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14334673 No.14334673 [Reply] [Original]

Italian breakfast consists of just a pastry and some coffee.

Kinda cringe ngl

>> No.14334695

My breakfast, for the past month, has been:

>1 cup of black coffee (unsweetened)
>1 bread roll
>Orange Marmalade

>> No.14334699

>no cigarette
not a real med breakfast

>> No.14334726

That's the power of strong coffee. Kills your appetite. Eating a pre boiled egg or glass of good milk can make you hold of lunch longer though.

>> No.14334737

Coffee/juice and a light pastry was the standard American breakfast prior to the 50's.

>> No.14334780


>> No.14334799

Biggest meal of the day is always the evening, after work meal. Everything other then that is is usually quite small.

>> No.14336050

Cigarettes are so 1990s.

>> No.14336060

that's some weak bait
try something stronger next time

>> No.14337879

>Kinda cringe ngl
Sums up Italy and their "cuisine"

>> No.14337952
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Not bad for something quick if you’re not too hungry. The German breakfast is top tier though

>> No.14337973

Looks like another shitty continental breakfast. Nothing to distinguish it from what other countries eat.

>> No.14337979

doesn't that promote diabetes
Biggest meal should be breakfast
Afterwork meal should be high protein and veg with little carb

>> No.14338029

Ok hot shot what’s your ideal breakfast?

>> No.14338036

Breakfast industry shill

Fuck off

>> No.14338058

the ketard fears this

>> No.14338059

Tattie scone, haggis, bacon, sausage, mushroom, egg.

>> No.14338065

Imagine not wanting delicious sweets and a salty meat first thing in the morning. You are not white, that is for certain.

>> No.14338067

>be american
>1000kcal breakfast
>200g carbs
>80g sugar
>20g carbs
>100g fat
breakfast in the pic is objectively better

>> No.14338072

>pre boiled egg
as opposed to what, bobbing for eggs while they're on the boil??

>> No.14338103

Pretty based, Angus

>> No.14338116
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For me, it's the Czech breakfast
>Prague ham
>pork salami
>Eidam cheese
>rohlíky bread rolls
>sourdough rye-wheat bread
>walnut bábovka

>> No.14338117

I don’t think the average American eats that kind of breakfast, maybe farmers and truckers

>> No.14338182

Most Americans eat a bowl of cereal, sugary if you're a kid or bland if you're older.
Reminder that corn flakes were made popular by the Kellogg brothers, one of whom was an absolute nutjob who believed bland food would not only promote good health but also temper the passions and encourage abstinence from sex and masturbation. America was always this crazy.

>> No.14338321

I miss smoking. A cup of coffee and a cigarette truly can't be beat.

>> No.14338355
File: 149 KB, 1300x866, 22124371-bowl-of-oats-porridge-on-wooden-table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beats a good old bowl'o'podge

>> No.14338878

Bolling it in the morning smart ass.

>> No.14338888

Coffee,a cig and taking a dump after is a classic

>> No.14338901

The 90's were objectively a better decade. Far from ideal but better.

>> No.14338933

Doesn't work for me. I get hungry 30 mins after coffee. One hour if I add something small like some greek yogurt or a boiled egg.
3-4 hours if I eat half of my total calories for breakfast.

>> No.14338934

How would it promote beetus? I see breakfast as just a way to kick start the digestion process. Get the organs moving a bit.

>> No.14338967

That's true also for us italians. Kids eat milk + cereals (Kellogg's, or some ripoff if you're poor) or cookies for breakfast.
Adults eat coffee + a croissant, or other sugar heavy stuff.
I think the difference is portion size: we keep it small.

>> No.14338974

Io caffè cicchetta e poi vado a cagare

>> No.14338992

Why do europeans get mad when americans eat sweet breads for breakfast if they also eat sweet breads for breakfast? And I'm not talking about stupid things like cinnamon rolls or cereal, but actual things like french toast, pancakes, or banana bread

>> No.14338994


That sounds cheeki breeki you russkies are al right

>> No.14338998

Wheres the cheese? a toast with ham and cheese is my weakness :D

>> No.14338999


>sweet breads for breakfast

do americans really?

>> No.14339016

>implying the ones getting mad are Europeans and not SEAmonkeys
Y'see, the nutritional deficiency that comes with eating polished rice all the time leaves them incomprehensible mad and in constant pain.

>> No.14339028
File: 1.70 MB, 2000x1212, sweets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweet breads for breakfast

Do they really eat the discarded glands of animals for breakfast?

>> No.14339118

>Noooooo you can’t just like a thing if one of the creators did a wrongthink
Neck yourself

>> No.14339125


What a fucking cuck redditor

>> No.14339130

Do you really need breakfast? I'm never hungry in the mornings, ever. No matter what I do. I have been fasting since way before it became a fad. Breakfast is for children whose dicks are tied in a knot and need to get ready for school

>> No.14339138

I pray that my bitch of an ex gf smoker gets lung cancer soon

>> No.14339140

>Amerilard thinks eating vitamin rich animal antries over dessert breakfast like cereal, poptarts, pancakes, waffles or whatever sugar covered shit you like to eat


>> No.14339144


You're doing something wrong. Quit eating big dinners at 2AM fatso

>> No.14339161

Read my post again retard-o-matic poster. No morning hunger no matter what I do or don't do

>> No.14339176

Breakfast being the most important meal of the day is a big meme
It holds true however for kids or teens who have to go to school as well for dieting, if you're planning on losing weight, you're better off filling filled with a bowl of oats than snacking donuts, chips and yogurts all day in your office.

