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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14327402 No.14327402 [Reply] [Original]

>cut all added/processed sugar (natural sugars in fruit and cereal allowed) from my diet a month and a half ago
>Still get daily cravings for it

Holy shit this is horrible. I feel kind of healthier I guess but it hardly feels worth it. Is this how addicts feel?

>> No.14327415

Wtf does “processed” sugar even mean? Why is natural sugar better? I’m almost convinced at this point “processed” is just a buzzword to scare health freaks.

>> No.14327438

It's more a matter of avoiding foods that pump in ridiculous amounts of sugar.

>> No.14327804

Comparing sugar to drugs is a such a dumb drama queen meme. I get it has to be done sometimes to reach the more stubborn boneheads that will eat several pounds of it a day if you don't try to scare them but for everyone else, its nonsense.

>> No.14327843

Natural sugar, if still contained in the fruit or whatever that you get it from, does not spike your blood sugar as much as the processed sugar does because it's released gradually from the plant cells it's in. Plus fruits usually contain way less sugar and they're more satiating than foods in which the sugar is added.

>> No.14327874

"processed" sugar is bleached, among other really delightful things.

>> No.14327891
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>Wtf does “processed” sugar even mean?
It's another way of saying "refined" sugar. To refine sugar, you take a food source that naturally contains sugars, and you process it to extract just the sugar molecules. That's how you get table sugar and HFCS.
It's now an isolated ingredient, divorced from whatever nutrients or fiber or whatever it naturally occurred with. Which is great if you want to sweeten something without making it taste like orange juice or beets or marsh canes or corn.
People gripe that it's "empty calories" because it's separated from the vitamins and proteins and fats and whatnot. But that's only a problem if you're ingesting refined sugar INSTEAD of other foods, rather than as an additive to them.
It's really only a problem in large amounts. Because it's not in a form your body evolved to encounter naturally, your body has problems processing it. It's been broken away from the compounds and fats and proteins that your body uses for regulating blood sugar, etc. And so excessive intake of refined sugar can lead to increased belly fat, diabetes, leptin resistance (the hormone that says you're full, stop eating), heart problems, etc.
There's a reason the sugar industry lobbied so hard for so long to get people to blame fat for their health problems. It was refined sugar all along. But come on, just eat a healthy diet, minimize processed snacks and soft drinks, and then enjoy the occasional dose of the stuff without worrying about it.

>> No.14327899

>le booger industry
Changes nothing about the science behind fats which has their own lobbyists

>> No.14327902

>Is this how addicts feel?
Never had a sugar addiction, but had loads of others
The cravings mostly went away after a few years
I know it's not easy, but you are doing the right thing
Good luck

>> No.14327907

>Is this how addicts feel?
You would know, addict

>> No.14327995


>> No.14327997

>Be addicted to heroin
>Smoke opium because it's natural and unprocessed
>Hurr durrr why do I still have cravings

I cut ALL sugar out and cravings disappeared in about two weeks, are you too retarded to understand how addiction works? Either you get none of the drug or just a little and relapse. Even sweeteners may be forbidden for some because these will cause cravings and overeating just like sugar.

>> No.14328001

I had a sugar addiction. Easily 5-600 calories of chocolate a day + other sources of sugar. I'm not fat because I fast but didn't like being so dependent on my sugar hit. If you feel it's an addiction then treat it like one, figure out what triggers it and what makes you reach for the sugar. You say you feel like shit atm but what do you generally eat? The crash from sugar shouldn't last this long unless you're now giving yourself carb crashes or something instead.

>> No.14328189

Both sugar and fats contribute to causing diabetes. But fats do it twice as badly.

>> No.14328765

I'm going through the exact same thing bro. It sucks ass. My life has no joy or comfort.

>> No.14328822

You are beyond retarded. Show me proof, cunt.

>> No.14329003

only took me two weeks to not get cravings, I think you might be a broken man

>> No.14329014

I want to cut it too. The issue is that it is literally everywhere in any product besides sparkling water and fresh egetables. I don't really feel like eating only broccoli for the rest of my life..

