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File: 60 KB, 809x811, crush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14326652 No.14326652 [Reply] [Original]

No exotic or foreign sodas/drinks, only American rare sodas/drinks. Ill start us off: Grapefruit Toronja Crush

>> No.14326658
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>> No.14326670

holy fuck that sounds delicious

>> No.14327349

Any of you guys ever had Hi-C Orange Vanilla?
Literally the tastiest fucking drink out there bros.
There's like a 50/50 chance any Burger King or Wawa near you has one of those touch screen soda machine. Next time you bros go there, give yourself a quarter of a cup of try it.

>> No.14327423

Watermelon Crush. Hard for me to find watermelon anything really. I dunno why watermelon soda is niche.

>> No.14328394
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>> No.14328427

Always found it kind of trippy that cream soda is usually clear or brown in the states. I'm used to it being green or bright red like that.

>> No.14328428
File: 204 KB, 1060x846, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... hang on why does that specify "red" cream soda?
What other colors are there?

>> No.14328432

>written in spanish
dios mio...

>> No.14328437

I have a guy on snapchat, he sells weed, shrooms and rare foreign sodas he buys online kek. One time he sold me grape flavored thc syrup and some faygo which you can't get here in leafland, it was a nice combo.

>> No.14328459
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Because cream soda is not red.

>> No.14328477

Don't tell me what to do.

>> No.14328532
File: 123 KB, 680x975, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But cream soda is grenadine flavored. It's supposed to taste like an old fashioned ice cream float.

>> No.14328670

>sugar water

>> No.14328856

There's this soda I've been looking to find for YEARS. Natakhtari cream lemonade; supposedly it tastes like drinking God's titty milk. I've called a literal dozen of rare soda shops, no dice.

Tried to find any place you can buy it online and have it shipped to the US. Nope.

Please help me, anons. I just want to taste this soda. Just a bottle.

>> No.14328899

Have you tried calling a proxy shipper?
Their whole job is to arrange shipping for things that aren't shipped by the original seller.

>> No.14328915

Any place I can find that does sell it online only accepts Romainia-bux, to start.

>> No.14328918

For me, it's raspberry-lime Hi-C

>> No.14328920

Where do I find this?

>> No.14328929

Well, duh. You would be buying it locally and then paying a local to ship it to you.

>> No.14328932

Look it up. You can't buy it without a Romanian cc.

>> No.14328958

So you haven't asked a proxy buyer to buy it for you?
Have you looked into those international food exchange groups on forums? at all?

>> No.14329363

That's a thing?

>> No.14329416
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I'm the only person alive who loved these.

>> No.14329469

My mom used to mix juice and 7up for us as kids and call them “juice ups”. Never tried that though.

>> No.14329490

5 minutes in startpage later, this restaurant in Philadephia sells it. Where you at?

>> No.14329499
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>> No.14329513

this shit was amazing

>> No.14329528
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>> No.14329613

I would suck your dick out of solidarity. Thank you.

>> No.14329622

>But cream soda is grenadine flavored.
Red cream soda is, yes, and that's why it's called red cream soda. But not regular cream soda.

>> No.14329766
File: 153 KB, 630x2027, FrostieBlueCream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's also blue I know that for a fact

>> No.14329779

thank you for childhood mamories

>> No.14329795

Haven't seen this in 25 years, at least.

>> No.14329855
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I can only find it at one local pizza place and [sometimes?] a Tops in my homewtown anyway, but I remember it being good shit.

>> No.14329862

It's alright.
I do like it better than Sprite or 7UP.

>> No.14329879
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20191116_081503_288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harpoon makes a root beer. I've heard that years ago they used to bottle it and sell it in Massachusetts, but now you can only get it by going to the brewery itself. Can't even get a growler of it. Damn shame, it's bretty gud.

>> No.14329897
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This isn't rare, it's extinct.
It was good, though.

>> No.14329933

Didn't even realized I missed RC until I went back to NEPA in January.

>> No.14329962

Called the resturant, was told that they're closing soon but the manager will happily talk with me tomorrow after 10.

I could cum in you, anon. Thank you.

>> No.14329979
File: 24 KB, 300x400, pepsi_holiday_spice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In with extinct sodas, I miss this so dearly.

>> No.14329991

Let me guess, you're an upstate NY fag?
That's the only place I've seen those, and the only place I've heard of that has Tops (Wegman's is better, btw, fite me).

>> No.14330000

Wow, never saw this. Must have been good.

>> No.14330020

Good luck, hope your within a drive to try it or the owner's a bro, never heard of it or I would have tried it when I lived in the city.

