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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14324304 No.14324304 [Reply] [Original]

Foods to cure depression?

>> No.14324313


>> No.14324325

Yes, the debut album by the band Nirvana. Great choice.

>> No.14324328

Weed brownies
Chicken noodle soup

>> No.14324408

pussy, money and free time

>> No.14324414

dont use food to cope with depression unless you wanna become a landwhale

>> No.14324427

Fresh fruits and vegetables

>> No.14324457

ur mums pusy

>> No.14324463

coffee unironically

>> No.14324464

Stir fry, basically you need more herbs and sauces to make events more unique. Also pot roasts are cool because you smell it all day. Making things that need a lot of prep can help. All of these are the same as a good walk. The idea is that constant progress and variation are necessary to reinvoke curiosity. Curiosity and depression are dissonant notes in the human instrument.

>> No.14324480 [DELETED] 

penis in your ass

>> No.14324489

12 gauge slug

>> No.14324491

Coffee just increases anxiety which makes you depressed

>> No.14324492

Beer. Not wine, not whisky, not vodka, BEER.

>> No.14324502
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I eat nothing but whole foods and I still hate myself.

I don't eat any processed shit, anything with added sugars, anything that is prepared or comes already packaged. I already avoid innocuous shit like even ketchup or sriracha because of their added sugar.

My daily meals are always shit like oatmeal or scrambled eggs in the morning, some fruit and coffee/tea (no sugar or milk) in the afternoon, and a dinner of brown rice and chicken with various vegetables in the evening with dessert being fruits, sometimes with greek yogurt, and herbal tea before going to sleep.

Even like this, I still feel deppresed and want to kill myself and have a belly.

I drink red wine on weekends (dry red) and while I may eat a bigger breakfast, it's still just eggs, vegetables, and potatoes.

You can't outrun this miserable shit life.

>> No.14324505

anxiety is good for you, if it makes you depressed then get your shit together & take responsability for your life. then and only then you will enjoy life. if its too hard take benzos & kill yourself

>> No.14324532

you need to exercise

>> No.14324553


>> No.14324561

for me, it's mostly a matter of chemicals
eating well, exercising, getting good sleep, being social, making moves professionally, being fiscally prudent, etc. all have little bearing on how i feel
it's kind of like the weather
but, if those ducks aren't in a row then it's less likely i'll feel good. they are necessary but not sufficient causes for me to feel good, more or less.
maybe you're like me. if so, you really just need to weather the storm and wait to come out on the other side. and, try to be in a good position for when you do eventually come out.

>> No.14324564

Alcohol inhibits protein synthesis (muscle building/maintanence) and boosts fat storage for days following consumption.

Too much fruit/potatoes /rice/yogurt could be a lot of carbs. Skipping whole eggs for egg whites can be helpful in reducing fat consumption.

>> No.14324619

Speak English faggot.

>> No.14324790

walnuts and yogurt, fermented pickles or any food with probiotics

>> No.14324808

get out of the house, drink some water, exercise and build shit with your hands.

>> No.14324810
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I eat plenty of Greek yogurt and still hate myself and feel perpetually empty/depressed/saddened/unfulfilled.

>> No.14324874
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>reddit anime
>greek yogurt
>le depressed
Maybe you're just a faggot?

>> No.14324919

walnuts and other healthy fats can help. get some sun and work out. its a long process, but just remember to find something in life that's greater than you. quit drugs and other vices like video fames and go out and help someone

>> No.14324941

Anxiety is literally one of the most powerful factors in early death.

Enjoy wearing your shortened lifespan like its a badge of honor

>> No.14324987

>anxiety is good for you
I don’t even have a picture to convey how retarded this is.

>> No.14324990

Beef liver. Get out in the sun. Stop being stressed.

>> No.14325014

Real freedom

>> No.14325019


>> No.14325029

When I get down I like to make pasta purely by hand, concentrate on nothing but the dough and you’ll have an hour or two of peace

>> No.14325035

I won't spoonfeed you, but research gut bacteria and its impact on depression
Learn what to eat and what to avoid
Good luck

>> No.14325184

Do you go for walks? Also, there is such a thing of getting bored of eating the same things all the time. Have some bacon with your eggs. Once every so often isn't bad. It sounds like you just hate that you eat this way. That's probably hurting your psyche more even if you're physically healthy.

>> No.14325253

Try a baked potato.

Best of luck, anon.

>> No.14325425

Dark chocolate & berries! (in moderation of course), also tea with honey helps

>> No.14325538


>> No.14325583

Honestly, you should eat more fish (omega 3s are excellent for your brain), fresh fruits, and vegetables.

>> No.14325610

>200g Pork loin joint
>70g Red peppers
>200g Passata
>80g Cauliflower
>150g Lambs liver
>70g Button mushrooms - white
>60g Spring greens

This is a mega dose of B vitamins. They will make you happy. Brown the meat and then fill the pot with the vegetables, some stock and any herbs or spices you like. Simmer it until the pork is tender. Serve with some red wine and garlic bread.

>> No.14325895

>Weed brownies
Eating edibles while you're in a depressive episode is a fucking mistake.