>> No.14329025

you people are fucking idiots and won't make it long term because you're being ridiculous. you can eat sugar. you can have it every day, even--just dont be a stupid fat fuck and go over your daily allowance of 35g of sugar. count up what you eat. if you're going to have a slice of cheesecake in one day, you just have to plan around the rest of the day. it isn't hard. this whole "hooo i will cut out sugar/fats/carbs/etc completely to be healthyyy" rhetoric is stupid and won't work for you long term.

everything in moderation.

t. lost 30 pounds in the past 4 months doing no exercise at all--just watching my calories and my intake of fats/sugars/etc

>> No.14329066

how do you know youre craving specifically sugar?

>> No.14329074

actually hold on, i'm not finished, what the fuck are you talking about with sugars in cereal being allowed? what natural sugars? it's goddamn cereal, one of the worst offenders of overdosing kids with copious amounts of sugar. you havent fucking quit sugar at all if you're still eating boxes of that shit--no wonder you get cravings.

>> No.14329197

>no fruit
>no veggies
Imma pass on your psycho-diet

>> No.14329714

there is pretty much no difference between natural sugar and "processed" sugar. sugar is sugar, made up of sucrose and glucose. High Fructose Corn syrup is highly processed and probably the worst thing you could ever eat.

You can still get diabetes from drinking fruit juice just as easily as drinking sodas.

it's the added sugar that is most of the problem.

and of course you get cravings for it, your brain wants it for energy fuck what it does to the rest of your body. BRAIN WANT SUGAR!

>> No.14329724

>I cut ALL sugar out and cravings disappeared in about two weeks
liar on both counts.

well that's wrong.

congratulations, you will gain it all back and more. SOON!

>> No.14329737

>congratulations, you will gain it all back and more. SOON!
lmao i dont think so. i actually have a modicum of self control unlike half the people in this thread

>> No.14329748

yes, that's what they all say. you may do it for 1, 2, maybe 4 years but then you start to slip, maybe get a little older, life catches you up, but everyone... EVERYONE gains it all back.

>> No.14329757

sounds like loser talk, friend

>> No.14329764

Stop eating sugary cereal? Stick to bran or muesli for breakfast, and use nuts and trail mix for energy during the day and eat a veggie heavy lunch. Dinner should be healthy meats with vegetables. At least avoid fast food, that has tons of sugar, even in savoury dishes. That's the hook.

>> No.14329814

he's right actually. And if you try to eat anything sweet, it tastes like burning and poison

>> No.14329987

you have to eliminate all sugar
eat only fat and proteins

>> No.14329996

sugar is worse than cocaine don't eat it

>> No.14330011

I have never liked sweets or sugar, aside from fruit. Giving up shit like soda and candy and pastries was never even a challenge, since I never liked them to begin with.

>> No.14330984

You could not be more wrong. Not only does dietary fat NOT have a causal role in diabetes, some fats have even been shown to help PREVENT it. (Well, reduce the risk of developing Type 2, to be pedantic.)

>> No.14331717

This is an interesting thread, but I don't notice a difference between processed/unprocessed sugars. I do get the addiction/compulsion feeling but it's pretty controllable.

I do notice that complex and simple carbohydrates have different effects on the addiction feeling. It's the simpler sugars that trigger it more, and immediately as well.

Aspartame triggers immediate compulsion for me. I might normally drink 1 can of sugar soda in a day, but I will drink like 3 cans of aspartame soda one after another, compulsively. So I don't buy that stuff anymore.

>> No.14331827

>lost 30 pounds in the past 4 months

That's too fast to be healthy. What's your diet?

>> No.14331834

Not American sugar cube cereals. Actual cereals, like porridge and bran flakes.

>> No.14331837

Good for you. What was the point of this post?