>> No.14330026

But it's regular cream soda.

>> No.14330032

If I can trust my memory on how it tasted to still be worth a damn, it truly was a christmas inspired pepsi.

>> No.14330039

I wonder why they didn't continue selling it at Xmas time? Oh well.

>> No.14330061

for me, it's dnL

>> No.14330062
File: 227 KB, 762x628, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to break this to you, but you are simply wrong. Cream soda is typically vanilla flavored and either clear or beige-colored. Red cream soda is cream soda that's cherry flavored and dyed red.

>> No.14330071

Nah. I've never seen yellow cream soda in my life.

>> No.14330082
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I don't know where you live, but it's all over the place here in Michigan.

>> No.14330108

Yeah well, so's Faygo. Not a good example.

>> No.14330121
File: 798 KB, 1202x2638, Boylan-Bottling-Creme-Glass-bottled-soda-pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14330186

Not within a drive, but I'll pay basically anything to have a case shipped out to me.

If you want to know where I found out about this (apparently) godly nectar:
https://kingofromania.com/2014/10/23/a-filing-of-childish-happiness-and-being-carefree/ Some random romainian blog which might have uncovered election fraud (and then disappeared). I read this back in 2016. It's been four years. I NEED this soda. I crave it with every fiber of my body. If you gave me the choice between chowing down on some snatch or cracking open a cold cream lemonade, I'm picking this lemonade every time.

>> No.14330199
File: 152 KB, 1344x2046, josta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest in peace

>> No.14330234

Blue cream soda is fantastic

>> No.14330255

>url is obviously referencing strong nostalgia
I sure hope you aren't disappointed, buddy.

>> No.14330256
File: 30 KB, 480x262, jones-soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were everywhere in the early 2000s. Loved them as a teenager.
It's been years since I've seen them anywhere.
Target also used to sell limited Halloween flavors like candy corn and caramel apple but that also stopped happening a few years ago.

>> No.14330262
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>> No.14330283

I remember, when I was around 8-10 years old, my friends older brother got one of these at a gas station convenience store, and I was blown away by the fact there are other brands other than the shit that's most advertised.
Like, there's more soda than Coke, Mountain Dew and Sprite, etc.? Goddamn.
I loved the Green Apple and Blue, which was bubble gum or something.

>> No.14330284

I saw these around last summer, think I had one or two. Haven't seen them since, though.

>> No.14330344

It's not, read the article

>> No.14330354

Saw them in a 7/11 the other day, wondered if I should pick them up. I'll buy one and ship it to you for bitcoin.

Check convienence stores for these, too.

>> No.14330363

Jones are bretty good, pretty common too at least down here in leafland. Also my buddy got one of his pictures on a label which is pretty neat.

>> No.14330372

>Also my buddy got one of his pictures on a label which is pretty neat.
Find it and share:

>> No.14330391

I'm suggesting it might be a regional difference, anon, that's exactly what makes Faygo a good example.

>> No.14330397

Faygo is an obscure regional soda, which is why it is a poor example.

>> No.14330404

Wrong. Kino patrician taste anon.

>> No.14330419

i see them all the time in florida but never tried them

>> No.14330421
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Alternatively if you cant find >>14326652 you can try pic related. Same shit and pretty tasty ngl

>> No.14330436
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If you know, you know.

>> No.14330439
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Most unique cola flavor I have tasted. Can only get them at my local Safeway.

>> No.14330442
File: 157 KB, 500x750, RedRibbon_Punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pennsylvania punch. descendant of Delaware punch (which may also survive). made from the flavor of delaware varietal grapes. great flavor. was super duper popular in the 20s etc. once you try you wont forget. if they made a sugar free version of this i would drink it by the gallon every day until i exploded. it is by far my clearest flavor memory from early childhood, a visceral reaction that even defeats jolly rancher sour apple, shasta grape soda, spiced apple yogurt, garibaldi raisin cookies, botan rice candy, screaming yellow zonkers, life savers, and necco wafers.

>> No.14330495

Speaking of obscure foods: Remember skittles xtrmeme?

Excuse the fuck out of me?

Squirt is pretty godly.

>> No.14330498

is big red not widely available in the US?

t. texanon

>> No.14330516
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i miss it so much

>> No.14330553

>Why is that called RED cream soda? Isn't all cream soda cherry flavored?"
>No, cream soda is vanilla-flavored.
>I've never seen that before in my life.
>Here are a few examples and a snippet about the origins of cream soda.
>No, I still believe all cream soda is inherently cherry flavored and vanilla cream soda does not exist.
>Maybe it's just not common where you live. Where I live we have a popular regional brand that sells vanilla cream soda so it's all over the place.
>Yeah, well that brand is only where you live so you need to pick a more national example.
I am literally saying the reason you don't see vanilla cream soda is due to regional differences, so how does a regional brand not perfectly illustrate that point?