>> No.14339180

Maybe if your weren't a layabout and worked a real job, you'd understand the value of a good breakfast.

>> No.14339260

When you say coffee, do you mean made with a moka pot with a robusta mix coffee with milk to make a latte? Cause that's how I think Italians do it.

>> No.14339293
File: 43 KB, 700x556, bo5p1fqmyi1y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed. Finnish breakfast ftw.

>> No.14339368

Both drugs are cringe

>> No.14339373

Why call it "x country" breakfast when each country has a dozen or so of traditional breakfrast dishes?

>> No.14339395

Ill bite. Differnt anon from the one you replied to but i also have been fasting since well before it has becomome a fad. 10is years.OMAD mostly and often do 48hrs. Work a labour intensive job too. I just cant do food at breakfast or during the day and feel fine totaly fine about it. Not a skinny rake either though but i reckon thats cause im pretty much an alky at the weekend.

>> No.14339502


>> No.14339533
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I specifically put the space in there to avoid this post, but it happened anyway.

>> No.14339545


>> No.14339557

Stop destroying language.

>> No.14339638

Skipping breakfast has been shown to aid weightloss as it increases the length of time in fast.

>> No.14339646


>> No.14339660


>> No.14339681

I'm saying that it's better to have a low calorie breakfast if the alternative is to eat junk food in your job.
As in eating before feeling hungry, of course not eating will make you thin faster than eating at a calorie-deficit

>> No.14339696
File: 45 KB, 459x521, Link shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an American and all I have for breakfast is a small muffin or a couple of waffles with some coffee, I'm not really hungry in the mornings but I get way more hungry by lunch if I don't have a light breakfast. I'm one of the 30% of the people in this country that's neither overweight nor obese so maybe that has something to do with it.

>> No.14339814

You act like it's a daily thing to have a stack of flapjacks drowning in syrup, 2 pieces of bacon, 2 breakfast sausages, 2 pieces of sourdough toast with butter, 3 eggs (sunny side up) and hashbrowns. I wish it was, but that's like a once every 6 months breakfast feast.

>> No.14340312

Not in my country. Light morning meal, light evening meal, heavier (though not actually heavy) lunch.

>> No.14340867

We also have a cigarette in breakfast

It's a kellogs meme indeed.
It's an ordinary meal, you can actually skip it if it you don't have some sort of metabolic dysfunction

>> No.14341096

the english language is so fucking stupid. we dropped nukes on the wrong island nation.

>> No.14341097

it's why italians are thinner than ameriblobs

>> No.14341101

Seething and shittastepilled

>> No.14341110

Sounds tasty
Also isn't Italian coffee super strong?

>> No.14342113

Ah yes, croissants, the most famous Italian food

>> No.14342127

Well when you eat your dinner at 9-10pm you're typically not in the mood for a large breakfast. And you're gonna have your siesta and lunch in the early afternoon anyway.

>> No.14342129
File: 108 KB, 768x1152, Cheese-Pancakes-with-Apple-3-768x1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah. Russian here. Also these bad bois rh

>> No.14342145

Checked and classicalpilled

>> No.14342149

Absolute shit. Every cereal is shit bit Kellogs especially

>> No.14342160

In Spain we have a saying that goes:
"Café y cigarro, muñeco de barro" ("Coffe and cigarrette, mud doll".)

I'm telling you this so anglos or northern europeans (the original WE WUZ) can grasp the subtleties of the med lifestyle.

>> No.14342161 [DELETED] 

Better than your shitty family meal for a breakfast.

>> No.14342192

Ahahah man I love Spanish

>> No.14342880
File: 654 KB, 1936x2592, swiss breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14343696

>subtleties of the med lifestyle.
That it's shit? Is that your point?

>> No.14343712

desu i feel bad for anyone that does this.
Pastries don't do shit for you, you need proteins for breakfast because they fill you up and last throughout the day so you can get by til lunch. if you just eat a pastry you'll just be getting hungry and needing a snack.

>> No.14343718

Based Thais know their tourists.

>> No.14343731
File: 10 KB, 56x56, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always have cold black coffee and sometimes a small croissant. A nice ham and cheese croissant is the nicest, but I don't always have them around.

>> No.14343741

peanut butter banana oatmeal, eggs and a glass of milk

>> No.14343744

Fuck pastry, coffee is enough

>> No.14343822

That isn't true,I eat lunch at 1/2 PM with no problems

>> No.14343830

you could eat lunch at 6/7 PM if you ate a breakfast of proteins.

>> No.14343846

I fuckin' love when breakfasts include cold, cured meats. I'll take salami over bacon 9 times out of 10.

>> No.14343870
File: 67 KB, 640x479, 1576427932421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat the finest in American breakfasts.

>> No.14343882

Why should I eat like an American savage? Leave my 3 meals alone

>> No.14343954
File: 25 KB, 630x565, carlson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't that promote diabetes

By what fucking mechanism?

>> No.14343964

You can still have 3 meals.
>midnight snack

>> No.14344593

What do you eat for breakfast daily then?

>> No.14344648

Stuff like pancakes or french toast is great to eat once in a while if you want to have a good breakfast and take your time while you are at it. Otherwise, if you are in a hurry just eat whatever.

>> No.14344743

german breakfast is normally just some cold cuts.....

>> No.14344791

Food invented by slave morality cucks is food for slaves. It's not worth eating.

>> No.14344853
File: 1.19 MB, 5000x5000, 1445053671543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine coping so hard about not having real meat to eat that you call pastries "sweetmeats" and offal "sweetbreads"