>> No.14331856

stop shitposting, you low life insect

>> No.14331921

Food me the problem is sweets. I know they're terrible but I have to fight a constant urge for them. I wish there was a way to have them without all the sugar (and chemicals). I don't want to be a fatty any more though, and sweets are mostly to blame for my fatness.

>> No.14331928

This is mostly true but you will still get diabetes from eating a fruit-based diet and this is well-documented.
They are lower on the glycemic index but still a problem due to the sugars.
Fructose in some ways is worse than processed granular glucose.

>> No.14331939
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Imagine being a Kashi buyer thinking that sticks and twigs are better than just coating your bran with sugar.
Look, it's still a carb overload even if it's meusli with lots of fiber and a lower glycemic index.
The meusli pretentiousness is ridiculous.
It's still pure empty carbs. Bacon and eggs is better for you in every single way.

>> No.14332014

>muh keto

That diet isn't even human.

>> No.14332025

What makes sugar in fruits better is fiber

>> No.14332033

Because it's what keeps the sugar releasing gradually. Because the plant cell walls are made of fiber. Just adding isolated fiber to isolated sugar may help a bit but it won't have the same effect as eating whole fruit.

>> No.14332039

use aspartame instead
you should be cutting fat out of your diet, not sugar.

>> No.14332058

Why are you allowing cereal? Most of them still have quite a bit of sugar so it's going to promote unhealthy cravings, unless you're just eating something like plain corn flakes or Wheaties.

There isn't anything wrong with craving a bit of sugar as long as you get it from healthy sources though. We have tastebuds for sweetness because sweet food can be healthy, like with fruit. And fruit is more satiating than eating candy or drinking soda for your sugar, so you won't really binge on it in the same way. Not that it really matters because the sugar in fruit doesn't seem to cause any problems anyway, as long as you consume the whole fruit and not a processed form of it like with juice.

If you can find good quality milk then even plain it tastes a bit sweet and is a good way to sate that craving in a healthy way too.

>> No.14332062

Eating grains is not human, and this is a scientific fact.
Humans are not evolved to subsist on plant matter.
The Ag Revolution is 10,000 years old, just a blink in evolutionary terms.
refute this book protip you can't it's spiling over with citations.

>> No.14332071

People were making bread from wild grains before agriculture started. Populations that practiced more farming already produce more amylase in their saliva which helps better digest starchy food.

>> No.14332077

>sugar so it's going to promote unhealthy cravings, unless you're just eating something like plain corn flakes

That's literally what I'm eating. I actually like them a lot. I know they still have some sugar in them but it's the most enjoyable thing I'm eating at the moment.

>> No.14332099

Eating grains is what made us human.

>> No.14332118

Can you notice the sweetness in them? To most people plain corn flakes would probably just taste bitter. I had to cut sweet stuff out of my diet, even fruit, and I started noticing that iceberg lettuce even had a really mild sweetness to it. I'll drink plain milk now like dessert because it tastes really sweet to me after giving up added sugar.

As long as you keep your sugar threshold low so you don't need ridiculous amounts of it for something to taste sweet, you're probably fine. Added sugar isn't even really bad as long as you aren't consuming that much of it. The daily limit is recommended to be around 30g but you have people consuming double or triple or even more than that every day, and that's when the problems start. But craving something sweet is normal, you just want to be sure that you're craving fruit or something with low levels of added sugar, instead of craving something like soda.

>> No.14332146
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Quite specifically eating meat made us human. It's well known the feedback loop of dense protein rich foods and brain size which allowed more hunting is what rocketed human evolution. Brain development is absolutely dependent on animal cholesterol as well, only highly-industrrialized animal fats can be adapted to grow a human fetus and not even optimally in the best case.

Funny how Pre-natal vitamins are dense in the nutrients a fetus needs: Iron and b-complex vitamins. You know, the substances easily found in red meat but which CANNOT be found in any single-regions plant crops. You need a worldwide logistics system to make them available to fetuses without consuming meat.
Humans quite literally cannot subsist on a plant diet without severe health problems.