>> No.14330569

You are excused. Only know that shit even exists because Juggalo scum make such a big deal about it.

>> No.14330590
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A&W cream soda is both the most common in the country and not regional, so what the fuck is the argument here?
The dude who is wrong about cream soda is just wrong. His ignorance isn't really important.
How common is cream soda? So common I found it at Kaldi coffee farm in Japan, where "cream soda" usually refers to a melon soda float with vanilla ice cream.

>> No.14330603

rock and rye is pretty good, its like a cherry cream soda. and only $.99 for 24 oz

>> No.14330619

I find these all the time where I live. Not popular, but not at all rare. Big red(and blue) are super rare where I live, but I see them in texas whenever I'm there.

Pibb is a lot more rare where I live, especially nowadays. I can't say I know of any rare or discontinued sodas though, aside from probably any forgettable hipster sodas that aren't from national scale companies.

>> No.14330632

I've never had the Mr. Pibb, but I do like Pibb Xtra.
People all over the internet swear there is a difference, but I'm sure I'd like both.

>> No.14330640


Maybe everybody knew this already, but I just looked it up and toronja means grapefruit in spanish. I've never tried OP's soda, so I figured that toronja would be an extra flavor in addition to the grapefruit.

>> No.14330648

I'm pretty sure I've had them both, but it's been a very long time since I've tried or seen mr pibb specifically. I'm pretty sure they taste mostly the same, if memory serves.

>> No.14330682

>A&W cream soda is both the most common in the country and not regional, so what the fuck is the argument here?
I was trying to rationalize why someone would not have heard of vanilla cream soda, but I guess he's just ignorant as you say.

>> No.14330699

I liked it

>> No.14330700

but what is it?

>> No.14330706


t. Other Texas anon

>> No.14330712
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>big red
That's a bubble gum, this is the real shit.

>> No.14330746

>Bangs Big Red edition

>> No.14330765
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Also birch beer > root beer > "cream" soda

>> No.14330767
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Cooler full of these assorted makes me think of 00s family get togethers, teva sandal shit. Cherry lime best of course notable mention their rootbeer

>> No.14330773

what does it taste like?

>> No.14330811


root beer

>> No.14330814

Best way to describe it would be root beer but more aromatic and drier. Depends on the brands you have had obviously. I prefer fresh stuff to canned but haven't had either in over a decade.

>> No.14330854
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Maybe this is common out west but I've only visited San Diego once and thought it was amazing.

>> No.14330926

Pepto, the adhesive from stamps that you licked, and generic pink bismuth... if you liked those things. I do.

>> No.14330936

Orange pineapple.

I drink Dole OPB (orange pineapple banana) juice and if it’s anything like that, I’m in.

>> No.14330963

Never had the Dole you mention but this tasted like if you'd taken pineapple juice and mixed it with orange Crush or Fanta. Very light carbonation as well. Despite the relatively syrupy feeling, it was light and refreshing in the scorching sun.

>> No.14330986

I drink this because it's the only one that's available where I live but it sucks ass and I hate it.

>> No.14330992

These are common in Cali at least. Used to be my favorite

>> No.14331003
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Lol I can see happening. Went to a wedding in Mexico, for drinks they had a lot of Palomas. They would deff get you wasted if you weren't too careful.
>Add ice to a salt rimmed glass, add squirt soda, a few shots of tequila and a squeeze of lime
>poor mans quick margaritas
Give it a try anon I think you'll like it

>> No.14331006
File: 666 KB, 1600x1600, 38502DD1-3087-481D-9110-81D5D83E558A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the crack cocaine of orange juice

>> No.14331009

Oh FUCC. Ill keep an eye out for it, thanks anon

>> No.14331144

Imperial Beach, get out of my city.

>> No.14331270

It is common. Pretty good stuff. I always get it confused with squirt for whatever reason, although the flavors aren't really similar.

>> No.14331273

what are you, a crip or something?

>> No.14331307

where are some places I can get soda syrup from? I got one of those carbonators people take whippets from

>> No.14331323
File: 106 KB, 500x500, Canada_Dry-Cranberry_Ginger_Ale-1076632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Canada Dry cranberry ginger ale is really good but I only find during the Christmas holiday season.

