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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14328753 No.14328753 [Reply] [Original]

Am in the South, if that matters. Been on the job almost a month.

>> No.14328768


Oh, just forgot to add. I drive

>> No.14328769

I want to learn how to make dominos pizza. do you have any insight into the recipe or process? I am interested in the dough and sauce and how many oz of dough and cheese per large pizza. how do you guys proof your dough?

>> No.14328772


>> No.14328785

Ever had the urge to just eat some of the pizza you deliver? I mean, working late at night having missed dinner in a car full of delicious pizza has to make some cravings.

>> No.14328788

How does it feel to be a virgin? To be a nobody? To be completely interchangeable and have no real value in society? This is why I never tip delivery drivers. Pull yourself up by the boot-straps, kid.

>> No.14328793

what are various ways to get free pizza?

>> No.14328807


I don’t know the particulars of dough. They are sent fresh from a dough factory, and allowed to proof in the back for a few days. The range of 3-5 days is deemed optimal for use. They are deemed optimal if they are puffed up a particular circular pattern from their original size and have the right stretchiness.

As for cheese, it is a mozzarella and provolone mix. Around 4.5 to 5 ounces, I think I remember.


Thank you for replying.

>> No.14328833


It does give some cravings. That being said, if I’m in the mood, I’ll just wait to buy a small for myself at the end of shift. Discounted, it’s about 7 bucks with all the added toppings and dipping Sauces I like.


I used to be a virgin. Didn’t like it. Lost it to some drunk slag at a party. Puss is good.

Yeah, I know I’m a little cog in big Dominos machine. But least I get to drive around, listen to radio, and get cash tips at the end of the day doing it. Better than my last wageslave job.

I’m eventually gonna be a lawfag after I get outta college. Gonna set up a rural practice, find a petite horse girl, and hopefully pump out some blond kids later on.

>> No.14328981

You get discounts on pizza?? If I wasn't a wuss about driving a car I'd hop on that job.

>> No.14328987

call and complain

>> No.14328992
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have you ever fucked a customer's pizza

>> No.14328999
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What vehicle do you use to deliver pizza?

>> No.14329092

Do you sing the pizza pie in my eye song while making pizzas?

>> No.14329125

Jesus Christ, even pizza delivery is too much for this guy. How fucking pathetic can a person even be

>> No.14329132

Nah, I just have PTSD from a car crash that killed someone in the car I was in. But yeah I guess trauma is pretty pathetic huh?

>> No.14329134

How much weed do you smoke?

>> No.14329140

What precautions has your store taken during the pandemic

>> No.14329146

Were all gonna die anon. Live a little

>> No.14329150

>muh ptsd
weak faggot. anyways op how does delivery work in small towns? i worked in a busy part of town and was out driving basically the entire shift, the overtime + (((tip))) was good money. clean up was kinda aids though since i had to close by myself

>> No.14329159

Do you, or any of your co-workers, tamper with the food from regulars you've learned don't tip?

>> No.14329160

Yeah I'll just get in a car, have an episode, crash and die. Doesn't sound like living to me. Sounds a bit like dying.

>> No.14329162


Yep. Dunno what percent.


No. Too steamy hot and not moist enough.


‘13 Elantra stick shift.




None. My customers, though...


Half assed enforcement of mask usage and optional contactless delivery.

>> No.14329164

>he didn’t go down with his ship
Pathetic, you’d be court martialled in ancient times

>> No.14329167

Trauma doesn't make someone a "weak faggot". It's something everyone can get from painful experiences. But I guess you're just so fucking perfect and never have bad memories from anything. Soulless fucking asshole. Fuck off.

>> No.14329168


No. Though the older drivers know many good tippers and bad tippers by name.

>> No.14329208

Life is overrated anyway mate

>> No.14329215

Would you fuck any of your coworkers? Male or female

>> No.14329223

I'm sure there's a trauma subreddit dialed down to your speed, buddy.