Diabetes is a worldwide epidemic. Eating grains is responsible for this.

Humans CAN eat a lot of food, but we're evolved to eat meat, beyond the shadow of a doubt. From molecular biology to medicine to anthropology, this is irrefutable.

>> No.14332154

A sedentary agricultural lifestyle won out over a nomadic hunting/foraging lifestyle because humans averaged a baby every 2 years as opposed to every 4 years, since there was no longer any pressure for the child to be able to walk on its own before birthing the additional burden.

>> No.14332160

>Humans quite literally cannot subsist on a plant diet without severe health problems.
Saying that we ate grains before agriculture isn't saying we should all be vegan. People were eating both meat and bread as hunter-gatherers, which makes sense, since our biology seems to point to us being omnivores. Diabetes is a complex problem that you can't entirely blame on grains. People with normal healthy diets who exercise and consume whole grains usually aren't diabetic. People who eat too much in general and eat too much processed food are more likely to be diabetic. Modern food processing + overabundance of cheap food + lack of exercise can cause a lot of problems until someone puts in the effort of learning how to moderate everything.

>> No.14332164

This is actually known as The Agricultural Compromise.

Babies got a huge brain long, long, long before Agriculture.

But Agriculture, even though it can grow a lot of humans in a stable settlement, also brings diseases from animals, close proximity, and living in your own filth.

Ag settlements can support more warriors, though, even though each individual warrior is not as strong or long-lived as a hunter-gatherer warrior, so it's no contest. An army of 1,000 weak, sickly guys can beat 10 Ultrawarriors every time.

>since there was no longer any pressure for the child to be able to walk on its own before birthing the additional burden.

Humans evolved tool use, like bladder water-bags and slings for babies, long before agriculture or settlement.

The fact a baby is born prematurely is because a human female cannot be a nomadic gatherer and still have a pubic process and pelvis large enough to birth a mature baby.

But the hunting advantage of intelligence is so powerful, it causes massive Sexual Dimorphism in humans where a human female is much weaker relatively than other simian females compared to their males.

So long before Ag, human females had huge birth canals and hips, were unable to hunt and fight, and had the tools to carry immature babies.

That's because all of the power of a brain which needs meat to develop in 9 months until the baby is JUST small enough to make it out w/o killing Mom, and the liesure time to make tools (HGs only work like 5 hours a week), and the brain power to make tools and communications, languages, legends, clothes, etc, made us human.

Humans are human to eat meat. This is not even a controversy in Science.

You can eat one antelope a week and sit around all day knapping arrowheads and dreaming up ways to conquer your foe's women and impregnate them.

>> No.14332165

Pretty sure the idea is that if prediabetics and fat fucks stop adding shitloads of sugar to everything, but otherwise leave their diet alone, they'll end up eating a lower calorie and lower GI diet with the same nutrients they were already getting, whereas telling them they shouldn't eat fruit will make their diet even worse. This advice won't help normal people who don't add two literal cups of brown sugar to spag bol or porridge, so it confuses them.

Some other people are advocating replacing refined sugar with honey or beetroot juice or whatever, but those people are idiots.

>> No.14332175

Humans are Hunter Gatherers, which is why we have an omnivorous diet. That and we evolved from plant-eaters to meat-eaters.

The thing is, we can live without grains and even vegetables, but unless you have a super-advanced society, humans cannot survive without meat.

In the middle ages, peasants might only get a few portions of meat a week or month, but it was absolutely essential as if meat ran out, the deficiency illnesses set in. That becomes an issue when peasants become useful as Troopers, because you can't have your concentration camp victims that can sort of run a tenant farm go fight people who eat enough meat and are strong and fit.

When Westerners who subsisted mostly on grains met Red Men, the Noble Savage idea was born b/c the Hunter Gatherers were tall, straight, with glossy hair, all their teeth, no rickets, gout, or varicose veins, while the Europeans had all of those ailments.

But the Europeans had a huge culture with ENOUGH peopel eating meat to be creative and inventive, and huge armies of people ill-fed on grain to overwhelm the Indians.