>> No.14331339

Ask some old dudes in NYC, they're on the streets doing carts in lower and upper Manhatten, it's harder to find these days but there are guys especially in Little Italy in Manhattan that have snow cone carts. They know where to get the syrup.

>> No.14331341

Anywhere that has a large dr pepper/7up section in CA, AZ, NM or TX probably has it

>> No.14331367

I suspect that a lot of these old folk running carts make that syrup themselves for snowcones. Never be snarky with them because they're older and you can listen and learn.

>> No.14331374

NY is always best for snowcone carts. All those other places that you mentioned suck balls.

>> No.14331389 [DELETED] 

nigger those syrups are standards items at any italian/European food wholesaler

>> No.14331396

We're not all eurofags in NY so getting proper snowcones isn't an easy thing to do. One has to know people in the right places.

>> No.14331407
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>> No.14331424

This absolutely sucks though.

>> No.14331443

They're all over here on the west coast.

>> No.14331446

It was just Pepsi's version of Julmust, American style.

>> No.14331456

I went to the only gas station in my small Tennessee town that sells faygo and bought some because of this post. Thanks anon

>> No.14331470
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It's an experience.

>> No.14331506

Jones got the account for the Seattle Seahawks stadium for a time. They used to be in every store for a while until the Luciferian Pepsi/Coke corporations decided that they didn't like actual competition. There's just no such thing as merit. Now Jones can only be found in small quantities in Arab owned liquor stores.

>> No.14331510

Faygo has been expanding significantly. I see them all over California now.

>> No.14331512

their blackberry ginger ale is so damn good

>> No.14331565

I live on the other coast in the other shithole but that gives me some ideas.
I could also just get syrup of brand names, but that seems fairly expensive unless I'm doing my math wrong.

>> No.14331697

it tastes like soap.

>> No.14331978
File: 995 KB, 294x233, D1A4F086-0423-4085-84DE-FD7A951577A9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best soda ever. Why hasn’t it come back

>> No.14331981

I’m from Arizona and haven’t seen any here, just in L.A.

>> No.14331984
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Not common for me to find in my area, but always glad when I do.

>> No.14331987

The italian deli near me stocks this. Almost overbearingly sweet, maybe I should try diluting it with half carbonated water.

>> No.14332000

i would try that but not a diet version. unless thats all they have.

>> No.14332134

They still sell em all over you just have to look well

>> No.14332161
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It's somewhere between perfume and amazing spiciness.

>> No.14332289

If it is grenadine flavored why are there cherries in that float and not pomegranate?

>> No.14332351

This is the best cola for pizza, can’t change my mind.

>> No.14332405

Nice city though, anon.

>> No.14332415

God damn chocolate soda is just abhorrent. I remember seeing the Shop-Rite version as a kid in the single cans you can get like 10 for $5 of, and picked it for one of mine, and....
I think I had seen it in a comic book of some kind and thought it must be good but whoever invented it should be shot.

>> No.14333030

I can buy these right now. I thought they were everywhere still

>> No.14333047

The lemonade ginger ale is my new crack

>> No.14333076
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The nectar of the gods...if you can find it.

>> No.14333262

I love their sarsaparilla.

>> No.14333325

We have these in South Carolina. We also had these in California.

>> No.14333332

They have this in SC as well at the local Ingles next to the TV and the Cheerwine.

>> No.14333333

damn i love crush sodas even though i haven't had one in years, never seen this rare flavor

>> No.14333336

Jarritos Grapefruit is superior.

>> No.14333341

We also have this in SC at Ingles.

>> No.14333347

WI anon here, we have big red, but we are also a bunch of fatties. its very gud

>> No.14333357

The local farmers market sells these in SC.

>> No.14333361

need to scoop this up before muh racycism doesn't allow it to be produced

>> No.14333392
File: 160 KB, 900x535, Mountain-Dew-Maui-Burst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mtn Dew has all sorts of bizarre and obscure flavors, this one tastes like pineapple fanta

One time at an Exxon I found a red bottle of MTN Dew with no flavor indicator, just said MTN Dew on it, tasted kinda like the original game fuel

>> No.14333554

You don't understand how much I fucking miss those. Blockbuster sold them chilled in a four pack. They were my go-to friday night all nighter drinks before sips became popular.

>> No.14333568
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Did it look like this?
Because that is/was game fuel.

>> No.14333702


>> No.14333825
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Is cactus cooler easy to find? I used to find it here and there but haven't for years.

>> No.14333854


>> No.14333862


>> No.14333889
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this shit is really good, the rootbeer actually has spices and shit in it, but you can only occasionally find it here.