>> No.14329233
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I’ve only been there about two and a half weeks. Haven’t got much more than aquatinted with people there.

I have my sights on an art hoe looking chick, a qt petite education major, and maybe a chunky kind of roastie who trained me initially in driving. Depends on how hard I try, I suppose.

>> No.14329238

You think I wanted to be talking about this?? If you could all be fucking civil and not insult every little life choice someone makes I wouldn't to defend myself. But of course I can't just come here and enjoy some threads about fucking cooking, there has to be some asshole mocking trauma or promoting global fascism or some shit. I just wanted to grill. Why can't we just talk about food?

>> No.14329281
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Did little babby have tears running down her cheeks when she typed that up? People die, get over it. You're selfish for using someones death to fuel your own self hatred. Faggot.

>> No.14329297


Lol just ask questions bout pizza you fags

>> No.14329313

You're a horrible piece of insensitive fucking shit and you will never understand what it's like for people who have traumatic experiences. This isn't some tumblr bullshit, this is a real horrific experience that has had an effect on my mental state for years thereafter and has required therapy. You don't get that because you've never had to deal with something like that. But even if you hadn't, you should still be able to sympathize with a fellow human being in suffering. But you can't, because you're a fucking psychopath. You don't do anything to help anyone.

>> No.14329315

Do you like stuffed crust? How do you like your post-work 'za?

>> No.14329523

best pizza to help me cope with trauma over a car wreck?

>> No.14329522

>dough factory
For some reason this just cracks me up
Just the thought of a whole factory for something so basic

>> No.14329534

Lmao shut the fuck up pathetic faggot, grow some fucking nuts and get over it

>> No.14329542

Economy of scale anon, you might be surprised by how many things you purchase have different components all from third parties who send to one spot to assemble

>> No.14329547

Read up on Henry Ford, it'll really blow your mind

>> No.14329680


Get something with a lot of meat. And stuffed cheesy bread. Drown out your sorrows with delicious carbs anon.

And tip 2-3 bucks pls

>> No.14329688

You ever encounter a customer so strung out that they couldn't place or accept an order?

>> No.14329753

Go get in a horrific crash or be in a deadly situation and try "getting over it". Psycho.

>> No.14329774

Stop shitting up my thread.

>> No.14329790

How do you feel when a customer doesn't tip you?
What's the most you've ever been tipped?

>> No.14329817

Not op, but I worked at a small shop in high school. I don't like when people tip, it always made me feel awkward. During christmas time people are retarded with their money, I made 50 bucks in one delivery, a couple hundred over the shift.

>> No.14330092


I don’t get stuffed crust.


Not yet. Though I had some stoned outta of their mind thinking they ordered five items more than they actually did.


Most I’ve been tipped yet is about 7 odd bucks. Usual is 2-3, with the occasional 5.

I don’t like a 0. But I accept it. Some people or groups just ain’t gonna do it as often.

Most tips overall I’ve earned is 65 on one good night. Others I’ve heard can make 100 in a night

>> No.14330141

Op, what is your biggest tip you ever got? Also you ever get a lonely house wife come on to you?

>> No.14330208

How's dealing with Joggers?

>> No.14330280


As stated before, 7 on an individual receipt. 65 total one night.

Not yet. Though I’ve gotten a woman or two in underwear. And probably a whore getting food for a client at a skeevy motel.


I’ve gotten conned out of a pizza and have to deliver to little ghetto areas every other night or so. I use caution as much as reasonably possible. I know my ass is vulnerable. Thinking of getting a ccw (the employers turn a blind eye...)

I just thank god I ain’t in the larger, more criminalistic jogger hive that I go to school in.

Though the closest I got to being robbed was by a meth head looking type at a motel 6. Yet.

Most are average, ok customers who just want their pies. Niceties are given, delivery is made. Most tip a little, but compared to whites, are basically the only group that don’t tip with some regularity.

