and bread, most of these foods should be served with plenty of oil and a slice of bread, they would be most of your calories as a vegan.
However I would strongly consider not going through with it especially if you live in an area or during a season with limited fresh produce and expensive quality plant based oil.
If you have to ask how to be a vegan chances are your lifestyle and region aren't great for it, maybe you can be a vegan during certain times of year, you're an adult so make your choices

>> No.14338226

Just kill yourself

>> No.14338253

download cronometer or get really good at remembering your micros.

I eat a lot of beans (rinsed beans, less tannins) and quinoa with whatever veggies are in season or that I'm craving. I also quite like tempeh and tofu. if you want specifics there's a whole internet out there that'll help you with "quick and easy vegan meals!!!1one." I also like the YT channel "Pick up Limes" for doable easy healthy recipes. for future reference, this board is not the best place to be a non-meat eater (though it seems to be getting better).

>> No.14338260

Seitan and tofu are your friends. Look for asian writers/videos to learn how to use them.
If you don't know how to cook at all, I've heard good things about J. Kenji Lopez-Alt on this board. Good Eats is also a great way to learn basics and start to understand cooking

>> No.14338273

>Does this board really hate vegans that much?
Have you not been on the internet in the last 25 years? You cannot be this ignorant. Vegans are everyone's favorite punching bag. From leftoid twats, to tighty righties, there is a veritable rainbow coalition of vegan hate online
>I've never been on this board before.
And yet you started a thread. Who the fuck does this?
If you have never been on a board before you NEVER just show up and start a thread. You lurk.
So maybe you aren't a troll, but just the most retarded zoomer ever

>> No.14338301

An easy way to start is just to watch a few of those "what I eat in a day" videos and try to recreate the dishes you think you'd like. Just stray away from channels that seem like they're promoting some fad diets. I'm talking stuff like raw foods only, high carb/low fat, half the meals being juices etc.

>> No.14338312

>going vegan for something that can be done completely humanely anyway
>because of muh fee fees

>> No.14338330

>killing is human
The state of animal product fags.

Anyway, just look up vegan recipes or eat beans and rice the classic

>> No.14338333

I foresee a lot of salad and french fries in your future.

>> No.14338357

There is literally no reason to feel bad for egg-laying chickens.

>> No.14338373

>>killing is human
Yes. Especially after an animal has lived a good life, there is nothing wrong with using it as a source of food and nutrients. You have literal baby pacifist logic as to how this is somehow bad, not to mention this is what we've done for almost all of humanity.

>> No.14338383

just fucking kill yourself or to go to r/vegan and never come back you hipster, soyboy scum.

>> No.14338387

get a wok and learn how to make a basic stir fry

>> No.14338405

Holy shit I knew this board was full of autists but this retarded vegan chicken shit zoomer was the icing on the cake. OP kill yourself

>> No.14338407

Raw chicken

>> No.14338414

Stir fry

Stop being dum

>> No.14338418

Bullets are 100% Vegan and will solve this problem permanently.

>> No.14338471

Its killed after two years, imagine giving a human only two years. We let humans live a full life. So humane would be letting the animals go free.

Pfbh. Anyway go eat some steak carnist and forget about the mean ol vegoons

>> No.14338534

>there is like fucking no vegan food here, I need to learn to cook asap
Be thankful, all these fast food vegans keep the disadvantages while throwing nearly every advantage of that diet out of the window.

>> No.14338542

The fuck, they've got extremely shitty lives. I thought everyone knew that.

>> No.14338549

Maybe factory farmed ones. You don't have to buy those eggs.

>> No.14338585

holy shit just shut the fuck up you fucking waste of life leave this board now you autist neckbeard

>> No.14338595

>Y-y-you can't j-j-just not eat meat! If I bought the globalist meat industry lies my parents spoonfed me, everyone has to!
>I-I-I'm g-gonna call you a n-n-eckbeard! That'll s-s-show you!

>> No.14338596
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>go veg
>almost no convenience foods available
>be forced to cook for myself and watch what I'm eating
>stop being a fatass for the first time since early childhood
>within a couple years a shit ton of ready vegan meals, snacks and unhealthy substitute foods appear
>gotta try them out
>be a fatass again before I know it

>> No.14338599

Chickens are heartless monsters. Ive owned them for a long time.

>> No.14338612

Why is everybody being such fags? I just wanted some vegan recipes for fuck's sake, why do you losers care so much about what somebody else eats?

>> No.14338616

Cute as fuck though.

>> No.14338644

>I just feel bad for animals
I felt the same way, but the processing and handling part really grosses me out,too. I eat meat again, but when I think about what it really is, it sickens me. If I could get traditionally raised meat, I think I'd be ok, but these mass produced animals are disgusting.