>> No.14333891

> earl grey ice tea


>> No.14333899


these have a great taste but i find it so think

its like im thirsty after drinking some

>> No.14333998
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Same reason there's cherries on a banana split.

>> No.14334079

>NaTuRaL fRuIt

>> No.14334092

Wolf Cola

>> No.14334158
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>> No.14334211

Cincinnati or New Orleans

>> No.14334313
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Fuckin A bub.

>> No.14334356

That's just a copy of Squirt. It's grapefruit soda, available everywhere.

>> No.14334400

I've heard Eli's is more widely available these days, but I'm in Massachusetts so I'm still pretty close to the source.

>> No.14334475

Quickly I need a way to make port wine taste like sun drop. No I don't have any sun drop.

>> No.14334490

i'm certain target still sells Jones, tho i haven't been to one in a long time, that's the only place i ever found a variety of their flavors other than a local convenience store.

the best thing about Jones is how many flavors they've had, but unfortunately i've never tried most of them. stores don't stock anything other than the popular flavors.

>> No.14334630

that's it, good to know that flavor still exists in some format

>> No.14334632

maui burst is only available at dollar general. i kept bugging the closest one who didn't have them for a while before giving up and going to a better one that didn't suck ass, and they had a bunch of them. i bought them all and i think i'm good on those for a while. for what purpose does pepsico want my foot traffic to be pointed at dollar fucking general? i feel poor just parking in front of one. it's a tasty mf drink tho.

>> No.14334653

why does the northeast always get screwed when if comes to soda selection?

everything gets released in the south or midwest first.

latest example is southern shock mountain dew

>> No.14334660

yeah and they have a fucking Walmart exclusive flavor too and that's arguably worse

>> No.14334669

I tried it, it's fucking awful

>> No.14334681
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>> No.14334690


I found one at a sunoco.

>> No.14334719
File: 18 KB, 293x450, 450_cocaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mtn dew always does this. the next one will be called Spark only available at speedway. idk wtf a bojangles is but i'm never jelly of missing out on the fountain-only exclusives. i got to try sweet lightning and it was good, but i wouldn't go to a KFC just for it again.

>I found one at a sunoco.
i wonder if they are allowing this now or it's just some rogue sunoco. that'd be based. it'd be more popular if they just sold it more. reminds me of how i only know about cocaine energy because i found it in a convenience store, despite the fact that you're technically not allowed to sell it because of the name.

>> No.14334724

i've been memed into reading this as bangs now

>> No.14334752

i had a birch beer once, tasted like wintergreen and wintergreen.
Might be your thing

>> No.14334769


>> No.14334773

Every time I've seen birch beer it's been clear

>> No.14334843

I've tried this several times and it's so harsh on my throat. I love their irish cream, though.

>> No.14334853

I've searched for this stuff for years. Where did you find it?

Will pay bitcoin for "cocaine."

>> No.14334906

Dillions sells it.

>> No.14334927
File: 189 KB, 414x342, kick-soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the best Dew knockoff.

>> No.14335228
File: 25 KB, 375x500, 8478271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my fellow tri-state wops?

>> No.14335305

I only drink this when listening to Insane Clown Posse with the Senpai. whoop whoop!!!

>> No.14335430
File: 16 KB, 480x480, cucumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of my favorites. i used to buy it at a local rocket fizz before it closed down and i haven't seen it sold in any other stores

>> No.14335747

Never seen this, grew up all over eastern PA and bought a lot of drinks.

>> No.14335838
File: 1.05 MB, 3024x4032, 62E74841-A045-4491-8847-398D84CF69D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasted like skittles

>> No.14335869

Cream soda is clear and vanilla flavored. If you ever wondered what the white freezies taste like it's that, specifically Faygo Cream Soda.

>> No.14336087

tri-state jew here, this shit is the best

>> No.14336176

Ah yes, the one based Tiki Punch Anon. Stand strong m8.

>> No.14336193
File: 3.54 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20200505_171814551_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I live in Hawaii and we don't even get Whiteout, let alone a goddamn Hawaii flavor.

>> No.14336197

I miss their dr better

>> No.14336294

No one cares about hawaii outside of traveling there occasionally.

>> No.14336328
File: 61 KB, 640x426, pog-drink-c15c523a-9a89-4c0c-bf81-21028ab5aa5-resize-750[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. I hate this place. Once I am done using my GI bill, I am out of here. I will miss all the pretty middle aged Japanese women though.

>> No.14336352

Think I’ve seen these at the store a while back, I’ll have to pick one up and report back

>> No.14336374
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 1533176943885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my burger king down the street brought them back
feels great and tastes great

>> No.14336413
File: 47 KB, 500x390, qrb9-rH9C2G_Ux2p23oq-UEnisXpZrRtDCThmYZ2jLo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my sobe niggas at?

