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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14335479 No.14335479 [Reply] [Original]

Birthday steaks.

Reverse sear, 225 degree oven up to 120 IT.

To sear on a blazing hot grill or cast iron?

>> No.14335482

Happy birthday, anon.
I hope your steaks turn out nice.
I'd go with the grill.

>> No.14335486

grill over lump charcoal

>> No.14335493

Cast iron has more contact with the surface of the meat to sear.

Grill only has contact on the grates.

Either works, but i prefer cast iron unless you're using charcoal on the grill.

>> No.14335501

Happy birthday fag!

>> No.14335507

Gas grill.

As sad as it sounds, I am just now this summer getting into grilling.

Figured I'd start with the convenience of gas to get my feet wet.

Cast iron is my usual preference, but it smokes up the house.

Maybe.... Cast iron.... On the grill!

>> No.14335582

Congrats on eating your inevitably overcooked steaks from your meme cooking method

>> No.14335594

sear it on this hot ass

>> No.14335669

>gas grill
maybe if he pours gasoline over the burners he can get a sear out of it

>> No.14335876

Pull at the right temp why would it overcook?

>> No.14335881

You're gonna bring the temp to 120 and then sear it? Will be medium well at best, if not well done.

>> No.14335926

Cast iron on high heat tilt pan and add a stick of butter and baste continuously as butter collects at bottom corner of pan.

You don't need to bake the fucking steak though. Start your pan off sauteing onions in olive oil. When onions are finished remove from pan and add steak. Sear first side in high heat, then flip and place minced garlic, Tyme, and black pepper on top of steak. Place onions over the top of everything. Add stick of butter to pan and baste continuously. The hot butter will cook the garlic to perfection and the garlic won't burn as long as the onions are there to hold it in place. The butter will also cook the sides of the steak and render down the fat. No need to stab the steak with a thermometer and ruin it, just use your thumb to check for firmness, comparing it to the firmness of the meat in the palm of your hand when you touch your thumb and finger together.

Perfect steak every time.

>> No.14336039

Would you rather cook, and clean up, inside or outside?

>> No.14337873

None of this.
Cook low and slow in a frying pan for about 12 minutes.

>> No.14338184

Charcoal grill?

If so, add charcoal to one side only. Add steaks to no charcoal side. Bring to desired temp. Take steaks off. Open all vents and stoke fire if needed. Roaring hot fire. Sear steaks.

If gas grill then just use oven to cast iron.

>> No.14339340

If you do it to 120, it'll be too cooked for medium-rare after you're done with searing. Go up to 103-108.

Also, use a cast iron with butter, garlic and thyme.

>> No.14340043

Dafuq? Get your charcoal blazing hot, I mean get that bitch roaring. Sear your steak then put the lid on with the vents mostly closed for 5 minutes or so. BAM, done.

>> No.14340052

so are you gonna post after pics or what

>> No.14340560

Of course not, he overcooked it just like I said he would

>> No.14340674

post steaks pussy! happy birthday

>> No.14340933

Doing a a shitty ribeye to 103 before sear is fucking disgusting. Unless of course you actually enjoy tough gristle and solid fat.

>> No.14340942

This. You want the steak to render to perfect tenderness.

>> No.14341170

103 before pan searing is perfectly fine when doing butter-basting.

>> No.14341326

Exactly. Almost melt in your mouth tier.
High heat causes the muscle fibres to contract toughening up the meant. People are amazed at how much their steak has contracted compared to mine.
Searing the outside doesn't trap moisture, in fact it does the opposite.

>> No.14341396

Nothing better than boiled steak

>> No.14341443

Cast iron 100%. More surface area is more color and crispy bits and more flavor. The surface will be nice and dry from the heating in the oven so it will literally take only a minute per side to sear.
Happy birthday faggot.

>> No.14341453
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You realize he already cooked the steaks yesterday and fucked them up and is refusing to post his pics?

>> No.14341470

I want to drink that beer.

>> No.14341546

weak b8 m8 i r8 0/8

>> No.14341561
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Lamest reply/10

>> No.14341804


>> No.14342100

Charcoal in starter chimney.
Do not dump out.
Shake off ash when screeching hot.
Place chimney above steak on cold grill, probably around 60-90 seconds per side.
Shake ash, put above other steak, flip seared steak, repeat.

>> No.14342117 [DELETED] 


>> No.14342119

800F grill with butter or 420F on a cast iron or stainless pan.

>> No.14342121

you fucking people still type that? that's like what 5 years old? jesus christ. you people just live here.

>> No.14342126 [DELETED] 

seething dilating tranny shut the fuck up. no ones listening no one cares

>> No.14342132

ok spectrum weirdo.

>> No.14342137 [DELETED] 

got to have the last word don't you, you pedantic little faggot. kys

>> No.14342159 [DELETED] 

You're upset and weird.

>> No.14342164

Oh! and you talk like a 13 year old. Sorry I forgot that.

>> No.14342226 [DELETED] 

>hur upset
>hur ur weird 13 year old

does your handler know you are on the internet

>> No.14342233
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>> No.14342286

No, it's not. Stop posting about things you have no experience with.

>> No.14342332

I'm not kidding, you heat your grill to 800F, throw your 130F reverse seared meat on it, butter on top, cause a fire, 1 minute max, flip it, do the same, put the fire out and serve. That's how you do flame grilled meat.

>> No.14342352

Seriously want to do them right? Cover in salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Sous vide at 135 for 2.5 hours. Remove and pat dry. Then blast with searzall till crusty. Perfect steak every time.

>> No.14343152

Lol i love you

>> No.14344155

less do it

>> No.14344238


135 is fine, searing garlic powder is what idiots do.

>> No.14344329
File: 2.69 MB, 480x640, img-5988-1_o1SGi4ub.compressed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday anon.

Today I made my steak reverse seared and finished with a torch.

>vid related

>> No.14344343
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>> No.14345389

>finished with a torch.
If you have to finish your steak with a blowtorch, you're doing something wrong

>> No.14345468

Can’t stand cast iron smoke and heat during the summer inside house