Humans are evolved to eat meat, beyond the shadow of a doubt. You don't have to eat any vegetable matter, and many, many groups of humans don't unless they absolutely have to.

Again, it takes a massive logistics system with advanced technology and a HUGE environmental footprint to live on vegetable matter even somewhat healthy, but many Inuit eat exslusively meat with no problem.

The health problems for them begin when the begin eating a western plant-based diet.

>> No.14332178

>Some other people are advocating replacing refined sugar with honey or beetroot juice or whatever, but those people are idiots.
I hate how packaged foods started listing "evaporated cane juice" as an ingredient instead of sugar. It's basically the same thing. Consuming too much sugar isn't healthy just because you switched from white sugar to brown sugar or honey or anything else. Sometimes you just have to cut back completely.

>> No.14332270




(Couldn't find the full article free anymore but that site talks about it)



>> No.14332277

i empirically tested multiple drinks over the course of several months and came to the conclusion that high fructose corn syrup rapes my guts while cane sugar only molests them

>> No.14332278

Did you blind the experiment, you colossal faggot?

>> No.14332344

>Can you notice the sweetness in them?

Yes actually. They taste quite sweet to me now, almost like a dessert.

>> No.14332380

Jains disagree with your meat autism, and they've survived for thousands of years. I'm a meat eater but implying it's 100% necessary to survive is total bullshit.

>> No.14332394

Type 2 and pre-diabetes can literally be cured by going keto or fasting. The fact that your body creates stores of fat to consume at a later date when food is scarce should be enough to realize that its safe to eat.

>> No.14332399

It's easy as fuck to cut a ton of weight without being unhealthy. You can literally cut 1-2 pounds a day while. Being overweight is a million times more metabolically stressful than burning through some of your fat reserves.

>> No.14333407
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do you really think so? i feel like that's a good pace to lose considering i'm not starving myself. anyway, i had a gallbladder attack and the doctor told me to cut out a bunch of shit immediately, so ive stopped eating anything fried, greasy, overly fatty, and overly surgary. most of my meals consist of turkey, chicken, seafood, fruits, vegetables, and grain products now. i suppose it goes without saying but fast food was completely dropped too. i went from 210 at time of attack to currently 180 and feelin pretty solid about it.

>> No.14333457

What did it do, start kicking your? Seems violent, maybe he needs to be policed.

>> No.14333541

the uh. the gallbladder?

>> No.14333582

Yes, you said it attacked.

>> No.14333745

since this thread is still up, here's some more from a post i found

Renal and metabolic effects of three months of decarbonated cola beverages in rats
>Coke increases insulin sensitivity in rats.

High fat diet-induced hyperglycemia: prevention by low level expression of a glucose transporter (GLUT4) minigene in transgenic mice.
>Rats fed a pufa diet have impaired glycemic control. Increased GLUT4 expression is protective.

[Contribution of free fatty acids to impairment of insulin secretion and action. mechanism of beta-cell lipotoxicity].

Effect of lipid oxidation on the regulation of glucose utilization in obese patients
>High FFA impairs glucose disposal.

>> No.14333770

Based factanon.

>> No.14333787

well, specifically the gallbladder itself was attacked by my shitty diet and merely shared its pain with me, so i cant be too hard on it really. the doctors are planning to remove it anyway

>> No.14335358

This. Kids' cereal is cheating af. You're getting tons of milk sugars, corn syrup, and wheat or corn carbs.

Eat oatmeal with fruit or honey like a grown up. Use the sweeteners to enhance flavors not as 50% of the meal. Half sugar instant oatmeal is just as bad.

ultra carnivores. Eating predator animals shows up in isotope studies.

As far as creating a diet today to best mental and physical results, I'd aim for nutrient dense foods. Use chemically clean meats and produce. Regulate your fat and carb intakes as needed, both are in fact needed.