>> No.14336417

Green really? That's interesting. I've only ever seen blue and red besides the usual brown/light brown.

>> No.14336423

These are awful

>> No.14336433

I know I can still buy these in the dollar store

>> No.14336436
File: 703 KB, 900x935, 1581650490045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking haoles

>> No.14336440

>Nobody famous drinks me
Interesting selling point

>> No.14336444

In Washington state they are in most every large grocery store. They're usually in a small section in the soda isle with other glass bottle sodas

>> No.14336456
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It's very popular in my country. It's a shame that in the US it is literally sold only in Miami.

>> No.14336605

Seeth more lava nigger. I am glad your tax dollars pay for me to live in Hawaii Kai.

>> No.14336618
File: 24 KB, 379x379, 471546d0e540dbbb2b827a7c36ef11b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is disgusting im sorry

>> No.14336628
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>> No.14336900
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>> No.14336929

Squirt and tequila my dude

>> No.14337308

I don't eat drink kjjjjjjjjj problem

>> No.14337315

i would do anything to have kiwiberry ruckus fruitopia back

its probably the only thing that would make me happy anymore

>> No.14337340

my guy. that stuff is delicious

>> No.14337365
File: 1.69 MB, 2304x4096, P_20200702_092044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I go up to the tri cities area to camp I pick up a pack of these bad boys.

>> No.14337386
File: 21 KB, 375x500, 04EEAD50-5954-4F92-B210-F03806368674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know if these are necessarily rare, but I’ve never seen them in the usual assortment of flavors sold at gas stations and markets, and just had one for the first time at a Mexican restaurant yesterday, and fuck me that was delicious. Easy one of the best sodas I’ve had.

>> No.14337413


miss them, especially nirvana

have to buy arizona's now

>> No.14337416
File: 195 KB, 782x1500, 1A1C8895-CE72-46E7-9491-76CD16B88C2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this bad boy

>> No.14337430

Hawaii makes the best canned juices and coffees.

>> No.14337453


I prefer it over other creme sodas. What is it you don't like?

>> No.14337504


>> No.14337529

No it didn’t your tastebuds are junk

>> No.14337578

I fucking love these.
The only flavors I can usually find in grocery stores are just the basic orange, lemon and tamarind which are still good. Have to go to hispanic areas or bodegas to find the better flavors like guava. Grapefruit is good too.

>> No.14337818

They're only sold at Walmarts. Are they just rare even there for you?

>> No.14337819

Psst: they're from Mexico

>> No.14337853

They had these fucking 6 packs of those sodas for 25 cents at my local dollar store. That being said I probably bought a couple hundred cans.

>> No.14337855
File: 866 KB, 3120x4160, much better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14337856

So is Texas and California. God bless America.

>> No.14337864
File: 482 KB, 1332x2560, Snapchat-1650543772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You watch your goddamn whore mouth

>> No.14337902


>> No.14337977

does it taste good

>> No.14338012
File: 138 KB, 216x384, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss it so much

>> No.14338118

What does blue coke taste like?

>> No.14338166


love me some RC - still everywhere in Chicago

>> No.14338175
File: 40 KB, 800x800, stewart_s_key_lime_soda_12oz_media-01_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14338228

yep, for me it's Stewant's

>> No.14338432

it's only sold in the southwest. there isn't a whole lot I miss about living in San Diego County but good Mexican food, Cactus Cooler and In n Out and are among the three that I do

>> No.14338533
File: 263 KB, 497x343, mayjun_highnoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It really is true, pic related, so much better than White Claw its unbelievable.

>> No.14338536
File: 119 KB, 512x512, blenheim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit will set your chest on fire, good for clearing up congestion.

>> No.14338553

We have it everywhere in the midwest.

>> No.14338915

Right here nigga. Glass or go home. First time I hit a gravity bong was through one of these.

>> No.14338953
File: 106 KB, 1500x1500, 81ha8CiNoeL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find it anymore, I think Jarritos had a hand in fucking up their shelf space. A la verga se fueron

>> No.14339003

Dr. Enuf is pretty rare but you can get it online and at any local cracker barrel. Native to western North Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Dr. Enuf is the long lost relative of Mountain Dew before Tri-city beverage company sold the rights to Pepsi
Got a six pack of grape Hansen's under the bed. Some of the best soda I've had.

>> No.14339081

>I drink this because it's the only one that's available where I live but it sucks ass and I hate it.