>> No.14338649

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.14338660

I love vegan mozz sticks tho

>> No.14338662
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because you came to a board without any idea of the board's culture, or internet culture it seems, and started a thread
>hello /g/, I've never posted here before, what type of phone should I buy?
would get deservedly get flamed
and so did you
next time lurk, and learn, before you open your stupid, selfish mouth

>> No.14338663

Why care? There’s gonna be edgy faggots in every thread, just reply to the posts that interest you.

>> No.14338676

>because you came to a board without any idea of the board's culture, or internet culture it seems, and started a thread
God, you sound like such an insufferable faggot. Sorry I invaded your secret club about cooking food and asked about how to cook food.

>> No.14338679

This. The best diet for you, the animals you eat and the environment is regional vegan + occasional animal products of highest quality keeping.

>> No.14338688

Are you brain damaged? 60% of this board is posts of this quality or lower, often with this exact level of vague.

>> No.14338693

>imagine giving a human only two years.
Yea, that's what animals would do. If you leave a baby alone with a chicken, the chicken will just eventually kill it. Same with pigs - a pig will just eat the baby after enough time.

Seems like we're smarter for killing them and eating them instead.

>> No.14338701

its a public club with very obvious characteristics. You got damned retard.

>> No.14338725

Better plant your own garden and dont use pesticides to kill any bugs

>> No.14338730

>because the moral sophistication of a chicken is the level we should hold ourselves to

>> No.14338754

You should be, now kill yourself

>> No.14338767

Should we also start to limit the number of carnivores alive? We can maintain appropriate prey species levels through sterilization, and since killing is so bad, we can start to remove predators from the ecosystem. Or do ethics only apply to humans?

>> No.14338801

Domestic animals get full lives, cattle are primarily for resources. Why is this such a bad concept?

>We let humans live a full life
We are the dominant species on this planet, again what is the problem here?

Vegans aren't exactly very sophisticated themselves, they're baby pacifists who can't handle blood and guts.

>> No.14338808

This is the proper answer. Traditionally raised meat over vegan slop or processed factory garbage.

>> No.14338820

nigga, just cook without animal products, its easy haha

>> No.14338826

That's right. Don't ever try to make anything better. Nothing is worth it

>> No.14338845

-south indian cuisine
-eastern orthodox christian cuisine (they're vegan during lent)
-med vegetable dishes with nuts/beans/something on the side

>> No.14338853

Not him but it'd be cool if we could manufacture foods for carnivores that would meet their nutritional needs without harming other animals. But meddling into how the natural world works is a topic reserved for the faraway future, as for now the focus for most who care about animals is ceasing to harm them as much as is doable in our current world - and much of that is already achieved by simply abstaining from animal products whenever possible - and saving the natural environment from annihilation in the first place.

>> No.14338861

>Don't worry I'm not one of those stereotypical faggots
Spoken like a true basic bitch

>> No.14338863

Vegans abstaining from animal products has never done anything substantial though, not to mention it is a retarded idea to begin with.

>> No.14338869

So you just admitted you don't treat animals well? Finally a anti vegan admits it. I swear antivegans are like a wall to talk to

>> No.14338882

I didn't say anything about not treating animals well, you dolt. Killing them isn't an inherently humane practice at all, you don't have to fucking torture them to get good meat.

You're all moralfags when there's no need for rampant moralfaggotry. Lions would eat you up without even thinking twice about it, why shouldn't someone like me be able to eat animals if I don't torture them and make them suffer for their lifetime?

>> No.14338925
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>> No.14338937

We can grow synthetic meats now, soon to be mass produced. We would have to capture and detain predators across the globe in order to make sure that they are fed only synthetic meat and ensure that they don’t hunt to supplement their synthetic diet. Don’t get me wrong, the modern meat industry is incredibly immoral, but a total removal of the predator-prey dynamic is immoral as well.

>> No.14339050

>do ethics only apply to humans?
If we are above animals in our comprehension of ethics and are the only species that has the structure, knowledge and technology to actually change our behaviour, yes.

>> No.14339074

>haha me post wojak
So there's no counter to any of what I said. This is why vegans job constantly and get humiliated at all the time.

>> No.14339115

>But meddling into how the natural world works is a topic reserved for the faraway future
No, actually thinking about it alone is retarded. You can keep animals or you can let nature do their thing, I wouldn't want to turn the whole world into a zoo.

They're just not enough. 100 % vegans wouldn't be great either because I doubt we have enough pets and zoos to consume enough of the animals we need for healthy agriculture so we don't end up with a corpse problem but it should certainly be a lot more to stop idiotic wasting of land.

