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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14335973 No.14335973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ ever cook food they've grown themselves?

>> No.14336008

We wuz folks n sheit.

>> No.14336010


>> No.14336013

We wuz fahmurs N sheeeeit
HOL up why nnit growin bruh
Sheeit where duh chikin at

>> No.14336015

>we want segregation
Glad to know where they stand.

>> No.14336021
File: 376 KB, 1080x926, BB36DEFF-4EED-4567-8A1B-4991177CD3AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creating famines

[You must select both to continue]

>> No.14336022

>be literally a farm tool for hundreds of years
>forget how to farm in 2 generations

>> No.14336038

Ah, yes, a base layer of chemically treated cardboard. Brilliant.

>> No.14336041
File: 164 KB, 832x765, fountains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"This fountain is for black and indigenous folks and their liquid allies."

>> No.14336054

Lol there’s no minorities there, it’s a bunch of dumb trust fund commie larpers

>> No.14336068
File: 300 KB, 1782x1188, Pivot_irrigation_in_Orania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile, in Whitemanistan...

>> No.14336080

What they lacked in horticultural success they more than made up for in vermiculture.

>> No.14336082
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>> No.14336164
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>> No.14336206

dats racissst

>> No.14336216

13% of the water comes first.

>> No.14336269
File: 137 KB, 834x822, jhvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh like germany?

>> No.14336277

>File: Pivot_irrigation_in_Orania.jpg

>> No.14336604
File: 265 KB, 1300x866, 121567028-raised-planter-box-for-growing-vegetables-and-flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they were trying to make a raised planter box since in that area the soil is polluted so you can't plant in it. The problem is that they didn't understand that half an inch of dirt on a piece of cardboard won't cut it

>> No.14336625 [DELETED] 

Disgusting niggers

>> No.14336637

I had to look it up, and apparently the park these guys are loitering in is about two blocks away from a home and garden store, and a fifteen minute walk from a hardware store. Hell, they had to get all the seeds, topsoil, and chicken wire from somewhere.
You can give some people all the resources in the world and they still can't do things right. My senile mother has a better looking garden than theirs.

>> No.14337190

What causes Americans to grow front butts?

>> No.14337202

They literally were farmers though

>> No.14337220

seems like their plant allies betrayed them and are refusing to bare fruit

>> No.14337236


>> No.14337246
File: 101 KB, 1045x783, B4402892-1589-445D-848B-5DC82BE4A8CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be seed
>finally get put in the ground
>start sprouting in a good amount of soil
>evolve into sapling
>see that beautiful sun
>photosynthesising like a mother fucker
>somehow gain enough awareness to see sign
>”this garden is for black and indigenous folks and their plant allies”
>abrupt stop in root growth
>sampling soil level now not enough for full plant
>folks don’t understand i need fertilizer
>dying of thirst
>i’m wondering how my relatives in africa are doing
>mfw i think i know

>> No.14337249

They looted all the soil from the home and garden soil and spread it all over the street to try and "teraform" the pavement into magically being nature again. Then someone told them that wasn't going to work and so they grabbed what remained of the potting soil and mixed it about 1/4 with fertilizer and spread it over cardboard.

The whole thing was a shitshow. Fuckking urbanite scum deserve to starve.

>> No.14337282

That stupid garden is now gone. Good riddance.

>> No.14337297

plants grow vegetables, not fruit.

and it's spelled bear

>> No.14337303

Ooooo that’s why there are only roots from Africa

>> No.14337337

>plants grow vegetables, not fruit.
I have never seen a tomato tree, Tyrone.

>> No.14337345
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I never expect very much intelligence from racists, and you did not disappoint.

>> No.14337352

>a large bush is a tree
The 85 IQ meme in full effect.

>> No.14337370

Take a load off and read some Harry Potter fanfiction like I'm currently doing. They have this nice character named Daphne Greengrass, and I think it could be useful to you read about her because I suspect your knowledge is so scant, you don't even know what colour grass is.


>> No.14337372

>jokes are racist
>all white people are racist
>only white people are racist
>everyone who disagrees with me about anything is racist
>jews are bad

>> No.14337374

>Harry Potter
Post boipucci you actual faggot.

>> No.14337377

fucking cringe. you should probably sudoku after that one fatty.

>> No.14337379

unless you wish nicocado’s ass was bigger and asshole looser, you probably don’t want to see that faggot drop trow and bend over

>> No.14337397
File: 43 KB, 735x541, 13898517-97AA-4047-882C-D4C9F34B4FAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is bait

>> No.14337402

African Americans

>> No.14337411


>> No.14337417

I bought a dollar bag of spinach seeds and now I have so much spinach, its taking over my back yard.

>> No.14337423

There's a decent possibility that is eventually going to be the case for me, given my condition.

>> No.14337444

Wait you're telling me an industrialised monoculture farm has more crops than a small, newly-planted garden? I mean sure, they might have done plenty of things wrong with that garden, but the fact the plants are small is just because they'd planted seedlings fresh from a garden center

>> No.14337463

Anon, whatever that thin in the OP is, it does not deserve to be called a "garden".
This is like throwing a bunch of rotting boards in a pile and calling it a house.

>> No.14337488

that's not a tree, it's a vine trained to grow on an overhead trellis
commies are fucking morons

>> No.14337498

Low IQ post.