If you hate it, why do you drink it

>> No.14339094

They're all over the place on the west coast

>> No.14339141

>What does it taste like?
>root beer but more aromatic and drier.
>Pepto, the adhesive from stamps that you licked, and generic pink bismuth
>it tastes like soap.
>wintergreen and wintergreen.

Thanks, guys.

>> No.14339164
File: 29 KB, 600x254, Penafiel-Printable-Coupon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had some sort of recall a while back too.
It's a shame because Penafiel is multiple tiers above Jarritos.

>> No.14339173

No, they only have diet. My grandparents used to have these and my brother and I would tear through them, when we'd visit.

I've looked around, but never come across any other chocolate sodas, diet or otherwise, save one, new-ish company that only sold online and wanted $4 or something, for a bottle, plus shipping.

>> No.14339299

Ive seen these in every 99Only ive ever been in. Recently even. Try there

>> No.14339434

wait til you try oliet Bangs

>> No.14339620

>Nestea naranja
Yikes. The only good flavour for Nestea is lemon and lemon only.

>> No.14340035
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasted like freedom

>> No.14340049

tasted like skittles.

>> No.14340064
File: 103 KB, 517x1500, bawls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14340075
File: 719 KB, 1200x1600, Beep_drink_carton_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember having Beep? Canadian Maritime Provinces. Last time I had it might have been in the 90's.

Goddamn it do I miss this drink.

>> No.14340076
File: 198 KB, 787x654, chrcoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14340089
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>> No.14340124

I liked

>> No.14340137

You can google the ingredients and try to make it yourself. Apparently it's sugar, water, orange, apple, apricot, prune, and of course some oil and starch probably to thicken it.

Other people seem to claim there was pineapple.

>> No.14340200

They still carry some Jones at my grocery store, not as much as they used to though. I recently picked up a 6 pack of cream soda and it smelled like a dusty warehouse. Didn't taste bad though.

>> No.14340265

I forgot Cherry Coke used to look like that.

>> No.14340858
File: 99 KB, 433x550, Varieties-433x550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking love these

>> No.14340861
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>> No.14340863
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>> No.14340879

for me it's home-made kvass

>> No.14340992
File: 28 KB, 380x380, 8C693B54-60B8-4A03-B964-6ED2637E198D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14341010

It's out again right now.

>> No.14341315

This is black people soda

>> No.14341481

I do wish more sodas were brewed, the resulting flavour is much more intense and dynamic.

>> No.14341922

I can't be the only one who likes that super-artificial citrus taste that things like Monster and Red Bull have. I wish there was a regular soda that had that flavor.

>> No.14341929

not rare, just new england

>> No.14341948
File: 30 KB, 338x450, cuban-iron-beer-soft[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be available in the Cuban section of your local Publix

>> No.14341970
File: 154 KB, 934x1245, swamppraline_2048x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14342005

non corn syrup coke

>> No.14342293
File: 28 KB, 375x500, moxie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pops into my region for a few months only to disappear
>Nothing else scratches the itch

I don't want to have to order a box from Maine, damn it.

>> No.14342361
File: 90 KB, 505x405, vampcans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Used to drink Bawls all the time, really loved the Root Beer Bawls as well.

I used to kill four Vamps back in 8th grade

>> No.14342412

I miss that old can's design. Fuck these modern styles, they're all so bland.

>> No.14342436

just go to cracker barrel nigger

>> No.14342442

As someone from Maine, I abominate that shit. Tastes like ass medicine.

>> No.14342475

you take ass medicine?

>> No.14342530
File: 153 KB, 1199x883, chubby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss these lil guys. Can't find them in canada anymore

>> No.14342542
File: 72 KB, 1536x1024, o-MOXIE-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck maine, I was gonna move their till I tasted this shit

>> No.14342573

It's a learning curve. But damned if Moxie's not the best thing when you have a canker sore.

>> No.14342709

had this in hawaii

>> No.14342779

Ohio also has lots of Squirt and we used to have Tops here but I think they all got replaced by Heinen's

>> No.14342830
File: 168 KB, 768x752, 1513846954450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post this

I bought one of these as a six year old, I walked out of the store and when I got in the car my mom was freaking out because it had large amounts of caffeine in it.

>> No.14342906

a pizza place near me had this at their soda fountain
said pizza place has since closed down and now i i can never taste this sweat, delicious bang's again

>> No.14342992

just go to georgia once international travel is happening again. that place is so cheap it almost feels criminal

>> No.14343378
File: 62 KB, 600x600, large_0d2f50cf-a698-4b83-928c-405ef4ca443e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss these niggers like you wouldn't believe. Used to be able to ONLY buy them at ONE giant eagle. After they renovated like 6 or 7 years ago and moved products around, they haven't been there since. I think I can still buy them online though. Have never seen them in any other store ever.

