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14322746 No.14322746 [Reply] [Original]

I’m coming back from my keto break rn so I’m gonna be posting my favorite meat and butter fast as a recipe for you guys

>> No.14322755

you know, if you wanna lose weight on keto you shouldn't be drowning yourself in fat on purpose

>> No.14322757
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Usually I like the cut the meat into cubes first so I don’t have to hassle to break it up in the pan

>> No.14322762
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I put the chunks in first and crispen them up before I throw in the butter

>> No.14322767
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Now once the meat has been browned to your liking, throw in 2 sticks of butter, for me this was 16 tbsp

>> No.14322775
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I don’t add seasonings at this stage, I wait for when I eat it later to add whatever flavors I’m craving

>> No.14322787


>> No.14322788

Why would anyone do a diet that makes even women go bald?

>> No.14322802
File: 181 KB, 828x1330, 796184FF-FE63-4D7E-A56E-FA1F954B9F07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now all you have to do is portion it out and toss it in the fridge and it’s ready to eat any day of the week!

>> No.14322812

peepee poopoo

>> No.14322822

it’s perfectly healthy, at peak keto I’ve lost upwards of 10 pounds a week!

>> No.14322823

poo poo pee

>> No.14322831

i understand it’s not the most appetizing, it’s for health purposes though so when I think of it like that it tastes delicious

>> No.14322835

peak poopoo peepee performance soup

>> No.14322837

>72% lean
>didn't drain excess beef fat
>no drainage of fat
>even buttered up chicken breasts would be more heart healthy than this garbage

uh oh stimky poopoo

>> No.14322838

>tube ground beef that's probably from a dozen or more cows with dubious origins
Fucking vile. Go buy some real beef.

>> No.14322863

Enjoy your cancer

>> No.14322872

Anon you should check out the Harvard plate model.

>> No.14322927

that’s the purpose of keto dude?

>> No.14322937

that’s a load of bullshit, followed the model for 6 months and never lost weight once

>> No.14322958

So bacon is to be avoided at all costs in this?

>> No.14323003

Bacon is usually too fatty, if you could find a leaner cut of pork I don’t see why this recipe couldn’t work with it

>> No.14323133

Well assuming that's true then you (most likely) were not counting your macros and calories properly. It's fool-proof when done properly unless you have a very unusual metabolism or something. I'm not saying keto is trash, especially short-term, but really we are evolved for a full spectrum of micro-nutrients.

>> No.14323146

No but it is to be heavily moderated. Maybe like once a week in a single portion?

Fish and poultry is where it's at if you want to eat meat frequently. Also game if you could get it in moderation.

>> No.14323516

Dude, that's not kosher...

>> No.14323545


>> No.14323642

Yeah okay this can't be healthy. I'd literally rather eat a bowl full of cocainr and die than get on this diet.

>> No.14323739
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>> No.14323740

holy moly

>> No.14323781

I don't think grains are bad but 11 servings probably would be excessive unless you're a physical laborer. But on the lower end of that you have around an equal amount of meat/dairy and grain servings, which seems about right, along with a decent amount of fruits/vegetables and limited added sugar.

I haven't really seen any studies saying carbs are bad when they're from unprocessed sources like fruit and whole grains. And I don't think meat/fat are bad either, but everyone I know who lost weight on the keto diet had a really bad diet before that included lots of soda, chips, candy, etc. So acting like soda and fruit are both equally bad because they both contain carbs is kind of missing the big picture. But as long as something helps you lose weight I guess, because being overweight even on a healthy diet is bad, and even on a less optimal diet you'll be healthier at a normal weight.

>> No.14323842

You've got a point, but I think keto is simply CICO with insulin control. You can live without carbs. You can't live without fat or protein.

>> No.14323853

>t. retard

>> No.14323889
File: 217 KB, 1200x1203, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if carbs are so bad, why did grain eating civilizations BTFO every single hunter-gatherer tribe in existence?

and why did 90% of Brits literally die if they didn't evolve the ability to extract carbohydrates from milk? (aka lactose tolerance)

>> No.14323989

You make it seem like hunter/gather just suddenly started planting shit and winning. There's a bridge between them- shepards. The ag culture won because the food source was reliable and could be traded to nomadic shepards. Learn some ancient prehistory before you come at me, faggot.

>> No.14323995
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>be op
>do keto
>just throw in massive amounts of calories from fat for no fucking reason

>> No.14324004

ketofags are so sad. if i had to eat that slop o shite i would kill myself

>> No.14324098
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>> No.14324109

Do Americans really?

>> No.14324188

Guys if you do keto properly , most of your calories come from fat , not protein .
OP has it right

>> No.14324189

Cancer patients see similar results. Are they also perfectly healthy?

It's no skin off my nose if you actually eat like this. I like fatty and savoury foods but I think what you're making would be a bit too much for me.

>> No.14324774

Anyone who wants to lose weight should graduate elementary school so they know how to read and add numbers together, because it's that simple. Don't go over 1500 fatties!