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14319575 No.14319575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If someone were to kill your mother, instantly and completely painlessly, would you be alright with that?

These are mammals with a spinal cord and a nervous system, developed over millions of years on the planet like us. They developed sensory organs (eyes, ears, mouth, etc) that create “experience” in their head. They are a lot different from us, but a lot alike too. They have a social pecking order, children, mothers, fathers. They may not have as good logical capabilities as us, but they do have emotion, you can see it when they cry for their child when it’s ripped away. You can see it in your dog. All mammals share the same bond with their mother/children as you do. They aren’t exactly like us.. but they aren’t just a pile of rocks either.

Please don’t support the meat and dairy industries that create and kill these innocent beings unnecessarily. The American Dietetic Association states that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

You would not want superior aliens to breed and slaughter your children and your children’s children for eternity under the justification that they are more intelligent. I implore you, please, have mercy for the innocent on principle alone.


>> No.14319587

If trolling 1/10
If you actually care, this is not helping

>> No.14319611

but they taste good

>> No.14319656
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>If someone were to kill your mother, instantly and completely painlessly, would you be alright with that?
Not gonna lie, yeah, I'd be ok with that. But maybe if my mom wasn't an atrocious boomer karen from satantown I'd be less ok with it.

Either way I dunno about you, but based on my observational experience these animals don't really give that much of a fuck about eachother. A human mother will bond much more with her child because human children depend on their mothers much longer than that of an animal. And even then there are some shit human mothers who would ditch their babies in an instant.

The other day I was helping some baby rescue mice that had been orphaned and one of them died (i kind of knew it was going to die but I wanted to give it somewhere safe and warm to die), I found the healthy one trying to eat the dead one. They were siblings. Please stop anthropomorphising animals.

Also the religiously funded ADA doesn't care about the optimal diet, only an "adequate" one, and even in their position paper they say vegans need supplemental B12, what a fucking pharmaceutical shill statement. For me, an optimal diet is necessary. A diet lacking in heme iron, cholesterol, B12, and over 10 other nutrients may somehow be adequate to some people, but I only live once and I do not want adequacy, I want the BEST diet.

I eat meat, but I also raise my own animals for food. They serve the land and I serve them until their time comes, and when it comes, the blood is on MY hands.

The flesh I carefully raise is of the highest quality by my personal code of ethics, and their fat is enriched with vitamin D from the sun and pasture. I refuse to fight nature, as she is a power greater than me, so I humbly submit to her.

Have fun in your coffin apartment submitting to the supermarket and preaching to the other urban slaves.

>> No.14319682

Vegan and vegetarian diets both need more supplements to prevent deficiencies. Even on an appropriately planned vegetarian diet I still ended up with an iron deficiency. They also don't build muscle as well and having lower muscle mass is associated with some negative health outcomes, especially for older people.

But I still do feel bad about this stuff sometimes. I'd like for lab-grown meat to keep improving so it's nutritionally the same as "real" meat, I'd be happy to switch to it at that point, and I think more people would adopt that over switching to veganism because they know it's not an ideal diet. In the mean time, I try to get people to only eat meat when they crave it and their body really needs it, and to not waste anything. Can't solve everything overnight but trying to minimize harm in the mean time until lab-grown meat becomes more viable is probably the best solution instead of pushing for veganism.

>> No.14319807

Animals have no sense of moral and rights, applying concepts such as those to animals is the same thing as bringing a computer to an amazonian tribe expecting it to work
Animals are not the same as humans, and applying humans concepts to animals is like forcing a culture into another
You have no reason to believe that a carnivore wouldn't do the same if it had the capacity to do so
The only good argument for vegetarianism is the pythegorean one and I sure know you won't bring it up
So fuck off

>> No.14319826

My mom is literally my best friend.

>> No.14319837

Until animals start speaking english I don't give a fuck about them. This goes for other animals that don't speak english too.

>> No.14319842

Concern trolling is so helpful, thanks I'm a carnist now!

>> No.14319846

>If someone were to kill your mother, instantly and completely painlessly, would you be alright with that?
no. but I'd be totally alright with a cow dying like that, because animals are inferior to humans. maybe if you weren't retarded you'd understand you shouldn't be treating animals like humans, and your preachy "ethics" are just you being a holier-than-thou hypocrite. it's just a Christian meme that animals are equal to humans, based on what one jew said 2000 years ago but twisted into veganism by hippies and liberals. most cultures are completely fine with eating animals, and even make it into rituals. deal with it.
>inb4 "but muh dogs!!!"
in many cultures dogs dont receive any special treatment. they are eaten or get stoned. don't like it? dont be islamophobic, you bigot.
>inb4 "but we have plant substitutes!!!"
so what? meat is cheaper, healthier and tastier, and better for the planet than agriculture. if you want to, you can eat your soyburgers all you want. more meat for me. also maybe you'll die earlier and stop wasting space. save the planet, kill yourself.

>> No.14319858

>> a cow
>> mother
t. indian detected

>> No.14319861

i'm from tha hood, we killaz by nature

>> No.14319866

What a retarded point of view, it is not about cruelty, it's about health. If you came here telling me red meat is bad for you, I cannot disagree, but your argument is invalid, they grow with the best food they can, they live free (at my country) and then, they die prematurely but painless and fearless. Stop being a fag and start worrying about the right thing

>> No.14319870