>> No.14343393

They pulled them from the markets after they found out they give you cancer

>> No.14343417

What does it taste like? It looks like window cleaner

>> No.14343632
File: 186 KB, 1024x768, cheerwine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my buddy in high school had family that lived down towards the south and he would always get them to buy cases of these and bring them to him
probably the best soda I've ever had

>> No.14343650
File: 99 KB, 1229x1108, snapple element.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of nowhere its fucking snapple elements
the fire one was fire

>> No.14343674


>> No.14343709


>> No.14343725

you what mate

>> No.14343847
File: 12 KB, 171x317, azbandw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard to find but i found them near an amish community lmao

>> No.14343897
File: 256 KB, 950x635, arizona_product-rx-energy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, that stuff is bangin
I like this one too, it has a very specific unique taste and gets me zingin

>> No.14343959

agreed the rx energy is heat bro

>> No.14343970

If it's only available in one small area, the it's rare

>> No.14343974


This was already posted here:


>> No.14343976

this was already posted, twice

>> No.14344233
File: 43 KB, 500x504, 1585599396928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that packaging

>> No.14344602
File: 99 KB, 1024x1024, drpepper-single_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dublin Dr. Pepper:

I found a bottle once when I was working out of Berkeley CA, I visited a deli and they had some on the shelf. i liked Dr Pepper so I figured what the hell. Good god it was the greatest thing I have ever tasted. I don't know what witchcraft they performed in Dublin Texas but goddamn this was MILES better than any other soda like it.

As the Wiki says it got into a dispute with the Major Dr. Pepper Snappe Group and they discontinued making it but DPSG still uses the "Dublin Dr. Pepper" name in Texas but it tastes nowhere near the original Dublin formula. (When I visited Texas in 2014 I made it a point to Visit the Dublin bottling plant as well.)


I work for a distributor that sells these brands and I can purchase whole cases of them from my warehouse at cost.

I tried this over 10 years ago. this shit LITERALLY hurt to drink it. with those fucking sugar crystals in the drink that scratched your throat on the way down

>> No.14344628

Dublin Dr Pepper is no more....

All it was was sugar instead of corn syrup

>> No.14344665

Yes but like I said DPSG still makes "Dublin Dr. Pepper with Cane Sugar." and is still available in Texas(When I was there in 2014)and I've had both and the original Dublin formula was still way better than what DPSG made unless the "Real cane sugar" thing is bullshit.

>> No.14344709


Ah yes, the thinking mans drink.

>> No.14344722

>this shit LITERALLY hurt to drink
i think it's cinammon or something that causes the burn. it's kinda the point of calling it cocaine. i like it. you can buy the blue version that don't burn if ur're a pussy.

>> No.14344767

Not sure if you know, but White Claw, Truly, etc. are "malt beverages" so they have a weird (imo) aftertaste, whereas those are made with actual vodka. I haven't tried the High Noons because I drink vodka and flavored sparkling water anyway, but I'm sure they taste wayyy better than a White Claw based on what they're made of alone.

>> No.14345900

I think this might be that one bottle of peach soda I had on a road trip once. It was so good. I have drank so many peach soda trying to find it again.

>> No.14345911

Blue and peach big red didn't seem to taste like much. I was let down by them

>> No.14346038

So it's Squirt..

>> No.14346045

clear jones cream soda is tops

>> No.14346069
File: 82 KB, 1000x1000, pineapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a little kid, my old man took us on a vacation to hawaii. Recently I took my own wife and kid for a trip. I had forgotten that this existed, but I saw it in an abc store. So many god damn wonderful memories came flooding back.

>> No.14346287

Vanilla coke soul vs soulless

>> No.14346931
File: 305 KB, 819x1500, D2E9F44F-853C-46A9-9B0E-E2308EA43BB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best soda.

>> No.14346939


>> No.14347165
File: 1.10 MB, 2241x3609, sioux-city-birch-beer-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never tried this kind, but I second birch beer. Delicious wintergreen rootbeer-y flavor. It sounds fucked, but I promise it's delicious.

I'm sad I never got to try it, I've heard nothing but good shit.

>> No.14347242

They're pretty common in the south but only in the individual glass bottles.

>> No.14347248
File: 32 KB, 800x800, 1591655602570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to get these in bulk at Sam's and at gas stations all the time, shit was delicious

>> No.14347425

Aww yiss.