>> No.14335443

You're on /ck/ friend. This is a place where you can start learning how to use actual food rather than pouring it into your mouth straight out of the box or bag.

>> No.14336778

In English, doc

>> No.14336846
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Cooking made us humans, it cut down in digestion time and allowed the energy that used to go to the intestines to start developing the brain instead.

>> No.14337107

Yeah people always talk about meat and cooking and evolution, but cooking also let us easily extract a lot more calories from root vegetables too which people were eating before agriculture started as well.

>> No.14337240


>> No.14338859

>Still get daily cravings for it
Yeah that's natural and normal.

>> No.14338864

Men who eat fruit also increase the amount of abdominal fat they have.

>> No.14338914

How much fucking fruit do you have to eat to get fat from it?

>> No.14339266

It's fine.

>> No.14339278

>you should be cutting fat out of your diet
holy shit. Imagine writing that these days. Your thinking is about 40 years out of date.

>> No.14339611

>that spacing

>> No.14339629

>the doctors are planning to remove it anyway
I'd resist that idea. If you've only had one episode of gallstones or cholecystitis (which ever you mean by a "gallbladder attack") I'd hold off.

>> No.14340059

>>14339611 just clump everything into one paragraph like the nigger you are dont even punctuate or separate your ideas in any way you fat cunt

>> No.14340934

>look at how he recoils, "I've been found out".
kek. If the only way you can do that is by double spacing every line, you have to go back.
>just clump everything into one paragraph like the nigger you are dont even punctuate or separate your ideas in any way you fat cunt
The irony of that sentence.

>> No.14341418

do you really think so? my attack was sometime in march and it's currently july. i've had minor pains, cramps, and tightness on occasion in that area, but never for very long. i've continued to eat healthier and maintain my sugars/fats/carbs etc as well and dont see me stopping any time soon. regardless, the doctor said it wasn't a case of 'if' id have another gallbladder attack, but when.

in all honesty, i really dont want the operation. my mom had hers removed and it gave her IBS. if i have to live the rest of my life eating with this diet to avoid having it taken out, i'm completely fine with that

>> No.14341484

>do you really think so?
Yes. With no gallbladder digesting certain foods will be largely impossible, in 10% of cases symptoms persist (but the complication don't).
Is your doctor planning a full cholecystectomy, or just an incision at the neck?
Have you had any investigations since your 'attack'? What was your attack, stones or inflammation?
Are you in the US? If so makes sense your doc is telling you it's a case of when not if. Pretty sure in the UK you have to either have multiple attacks or need it removed in serious ongoing cases.
It's been a while since I was thrown out of medical school in my final year, but I wouldn't want my gallbladder out.

>> No.14341534

i was told that gallstones and sludge had formed inside my gallbladder, the attack being the stones getting lodged in some tube or something. i had a ct scan that night (i think? i went into a machine) as well as an ultrasound. the surgeon i was referred to said that, with my medical report, he'd perform a cholecystectomy on me.

but yeah, no attacks since then. i appreciate you taking the time to respond to me, by the way

>> No.14341583

Yeah, sounds like your stones blocked the duct and either tried to squeeze them out, or became really inflammed.
Did they try any treament that night? Sometimes they'll try to pulverise the stones with ultrasound or laproscopically try to make a small cut it the duct so the stones can sort of drop out (ERCP).
Obviously I'm just anon from the internet who could be taking a break from fingerpainting with my shit. But I wouldn't be eager to lose my gallbladder at a young age
> i appreciate you taking the time to respond to me, by the way
Might as well be productive with my insomnia

>> No.14342090

make from scratch
learn how to use spices
make your sauces yourself

I look at the back of a bag of food and find out it has 2000 calories, but if I made my own equivalent 700-900 calories, sometimes less.

hell, pizza, I look at the calories on a large store bought and its near 2500, I make my own and look at the calories, and i'm still around 1300

making your own food from scratch is the easiest way to diet, because not only do you have to want to make food, you aren't putting added shit into it to make it more addictive.