>> No.14330306

>And tip 2-3 bucks pls
suck my dick and i may give you 50 cents wagie

>> No.14330515

I am not a homosexual.

>> No.14330528


Nah. 50 cents ain’t worth NEET cock

>> No.14331417
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what a car crash of a thread

>> No.14331423

Call, cancel, go into their bins.
I actually had a friend who when drunk asked if I wanted free dominos. He went into the alleyway into their bins and got some.

>> No.14331428

I used to buy weed from a ghanian who was a dominos delivery driver in the UK. He got his pizza for free.

>> No.14331436

mind if i save this image, friend?

>> No.14331441

No. The majority of captains only went down with the ship because they'd lost their livelihood (often had invested in shares of ownership in the ship) and wouldn't work again. No one had to go down because it was the law.

>> No.14331449


>> No.14331450

>Pull yourself up by the boot-straps, kid.
This is an unbelievably stupid idiom, as it's literally impossible.

>> No.14331451
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Save it, its all yours my friend

>> No.14331463

>Though I’ve gotten a woman or two in underwear.
Errr you missed your chance.

>> No.14331469

Shoot them and ask questions later.

>> No.14331477

Have you ever been to NYC or Long Island to taste actually good pizza?

>> No.14331478

Why are you such a faggot. I've never worked for a company where I'm expected to get a tip. Be a bitch all you want but expecting tips is no way to go through life.

>> No.14331496

seethe harder, cunt

>> No.14331499

I've had chances for that, the chicks that do that are not very attractive and likely have diseases and conditions .

>> No.14331504

You make no sense, why would I seethe about not working for some shithole where tips are expected? Explain youself.

>> No.14331552

Yeah right, I'm a cunt yet you're the faggot working for tips. Have a good time explaining that.

>> No.14331557

Are you going to put "working for tips like a whoar" on a resume?

>> No.14331599

Do you get angry when people don't tip despite that being the morally superior option?

>> No.14332439

>thinking idioms are using literal language

>> No.14332571

>Some people or groups just ain’t gonna do it as often.

elaborate please

>> No.14332583

Q: Ever got invited inside at some 60 yo tranny, and thought, What the hell, might as well.

>> No.14332867

>all this excessive spacing
jesus christ, what a fucking eyesore. are you retarded? oh wait, you're a deliveryfag, so yes.

>> No.14332891

Have you encountered a fat cunt pretending to have people over to justify buying pizza?

>> No.14332936

supply chain worker here.
the dough is just basic pizza dough. Water, sugar, salt, oil, flour, yeast.
There is a seasoning blend that goes through a third party to keep it a secret so i cant help you there

>> No.14332945

i like how that started as a question and then turned into an admission

>> No.14332953

Fuck off incel, your ruining the pizza thread

>> No.14332992

that other person died and it's all your fault. i guess you were driving since you're the only one who survived. hope you kill yourself over it.

>> No.14333035

How many black qt females order pizza for themselves? Are u black?

>> No.14333049

Tip is retarded

>> No.14333110


how much of a hassle is it to get paid out your credit card tips? i am doing dominoes contactless delivery pretty frequently and i have been tipping via card online.

>Most I’ve been tipped yet is about 7 odd bucks

sorry that the most you have gotten is 7. i tip 30% for delivery because gas and insurance and niggers that don't tip. i think they know me now cause my food has been getting here in 35 minutes when i order on the day shift.

>> No.14333137

five years ago i ordered a dominoes drunk and passed out before it got there. woke up to five missed calls from the delivery guy. it was right before closing time too, i still feel bad about it. you could say i have PTSD

>> No.14333181
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>> No.14333805

wow so helpful thanks

>> No.14333826

One city I used to live in had stricter licensing requirements if you were mixing dough on site.
Mixing dough offsite and letting it ferment in transit when you're sending bags of other ingredients anyway isn't the worst idea.