Best would be if livestock was only allowed to feed off the land they live on during summer, get species appropriate diet during winter and the resulting amount of meat, milk and eggs is the one we have to deal with. If that means way higher prices that's good for the farmers anyway.

>> No.14339116

>wake up at 3pm as usual
>feel like complete shit
>roll onto my side after several failed attempts
>grab my smartphone and begin my day with the usual stuff
>go to /ck/
>ctrl + f + "vegan"
>post Facebook-tier jokes and irrelevant insults
>go to /b/ to jack off several times before I get up
>see trap thread
>get boner
>get frustrated
>call them fags
>linger a bit, then force myself to jack off to gore instead to counteract the faggotry
>order $38 worth of taco bell on my smartphone
>welp that's my day's itinerary out of the way
>go back to sleep
>hopefully the doorbell will wake me this time or I'll have to tell the delivery guy that's why I didn't tip him
>damn it feels good to be redpilled

>> No.14339121

>just became a vegan
>without any planning
>not a troll thread

>> No.14339127

Tofu and rice my dude

>> No.14339137

Then get animal products from a local farmer who raises animals humanely you fucking retard

>> No.14339171

I would break your fucking vegan zoomer Bones like a piece of cracker. Autist

>> No.14339185

Why haven`t you killed Yourself yet everybody would cheere here

>> No.14339191

>implying (((they))) aren't pushing veganism and lab meat over traditional meat farming like how (((they))) push solar and wind over nuclear energy

>> No.14339239

Why the fuck would he do that? He's not concerned with not getting animal products, he's annoyed that pre-made foods that he's used to eating have animal products in them so he's going to have to cook. Your retarded solution still requires him to cook and to forfeit the diet he wants to eat on top of that.

>> No.14339275

I'm not even vegetarian and still it's so funny to see people struggling to cook without animal products or desperatly trying to replace them with similar things because 99% of ingedients on this planet are vegan. Mix some of them, that's it.

Some easy ideas:
- Oats, hot water, fruit or berries, cocoa, cocos
- Millet, red lentils, kale
- Green spelt with mushroom mix
- Potatoes with brussels sprouts and roux
- Zuchini, broccoli, kohlrabi, parsley soup
- Spinach lasagna
- Couscous salat with paprica and whatever vegetables you like, soaked seeds and walnut oil
- Pasta salat with tomatoes, rucola, herbs, crushed beans and olive oil
- Apple and nut mix pie

Try different types of the same vegetable and use a lot of oil, onions, garlic, ginger and spices. Things from foreign stores like the algae varieties from asian shops can add nice flavours, too. Make use of farmer markets and those weird little stores you never considered buying from before.

>> No.14339322

Oh, and no need to be afraid ofthe actual cooking part! It's mostly
1. Prepare grain ingredient accoding to package
2. Steam/cook vegetables in water or broth until soft enough to your liking
3. Roast onions and other flavoury, spicy things in a pot in plant based fat
4. Mix grain part and vegetable part, stir-fry in your spicy mix
5. Add herbs if you want to

>> No.14339337

>requires him to cook
Shouldn't it be a good thing for him to learn how to actually cook and make shit? Isn't that what this board should be about rather than fast food and just consooming?

>> No.14339392

Yes, learning to cook is what this thread is about in the first place. I'm saying that telling him to buy animal products solves jack shit as it doesn't change anything about the fact that he's going to have to cook and it's the literal opposite of what he wants to boot.

>> No.14339400

In case you haven't noticed, this place is a right-wing le epic carnivore xD type of board.

>> No.14339407

you have done a pee pee on their snowflake and now they are what they would call "triggered"

>> No.14339408
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Well, by making this thread, you're already on the right track. You see, veganism has nothing to do with vegan food. Vegans' real food is attention. When a vegan goes a restaurant, she (of course) is actually happier not to find any vegan options on the menu. Because then she gets the opportunity to loudly complain and explain to everyone that she's vegan. If the menu does have vegan options, then she will loudly interrogate the waiter about whether every ingredient is "really vegan". She may even demand to talk the chef. (Vegans are a subspecies of Karens.) If she does actually get around to ordering anything, expect her to open her oversized purse to reveal a selection of pre-screened condiments, beverages, etc. Because, you know, the french fries may be vegan, but what about the ketchup? And is the water vegan? Did the restaurant even think to check? But really, she will be far more satisfied to leave in angry huff while threatening to post a scathing Yelp review. Be sure to look for her username, VeganGirl485.


>> No.14339471

To be fair there was an influx of “holier than thou” vegans on this board who insisted that anyone who didn’t follow their dietary guidelines was essentially hitler. They’re mostly gone now, but vegan threads still get a hostile response on here