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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 477x477, 1593076675554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14325531 No.14325531 [Reply] [Original]

How do Indians not have constant food poisoning? Do the locals know to avoid the street food or something? After watching videos on youtube i'd rather starve than risk my asshole.

>> No.14325666

I saw a video of a street vendor handling food with his bare hands and had disgusting long nails someone needs to explain to them what bacteria is

>> No.14325678

They've built up a tolerance to it, like Mithradates and his poisons.

>> No.14325701

they think spices and long cook time kill the bacteria


>> No.14326489


Hint: they do. Then they shit in the street and all is right in their world.

>> No.14327473

They probably built up a resistance and have guts of iron. Unless they literally get into poison by accident or ingest something they're outright allergic to, i do not think Pajeet folks get sick from food. I've never even heard of an Indian person getting a stomache ache or indigestion

>> No.14327496

link the video

>> No.14327508
File: 1.84 MB, 3161x2370, clean bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catfags are grosser than indians

>> No.14327513

Maybe don't put the cat food bowl right next to the stove?

>> No.14327520

i have a better idea:
don't have a cat at all

>> No.14327541

Or just keep the cat out of the kitchen completely.

>> No.14327553

that won't keep the rest of your house from reeking of cat though

>> No.14327565

the only people that think cats smell all the time are 1 bedroom apt subhuman wageslaves.

>> No.14327575

Perhaps try cleaning your house more than once a decade? All of your complaints so far have been signs that you are lazy and dirty.

>> No.14327583

the only people who think cats don't smell are catfaggots
i've just been to cat people's houses

>> No.14327587

>i've just been to cat people's houses

>> No.14327598

does having cats make people sick or are catfags just naturally deranged and disgusting "people"?

>> No.14327605

houses and apartments
they all have one thing in common
it's the smell

>> No.14327656

>can't even spoiler properly
fuck off we're full

>> No.14327657

moreso the latter. Cats actually transmit brain parasites to humans via shit so the fact that Captain Chonkers shits in a box indoors and digs around in it all the time and then walks up on the kitchen counter doesn't bode well.

But really cat owners are just cat owners. if they're male they're just raging s oy boys and good old fashioned homosexuals. Women are typical femcels trying to cope with the fact that they don't have kids of their own and never will and just want a replacement baby.

>> No.14327659

lmao found the tarded newfag

>> No.14327660

cats don't smell really but their shit in a box sure does

>> No.14327662

tips for newfags
/ck/ doesn't have spoiler tags or censor soy

>> No.14327664

Dear lord, talk about projecting.

>> No.14327677
File: 52 KB, 1050x521, 1592009802062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh catman

>> No.14327685

Yeah I already knew that, thanks, force of habit. It's not even a good word filter at that.

>> No.14327691
File: 105 KB, 800x960, 806abaea00ba9878af4c748f1a7b6d44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dear lord, talk about projecting.

>> No.14327701

you're retarded if you think a food board should censor a food

>> No.14327706

Deep fried is safety

>> No.14327708

enjoy your toxoplasmosis

>> No.14327718

What is this faggotry? I'm probably getting a cat but it's mostly because I live alone and would like something to share my apartment with. It's not a political statement, I want a pet and a dog doesn't suit where I live.

>> No.14327720

I didn't say that, chief. I just said that I typed it like that out of habit because it gets filtered across all other boards. I think it's retarded that it gets filtered in the first palce when it just transforms one newfag meme into another newfag meme. Like cuck/kek.

>> No.14327724

>would like something to share my apartment with
get a houseplant

>> No.14327734

ok catman

>> No.14327737

>Do the locals know to avoid the street food or something?
Yes, they do. It's the same as everywhere. People save money by cooking at home, and know that street-prepared food does not a proper facilities for people to use bathrooms properly to keep their hands clean, and sinks for prepping veggies and cleaning up cutting boards and tools.
Hep A vaccine helps for one of the nasty bugs.
But, the bacterial stuff, they have a tolerance, but also can get sick.