>> No.14325901

Eating Chicken noodle soup whilst depressed would motivate me to jump off a cliff

>> No.14325928

Exercise, then deenz

>> No.14325952

I like to make a salad with romaine, anchovies, kidney beans, and some good homemade dressing.

>> No.14326031

Oh so you have to be perfect to feel good?

>> No.14326046
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>protein diet, work out every day
>sleep 7-0 hours every night, shower, ear plugs and all
>socialize every day at work
>only spend my money on necessities, only spend money on the blue moon occasion (I did just spent Ronabucks on a new TV)
>have applied to hundreds of places over the past few months, no replies / "this position has been filled" / "we regret to inform you..."
I'm still so fucking empty inside. I can't connect to anybody.

>> No.14326048

>7-0 hours

>> No.14326188

OP may be trolling. As may be a good 85% the IPs.
So, to reiterate, food can get you only so close. If your depression is autoimmune-base for whatever reason, whatever that may mean - sure. But your existential depression has little to do with intake, workout, sunlight, etc., then just stay busy with some intensity of work, which is what works for what I have. Don't know, don't care if it's depression, not that there's a clear delineation- dsm, most psychologists', therapists', or anybody else's can't tell projection from a bag of elbows.

>> No.14326504

Get yourself a big titty goth gf and anything they make will cure it

>> No.14326526
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Lime jellys might help m8

>> No.14326539
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Personally I'm looking for these lemon/lime lifesavers but I suspect I wont find them, they're kind of like one of things way off in an ocean that you can look at but never quite get.

>> No.14326565

Why not just answer OPs question directly instead trying to be a 4chan analyst faggot?

>> No.14326619

Eat a lot of Carby shit, serotonin comes from carbs. Make your diet like 90 percent carbs, preferably whole foods like potatoes,rice, oatmeal, beans fruit, shit like that. Ignore the other joker's on this thread and eat a high carb diet, trust me it's worked for me

>> No.14326688

Ferment your own probiotic drinks.
There is STRONG evidence linking gut health to well being (depression, anxiety, focus).

It tastes funky, but fermented cabbage juice is great for this.

>> No.14326705

You come across as a san diego cultist freak

>> No.14326707

Do you wear robes and shit and stand around in airports?

>> No.14326709

That's a strangely specific accusation.

>> No.14326712

I'm usually right.

>> No.14326713

Enjoy your fast food diet, subsequent preventive diseases, and costly medical bills flyover morons. I was speaking to those with IQs over 110, anyway.

>> No.14326717

I doubt that my uninformed friend.

>> No.14326718

What does that even mean, how would you even know about that you fucking freakjob?

>> No.14326722

You seem to be a bit too informed like a cultist.

>> No.14326726

The pharma kikes are in the thread.
Looks like this post is on to something.

>> No.14326729

You'd never know, are you jealous or something?

>> No.14326732

Okay, samefag

>> No.14326734

"kikes" yeah, jealous moron detected. I guess you were passed over, oopsie.

>> No.14326735

>big noses
>rubbing hands

>> No.14326737

It's not becoming of a gentleman.
Get over your bullshit.

>> No.14326761

t. hates his job

>> No.14326894

breast milk

>> No.14327141


>> No.14327232

>doesn't wanna eat sugar
>eats oatmeal and rice

Carbs and starch becomes sugar very quickly, starting from your mouth.
Try to keep net carbs under 20g for a week and see how it goes.

>> No.14327249

Bean meal

>> No.14327250

Not him, but I get plenty of sun/vit D, exercise regularly (I don't want to have an ugly body, my face is already enough), get 100% of micros almost daily, and I have clinical depression. It's genetic, you can't do much apart from taking meds.

>> No.14327272
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Food doesn't cure depression, cooking does.

>> No.14328518


>short term bandage: pizza (back to depression next day)
>long term solution: cook for yourself, vegan preferably

>> No.14328525
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caffeine, alcohol, food with tons of hormones added in the processs

i guess it's a miracle why anon

>> No.14328586

Fucking Cat! It's name is Pluto!

>> No.14328599


>> No.14328634
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>> No.14328674

Unironically excercise, get some tunes and go for a walk, after you get home make a nice cup of tea, coffee, or some cocoa or something cold if you're a fartass

>> No.14328710

you retards are never content

>> No.14329266

Dried Papaya, Mixed nuts, Water and nature walks :)

>> No.14329341

This is the worst advice I've ever seen. Beer will fuck your body six ways to Sunday.

>> No.14329362

Cyanide pills. You can't feel depression when you can't feel at all.

>> No.14329450


>> No.14329451

Fish oil helps with brain chemistry and balances mood swings. However, I would say also that by eliminating most of the carbs or at least drastically lowering them and increasing protein intake and good healthy fat intake will create a favorable environment for mental clarity. Your mood will improve as a result.
I get mood swings and bouts of 'depression' when I eat like shit but when I changed my diet to follow a mediterranean style of eating my mental clarity has improved.
I also did 5/2 keto dieting and carb loading while exercising and this will work too.