>> No.14342094

cut sugar out of your diet, make your own food, rice, and take some vitamins while you do this, and see how long it is till you crave something, and then look at its sugar content.

>> No.14342103

processed is generally added sugar, and when you cant taste sugar in the food, you have to question why its there at all, generally it's where you make you addicted to what you are eating.
when a craving kicks in, you wont know what it was about the food that you liked, you will just want that food again.

while unprocessed is generally just the shit thats in what you are eating naturally, like an apple or banana, this generally does not hit an addiction center for the food.

some people the addiction is bad to the point they can't function for a while, some people it makes them sick as fuck, for me it was more or less benign.

>> No.14342112

>for me it was more or less benign.
That's because it wasn't a true addiction, because sugar isn't addictive. An addictive substances causes symptoms of withdrawal that make someone unwell at the very least, and can kill at the worst. Alcohol, heroin, nicotine and benzos are examples of addictive substances.
Sugar is not.

>> No.14342122 [DELETED] 

fuck off cunt I'm too busy for that shit

>> No.14342146

takes a few seconds to make the spices if you have a grinder
sauces are literally boil and simmer, set timer, takes 3 minutes to set up
pizza takes 4 minutes of hands on time with dough, and then 10 minutes to shape and put shit on it when you want to make it.

you either have to live with putting shit inside you, or make your own meals that you decide the shit that goes in you.

cut all sugar then and tell us how you feel, most people equate it to a 2 week to month long flu

>> No.14342173

>t. keto kultist

>> No.14342191

Dietary fat being unhealthy has been debunked for the most part, you don't have to be on the keto diet to know that. You need some fat in your diet to properly absorb nutrition, and some studies show that low fat diets might even slightly increase your risk of a stroke. Eating fat doesn't mean you'll be overweight unless you're consuming too many calories in general.

>> No.14342221 [DELETED] 

I told you cunt I don't have time for that shit. I'm fucking busy mate

>> No.14342246

either lying or profoundly shit as scheduling.

>> No.14342273

stevia, monkfruit, xylitol, allulose, erythritol, inulin

>> No.14343531

>cut all sugar then and tell us how you feel, most people equate it to a 2 week to month long flu
Done it several times for about 6 montbs. Most people are pussies who somatise their psychological dependency. I doubt they've ever seriously had the flu either, and are just faggots who think a cold is the same thing.
Post examples of people with serious withdrawals or who died after going cold turkey
Protip:you can't.

>> No.14343536

>t. moron ministry

>> No.14344612

Is sugar really that bad?

>> No.14344923

No. Just don't be silly with it. A lot of soi morons itt who think it's meth or something.

>> No.14345020

If added sugar is kept under 30g per day and you have a healthy diet otherwise, it seems fine. Problem is that a lot of people go way over 30g on top of just eating garbage all the time.

>> No.14345062

Eating a lot of carbs + sugar at the same time is a one way ticket to fatassery. But sugar in regulation is harmless

>> No.14345095

Everyone be sure to follow this reddit expert's grammar rules for 4chan posting. Upvote and subscribe.

>> No.14345222

the thing about sugar is that we're designed to want it. It's easy to uncontrollably consume in excess. Anything in excess can be harmful

>> No.14345655

Its only bad because it can make you fat more easily than other things
And being fat is REALLY that bad.

If you are not fat and not getting fat, then its not that bad.

>> No.14345663


>> No.14347069

Cope harder, retard.

>> No.14347478

Not as much as you think. I can eaisly put away a pound of cherries without thinking about it. If I put away a pound of bacon in a sitting, I'd want to die.

>> No.14347519

Sugar isn't addictive.
You're just a fat shit with no self discipline.

>> No.14347996

yeah, but the meme is that one can of goga gola :DDDDD has 39 grams

>> No.14348003

it's worse as you age, metabolism slows, no longer have a regular exercise schedule, but you continue chugging bebsi and eating processed garbage where the key is to pack every unit with as much oil, fat, and sugar as possible per unit.