>that won't keep the rest of your house from reeking of cat though
I think there are people who have cats that you wouldn't know. They are either indoor/outdoor cats that do their business outside and come back (bad for native wildlife populations but cleanly ideal). There are 2 problems, cat dander/fur that harbors dander and saliva not cleaned up at home, and the excrement smells.
Cats who use a litter box need it literally changed out daily like you do with your own kitchen trash. It's wasteful for people on a budget who only scoop out clumps like the directions tell them is good enough. It's not.
They walk in that crap and pee and take that "dust" into the house on their paws.
If you vacuum or mop often, and vacuum your furniture, it's better. If you brust your cat daily outside to remove shedding fur early, it's also fine.

tl;dr Cat owners are lazy people, and cats require maintenance, daily time, and money.

>> No.14327738

I have a houseplant. It's pretty boring and doesn't really interact with me ask that much.

>> No.14327766

>share my apartment with
cats are scum of the earth, you migh just as well let a homeless guy in

>> No.14327914

Indian fag here, they do not have food poisoning generally. Their body adapts to the medley of spices they eat. But they have a lot of other health issues.

Disregarding the population that is under poverty, almost all of the people have become aware of health issues and they generally cook food keeping that in mind. Home made Indian food is nothing like the stuff you have seen in mainstream media. It is relatively simple and not bad for body unless you have a special health condition.

About street food and even some of the lower end restaurants, they are very very unhealthy and unhygienic. They get off easily, because there are almost no health and safety standards when it comes to food. Only people who are ignorant about their own health and prefer taste over it are the ones who eat out regularly and fall sick.

>> No.14328042

I went to India for a few months and only got food poisoning once - from a fancy hotel in Delhi. Their street food is actually not too bad as it's usually fried to oblivion. As long as you only have bottled water and well cooked food it's safe.

>> No.14328147

Hello soyboy

>> No.14328152

Imagine getting triggered this hard over a cat. Must be a chink or black person.

>> No.14328234

After a few near death experiences you get used to it.

>> No.14328404

Naw, they don't get immunity. They just get easier access to drugs that can fix the problems. WHO gives them praziquantel and mebendazole and albendazole and ivermectin like candy which takes care of parasites. And their doctors easily prescribe antibiotics for bacterial stuff.

In the West though, holy fcking sht. The doctor has to have absolute certainty before they prescribe you anything and many of the things that can make you sick are hard to detect and too many things to test for.

>> No.14328418
File: 60 KB, 405x460, 1592680041015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww, who triggered the poor dog fags?

>> No.14328423

Not even remotely true you dumbass

>> No.14328465

people like you are even more disgusting that cat owners and even cats themselves.
why you spewing hate? go argue with your mom, stop bumming out ck people

>> No.14328539

one time i went to mexico for a month and was autistically paranoid about being safe and never got sick or robbed.
then on my like 2nd to last day there i follow this pack of kids on bmx bikes into the hood to buy some weed. we cop the pot and chilll and by that time im wasted and see a taco stand and im like "hey, ill buy us all tacos" and start walking up to the stand and the kids are like "no! no! carne de los infermos" aka 'meat of the ill' and then i notice its a bunch of decrepit old people around the taco stand.

and then im like "woah, reality check" and then turn my head an see a sick ramp onto someones house, point at it and say "wallride" and startt pedaling at it and theyre like "no, no, casa de muerte" 'no, thats a gangster house, those dudes kill people" and then they told me to pedal the fuck out.

a year later one of those kids ends up working on a weedfarm near me up in norcal -probably making 7x the money as his family- :3 hes still out here but we never ride together :|

>> No.14328613

Never date them. They're excessively needy, just like their dogs.

>> No.14329330

>obsessed and crying about dogs
classic catard

>> No.14329359

My only guess is that they just get used to cats jumping on top of everything and just give up

>> No.14330196

>have outside cat
>literally never have to buy kitty litter or smell up the house

indoor cats are for chuds, outdoor cats are based

>> No.14330377

>what is air freshner and windows
I have a top notch immune system from my father so I think I'll be fine. Besides, mine shit outside and I always vacuum.