But if you want a shortcut, try eating 15-20g of fish oil a day and reduce the amount of shit carbs and replace them with broccoli etc good vegetables with generous splash of good olive oil along with grilled chicken breasts....

>> No.14329463

Forgot to say that if you don't have a cat, get one as a pet and sniff it's asshole 5 times a day. Cat's backside is emitting pheromones which will activate your own brain chemistry. It will take 2 weeks of daily sniffing/inhaling but in the end you will be amazed of the results.

>> No.14329474

salmon for the fatty acids because your omega ratio is fucked

>> No.14329476

That's not good, crunch with melon is never good. One or the other is fine but not both together.

>> No.14329512

The Cure - A Forest (1980) full 12” Single

>> No.14329524

The Cure - Peel Session 1981

>> No.14329562
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If this doesn't do it then nothing will.

>> No.14329571

if you call that perfect then yeah, pretty much

>> No.14329578

ditch the TV bro
otherwise, yeah, keep it up
nothing to it but to keep grinding

>> No.14329598


>> No.14329600

I'm back
I just did a 24 hour fast and I feel fucking fantastic
you should try it, OP

>> No.14330151

I always found a high-protein low-carb meal to be pretty energizing and uplifting. Try having steak with eggs.

>> No.14330189

this is actually based advice thank you

>> No.14330211

Stop masturbating and start exercising. It's summertime. Go swimming. Swimming is great for your arms/shoulders/chest and your legs.

>> No.14330222


>> No.14331083

How about a suicide sandwich? That's plain white bread and razor blades.

>> No.14331128

There's no reason to be so quick about it. Just drink a 1.75l of liquor a day until your liver fails.

>> No.14331702
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eat more meats

>> No.14331877
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>> No.14331882

easy to come by, i earn double the average salary in my country.
>free time
also easy to come by, forgot the last time i worked full 8 hours a day
how to do this?

>> No.14331899
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You need fatty meats and organ meats in your diet faggot.

>> No.14332141

It will literally make you feel so much better

>> No.14332142

ur a nig

>> No.14332145
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Steak n eggs cured mine. And I'm down 30 lbs.

>> No.14332192

good, healthy stuff with lots of vitamins and minerals.
veggies, fish.
avoid junk food, soda, alcohol, snacks.
take multi-vitamins and multi-mineral supplements as well just to be sure.
keep doing this for 6-8 weeks (taking multi-vitamins doesn't magically cure your bodies deficiencies overnight, need to keep eating right and taking them for weeks to see an effect) and you'll be normal again.

no, just do what I say. 90% of """anxiety""" and """depression""" and """panic attacks""" is just because people do dumb shit like eat only instant ramen or plain rice with mayo for years at a time and become malnourished.

>> No.14332194

>still eats too many calories and drinks alcohol
>doesnt drink water
>doesnt exercise
>"iunno why i'm still fat and depressed guys I dont get it"
fucking retard. you're already 80% of the way there, just go to the fucking gym already.

>> No.14332222

I'm doing another one today. Lol.

>> No.14332292

Second this
-Less anxious, less depressed, more energy, happier...

>> No.14332310

What helped me
>quality sardines
>grass fed eggs and butter
>more quality meats
>beef liver once a week
>grassfed beef collagen/geltain supplement
>vitamin D supplement

Along with some light to moderate weightlifting, and a strict sleeping routine. Avoid trans fats and go easy on the polyunsaturated. You're gonna need to stick with a good diet for a fair while to see a difference if you eat/sleep like shit to see a difference. First and foremost you should pop a B3 vitamin and B's in general.

>> No.14332358

lmao is this what you actually believe?

>> No.14332514

psylosibin mushroom is food, right?

>> No.14332772

Low test can cause depression.

FOODS THAT INCREASE TEST (might be bullshit but it doesn't hurt to eat them it's just food even if broscience)

Eggs for the cholesterol which turns into T and vit d (or supplement d3)
Meat and Fish for the protein and omegas
Foods high in Zinc like oysters (or take supplement)
Pomegranates which help decrease stress
Leafy greens to increase magnesium
Olive oil
Cruciferous Vegetables which are anti-estrogenic

>> No.14333399
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>> No.14333405

cold plain oats, something to reflect your miserable existence

>> No.14334265

/fit/ here,
First meal of the day should be full of fat and protein, and absolutely NO carbs.
So eat eggs, butter and bacon or whatever for breakfast, no bread.

>> No.14334441

psilocybin mushrooms

>> No.14334529

Vegetable, fruits, and noodles.

>> No.14335578
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Milkshakes, cookies and creme specifically, after the sugar rush, you're going to get headaches and nausea. Nothing is forever anon, work on accepting you, and then bettering yourself. It'll get better, maybe not tomorrow, but it will anon. I believe in you and I.

>> No.14335622

i have the opposite problem, I hate working and am comfy being poor, but i've always had permanent pussy. money and vaginas are overrated. i'm almost convinced free time is overrated as well

>> No.14335647

Exercise fatty

>> No.14335695

learn english instead of telling others to speak it when you can't understand